/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** * Define a module along with a payload * @param module a name for the payload * @param payload a function to call with (require, exports, module) params */ (function() { var global = (function() { return this; })(); if (typeof requirejs !== "undefined") return; var _define = function(module, deps, payload) { if (typeof module !== 'string') { if (_define.original) _define.original.apply(window, arguments); else { console.error('dropping module because define wasn\'t a string.'); console.trace(); } return; } if (arguments.length == 2) payload = deps; if (!define.modules) define.modules = {}; define.modules[module] = payload; }; if (global.define) _define.original = global.define; global.define = _define; /** * Get at functionality define()ed using the function above */ var _require = function(parentId, module, callback) { if (Object.prototype.toString.call(module) === "[object Array]") { var params = []; for (var i = 0, l = module.length; i < l; ++i) { var dep = lookup(parentId, module[i]); if (!dep && _require.original) return _require.original.apply(window, arguments); params.push(dep); } if (callback) { callback.apply(null, params); } } else if (typeof module === 'string') { var payload = lookup(parentId, module); if (!payload && _require.original) return _require.original.apply(window, arguments); if (callback) { callback(); } return payload; } else { if (_require.original) return _require.original.apply(window, arguments); } }; if (global.require) _require.original = global.require; global.require = function(module, callback) { return _require("", module, callback); }; global.require.packaged = true; var normalizeModule = function(parentId, moduleName) { // normalize plugin requires if (moduleName.indexOf("!") !== -1) { var chunks = moduleName.split("!"); return normalizeModule(parentId, chunks[0]) + "!" + normalizeModule(parentId, chunks[1]); } // normalize relative requires if (moduleName.charAt(0) == ".") { var base = parentId.split("/").slice(0, -1).join("/"); var moduleName = base + "/" + moduleName; while(moduleName.indexOf(".") !== -1 && previous != moduleName) { var previous = moduleName; var moduleName = moduleName.replace(/\/\.\//, "/").replace(/[^\/]+\/\.\.\//, ""); } } return moduleName; } /** * Internal function to lookup moduleNames and resolve them by calling the * definition function if needed. */ var lookup = function(parentId, moduleName) { moduleName = normalizeModule(parentId, moduleName); var module = define.modules[moduleName]; if (module == null) { return null; } if (typeof module === 'function') { var exports = {}; var mod = { id: moduleName, uri: '', exports: exports } var req = function(module, callback) { return _require(moduleName, module, callback); }; var returnValue = module(req, exports, mod); exports = returnValue || mod.exports; // cache the resulting module object for next time define.modules[moduleName] = exports; return exports; } return module; }; })();// vim:set ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 st: // -- kriskowal Kris Kowal Copyright (C) 2009-2010 MIT License // -- tlrobinson Tom Robinson Copyright (C) 2009-2010 MIT License (Narwhal Project) // -- dantman Daniel Friesen Copyright(C) 2010 XXX No License Specified // -- fschaefer Florian Schäfer Copyright (C) 2010 MIT License // -- Irakli Gozalishvili Copyright (C) 2010 MIT License /*! Copyright (c) 2009, 280 North Inc. http://280north.com/ MIT License. http://github.com/280north/narwhal/blob/master/README.md */ define('ace/lib/fixoldbrowsers', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/lib/regexp', 'ace/lib/es5-shim'], function(require, exports, module) { require("./regexp"); require("./es5-shim"); });define('ace/lib/regexp', ['require', 'exports', 'module' ], function(require, exports, module) { // Based on code from: // // XRegExp 1.5.0 // (c) 2007-2010 Steven Levithan // MIT License // <http://xregexp.com> // Provides an augmented, extensible, cross-browser implementation of regular expressions, // including support for additional syntax, flags, and methods //--------------------------------- // Private variables //--------------------------------- var real = { exec: RegExp.prototype.exec, test: RegExp.prototype.test, match: String.prototype.match, replace: String.prototype.replace, split: String.prototype.split }, compliantExecNpcg = real.exec.call(/()??/, "")[1] === undefined, // check `exec` handling of nonparticipating capturing groups compliantLastIndexIncrement = function () { var x = /^/g; real.test.call(x, ""); return !x.lastIndex; }(); //--------------------------------- // Overriden native methods //--------------------------------- // Adds named capture support (with backreferences returned as `result.name`), and fixes two // cross-browser issues per ES3: // - Captured values for nonparticipating capturing groups should be returned as `undefined`, // rather than the empty string. // - `lastIndex` should not be incremented after zero-length matches. RegExp.prototype.exec = function (str) { var match = real.exec.apply(this, arguments), name, r2; if (match) { // Fix browsers whose `exec` methods don't consistently return `undefined` for // nonparticipating capturing groups if (!compliantExecNpcg && match.length > 1 && indexOf(match, "") > -1) { r2 = RegExp(this.source, real.replace.call(getNativeFlags(this), "g", "")); // Using `str.slice(match.index)` rather than `match[0]` in case lookahead allowed // matching due to characters outside the match real.replace.call(str.slice(match.index), r2, function () { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length - 2; i++) { if (arguments[i] === undefined) match[i] = undefined; } }); } // Attach named capture properties if (this._xregexp && this._xregexp.captureNames) { for (var i = 1; i < match.length; i++) { name = this._xregexp.captureNames[i - 1]; if (name) match[name] = match[i]; } } // Fix browsers that increment `lastIndex` after zero-length matches if (!compliantLastIndexIncrement && this.global && !match[0].length && (this.lastIndex > match.index)) this.lastIndex--; } return match; }; // Don't override `test` if it won't change anything if (!compliantLastIndexIncrement) { // Fix browser bug in native method RegExp.prototype.test = function (str) { // Use the native `exec` to skip some processing overhead, even though the overriden // `exec` would take care of the `lastIndex` fix var match = real.exec.call(this, str); // Fix browsers that increment `lastIndex` after zero-length matches if (match && this.global && !match[0].length && (this.lastIndex > match.index)) this.lastIndex--; return !!match; }; } //--------------------------------- // Private helper functions //--------------------------------- function getNativeFlags (regex) { return (regex.global ? "g" : "") + (regex.ignoreCase ? "i" : "") + (regex.multiline ? "m" : "") + (regex.extended ? "x" : "") + // Proposed for ES4; included in AS3 (regex.sticky ? "y" : ""); }; function indexOf (array, item, from) { if (Array.prototype.indexOf) // Use the native array method if available return array.indexOf(item, from); for (var i = from || 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i] === item) return i; } return -1; }; });// vim: ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 expandtab // -- kriskowal Kris Kowal Copyright (C) 2009-2011 MIT License // -- tlrobinson Tom Robinson Copyright (C) 2009-2010 MIT License (Narwhal Project) // -- dantman Daniel Friesen Copyright (C) 2010 XXX TODO License or CLA // -- fschaefer Florian Schäfer Copyright (C) 2010 MIT License // -- Gozala Irakli Gozalishvili Copyright (C) 2010 MIT License // -- kitcambridge Kit Cambridge Copyright (C) 2011 MIT License // -- kossnocorp Sasha Koss XXX TODO License or CLA // -- bryanforbes Bryan Forbes XXX TODO License or CLA // -- killdream Quildreen Motta Copyright (C) 2011 MIT Licence // -- michaelficarra Michael Ficarra Copyright (C) 2011 3-clause BSD License // -- sharkbrainguy Gerard Paapu Copyright (C) 2011 MIT License // -- bbqsrc Brendan Molloy (C) 2011 Creative Commons Zero (public domain) // -- iwyg XXX TODO License or CLA // -- DomenicDenicola Domenic Denicola Copyright (C) 2011 MIT License // -- xavierm02 Montillet Xavier XXX TODO License or CLA // -- Raynos Raynos XXX TODO License or CLA // -- samsonjs Sami Samhuri Copyright (C) 2010 MIT License // -- rwldrn Rick Waldron Copyright (C) 2011 MIT License // -- lexer Alexey Zakharov XXX TODO License or CLA /*! Copyright (c) 2009, 280 North Inc. http://280north.com/ MIT License. http://github.com/280north/narwhal/blob/master/README.md */ define('ace/lib/es5-shim', ['require', 'exports', 'module' ], function(require, exports, module) { /** * Brings an environment as close to ECMAScript 5 compliance * as is possible with the facilities of erstwhile engines. * * Annotated ES5: http://es5.github.com/ (specific links below) * ES5 Spec: http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/Ecma-262.pdf * * @module */ /*whatsupdoc*/ // // Function // ======== // // ES-5 // http://es5.github.com/#x15.3.4.5 if (!Function.prototype.bind) { Function.prototype.bind = function bind(that) { // .length is 1 // 1. Let Target be the this value. var target = this; // 2. If IsCallable(Target) is false, throw a TypeError exception. if (typeof target != "function") throw new TypeError(); // TODO message // 3. Let A be a new (possibly empty) internal list of all of the // argument values provided after thisArg (arg1, arg2 etc), in order. // XXX slicedArgs will stand in for "A" if used var args = slice.call(arguments, 1); // for normal call // 4. Let F be a new native ECMAScript object. // 11. Set the [[Prototype]] internal property of F to the standard // built-in Function prototype object as specified in // 12. Set the [[Call]] internal property of F as described in // // 13. Set the [[Construct]] internal property of F as described in // // 14. Set the [[HasInstance]] internal property of F as described in // var bound = function () { if (this instanceof bound) { // [[Construct]] // When the [[Construct]] internal method of a function object, // F that was created using the bind function is called with a // list of arguments ExtraArgs, the following steps are taken: // 1. Let target be the value of F's [[TargetFunction]] // internal property. // 2. If target has no [[Construct]] internal method, a // TypeError exception is thrown. // 3. Let boundArgs be the value of F's [[BoundArgs]] internal // property. // 4. Let args be a new list containing the same values as the // list boundArgs in the same order followed by the same // values as the list ExtraArgs in the same order. // 5. Return the result of calling the [[Construct]] internal // method of target providing args as the arguments. var F = function(){}; F.prototype = target.prototype; var self = new F; var result = target.apply( self, args.concat(slice.call(arguments)) ); if (result !== null && Object(result) === result) return result; return self; } else { // [[Call]] // When the [[Call]] internal method of a function object, F, // which was created using the bind function is called with a // this value and a list of arguments ExtraArgs, the following // steps are taken: // 1. Let boundArgs be the value of F's [[BoundArgs]] internal // property. // 2. Let boundThis be the value of F's [[BoundThis]] internal // property. // 3. Let target be the value of F's [[TargetFunction]] internal // property. // 4. Let args be a new list containing the same values as the // list boundArgs in the same order followed by the same // values as the list ExtraArgs in the same order. // 5. Return the result of calling the [[Call]] internal method // of target providing boundThis as the this value and // providing args as the arguments. // equiv: target.call(this, ...boundArgs, ...args) return target.apply( that, args.concat(slice.call(arguments)) ); } }; // XXX bound.length is never writable, so don't even try // // 15. If the [[Class]] internal property of Target is "Function", then // a. Let L be the length property of Target minus the length of A. // b. Set the length own property of F to either 0 or L, whichever is // larger. // 16. Else set the length own property of F to 0. // 17. Set the attributes of the length own property of F to the values // specified in // TODO // 18. Set the [[Extensible]] internal property of F to true. // TODO // 19. Let thrower be the [[ThrowTypeError]] function Object (13.2.3). // 20. Call the [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method of F with // arguments "caller", PropertyDescriptor {[[Get]]: thrower, [[Set]]: // thrower, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false}, and // false. // 21. Call the [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method of F with // arguments "arguments", PropertyDescriptor {[[Get]]: thrower, // [[Set]]: thrower, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false}, // and false. // TODO // NOTE Function objects created using Function.prototype.bind do not // have a prototype property or the [[Code]], [[FormalParameters]], and // [[Scope]] internal properties. // XXX can't delete prototype in pure-js. // 22. Return F. return bound; }; } // Shortcut to an often accessed properties, in order to avoid multiple // dereference that costs universally. // _Please note: Shortcuts are defined after `Function.prototype.bind` as we // us it in defining shortcuts. var call = Function.prototype.call; var prototypeOfArray = Array.prototype; var prototypeOfObject = Object.prototype; var slice = prototypeOfArray.slice; var toString = call.bind(prototypeOfObject.toString); var owns = call.bind(prototypeOfObject.hasOwnProperty); // If JS engine supports accessors creating shortcuts. var defineGetter; var defineSetter; var lookupGetter; var lookupSetter; var supportsAccessors; if ((supportsAccessors = owns(prototypeOfObject, "__defineGetter__"))) { defineGetter = call.bind(prototypeOfObject.__defineGetter__); defineSetter = call.bind(prototypeOfObject.__defineSetter__); lookupGetter = call.bind(prototypeOfObject.__lookupGetter__); lookupSetter = call.bind(prototypeOfObject.__lookupSetter__); } // // Array // ===== // // ES5 // http://es5.github.com/#x15.4.3.2 // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/isArray if (!Array.isArray) { Array.isArray = function isArray(obj) { return toString(obj) == "[object Array]"; }; } // The IsCallable() check in the Array functions // has been replaced with a strict check on the // internal class of the object to trap cases where // the provided function was actually a regular // expression literal, which in V8 and // JavaScriptCore is a typeof "function". Only in // V8 are regular expression literals permitted as // reduce parameters, so it is desirable in the // general case for the shim to match the more // strict and common behavior of rejecting regular // expressions. // ES5 // http://es5.github.com/#x15.4.4.18 // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/array/forEach if (!Array.prototype.forEach) { Array.prototype.forEach = function forEach(fun /*, thisp*/) { var self = toObject(this), thisp = arguments[1], i = 0, length = self.length >>> 0; // If no callback function or if callback is not a callable function if (toString(fun) != "[object Function]") { throw new TypeError(); // TODO message } while (i < length) { if (i in self) { // Invoke the callback function with call, passing arguments: // context, property value, property key, thisArg object context fun.call(thisp, self[i], i, self); } i++; } }; } // ES5 // http://es5.github.com/#x15.4.4.19 // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Objects/Array/map if (!Array.prototype.map) { Array.prototype.map = function map(fun /*, thisp*/) { var self = toObject(this), length = self.length >>> 0, result = Array(length), thisp = arguments[1]; // If no callback function or if callback is not a callable function if (toString(fun) != "[object Function]") { throw new TypeError(); // TODO message } for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (i in self) result[i] = fun.call(thisp, self[i], i, self); } return result; }; } // ES5 // http://es5.github.com/#x15.4.4.20 // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Objects/Array/filter if (!Array.prototype.filter) { Array.prototype.filter = function filter(fun /*, thisp */) { var self = toObject(this), length = self.length >>> 0, result = [], thisp = arguments[1]; // If no callback function or if callback is not a callable function if (toString(fun) != "[object Function]") { throw new TypeError(); // TODO message } for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (i in self && fun.call(thisp, self[i], i, self)) result.push(self[i]); } return result; }; } // ES5 // http://es5.github.com/#x15.4.4.16 // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/every if (!Array.prototype.every) { Array.prototype.every = function every(fun /*, thisp */) { var self = toObject(this), length = self.length >>> 0, thisp = arguments[1]; // If no callback function or if callback is not a callable function if (toString(fun) != "[object Function]") { throw new TypeError(); // TODO message } for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (i in self && !fun.call(thisp, self[i], i, self)) return false; } return true; }; } // ES5 // http://es5.github.com/#x15.4.4.17 // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/some if (!Array.prototype.some) { Array.prototype.some = function some(fun /*, thisp */) { var self = toObject(this), length = self.length >>> 0, thisp = arguments[1]; // If no callback function or if callback is not a callable function if (toString(fun) != "[object Function]") { throw new TypeError(); // TODO message } for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (i in self && fun.call(thisp, self[i], i, self)) return true; } return false; }; } // ES5 // http://es5.github.com/#x15.4.4.21 // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Objects/Array/reduce if (!Array.prototype.reduce) { Array.prototype.reduce = function reduce(fun /*, initial*/) { var self = toObject(this), length = self.length >>> 0; // If no callback function or if callback is not a callable function if (toString(fun) != "[object Function]") { throw new TypeError(); // TODO message } // no value to return if no initial value and an empty array if (!length && arguments.length == 1) throw new TypeError(); // TODO message var i = 0; var result; if (arguments.length >= 2) { result = arguments[1]; } else { do { if (i in self) { result = self[i++]; break; } // if array contains no values, no initial value to return if (++i >= length) throw new TypeError(); // TODO message } while (true); } for (; i < length; i++) { if (i in self) result = fun.call(void 0, result, self[i], i, self); } return result; }; } // ES5 // http://es5.github.com/#x15.4.4.22 // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Objects/Array/reduceRight if (!Array.prototype.reduceRight) { Array.prototype.reduceRight = function reduceRight(fun /*, initial*/) { var self = toObject(this), length = self.length >>> 0; // If no callback function or if callback is not a callable function if (toString(fun) != "[object Function]") { throw new TypeError(); // TODO message } // no value to return if no initial value, empty array if (!length && arguments.length == 1) throw new TypeError(); // TODO message var result, i = length - 1; if (arguments.length >= 2) { result = arguments[1]; } else { do { if (i in self) { result = self[i--]; break; } // if array contains no values, no initial value to return if (--i < 0) throw new TypeError(); // TODO message } while (true); } do { if (i in this) result = fun.call(void 0, result, self[i], i, self); } while (i--); return result; }; } // ES5 // http://es5.github.com/#x15.4.4.14 // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/indexOf if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { Array.prototype.indexOf = function indexOf(sought /*, fromIndex */ ) { var self = toObject(this), length = self.length >>> 0; if (!length) return -1; var i = 0; if (arguments.length > 1) i = toInteger(arguments[1]); // handle negative indices i = i >= 0 ? i : Math.max(0, length + i); for (; i < length; i++) { if (i in self && self[i] === sought) { return i; } } return -1; }; } // ES5 // http://es5.github.com/#x15.4.4.15 // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/lastIndexOf if (!Array.prototype.lastIndexOf) { Array.prototype.lastIndexOf = function lastIndexOf(sought /*, fromIndex */) { var self = toObject(this), length = self.length >>> 0; if (!length) return -1; var i = length - 1; if (arguments.length > 1) i = Math.min(i, toInteger(arguments[1])); // handle negative indices i = i >= 0 ? i : length - Math.abs(i); for (; i >= 0; i--) { if (i in self && sought === self[i]) return i; } return -1; }; } // // Object // ====== // // ES5 // http://es5.github.com/#x15.2.3.2 if (!Object.getPrototypeOf) { // https://github.com/kriskowal/es5-shim/issues#issue/2 // http://ejohn.org/blog/objectgetprototypeof/ // recommended by fschaefer on github Object.getPrototypeOf = function getPrototypeOf(object) { return object.__proto__ || ( object.constructor ? object.constructor.prototype : prototypeOfObject ); }; } // ES5 // http://es5.github.com/#x15.2.3.3 if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor) { var ERR_NON_OBJECT = "Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor called on a " + "non-object: "; Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor = function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, property) { if ((typeof object != "object" && typeof object != "function") || object === null) throw new TypeError(ERR_NON_OBJECT + object); // If object does not owns property return undefined immediately. if (!owns(object, property)) return; var descriptor, getter, setter; // If object has a property then it's for sure both `enumerable` and // `configurable`. descriptor = { enumerable: true, configurable: true }; // If JS engine supports accessor properties then property may be a // getter or setter. if (supportsAccessors) { // Unfortunately `__lookupGetter__` will return a getter even // if object has own non getter property along with a same named // inherited getter. To avoid misbehavior we temporary remove // `__proto__` so that `__lookupGetter__` will return getter only // if it's owned by an object. var prototype = object.__proto__; object.__proto__ = prototypeOfObject; var getter = lookupGetter(object, property); var setter = lookupSetter(object, property); // Once we have getter and setter we can put values back. object.__proto__ = prototype; if (getter || setter) { if (getter) descriptor.get = getter; if (setter) descriptor.set = setter; // If it was accessor property we're done and return here // in order to avoid adding `value` to the descriptor. return descriptor; } } // If we got this far we know that object has an own property that is // not an accessor so we set it as a value and return descriptor. descriptor.value = object[property]; return descriptor; }; } // ES5 // http://es5.github.com/#x15.2.3.4 if (!Object.getOwnPropertyNames) { Object.getOwnPropertyNames = function getOwnPropertyNames(object) { return Object.keys(object); }; } // ES5 // http://es5.github.com/#x15.2.3.5 if (!Object.create) { Object.create = function create(prototype, properties) { var object; if (prototype === null) { object = { "__proto__": null }; } else { if (typeof prototype != "object") throw new TypeError("typeof prototype["+(typeof prototype)+"] != 'object'"); var Type = function () {}; Type.prototype = prototype; object = new Type(); // IE has no built-in implementation of `Object.getPrototypeOf` // neither `__proto__`, but this manually setting `__proto__` will // guarantee that `Object.getPrototypeOf` will work as expected with // objects created using `Object.create` object.__proto__ = prototype; } if (properties !== void 0) Object.defineProperties(object, properties); return object; }; } // ES5 // http://es5.github.com/#x15.2.3.6 // Patch for WebKit and IE8 standard mode // Designed by hax <hax.github.com> // related issue: https://github.com/kriskowal/es5-shim/issues#issue/5 // IE8 Reference: // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd282900.aspx // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd229916.aspx // WebKit Bugs: // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=36423 function doesDefinePropertyWork(object) { try { Object.defineProperty(object, "sentinel", {}); return "sentinel" in object; } catch (exception) { // returns falsy } } // check whether defineProperty works if it's given. Otherwise, // shim partially. if (Object.defineProperty) { var definePropertyWorksOnObject = doesDefinePropertyWork({}); var definePropertyWorksOnDom = typeof document == "undefined" || doesDefinePropertyWork(document.createElement("div")); if (!definePropertyWorksOnObject || !definePropertyWorksOnDom) { var definePropertyFallback = Object.defineProperty; } } if (!Object.defineProperty || definePropertyFallback) { var ERR_NON_OBJECT_DESCRIPTOR = "Property description must be an object: "; var ERR_NON_OBJECT_TARGET = "Object.defineProperty called on non-object: " var ERR_ACCESSORS_NOT_SUPPORTED = "getters & setters can not be defined " + "on this javascript engine"; Object.defineProperty = function defineProperty(object, property, descriptor) { if ((typeof object != "object" && typeof object != "function") || object === null) throw new TypeError(ERR_NON_OBJECT_TARGET + object); if ((typeof descriptor != "object" && typeof descriptor != "function") || descriptor === null) throw new TypeError(ERR_NON_OBJECT_DESCRIPTOR + descriptor); // make a valiant attempt to use the real defineProperty // for I8's DOM elements. if (definePropertyFallback) { try { return definePropertyFallback.call(Object, object, property, descriptor); } catch (exception) { // try the shim if the real one doesn't work } } // If it's a data property. if (owns(descriptor, "value")) { // fail silently if "writable", "enumerable", or "configurable" // are requested but not supported /* // alternate approach: if ( // can't implement these features; allow false but not true !(owns(descriptor, "writable") ? descriptor.writable : true) || !(owns(descriptor, "enumerable") ? descriptor.enumerable : true) || !(owns(descriptor, "configurable") ? descriptor.configurable : true) ) throw new RangeError( "This implementation of Object.defineProperty does not " + "support configurable, enumerable, or writable." ); */ if (supportsAccessors && (lookupGetter(object, property) || lookupSetter(object, property))) { // As accessors are supported only on engines implementing // `__proto__` we can safely override `__proto__` while defining // a property to make sure that we don't hit an inherited // accessor. var prototype = object.__proto__; object.__proto__ = prototypeOfObject; // Deleting a property anyway since getter / setter may be // defined on object itself. delete object[property]; object[property] = descriptor.value; // Setting original `__proto__` back now. object.__proto__ = prototype; } else { object[property] = descriptor.value; } } else { if (!supportsAccessors) throw new TypeError(ERR_ACCESSORS_NOT_SUPPORTED); // If we got that far then getters and setters can be defined !! if (owns(descriptor, "get")) defineGetter(object, property, descriptor.get); if (owns(descriptor, "set")) defineSetter(object, property, descriptor.set); } return object; }; } // ES5 // http://es5.github.com/#x15.2.3.7 if (!Object.defineProperties) { Object.defineProperties = function defineProperties(object, properties) { for (var property in properties) { if (owns(properties, property)) Object.defineProperty(object, property, properties[property]); } return object; }; } // ES5 // http://es5.github.com/#x15.2.3.8 if (!Object.seal) { Object.seal = function seal(object) { // this is misleading and breaks feature-detection, but // allows "securable" code to "gracefully" degrade to working // but insecure code. return object; }; } // ES5 // http://es5.github.com/#x15.2.3.9 if (!Object.freeze) { Object.freeze = function freeze(object) { // this is misleading and breaks feature-detection, but // allows "securable" code to "gracefully" degrade to working // but insecure code. return object; }; } // detect a Rhino bug and patch it try { Object.freeze(function () {}); } catch (exception) { Object.freeze = (function freeze(freezeObject) { return function freeze(object) { if (typeof object == "function") { return object; } else { return freezeObject(object); } }; })(Object.freeze); } // ES5 // http://es5.github.com/#x15.2.3.10 if (!Object.preventExtensions) { Object.preventExtensions = function preventExtensions(object) { // this is misleading and breaks feature-detection, but // allows "securable" code to "gracefully" degrade to working // but insecure code. return object; }; } // ES5 // http://es5.github.com/#x15.2.3.11 if (!Object.isSealed) { Object.isSealed = function isSealed(object) { return false; }; } // ES5 // http://es5.github.com/#x15.2.3.12 if (!Object.isFrozen) { Object.isFrozen = function isFrozen(object) { return false; }; } // ES5 // http://es5.github.com/#x15.2.3.13 if (!Object.isExtensible) { Object.isExtensible = function isExtensible(object) { // 1. If Type(O) is not Object throw a TypeError exception. if (Object(object) === object) { throw new TypeError(); // TODO message } // 2. Return the Boolean value of the [[Extensible]] internal property of O. var name = ''; while (owns(object, name)) { name += '?'; } object[name] = true; var returnValue = owns(object, name); delete object[name]; return returnValue; }; } // ES5 // http://es5.github.com/#x15.2.3.14 if (!Object.keys) { // http://whattheheadsaid.com/2010/10/a-safer-object-keys-compatibility-implementation var hasDontEnumBug = true, dontEnums = [ "toString", "toLocaleString", "valueOf", "hasOwnProperty", "isPrototypeOf", "propertyIsEnumerable", "constructor" ], dontEnumsLength = dontEnums.length; for (var key in {"toString": null}) hasDontEnumBug = false; Object.keys = function keys(object) { if ((typeof object != "object" && typeof object != "function") || object === null) throw new TypeError("Object.keys called on a non-object"); var keys = []; for (var name in object) { if (owns(object, name)) { keys.push(name); } } if (hasDontEnumBug) { for (var i = 0, ii = dontEnumsLength; i < ii; i++) { var dontEnum = dontEnums[i]; if (owns(object, dontEnum)) { keys.push(dontEnum); } } } return keys; }; } // // Date // ==== // // ES5 // http://es5.github.com/#x15.9.5.43 // This function returns a String value represent the instance in time // represented by this Date object. The format of the String is the Date Time // string format defined in All fields are present in the String. // The time zone is always UTC, denoted by the suffix Z. If the time value of // this object is not a finite Number a RangeError exception is thrown. if (!Date.prototype.toISOString || (new Date(-62198755200000).toISOString().indexOf('-000001') === -1)) { Date.prototype.toISOString = function toISOString() { var result, length, value, year; if (!isFinite(this)) throw new RangeError; // the date time string format is specified in result = [this.getUTCMonth() + 1, this.getUTCDate(), this.getUTCHours(), this.getUTCMinutes(), this.getUTCSeconds()]; year = this.getUTCFullYear(); year = (year < 0 ? '-' : (year > 9999 ? '+' : '')) + ('00000' + Math.abs(year)).slice(0 <= year && year <= 9999 ? -4 : -6); length = result.length; while (length--) { value = result[length]; // pad months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds to have two digits. if (value < 10) result[length] = "0" + value; } // pad milliseconds to have three digits. return year + "-" + result.slice(0, 2).join("-") + "T" + result.slice(2).join(":") + "." + ("000" + this.getUTCMilliseconds()).slice(-3) + "Z"; } } // ES5 // http://es5.github.com/#x15.9.4.4 if (!Date.now) { Date.now = function now() { return new Date().getTime(); }; } // ES5 // http://es5.github.com/#x15.9.5.44 // This function provides a String representation of a Date object for use by // JSON.stringify (15.12.3). if (!Date.prototype.toJSON) { Date.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON(key) { // When the toJSON method is called with argument key, the following // steps are taken: // 1. Let O be the result of calling ToObject, giving it the this // value as its argument. // 2. Let tv be ToPrimitive(O, hint Number). // 3. If tv is a Number and is not finite, return null. // XXX // 4. Let toISO be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of // O with argument "toISOString". // 5. If IsCallable(toISO) is false, throw a TypeError exception. if (typeof this.toISOString != "function") throw new TypeError(); // TODO message // 6. Return the result of calling the [[Call]] internal method of // toISO with O as the this value and an empty argument list. return this.toISOString(); // NOTE 1 The argument is ignored. // NOTE 2 The toJSON function is intentionally generic; it does not // require that its this value be a Date object. Therefore, it can be // transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. However, // it does require that any such object have a toISOString method. An // object is free to use the argument key to filter its // stringification. }; } // ES5 // http://es5.github.com/#x15.9.4.2 // based on work shared by Daniel Friesen (dantman) // http://gist.github.com/303249 if (Date.parse("+275760-09-13T00:00:00.000Z") !== 8.64e15) { // XXX global assignment won't work in embeddings that use // an alternate object for the context. Date = (function(NativeDate) { // Date.length === 7 var Date = function Date(Y, M, D, h, m, s, ms) { var length = arguments.length; if (this instanceof NativeDate) { var date = length == 1 && String(Y) === Y ? // isString(Y) // We explicitly pass it through parse: new NativeDate(Date.parse(Y)) : // We have to manually make calls depending on argument // length here length >= 7 ? new NativeDate(Y, M, D, h, m, s, ms) : length >= 6 ? new NativeDate(Y, M, D, h, m, s) : length >= 5 ? new NativeDate(Y, M, D, h, m) : length >= 4 ? new NativeDate(Y, M, D, h) : length >= 3 ? new NativeDate(Y, M, D) : length >= 2 ? new NativeDate(Y, M) : length >= 1 ? new NativeDate(Y) : new NativeDate(); // Prevent mixups with unfixed Date object date.constructor = Date; return date; } return NativeDate.apply(this, arguments); }; // Date Time String Format. var isoDateExpression = new RegExp("^" + "(\\d{4}|[\+\-]\\d{6})" + // four-digit year capture or sign + 6-digit extended year "(?:-(\\d{2})" + // optional month capture "(?:-(\\d{2})" + // optional day capture "(?:" + // capture hours:minutes:seconds.milliseconds "T(\\d{2})" + // hours capture ":(\\d{2})" + // minutes capture "(?:" + // optional :seconds.milliseconds ":(\\d{2})" + // seconds capture "(?:\\.(\\d{3}))?" + // milliseconds capture ")?" + "(?:" + // capture UTC offset component "Z|" + // UTC capture "(?:" + // offset specifier +/-hours:minutes "([-+])" + // sign capture "(\\d{2})" + // hours offset capture ":(\\d{2})" + // minutes offset capture ")" + ")?)?)?)?" + "$"); // Copy any custom methods a 3rd party library may have added for (var key in NativeDate) Date[key] = NativeDate[key]; // Copy "native" methods explicitly; they may be non-enumerable Date.now = NativeDate.now; Date.UTC = NativeDate.UTC; Date.prototype = NativeDate.prototype; Date.prototype.constructor = Date; // Upgrade Date.parse to handle simplified ISO 8601 strings Date.parse = function parse(string) { var match = isoDateExpression.exec(string); if (match) { match.shift(); // kill match[0], the full match // parse months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds for (var i = 1; i < 7; i++) { // provide default values if necessary match[i] = +(match[i] || (i < 3 ? 1 : 0)); // match[1] is the month. Months are 0-11 in JavaScript // `Date` objects, but 1-12 in ISO notation, so we // decrement. if (i == 1) match[i]--; } // parse the UTC offset component var minuteOffset = +match.pop(), hourOffset = +match.pop(), sign = match.pop(); // compute the explicit time zone offset if specified var offset = 0; if (sign) { // detect invalid offsets and return early if (hourOffset > 23 || minuteOffset > 59) return NaN; // express the provided time zone offset in minutes. The offset is // negative for time zones west of UTC; positive otherwise. offset = (hourOffset * 60 + minuteOffset) * 6e4 * (sign == "+" ? -1 : 1); } // Date.UTC for years between 0 and 99 converts year to 1900 + year // The Gregorian calendar has a 400-year cycle, so // to Date.UTC(year + 400, .... ) - 12622780800000 == Date.UTC(year, ...), // where 12622780800000 - number of milliseconds in Gregorian calendar 400 years var year = +match[0]; if (0 <= year && year <= 99) { match[0] = year + 400; return NativeDate.UTC.apply(this, match) + offset - 12622780800000; } // compute a new UTC date value, accounting for the optional offset return NativeDate.UTC.apply(this, match) + offset; } return NativeDate.parse.apply(this, arguments); }; return Date; })(Date); } // // String // ====== // // ES5 // http://es5.github.com/#x15.5.4.20 var ws = "\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x20\xA0\u1680\u180E\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003" + "\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000\u2028" + "\u2029\uFEFF"; if (!String.prototype.trim || ws.trim()) { // http://blog.stevenlevithan.com/archives/faster-trim-javascript // http://perfectionkills.com/whitespace-deviations/ ws = "[" + ws + "]"; var trimBeginRegexp = new RegExp("^" + ws + ws + "*"), trimEndRegexp = new RegExp(ws + ws + "*$"); String.prototype.trim = function trim() { return String(this).replace(trimBeginRegexp, "").replace(trimEndRegexp, ""); }; } // // Util // ====== // // ES5 9.4 // http://es5.github.com/#x9.4 // http://jsperf.com/to-integer var toInteger = function (n) { n = +n; if (n !== n) // isNaN n = 0; else if (n !== 0 && n !== (1/0) && n !== -(1/0)) n = (n > 0 || -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(n)); return n; }; var prepareString = "a"[0] != "a", // ES5 9.9 // http://es5.github.com/#x9.9 toObject = function (o) { if (o == null) { // this matches both null and undefined throw new TypeError(); // TODO message } // If the implementation doesn't support by-index access of // string characters (ex. IE < 7), split the string if (prepareString && typeof o == "string" && o) { return o.split(""); } return Object(o); }; });/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Mozilla Skywriter. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Mozilla. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2009 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Kevin Dangoor (kdangoor@mozilla.com) * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/ace', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/lib/fixoldbrowsers', 'ace/lib/dom', 'ace/lib/event', 'ace/editor', 'ace/edit_session', 'ace/undomanager', 'ace/virtual_renderer', 'ace/theme/textmate'], function(require, exports, module) { require("./lib/fixoldbrowsers"); var Dom = require("./lib/dom"); var Event = require("./lib/event"); var Editor = require("./editor").Editor; var EditSession = require("./edit_session").EditSession; var UndoManager = require("./undomanager").UndoManager; var Renderer = require("./virtual_renderer").VirtualRenderer; exports.edit = function(el) { if (typeof(el) == "string") { el = document.getElementById(el); } var doc = new EditSession(Dom.getInnerText(el)); doc.setUndoManager(new UndoManager()); el.innerHTML = ''; var editor = new Editor(new Renderer(el, require("./theme/textmate"))); editor.setSession(doc); var env = {}; env.document = doc; env.editor = editor; editor.resize(); Event.addListener(window, "resize", function() { editor.resize(); }); el.env = env; // Store env on editor such that it can be accessed later on from // the returned object. editor.env = env; return editor; }; });/* vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4: * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * Mihai Sucan <mihai AT sucan AT gmail ODT com> * Irakli Gozalishvili <rfobic@gmail.com> (http://jeditoolkit.com) * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/lib/dom', ['require', 'exports', 'module' ], function(require, exports, module) { var XHTML_NS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; exports.createElement = function(tag, ns) { return document.createElementNS ? document.createElementNS(ns || XHTML_NS, tag) : document.createElement(tag); }; exports.setText = function(elem, text) { if (elem.innerText !== undefined) { elem.innerText = text; } if (elem.textContent !== undefined) { elem.textContent = text; } }; if (!document.documentElement.classList) { exports.hasCssClass = function(el, name) { var classes = el.className.split(/\s+/g); return classes.indexOf(name) !== -1; }; /** * Add a CSS class to the list of classes on the given node */ exports.addCssClass = function(el, name) { if (!exports.hasCssClass(el, name)) { el.className += " " + name; } }; /** * Remove a CSS class from the list of classes on the given node */ exports.removeCssClass = function(el, name) { var classes = el.className.split(/\s+/g); while (true) { var index = classes.indexOf(name); if (index == -1) { break; } classes.splice(index, 1); } el.className = classes.join(" "); }; exports.toggleCssClass = function(el, name) { var classes = el.className.split(/\s+/g), add = true; while (true) { var index = classes.indexOf(name); if (index == -1) { break; } add = false; classes.splice(index, 1); } if(add) classes.push(name); el.className = classes.join(" "); return add; }; } else { exports.hasCssClass = function(el, name) { return el.classList.contains(name); }; exports.addCssClass = function(el, name) { el.classList.add(name); }; exports.removeCssClass = function(el, name) { el.classList.remove(name); }; exports.toggleCssClass = function(el, name) { return el.classList.toggle(name); }; } /** * Add or remove a CSS class from the list of classes on the given node * depending on the value of <tt>include</tt> */ exports.setCssClass = function(node, className, include) { if (include) { exports.addCssClass(node, className); } else { exports.removeCssClass(node, className); } }; exports.hasCssString = function(id, doc) { var index = 0, sheets; doc = doc || document; if (doc.createStyleSheet && (sheets = doc.styleSheets)) { while (index < sheets.length) if (sheets[index++].title === id) return true; } else if ((sheets = doc.getElementsByTagName("style"))) { while (index < sheets.length) if (sheets[index++].id === id) return true; } return false; }; exports.importCssString = function importCssString(cssText, id, doc) { doc = doc || document; // If style is already imported return immediately. if (id && exports.hasCssString(id, doc)) return null; var style; if (doc.createStyleSheet) { style = doc.createStyleSheet(); style.cssText = cssText; if (id) style.title = id; } else { style = doc.createElementNS ? doc.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "style") : doc.createElement("style"); style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(cssText)); if (id) style.id = id; var head = doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || doc.documentElement; head.appendChild(style); } }; exports.importCssStylsheet = function(uri, doc) { if (doc.createStyleSheet) { doc.createStyleSheet(uri); } else { var link = exports.createElement('link'); link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.href = uri; var head = doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || doc.documentElement; head.appendChild(link); } }; exports.getInnerWidth = function(element) { return ( parseInt(exports.computedStyle(element, "paddingLeft"), 10) + parseInt(exports.computedStyle(element, "paddingRight"), 10) + element.clientWidth ); }; exports.getInnerHeight = function(element) { return ( parseInt(exports.computedStyle(element, "paddingTop"), 10) + parseInt(exports.computedStyle(element, "paddingBottom"), 10) + element.clientHeight ); }; if (window.pageYOffset !== undefined) { exports.getPageScrollTop = function() { return window.pageYOffset; }; exports.getPageScrollLeft = function() { return window.pageXOffset; }; } else { exports.getPageScrollTop = function() { return document.body.scrollTop; }; exports.getPageScrollLeft = function() { return document.body.scrollLeft; }; } if (window.getComputedStyle) exports.computedStyle = function(element, style) { if (style) return (window.getComputedStyle(element, "") || {})[style] || ""; return window.getComputedStyle(element, "") || {}; }; else exports.computedStyle = function(element, style) { if (style) return element.currentStyle[style]; return element.currentStyle; }; exports.scrollbarWidth = function(document) { var inner = exports.createElement("p"); inner.style.width = "100%"; inner.style.minWidth = "0px"; inner.style.height = "200px"; var outer = exports.createElement("div"); var style = outer.style; style.position = "absolute"; style.left = "-10000px"; style.overflow = "hidden"; style.width = "200px"; style.minWidth = "0px"; style.height = "150px"; outer.appendChild(inner); var body = document.body || document.documentElement; body.appendChild(outer); var noScrollbar = inner.offsetWidth; style.overflow = "scroll"; var withScrollbar = inner.offsetWidth; if (noScrollbar == withScrollbar) { withScrollbar = outer.clientWidth; } body.removeChild(outer); return noScrollbar-withScrollbar; }; /** * Optimized set innerHTML. This is faster than plain innerHTML if the element * already contains a lot of child elements. * * See http://blog.stevenlevithan.com/archives/faster-than-innerhtml for details */ exports.setInnerHtml = function(el, innerHtml) { var element = el.cloneNode(false);//document.createElement("div"); element.innerHTML = innerHtml; el.parentNode.replaceChild(element, el); return element; }; exports.setInnerText = function(el, innerText) { var document = el.ownerDocument; if (document.body && "textContent" in document.body) el.textContent = innerText; else el.innerText = innerText; }; exports.getInnerText = function(el) { var document = el.ownerDocument; if (document.body && "textContent" in document.body) return el.textContent; else return el.innerText || el.textContent || ""; }; exports.getParentWindow = function(document) { return document.defaultView || document.parentWindow; }; }); /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/lib/event', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/lib/keys', 'ace/lib/useragent', 'ace/lib/dom'], function(require, exports, module) { var keys = require("./keys"); var useragent = require("./useragent"); var dom = require("./dom"); exports.addListener = function(elem, type, callback) { if (elem.addEventListener) { return elem.addEventListener(type, callback, false); } if (elem.attachEvent) { var wrapper = function() { callback(window.event); }; callback._wrapper = wrapper; elem.attachEvent("on" + type, wrapper); } }; exports.removeListener = function(elem, type, callback) { if (elem.removeEventListener) { return elem.removeEventListener(type, callback, false); } if (elem.detachEvent) { elem.detachEvent("on" + type, callback._wrapper || callback); } }; /** * Prevents propagation and clobbers the default action of the passed event */ exports.stopEvent = function(e) { exports.stopPropagation(e); exports.preventDefault(e); return false; }; exports.stopPropagation = function(e) { if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); else e.cancelBubble = true; }; exports.preventDefault = function(e) { if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); else e.returnValue = false; }; exports.getDocumentX = function(e) { if (e.clientX) { return e.clientX + dom.getPageScrollLeft(); } else { return e.pageX; } }; exports.getDocumentY = function(e) { if (e.clientY) { return e.clientY + dom.getPageScrollTop(); } else { return e.pageY; } }; /** * @return {Number} 0 for left button, 1 for middle button, 2 for right button */ exports.getButton = function(e) { if (e.type == "dblclick") return 0; else if (e.type == "contextmenu") return 2; // DOM Event if (e.preventDefault) { return e.button; } // old IE else { return {1:0, 2:2, 4:1}[e.button]; } }; if (document.documentElement.setCapture) { exports.capture = function(el, eventHandler, releaseCaptureHandler) { function onMouseMove(e) { eventHandler(e); return exports.stopPropagation(e); } var called = false; function onReleaseCapture(e) { eventHandler(e); if (!called) { called = true; releaseCaptureHandler(e); } exports.removeListener(el, "mousemove", eventHandler); exports.removeListener(el, "mouseup", onReleaseCapture); exports.removeListener(el, "losecapture", onReleaseCapture); el.releaseCapture(); } exports.addListener(el, "mousemove", eventHandler); exports.addListener(el, "mouseup", onReleaseCapture); exports.addListener(el, "losecapture", onReleaseCapture); el.setCapture(); }; } else { exports.capture = function(el, eventHandler, releaseCaptureHandler) { function onMouseMove(e) { eventHandler(e); e.stopPropagation(); } function onMouseUp(e) { eventHandler && eventHandler(e); releaseCaptureHandler && releaseCaptureHandler(e); document.removeEventListener("mousemove", onMouseMove, true); document.removeEventListener("mouseup", onMouseUp, true); e.stopPropagation(); } document.addEventListener("mousemove", onMouseMove, true); document.addEventListener("mouseup", onMouseUp, true); }; } exports.addMouseWheelListener = function(el, callback) { var max = 0; var listener = function(e) { if (e.wheelDelta !== undefined) { // some versions of Safari (e.g. 5.0.5) report insanely high // scroll values. These browsers require a higher factor if (Math.abs(e.wheelDeltaY) > max) max = Math.abs(e.wheelDeltaY); if (max > 5000) var factor = 400; else var factor = 8; if (e.wheelDeltaX !== undefined) { e.wheelX = -e.wheelDeltaX / factor; e.wheelY = -e.wheelDeltaY / factor; } else { e.wheelX = 0; e.wheelY = -e.wheelDelta / factor; } } else { if (e.axis && e.axis == e.HORIZONTAL_AXIS) { e.wheelX = (e.detail || 0) * 5; e.wheelY = 0; } else { e.wheelX = 0; e.wheelY = (e.detail || 0) * 5; } } callback(e); }; exports.addListener(el, "DOMMouseScroll", listener); exports.addListener(el, "mousewheel", listener); }; exports.addMultiMouseDownListener = function(el, button, count, timeout, callback) { var clicks = 0; var startX, startY; var listener = function(e) { clicks += 1; if (clicks == 1) { startX = e.clientX; startY = e.clientY; setTimeout(function() { clicks = 0; }, timeout || 600); } var isButton = exports.getButton(e) == button; if (!isButton || Math.abs(e.clientX - startX) > 5 || Math.abs(e.clientY - startY) > 5) clicks = 0; if (clicks == count) { clicks = 0; callback(e); } if (isButton) return exports.preventDefault(e); }; exports.addListener(el, "mousedown", listener); useragent.isOldIE && exports.addListener(el, "dblclick", listener); }; function normalizeCommandKeys(callback, e, keyCode) { var hashId = 0; if (useragent.isOpera && useragent.isMac) { hashId = 0 | (e.metaKey ? 1 : 0) | (e.altKey ? 2 : 0) | (e.shiftKey ? 4 : 0) | (e.ctrlKey ? 8 : 0); } else { hashId = 0 | (e.ctrlKey ? 1 : 0) | (e.altKey ? 2 : 0) | (e.shiftKey ? 4 : 0) | (e.metaKey ? 8 : 0); } if (keyCode in keys.MODIFIER_KEYS) { switch (keys.MODIFIER_KEYS[keyCode]) { case "Alt": hashId = 2; break; case "Shift": hashId = 4; break; case "Ctrl": hashId = 1; break; default: hashId = 8; break; } keyCode = 0; } if (hashId & 8 && (keyCode == 91 || keyCode == 93)) { keyCode = 0; } // If there is no hashID and the keyCode is not a function key, then // we don't call the callback as we don't handle a command key here // (it's a normal key/character input). if (!hashId && !(keyCode in keys.FUNCTION_KEYS) && !(keyCode in keys.PRINTABLE_KEYS)) { return false; } return callback(e, hashId, keyCode); } exports.addCommandKeyListener = function(el, callback) { var addListener = exports.addListener; if (useragent.isOldGecko) { // Old versions of Gecko aka. Firefox < 4.0 didn't repeat the keydown // event if the user pressed the key for a longer time. Instead, the // keydown event was fired once and later on only the keypress event. // To emulate the 'right' keydown behavior, the keyCode of the initial // keyDown event is stored and in the following keypress events the // stores keyCode is used to emulate a keyDown event. var lastKeyDownKeyCode = null; addListener(el, "keydown", function(e) { lastKeyDownKeyCode = e.keyCode; }); addListener(el, "keypress", function(e) { return normalizeCommandKeys(callback, e, lastKeyDownKeyCode); }); } else { var lastDown = null; addListener(el, "keydown", function(e) { lastDown = e.keyIdentifier || e.keyCode; return normalizeCommandKeys(callback, e, e.keyCode); }); // repeated keys are fired as keypress and not keydown events if (useragent.isMac && useragent.isOpera) { addListener(el, "keypress", function(e) { var keyId = e.keyIdentifier || e.keyCode; if (lastDown !== keyId) { return normalizeCommandKeys(callback, e, lastDown); } else { lastDown = null; } }); } } }; if (window.postMessage) { var postMessageId = 1; exports.nextTick = function(callback, win) { win = win || window; var messageName = "zero-timeout-message-" + postMessageId; exports.addListener(win, "message", function listener(e) { if (e.data == messageName) { exports.stopPropagation(e); exports.removeListener(win, "message", listener); callback(); } }); win.postMessage(messageName, "*"); }; } else { exports.nextTick = function(callback, win) { win = win || window; window.setTimeout(callback, 0); }; } }); /*! @license ========================================================================== SproutCore -- JavaScript Application Framework copyright 2006-2009, Sprout Systems Inc., Apple Inc. and contributors. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. SproutCore and the SproutCore logo are trademarks of Sprout Systems, Inc. For more information about SproutCore, visit http://www.sproutcore.com ========================================================================== @license */ // Most of the following code is taken from SproutCore with a few changes. define('ace/lib/keys', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/lib/oop'], function(require, exports, module) { var oop = require("./oop"); /** * Helper functions and hashes for key handling. */ var Keys = (function() { var ret = { MODIFIER_KEYS: { 16: 'Shift', 17: 'Ctrl', 18: 'Alt', 224: 'Meta' }, KEY_MODS: { "ctrl": 1, "alt": 2, "option" : 2, "shift": 4, "meta": 8, "command": 8 }, FUNCTION_KEYS : { 8 : "Backspace", 9 : "Tab", 13 : "Return", 19 : "Pause", 27 : "Esc", 32 : "Space", 33 : "PageUp", 34 : "PageDown", 35 : "End", 36 : "Home", 37 : "Left", 38 : "Up", 39 : "Right", 40 : "Down", 44 : "Print", 45 : "Insert", 46 : "Delete", 96 : "Numpad0", 97 : "Numpad1", 98 : "Numpad2", 99 : "Numpad3", 100: "Numpad4", 101: "Numpad5", 102: "Numpad6", 103: "Numpad7", 104: "Numpad8", 105: "Numpad9", 112: "F1", 113: "F2", 114: "F3", 115: "F4", 116: "F5", 117: "F6", 118: "F7", 119: "F8", 120: "F9", 121: "F10", 122: "F11", 123: "F12", 144: "Numlock", 145: "Scrolllock" }, PRINTABLE_KEYS: { 32: ' ', 48: '0', 49: '1', 50: '2', 51: '3', 52: '4', 53: '5', 54: '6', 55: '7', 56: '8', 57: '9', 59: ';', 61: '=', 65: 'a', 66: 'b', 67: 'c', 68: 'd', 69: 'e', 70: 'f', 71: 'g', 72: 'h', 73: 'i', 74: 'j', 75: 'k', 76: 'l', 77: 'm', 78: 'n', 79: 'o', 80: 'p', 81: 'q', 82: 'r', 83: 's', 84: 't', 85: 'u', 86: 'v', 87: 'w', 88: 'x', 89: 'y', 90: 'z', 107: '+', 109: '-', 110: '.', 188: ',', 190: '.', 191: '/', 192: '`', 219: '[', 220: '\\', 221: ']', 222: '\"' } }; // A reverse map of FUNCTION_KEYS for (var i in ret.FUNCTION_KEYS) { var name = ret.FUNCTION_KEYS[i].toUpperCase(); ret[name] = parseInt(i, 10); } // Add the MODIFIER_KEYS, FUNCTION_KEYS and PRINTABLE_KEYS to the KEY // variables as well. oop.mixin(ret, ret.MODIFIER_KEYS); oop.mixin(ret, ret.PRINTABLE_KEYS); oop.mixin(ret, ret.FUNCTION_KEYS); return ret; })(); oop.mixin(exports, Keys); exports.keyCodeToString = function(keyCode) { return (Keys[keyCode] || String.fromCharCode(keyCode)).toLowerCase(); } });/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/lib/oop', ['require', 'exports', 'module' ], function(require, exports, module) { exports.inherits = (function() { var tempCtor = function() {}; return function(ctor, superCtor) { tempCtor.prototype = superCtor.prototype; ctor.super_ = superCtor.prototype; ctor.prototype = new tempCtor(); ctor.prototype.constructor = ctor; } }()); exports.mixin = function(obj, mixin) { for (var key in mixin) { obj[key] = mixin[key]; } }; exports.implement = function(proto, mixin) { exports.mixin(proto, mixin); }; }); /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/lib/useragent', ['require', 'exports', 'module' ], function(require, exports, module) { var os = (navigator.platform.match(/mac|win|linux/i) || ["other"])[0].toLowerCase(); var ua = navigator.userAgent; var av = navigator.appVersion; /** Is the user using a browser that identifies itself as Windows */ exports.isWin = (os == "win"); /** Is the user using a browser that identifies itself as Mac OS */ exports.isMac = (os == "mac"); /** Is the user using a browser that identifies itself as Linux */ exports.isLinux = (os == "linux"); exports.isIE = navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE ([0-9]+[\.0-9]+)/)[1]); exports.isOldIE = exports.isIE && exports.isIE < 9; /** Is this Firefox or related? */ exports.isGecko = exports.isMozilla = window.controllers && window.navigator.product === "Gecko"; /** oldGecko == rev < 2.0 **/ exports.isOldGecko = exports.isGecko && parseInt((navigator.userAgent.match(/rv\:(\d+)/)||[])[1]) < 4; /** Is this Opera */ exports.isOpera = window.opera && Object.prototype.toString.call(window.opera) == "[object Opera]"; /** Is the user using a browser that identifies itself as WebKit */ exports.isWebKit = parseFloat(ua.split("WebKit/")[1]) || undefined; exports.isChrome = parseFloat(ua.split(" Chrome/")[1]) || undefined; exports.isAIR = ua.indexOf("AdobeAIR") >= 0; exports.isIPad = ua.indexOf("iPad") >= 0; exports.isTouchPad = ua.indexOf("TouchPad") >= 0; /** * I hate doing this, but we need some way to determine if the user is on a Mac * The reason is that users have different expectations of their key combinations. * * Take copy as an example, Mac people expect to use CMD or APPLE + C * Windows folks expect to use CTRL + C */ exports.OS = { LINUX: 'LINUX', MAC: 'MAC', WINDOWS: 'WINDOWS' }; /** * Return an exports.OS constant */ exports.getOS = function() { if (exports.isMac) { return exports.OS['MAC']; } else if (exports.isLinux) { return exports.OS['LINUX']; } else { return exports.OS['WINDOWS']; } }; }); /* vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4: * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * Irakli Gozalishvili <rfobic@gmail.com> (http://jeditoolkit.com) * Julian Viereck <julian.viereck@gmail.com> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/editor', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/lib/fixoldbrowsers', 'ace/lib/oop', 'ace/lib/lang', 'ace/lib/useragent', 'ace/keyboard/textinput', 'ace/mouse/mouse_handler', 'ace/keyboard/keybinding', 'ace/edit_session', 'ace/search', 'ace/range', 'ace/lib/event_emitter', 'ace/commands/command_manager', 'ace/commands/default_commands'], function(require, exports, module) { require("./lib/fixoldbrowsers"); var oop = require("./lib/oop"); var lang = require("./lib/lang"); var useragent = require("./lib/useragent"); var TextInput = require("./keyboard/textinput").TextInput; var MouseHandler = require("./mouse/mouse_handler").MouseHandler; //var TouchHandler = require("./touch_handler").TouchHandler; var KeyBinding = require("./keyboard/keybinding").KeyBinding; var EditSession = require("./edit_session").EditSession; var Search = require("./search").Search; var Range = require("./range").Range; var EventEmitter = require("./lib/event_emitter").EventEmitter; var CommandManager = require("./commands/command_manager").CommandManager; var defaultCommands = require("./commands/default_commands").commands; var Editor = function(renderer, session) { var container = renderer.getContainerElement(); this.container = container; this.renderer = renderer; this.textInput = new TextInput(renderer.getTextAreaContainer(), this); this.keyBinding = new KeyBinding(this); // TODO detect touch event support if (useragent.isIPad) { //this.$mouseHandler = new TouchHandler(this); } else { this.$mouseHandler = new MouseHandler(this); } this.$blockScrolling = 0; this.$search = new Search().set({ wrap: true }); this.commands = new CommandManager(useragent.isMac ? "mac" : "win", defaultCommands); this.setSession(session || new EditSession("")); }; (function(){ oop.implement(this, EventEmitter); this.$forwardEvents = { gutterclick: 1, gutterdblclick: 1 }; this.$originalAddEventListener = this.addEventListener; this.$originalRemoveEventListener = this.removeEventListener; this.addEventListener = function(eventName, callback) { if (this.$forwardEvents[eventName]) { return this.renderer.addEventListener(eventName, callback); } else { return this.$originalAddEventListener(eventName, callback); } }; this.removeEventListener = function(eventName, callback) { if (this.$forwardEvents[eventName]) { return this.renderer.removeEventListener(eventName, callback); } else { return this.$originalRemoveEventListener(eventName, callback); } }; this.setKeyboardHandler = function(keyboardHandler) { this.keyBinding.setKeyboardHandler(keyboardHandler); }; this.getKeyboardHandler = function() { return this.keyBinding.getKeyboardHandler(); }; this.setSession = function(session) { if (this.session == session) return; if (this.session) { var oldSession = this.session; this.session.removeEventListener("change", this.$onDocumentChange); this.session.removeEventListener("changeMode", this.$onChangeMode); this.session.removeEventListener("tokenizerUpdate", this.$onTokenizerUpdate); this.session.removeEventListener("changeTabSize", this.$onChangeTabSize); this.session.removeEventListener("changeWrapLimit", this.$onChangeWrapLimit); this.session.removeEventListener("changeWrapMode", this.$onChangeWrapMode); this.session.removeEventListener("onChangeFold", this.$onChangeFold); this.session.removeEventListener("changeFrontMarker", this.$onChangeFrontMarker); this.session.removeEventListener("changeBackMarker", this.$onChangeBackMarker); this.session.removeEventListener("changeBreakpoint", this.$onChangeBreakpoint); this.session.removeEventListener("changeAnnotation", this.$onChangeAnnotation); this.session.removeEventListener("changeOverwrite", this.$onCursorChange); var selection = this.session.getSelection(); selection.removeEventListener("changeCursor", this.$onCursorChange); selection.removeEventListener("changeSelection", this.$onSelectionChange); this.session.setScrollTopRow(this.renderer.getScrollTopRow()); } this.session = session; this.$onDocumentChange = this.onDocumentChange.bind(this); session.addEventListener("change", this.$onDocumentChange); this.renderer.setSession(session); this.$onChangeMode = this.onChangeMode.bind(this); session.addEventListener("changeMode", this.$onChangeMode); this.$onTokenizerUpdate = this.onTokenizerUpdate.bind(this); session.addEventListener("tokenizerUpdate", this.$onTokenizerUpdate); this.$onChangeTabSize = this.renderer.updateText.bind(this.renderer); session.addEventListener("changeTabSize", this.$onChangeTabSize); this.$onChangeWrapLimit = this.onChangeWrapLimit.bind(this); session.addEventListener("changeWrapLimit", this.$onChangeWrapLimit); this.$onChangeWrapMode = this.onChangeWrapMode.bind(this); session.addEventListener("changeWrapMode", this.$onChangeWrapMode); this.$onChangeFold = this.onChangeFold.bind(this); session.addEventListener("changeFold", this.$onChangeFold); this.$onChangeFrontMarker = this.onChangeFrontMarker.bind(this); this.session.addEventListener("changeFrontMarker", this.$onChangeFrontMarker); this.$onChangeBackMarker = this.onChangeBackMarker.bind(this); this.session.addEventListener("changeBackMarker", this.$onChangeBackMarker); this.$onChangeBreakpoint = this.onChangeBreakpoint.bind(this); this.session.addEventListener("changeBreakpoint", this.$onChangeBreakpoint); this.$onChangeAnnotation = this.onChangeAnnotation.bind(this); this.session.addEventListener("changeAnnotation", this.$onChangeAnnotation); this.$onCursorChange = this.onCursorChange.bind(this); this.session.addEventListener("changeOverwrite", this.$onCursorChange); this.selection = session.getSelection(); this.selection.addEventListener("changeCursor", this.$onCursorChange); this.$onSelectionChange = this.onSelectionChange.bind(this); this.selection.addEventListener("changeSelection", this.$onSelectionChange); this.onChangeMode(); this.onCursorChange(); this.onSelectionChange(); this.onChangeFrontMarker(); this.onChangeBackMarker(); this.onChangeBreakpoint(); this.onChangeAnnotation(); this.session.getUseWrapMode() && this.renderer.adjustWrapLimit(); this.renderer.scrollToRow(session.getScrollTopRow()); this.renderer.updateFull(); this._dispatchEvent("changeSession", { session: session, oldSession: oldSession }); }; this.getSession = function() { return this.session; }; this.getSelection = function() { return this.selection; }; this.resize = function() { this.renderer.onResize(); }; this.setTheme = function(theme) { this.renderer.setTheme(theme); }; this.getTheme = function() { return this.renderer.getTheme(); }; this.setStyle = function(style) { this.renderer.setStyle(style); }; this.unsetStyle = function(style) { this.renderer.unsetStyle(style); }; this.setFontSize = function(size) { this.container.style.fontSize = size; }; this.$highlightBrackets = function() { if (this.session.$bracketHighlight) { this.session.removeMarker(this.session.$bracketHighlight); this.session.$bracketHighlight = null; } if (this.$highlightPending) { return; } // perform highlight async to not block the browser during navigation var self = this; this.$highlightPending = true; setTimeout(function() { self.$highlightPending = false; var pos = self.session.findMatchingBracket(self.getCursorPosition()); if (pos) { var range = new Range(pos.row, pos.column, pos.row, pos.column+1); self.session.$bracketHighlight = self.session.addMarker(range, "ace_bracket", "text"); } }, 10); }; this.focus = function() { // Safari needs the timeout // iOS and Firefox need it called immediately // to be on the save side we do both var _self = this; setTimeout(function() { _self.textInput.focus(); }); this.textInput.focus(); }; this.isFocused = function() { return this.textInput.isFocused(); }; this.blur = function() { this.textInput.blur(); }; this.onFocus = function() { this.renderer.showCursor(); this.renderer.visualizeFocus(); this._dispatchEvent("focus"); }; this.onBlur = function() { this.renderer.hideCursor(); this.renderer.visualizeBlur(); this._dispatchEvent("blur"); }; this.onDocumentChange = function(e) { var delta = e.data; var range = delta.range; var lastRow; if (range.start.row == range.end.row && delta.action != "insertLines" && delta.action != "removeLines") lastRow = range.end.row; else lastRow = Infinity; this.renderer.updateLines(range.start.row, lastRow); this._dispatchEvent("change", e); // update cursor because tab characters can influence the cursor position this.onCursorChange(); }; this.onTokenizerUpdate = function(e) { var rows = e.data; this.renderer.updateLines(rows.first, rows.last); }; this.onCursorChange = function(e) { this.renderer.updateCursor(); if (!this.$blockScrolling) { this.renderer.scrollCursorIntoView(); } // move text input over the cursor // this is required for iOS and IME this.renderer.moveTextAreaToCursor(this.textInput.getElement()); this.$highlightBrackets(); this.$updateHighlightActiveLine(); }; this.$updateHighlightActiveLine = function() { var session = this.getSession(); if (session.$highlightLineMarker) { session.removeMarker(session.$highlightLineMarker); } session.$highlightLineMarker = null; if (this.getHighlightActiveLine() && (this.getSelectionStyle() != "line" || !this.selection.isMultiLine())) { var cursor = this.getCursorPosition(), foldLine = this.session.getFoldLine(cursor.row); var range; if (foldLine) { range = new Range(foldLine.start.row, 0, foldLine.end.row + 1, 0); } else { range = new Range(cursor.row, 0, cursor.row+1, 0); } session.$highlightLineMarker = session.addMarker(range, "ace_active_line", "background"); } }; this.onSelectionChange = function(e) { var session = this.getSession(); if (session.$selectionMarker) { session.removeMarker(session.$selectionMarker); } session.$selectionMarker = null; if (!this.selection.isEmpty()) { var range = this.selection.getRange(); var style = this.getSelectionStyle(); session.$selectionMarker = session.addMarker(range, "ace_selection", style); } else { this.$updateHighlightActiveLine(); } if (this.$highlightSelectedWord) this.session.getMode().highlightSelection(this); }; this.onChangeFrontMarker = function() { this.renderer.updateFrontMarkers(); }; this.onChangeBackMarker = function() { this.renderer.updateBackMarkers(); }; this.onChangeBreakpoint = function() { this.renderer.setBreakpoints(this.session.getBreakpoints()); }; this.onChangeAnnotation = function() { this.renderer.setAnnotations(this.session.getAnnotations()); }; this.onChangeMode = function() { this.renderer.updateText(); }; this.onChangeWrapLimit = function() { this.renderer.updateFull(); }; this.onChangeWrapMode = function() { this.renderer.onResize(true); }; this.onChangeFold = function() { // Update the active line marker as due to folding changes the current // line range on the screen might have changed. this.$updateHighlightActiveLine(); // TODO: This might be too much updating. Okay for now. this.renderer.updateFull(); }; this.getCopyText = function() { var text = ""; if (!this.selection.isEmpty()) text = this.session.getTextRange(this.getSelectionRange()); this._emit("copy", text); return text; }; this.onCut = function() { if (this.$readOnly) return; var range = this.getSelectionRange(); this._emit("cut", range); if (!this.selection.isEmpty()) { this.session.remove(range); this.clearSelection(); } }; this.insert = function(text) { var session = this.session; var mode = session.getMode(); var cursor = this.getCursorPosition(); if (this.getBehavioursEnabled()) { // Get a transform if the current mode wants one. var transform = mode.transformAction(session.getState(cursor.row), 'insertion', this, session, text); if (transform) text = transform.text; } text = text.replace("\t", this.session.getTabString()); // remove selected text if (!this.selection.isEmpty()) { cursor = this.session.remove(this.getSelectionRange()); this.clearSelection(); } else if (this.session.getOverwrite()) { var range = new Range.fromPoints(cursor, cursor); range.end.column += text.length; this.session.remove(range); } this.clearSelection(); var start = cursor.column; var lineState = session.getState(cursor.row); var shouldOutdent = mode.checkOutdent(lineState, session.getLine(cursor.row), text); var line = session.getLine(cursor.row); var lineIndent = mode.getNextLineIndent(lineState, line.slice(0, cursor.column), session.getTabString()); var end = session.insert(cursor, text); if (transform && transform.selection) { if (transform.selection.length == 2) { // Transform relative to the current column this.selection.setSelectionRange( new Range(cursor.row, start + transform.selection[0], cursor.row, start + transform.selection[1])); } else { // Transform relative to the current row. this.selection.setSelectionRange( new Range(cursor.row + transform.selection[0], transform.selection[1], cursor.row + transform.selection[2], transform.selection[3])); } } var lineState = session.getState(cursor.row); // TODO disabled multiline auto indent // possibly doing the indent before inserting the text // if (cursor.row !== end.row) { if (session.getDocument().isNewLine(text)) { this.moveCursorTo(cursor.row+1, 0); var size = session.getTabSize(); var minIndent = Number.MAX_VALUE; for (var row = cursor.row + 1; row <= end.row; ++row) { var indent = 0; line = session.getLine(row); for (var i = 0; i < line.length; ++i) if (line.charAt(i) == '\t') indent += size; else if (line.charAt(i) == ' ') indent += 1; else break; if (/[^\s]/.test(line)) minIndent = Math.min(indent, minIndent); } for (var row = cursor.row + 1; row <= end.row; ++row) { var outdent = minIndent; line = session.getLine(row); for (var i = 0; i < line.length && outdent > 0; ++i) if (line.charAt(i) == '\t') outdent -= size; else if (line.charAt(i) == ' ') outdent -= 1; session.remove(new Range(row, 0, row, i)); } session.indentRows(cursor.row + 1, end.row, lineIndent); } if (shouldOutdent) mode.autoOutdent(lineState, session, cursor.row); }; this.onTextInput = function(text, pasted) { if (pasted) this._emit("paste", text); this.keyBinding.onTextInput(text, pasted); }; this.onCommandKey = function(e, hashId, keyCode) { this.keyBinding.onCommandKey(e, hashId, keyCode); }; this.setOverwrite = function(overwrite) { this.session.setOverwrite(overwrite); }; this.getOverwrite = function() { return this.session.getOverwrite(); }; this.toggleOverwrite = function() { this.session.toggleOverwrite(); }; this.setScrollSpeed = function(speed) { this.$mouseHandler.setScrollSpeed(speed); }; this.getScrollSpeed = function() { return this.$mouseHandler.getScrollSpeed(); }; this.$selectionStyle = "line"; this.setSelectionStyle = function(style) { if (this.$selectionStyle == style) return; this.$selectionStyle = style; this.onSelectionChange(); this._dispatchEvent("changeSelectionStyle", {data: style}); }; this.getSelectionStyle = function() { return this.$selectionStyle; }; this.$highlightActiveLine = true; this.setHighlightActiveLine = function(shouldHighlight) { if (this.$highlightActiveLine == shouldHighlight) return; this.$highlightActiveLine = shouldHighlight; this.$updateHighlightActiveLine(); }; this.getHighlightActiveLine = function() { return this.$highlightActiveLine; }; this.$highlightSelectedWord = true; this.setHighlightSelectedWord = function(shouldHighlight) { if (this.$highlightSelectedWord == shouldHighlight) return; this.$highlightSelectedWord = shouldHighlight; if (shouldHighlight) this.session.getMode().highlightSelection(this); else this.session.getMode().clearSelectionHighlight(this); }; this.getHighlightSelectedWord = function() { return this.$highlightSelectedWord; }; this.setShowInvisibles = function(showInvisibles) { if (this.getShowInvisibles() == showInvisibles) return; this.renderer.setShowInvisibles(showInvisibles); }; this.getShowInvisibles = function() { return this.renderer.getShowInvisibles(); }; this.setShowPrintMargin = function(showPrintMargin) { this.renderer.setShowPrintMargin(showPrintMargin); }; this.getShowPrintMargin = function() { return this.renderer.getShowPrintMargin(); }; this.setPrintMarginColumn = function(showPrintMargin) { this.renderer.setPrintMarginColumn(showPrintMargin); }; this.getPrintMarginColumn = function() { return this.renderer.getPrintMarginColumn(); }; this.$readOnly = false; this.setReadOnly = function(readOnly) { this.$readOnly = readOnly; }; this.getReadOnly = function() { return this.$readOnly; }; this.$modeBehaviours = true; this.setBehavioursEnabled = function (enabled) { this.$modeBehaviours = enabled; }; this.getBehavioursEnabled = function () { return this.$modeBehaviours; }; this.setShowFoldWidgets = function(show) { var gutter = this.renderer.$gutterLayer; if (gutter.getShowFoldWidgets() == show) return; this.renderer.$gutterLayer.setShowFoldWidgets(show); this.$showFoldWidgets = show; this.renderer.updateFull(); }; this.getShowFoldWidgets = function() { return this.renderer.$gutterLayer.getShowFoldWidgets(); }; this.remove = function(dir) { if (this.selection.isEmpty()){ if(dir == "left") this.selection.selectLeft(); else this.selection.selectRight(); } var range = this.getSelectionRange(); if (this.getBehavioursEnabled()) { var session = this.session; var state = session.getState(range.start.row); var new_range = session.getMode().transformAction(state, 'deletion', this, session, range); if (new_range) range = new_range; } this.session.remove(range); this.clearSelection(); }; this.removeWordRight = function() { if (this.selection.isEmpty()) this.selection.selectWordRight(); this.session.remove(this.getSelectionRange()); this.clearSelection(); }; this.removeWordLeft = function() { if (this.selection.isEmpty()) this.selection.selectWordLeft(); this.session.remove(this.getSelectionRange()); this.clearSelection(); }; this.removeToLineStart = function() { if (this.selection.isEmpty()) this.selection.selectLineStart(); this.session.remove(this.getSelectionRange()); this.clearSelection(); }; this.removeToLineEnd = function() { if (this.selection.isEmpty()) this.selection.selectLineEnd(); var range = this.getSelectionRange(); if (range.start.column == range.end.column && range.start.row == range.end.row) { range.end.column = 0; range.end.row++; } this.session.remove(range); this.clearSelection(); }; this.splitLine = function() { if (!this.selection.isEmpty()) { this.session.remove(this.getSelectionRange()); this.clearSelection(); } var cursor = this.getCursorPosition(); this.insert("\n"); this.moveCursorToPosition(cursor); }; this.transposeLetters = function() { if (!this.selection.isEmpty()) { return; } var cursor = this.getCursorPosition(); var column = cursor.column; if (column === 0) return; var line = this.session.getLine(cursor.row); var swap, range; if (column < line.length) { swap = line.charAt(column) + line.charAt(column-1); range = new Range(cursor.row, column-1, cursor.row, column+1); } else { swap = line.charAt(column-1) + line.charAt(column-2); range = new Range(cursor.row, column-2, cursor.row, column); } this.session.replace(range, swap); }; this.toLowerCase = function() { var originalRange = this.getSelectionRange(); if (this.selection.isEmpty()) { this.selection.selectWord(); } var range = this.getSelectionRange(); var text = this.session.getTextRange(range); this.session.replace(range, text.toLowerCase()); this.selection.setSelectionRange(originalRange); }; this.toUpperCase = function() { var originalRange = this.getSelectionRange(); if (this.selection.isEmpty()) { this.selection.selectWord(); } var range = this.getSelectionRange(); var text = this.session.getTextRange(range); this.session.replace(range, text.toUpperCase()); this.selection.setSelectionRange(originalRange); }; this.indent = function() { var session = this.session; var range = this.getSelectionRange(); if (range.start.row < range.end.row || range.start.column < range.end.column) { var rows = this.$getSelectedRows(); session.indentRows(rows.first, rows.last, "\t"); } else { var indentString; if (this.session.getUseSoftTabs()) { var size = session.getTabSize(), position = this.getCursorPosition(), column = session.documentToScreenColumn(position.row, position.column), count = (size - column % size); indentString = lang.stringRepeat(" ", count); } else indentString = "\t"; return this.insert(indentString); } }; this.blockOutdent = function() { var selection = this.session.getSelection(); this.session.outdentRows(selection.getRange()); }; this.toggleCommentLines = function() { var state = this.session.getState(this.getCursorPosition().row); var rows = this.$getSelectedRows(); this.session.getMode().toggleCommentLines(state, this.session, rows.first, rows.last); }; this.removeLines = function() { var rows = this.$getSelectedRows(); var range; if (rows.first === 0 || rows.last+1 < this.session.getLength()) range = new Range(rows.first, 0, rows.last+1, 0); else range = new Range( rows.first-1, this.session.getLine(rows.first-1).length, rows.last, this.session.getLine(rows.last).length ); this.session.remove(range); this.clearSelection(); }; this.moveLinesDown = function() { this.$moveLines(function(firstRow, lastRow) { return this.session.moveLinesDown(firstRow, lastRow); }); }; this.moveLinesUp = function() { this.$moveLines(function(firstRow, lastRow) { return this.session.moveLinesUp(firstRow, lastRow); }); }; this.moveText = function(range, toPosition) { if (this.$readOnly) return null; return this.session.moveText(range, toPosition); }; this.copyLinesUp = function() { this.$moveLines(function(firstRow, lastRow) { this.session.duplicateLines(firstRow, lastRow); return 0; }); }; this.copyLinesDown = function() { this.$moveLines(function(firstRow, lastRow) { return this.session.duplicateLines(firstRow, lastRow); }); }; this.$moveLines = function(mover) { var rows = this.$getSelectedRows(); var selection = this.selection; if (!selection.isMultiLine()) { var range = selection.getRange(); var reverse = selection.isBackwards(); } var linesMoved = mover.call(this, rows.first, rows.last); if (range) { range.start.row += linesMoved; range.end.row += linesMoved; selection.setSelectionRange(range, reverse); } else { selection.setSelectionAnchor(rows.last+linesMoved+1, 0); selection.$moveSelection(function() { selection.moveCursorTo(rows.first+linesMoved, 0); }); } }; this.$getSelectedRows = function() { var range = this.getSelectionRange().collapseRows(); return { first: range.start.row, last: range.end.row }; }; this.onCompositionStart = function(text) { this.renderer.showComposition(this.getCursorPosition()); }; this.onCompositionUpdate = function(text) { this.renderer.setCompositionText(text); }; this.onCompositionEnd = function() { this.renderer.hideComposition(); }; this.getFirstVisibleRow = function() { return this.renderer.getFirstVisibleRow(); }; this.getLastVisibleRow = function() { return this.renderer.getLastVisibleRow(); }; this.isRowVisible = function(row) { return (row >= this.getFirstVisibleRow() && row <= this.getLastVisibleRow()); }; this.isRowFullyVisible = function(row) { return (row >= this.renderer.getFirstFullyVisibleRow() && row <= this.renderer.getLastFullyVisibleRow()); }; this.$getVisibleRowCount = function() { return this.renderer.getScrollBottomRow() - this.renderer.getScrollTopRow() + 1; }; this.$getPageDownRow = function() { return this.renderer.getScrollBottomRow(); }; this.$getPageUpRow = function() { var firstRow = this.renderer.getScrollTopRow(); var lastRow = this.renderer.getScrollBottomRow(); return firstRow - (lastRow - firstRow); }; this.selectPageDown = function() { var row = this.$getPageDownRow() + Math.floor(this.$getVisibleRowCount() / 2); this.scrollPageDown(); var selection = this.getSelection(); var leadScreenPos = this.session.documentToScreenPosition(selection.getSelectionLead()); var dest = this.session.screenToDocumentPosition(row, leadScreenPos.column); selection.selectTo(dest.row, dest.column); }; this.selectPageUp = function() { var visibleRows = this.renderer.getScrollTopRow() - this.renderer.getScrollBottomRow(); var row = this.$getPageUpRow() + Math.round(visibleRows / 2); this.scrollPageUp(); var selection = this.getSelection(); var leadScreenPos = this.session.documentToScreenPosition(selection.getSelectionLead()); var dest = this.session.screenToDocumentPosition(row, leadScreenPos.column); selection.selectTo(dest.row, dest.column); }; this.gotoPageDown = function() { var row = this.$getPageDownRow(); var column = this.getCursorPositionScreen().column; this.scrollToRow(row); this.getSelection().moveCursorToScreen(row, column); }; this.gotoPageUp = function() { var row = this.$getPageUpRow(); var column = this.getCursorPositionScreen().column; this.scrollToRow(row); this.getSelection().moveCursorToScreen(row, column); }; this.scrollPageDown = function() { this.scrollToRow(this.$getPageDownRow()); }; this.scrollPageUp = function() { this.renderer.scrollToRow(this.$getPageUpRow()); }; this.scrollToRow = function(row) { this.renderer.scrollToRow(row); }; this.scrollToLine = function(line, center) { this.renderer.scrollToLine(line, center); }; this.centerSelection = function() { var range = this.getSelectionRange(); var line = Math.floor(range.start.row + (range.end.row - range.start.row) / 2); this.renderer.scrollToLine(line, true); }; this.getCursorPosition = function() { return this.selection.getCursor(); }; this.getCursorPositionScreen = function() { return this.session.documentToScreenPosition(this.getCursorPosition()); }; this.getSelectionRange = function() { return this.selection.getRange(); }; this.selectAll = function() { this.$blockScrolling += 1; this.selection.selectAll(); this.$blockScrolling -= 1; }; this.clearSelection = function() { this.selection.clearSelection(); }; this.moveCursorTo = function(row, column) { this.selection.moveCursorTo(row, column); }; this.moveCursorToPosition = function(pos) { this.selection.moveCursorToPosition(pos); }; this.gotoLine = function(lineNumber, column) { this.selection.clearSelection(); this.session.unfold({row: lineNumber - 1, column: column || 0}); this.$blockScrolling += 1; this.moveCursorTo(lineNumber-1, column || 0); this.$blockScrolling -= 1; if (!this.isRowFullyVisible(this.getCursorPosition().row)) this.scrollToLine(lineNumber, true); }; this.navigateTo = function(row, column) { this.clearSelection(); this.moveCursorTo(row, column); }; this.navigateUp = function(times) { this.selection.clearSelection(); times = times || 1; this.selection.moveCursorBy(-times, 0); }; this.navigateDown = function(times) { this.selection.clearSelection(); times = times || 1; this.selection.moveCursorBy(times, 0); }; this.navigateLeft = function(times) { if (!this.selection.isEmpty()) { var selectionStart = this.getSelectionRange().start; this.moveCursorToPosition(selectionStart); } else { times = times || 1; while (times--) { this.selection.moveCursorLeft(); } } this.clearSelection(); }; this.navigateRight = function(times) { if (!this.selection.isEmpty()) { var selectionEnd = this.getSelectionRange().end; this.moveCursorToPosition(selectionEnd); } else { times = times || 1; while (times--) { this.selection.moveCursorRight(); } } this.clearSelection(); }; this.navigateLineStart = function() { this.selection.moveCursorLineStart(); this.clearSelection(); }; this.navigateLineEnd = function() { this.selection.moveCursorLineEnd(); this.clearSelection(); }; this.navigateFileEnd = function() { this.selection.moveCursorFileEnd(); this.clearSelection(); }; this.navigateFileStart = function() { this.selection.moveCursorFileStart(); this.clearSelection(); }; this.navigateWordRight = function() { this.selection.moveCursorWordRight(); this.clearSelection(); }; this.navigateWordLeft = function() { this.selection.moveCursorWordLeft(); this.clearSelection(); }; this.replace = function(replacement, options) { if (options) this.$search.set(options); var range = this.$search.find(this.session); if (!range) return; this.$tryReplace(range, replacement); if (range !== null) this.selection.setSelectionRange(range); }; this.replaceAll = function(replacement, options) { if (options) { this.$search.set(options); } var ranges = this.$search.findAll(this.session); if (!ranges.length) return; var selection = this.getSelectionRange(); this.clearSelection(); this.selection.moveCursorTo(0, 0); this.$blockScrolling += 1; for (var i = ranges.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) this.$tryReplace(ranges[i], replacement); this.selection.setSelectionRange(selection); this.$blockScrolling -= 1; }; this.$tryReplace = function(range, replacement) { var input = this.session.getTextRange(range); replacement = this.$search.replace(input, replacement); if (replacement !== null) { range.end = this.session.replace(range, replacement); return range; } else { return null; } }; this.getLastSearchOptions = function() { return this.$search.getOptions(); }; this.find = function(needle, options) { this.clearSelection(); options = options || {}; options.needle = needle; this.$search.set(options); this.$find(); }; this.findNext = function(options) { options = options || {}; if (typeof options.backwards == "undefined") options.backwards = false; this.$search.set(options); this.$find(); }; this.findPrevious = function(options) { options = options || {}; if (typeof options.backwards == "undefined") options.backwards = true; this.$search.set(options); this.$find(); }; this.$find = function(backwards) { if (!this.selection.isEmpty()) this.$search.set({needle: this.session.getTextRange(this.getSelectionRange())}); if (typeof backwards != "undefined") this.$search.set({backwards: backwards}); var range = this.$search.find(this.session); if (range) { this.session.unfold(range); this.gotoLine(range.end.row+1, range.end.column); this.selection.setSelectionRange(range); } }; this.undo = function() { this.session.getUndoManager().undo(); }; this.redo = function() { this.session.getUndoManager().redo(); }; this.destroy = function() { this.renderer.destroy(); }; }).call(Editor.prototype); exports.Editor = Editor; }); /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/lib/lang', ['require', 'exports', 'module' ], function(require, exports, module) { exports.stringReverse = function(string) { return string.split("").reverse().join(""); }; exports.stringRepeat = function (string, count) { return new Array(count + 1).join(string); }; var trimBeginRegexp = /^\s\s*/; var trimEndRegexp = /\s\s*$/; exports.stringTrimLeft = function (string) { return string.replace(trimBeginRegexp, ''); }; exports.stringTrimRight = function (string) { return string.replace(trimEndRegexp, ''); }; exports.copyObject = function(obj) { var copy = {}; for (var key in obj) { copy[key] = obj[key]; } return copy; }; exports.copyArray = function(array){ var copy = []; for (var i=0, l=array.length; i<l; i++) { if (array[i] && typeof array[i] == "object") copy[i] = this.copyObject( array[i] ); else copy[i] = array[i]; } return copy; }; exports.deepCopy = function (obj) { if (typeof obj != "object") { return obj; } var copy = obj.constructor(); for (var key in obj) { if (typeof obj[key] == "object") { copy[key] = this.deepCopy(obj[key]); } else { copy[key] = obj[key]; } } return copy; }; exports.arrayToMap = function(arr) { var map = {}; for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) { map[arr[i]] = 1; } return map; }; /** * splice out of 'array' anything that === 'value' */ exports.arrayRemove = function(array, value) { for (var i = 0; i <= array.length; i++) { if (value === array[i]) { array.splice(i, 1); } } }; exports.escapeRegExp = function(str) { return str.replace(/([.*+?^${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1'); }; exports.deferredCall = function(fcn) { var timer = null; var callback = function() { timer = null; fcn(); }; var deferred = function(timeout) { deferred.cancel(); timer = setTimeout(callback, timeout || 0); return deferred; }; deferred.schedule = deferred; deferred.call = function() { this.cancel(); fcn(); return deferred; }; deferred.cancel = function() { clearTimeout(timer); timer = null; return deferred; }; return deferred; }; }); /* vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4: * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * Mihai Sucan <mihai DOT sucan AT gmail DOT com> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/keyboard/textinput', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/lib/event', 'ace/lib/useragent', 'ace/lib/dom'], function(require, exports, module) { var event = require("../lib/event"); var useragent = require("../lib/useragent"); var dom = require("../lib/dom"); var TextInput = function(parentNode, host) { var text = dom.createElement("textarea"); if (useragent.isTouchPad) text.setAttribute("x-palm-disable-auto-cap", true); text.style.left = "-10000px"; parentNode.appendChild(text); var PLACEHOLDER = String.fromCharCode(0); sendText(); var inCompostion = false; var copied = false; var pasted = false; var tempStyle = ''; function select() { try { text.select(); } catch (e) {} } function sendText(valueToSend) { if (!copied) { var value = valueToSend || text.value; if (value) { if (value.charCodeAt(value.length-1) == PLACEHOLDER.charCodeAt(0)) { value = value.slice(0, -1); if (value) host.onTextInput(value, pasted); } else { host.onTextInput(value, pasted); } // If editor is no longer focused we quit immediately, since // it means that something else is in charge now. if (!isFocused()) return false; } } copied = false; pasted = false; // Safari doesn't fire copy events if no text is selected text.value = PLACEHOLDER; select(); } var onTextInput = function(e) { setTimeout(function () { if (!inCompostion) sendText(e.data); }, 0); }; var onPropertyChange = function(e) { if (useragent.isOldIE && text.value.charCodeAt(0) > 128) return; setTimeout(function() { if (!inCompostion) sendText(); }, 0); }; var onCompositionStart = function(e) { inCompostion = true; host.onCompositionStart(); if (!useragent.isGecko) setTimeout(onCompositionUpdate, 0); }; var onCompositionUpdate = function() { if (!inCompostion) return; host.onCompositionUpdate(text.value); }; var onCompositionEnd = function(e) { inCompostion = false; host.onCompositionEnd(); }; var onCopy = function(e) { copied = true; var copyText = host.getCopyText(); if(copyText) text.value = copyText; else e.preventDefault(); select(); setTimeout(function () { sendText(); }, 0); }; var onCut = function(e) { copied = true; var copyText = host.getCopyText(); if(copyText) { text.value = copyText; host.onCut(); } else e.preventDefault(); select(); setTimeout(function () { sendText(); }, 0); }; event.addCommandKeyListener(text, host.onCommandKey.bind(host)); if (useragent.isOldIE) { var keytable = { 13:1, 27:1 }; event.addListener(text, "keyup", function (e) { if (inCompostion && (!text.value || keytable[e.keyCode])) setTimeout(onCompositionEnd, 0); if ((text.value.charCodeAt(0)|0) < 129) { return; } inCompostion ? onCompositionUpdate() : onCompositionStart(); }); } if ("onpropertychange" in text && !("oninput" in text)) event.addListener(text, "propertychange", onPropertyChange); else event.addListener(text, "input", onTextInput); event.addListener(text, "paste", function(e) { // Mark that the next input text comes from past. pasted = true; // Some browsers support the event.clipboardData API. Use this to get // the pasted content which increases speed if pasting a lot of lines. if (e.clipboardData && e.clipboardData.getData) { sendText(e.clipboardData.getData("text/plain")); e.preventDefault(); } else { // If a browser doesn't support any of the things above, use the regular // method to detect the pasted input. onPropertyChange(); } }); if ("onbeforecopy" in text && typeof clipboardData !== "undefined") { event.addListener(text, "beforecopy", function(e) { var copyText = host.getCopyText(); if(copyText) clipboardData.setData("Text", copyText); else e.preventDefault(); }); event.addListener(parentNode, "keydown", function(e) { if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 88) { var copyText = host.getCopyText(); if (copyText) { clipboardData.setData("Text", copyText); host.onCut(); } event.preventDefault(e); } }); } else { event.addListener(text, "copy", onCopy); event.addListener(text, "cut", onCut); } event.addListener(text, "compositionstart", onCompositionStart); if (useragent.isGecko) { event.addListener(text, "text", onCompositionUpdate); } if (useragent.isWebKit) { event.addListener(text, "keyup", onCompositionUpdate); } event.addListener(text, "compositionend", onCompositionEnd); event.addListener(text, "blur", function() { host.onBlur(); }); event.addListener(text, "focus", function() { host.onFocus(); select(); }); this.focus = function() { host.onFocus(); select(); text.focus(); }; this.blur = function() { text.blur(); }; function isFocused() { return document.activeElement === text; } this.isFocused = isFocused; this.getElement = function() { return text; }; this.onContextMenu = function(mousePos, isEmpty){ if (mousePos) { if (!tempStyle) tempStyle = text.style.cssText; text.style.cssText = 'position:fixed; z-index:1000;' + 'left:' + (mousePos.x - 2) + 'px; top:' + (mousePos.y - 2) + 'px;'; } if (isEmpty) text.value=''; }; this.onContextMenuClose = function(){ setTimeout(function () { if (tempStyle) { text.style.cssText = tempStyle; tempStyle = ''; } sendText(); }, 0); }; }; exports.TextInput = TextInput; }); /* vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4: * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * Mihai Sucan <mihai DOT sucan AT gmail DOT com> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/mouse/mouse_handler', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/lib/event', 'ace/mouse/default_handlers', 'ace/mouse/mouse_event'], function(require, exports, module) { var event = require("../lib/event"); var DefaultHandlers = require("./default_handlers").DefaultHandlers; var MouseEvent = require("./mouse_event").MouseEvent; var MouseHandler = function(editor) { this.editor = editor; this.defaultHandlers = new DefaultHandlers(editor); event.addListener(editor.container, "mousedown", function(e) { editor.focus(); return event.preventDefault(e); }); event.addListener(editor.container, "selectstart", function(e) { return event.preventDefault(e); }); var mouseTarget = editor.renderer.getMouseEventTarget(); event.addListener(mouseTarget, "mousedown", this.onMouseDown.bind(this)); event.addListener(mouseTarget, "click", this.onMouseClick.bind(this)); event.addListener(mouseTarget, "mousemove", this.onMouseMove.bind(this)); event.addMultiMouseDownListener(mouseTarget, 0, 2, 500, this.onMouseDoubleClick.bind(this)); event.addMultiMouseDownListener(mouseTarget, 0, 3, 600, this.onMouseTripleClick.bind(this)); event.addMultiMouseDownListener(mouseTarget, 0, 4, 600, this.onMouseQuadClick.bind(this)); event.addMouseWheelListener(editor.container, this.onMouseWheel.bind(this)); }; (function() { this.$scrollSpeed = 1; this.setScrollSpeed = function(speed) { this.$scrollSpeed = speed; }; this.getScrollSpeed = function() { return this.$scrollSpeed; }; this.onMouseDown = function(e) { this.editor._dispatchEvent("mousedown", new MouseEvent(e, this.editor)); }; this.onMouseClick = function(e) { this.editor._dispatchEvent("click", new MouseEvent(e, this.editor)); }; this.onMouseMove = function(e) { // optimization, because mousemove doesn't have a default handler. var listeners = this.editor._eventRegistry && this.editor._eventRegistry["mousemove"]; if (!listeners || !listeners.length) return; this.editor._dispatchEvent("mousemove", new MouseEvent(e, this.editor)); }; this.onMouseDoubleClick = function(e) { this.editor._dispatchEvent("dblclick", new MouseEvent(e, this.editor)); }; this.onMouseTripleClick = function(e) { this.editor._dispatchEvent("tripleclick", new MouseEvent(e, this.editor)); }; this.onMouseQuadClick = function(e) { this.editor._dispatchEvent("quadclick", new MouseEvent(e, this.editor)); }; this.onMouseWheel = function(e) { var mouseEvent = new MouseEvent(e, this.editor); mouseEvent.speed = this.$scrollSpeed * 2; mouseEvent.wheelX = e.wheelX; mouseEvent.wheelY = e.wheelY; this.editor._dispatchEvent("mousewheel", mouseEvent); }; }).call(MouseHandler.prototype); exports.MouseHandler = MouseHandler; }); /* vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4: * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * Mike de Boer <mike AT ajax DOT org> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/mouse/default_handlers', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/lib/event', 'ace/lib/dom', 'ace/lib/event_emitter', 'ace/lib/browser_focus'], function(require, exports, module) { var event = require("../lib/event"); var dom = require("../lib/dom"); var EventEmitter = require("../lib/event_emitter").EventEmitter; var BrowserFocus = require("../lib/browser_focus").BrowserFocus; var STATE_UNKNOWN = 0; var STATE_SELECT = 1; var STATE_DRAG = 2; var DRAG_TIMER = 250; // milliseconds var DRAG_OFFSET = 5; // pixels function DefaultHandlers(editor) { this.editor = editor; this.$clickSelection = null; this.browserFocus = new BrowserFocus(); editor.setDefaultHandler("mousedown", this.onMouseDown.bind(this)); editor.setDefaultHandler("dblclick", this.onDoubleClick.bind(this)); editor.setDefaultHandler("tripleclick", this.onTripleClick.bind(this)); editor.setDefaultHandler("quadclick", this.onQuadClick.bind(this)); editor.setDefaultHandler("mousewheel", this.onScroll.bind(this)); } (function() { this.onMouseDown = function(ev) { var inSelection = ev.inSelection(); var pageX = ev.pageX; var pageY = ev.pageY; var pos = ev.getDocumentPosition(); var editor = this.editor; var _self = this; var selectionRange = editor.getSelectionRange(); var selectionEmpty = selectionRange.isEmpty(); var state = STATE_UNKNOWN; // if this click caused the editor to be focused should not clear the // selection if ( inSelection && ( !this.browserFocus.isFocused() || new Date().getTime() - this.browserFocus.lastFocus < 20 || !editor.isFocused() ) ) { editor.focus(); return; } var button = ev.getButton(); if (button !== 0) { if (selectionEmpty) { editor.moveCursorToPosition(pos); } if(button == 2) { editor.textInput.onContextMenu({x: ev.clientX, y: ev.clientY}, selectionEmpty); event.capture(editor.container, function(){}, editor.textInput.onContextMenuClose); } return; } else { // Select the fold as the user clicks it. var fold = editor.session.getFoldAt(pos.row, pos.column, 1); if (fold) { editor.selection.setSelectionRange(fold.range); return; } } if (!inSelection) { // Directly pick STATE_SELECT, since the user is not clicking inside // a selection. onStartSelect(pos); } var mousePageX = pageX, mousePageY = pageY; var overwrite = editor.getOverwrite(); var mousedownTime = (new Date()).getTime(); var dragCursor, dragRange; var onMouseSelection = function(e) { mousePageX = event.getDocumentX(e); mousePageY = event.getDocumentY(e); }; var onMouseSelectionEnd = function(e) { clearInterval(timerId); if (state == STATE_UNKNOWN) onStartSelect(pos); else if (state == STATE_DRAG) onMouseDragSelectionEnd(e); _self.$clickSelection = null; state = STATE_UNKNOWN; }; var onMouseDragSelectionEnd = function(e) { dom.removeCssClass(editor.container, "ace_dragging"); editor.session.removeMarker(dragSelectionMarker); if (!editor.$mouseHandler.$clickSelection) { if (!dragCursor) { editor.moveCursorToPosition(pos); editor.selection.clearSelection(pos.row, pos.column); } } if (!dragCursor) return; if (dragRange.contains(dragCursor.row, dragCursor.column)) { dragCursor = null; return; } editor.clearSelection(); if (e && (e.ctrlKey || e.altKey)) { var session = editor.session; var newRange = session.insert(dragCursor, session.getTextRange(dragRange)); } else { var newRange = editor.moveText(dragRange, dragCursor); } if (!newRange) { dragCursor = null; return; } editor.selection.setSelectionRange(newRange); }; var onSelectionInterval = function() { if (state == STATE_UNKNOWN) { var distance = calcDistance(pageX, pageY, mousePageX, mousePageY); var time = (new Date()).getTime(); if (distance > DRAG_OFFSET) { state = STATE_SELECT; var cursor = editor.renderer.screenToTextCoordinates(mousePageX, mousePageY); cursor.row = Math.max(0, Math.min(cursor.row, editor.session.getLength()-1)); onStartSelect(cursor); } else if ((time - mousedownTime) > DRAG_TIMER) { state = STATE_DRAG; dragRange = editor.getSelectionRange(); var style = editor.getSelectionStyle(); dragSelectionMarker = editor.session.addMarker(dragRange, "ace_selection", style); editor.clearSelection(); dom.addCssClass(editor.container, "ace_dragging"); } } if (state == STATE_DRAG) onDragSelectionInterval(); else if (state == STATE_SELECT) onUpdateSelectionInterval(); }; function onStartSelect(pos) { if (ev.getShiftKey()) { editor.selection.selectToPosition(pos); } else { if (!_self.$clickSelection) { editor.moveCursorToPosition(pos); editor.selection.clearSelection(pos.row, pos.column); } } state = STATE_SELECT; } var onUpdateSelectionInterval = function() { var anchor; var cursor = editor.renderer.screenToTextCoordinates(mousePageX, mousePageY); cursor.row = Math.max(0, Math.min(cursor.row, editor.session.getLength()-1)); if (_self.$clickSelection) { if (_self.$clickSelection.contains(cursor.row, cursor.column)) { editor.selection.setSelectionRange(_self.$clickSelection); } else { if (_self.$clickSelection.compare(cursor.row, cursor.column) == -1) { anchor = _self.$clickSelection.end; } else { anchor = _self.$clickSelection.start; } editor.selection.setSelectionAnchor(anchor.row, anchor.column); editor.selection.selectToPosition(cursor); } } else { editor.selection.selectToPosition(cursor); } editor.renderer.scrollCursorIntoView(); }; var onDragSelectionInterval = function() { dragCursor = editor.renderer.screenToTextCoordinates(mousePageX, mousePageY); dragCursor.row = Math.max(0, Math.min(dragCursor.row, editor.session.getLength() - 1)); editor.moveCursorToPosition(dragCursor); }; event.capture(editor.container, onMouseSelection, onMouseSelectionEnd); var timerId = setInterval(onSelectionInterval, 20); return ev.preventDefault(); }; this.onDoubleClick = function(ev) { var pos = ev.getDocumentPosition(); var editor = this.editor; // If the user dclicked on a fold, then expand it. var fold = editor.session.getFoldAt(pos.row, pos.column, 1); if (fold) { if (ev.getAccelKey()) editor.session.removeFold(fold); else editor.session.expandFold(fold); } else { editor.moveCursorToPosition(pos); editor.selection.selectWord(); this.$clickSelection = editor.getSelectionRange(); } }; this.onTripleClick = function(ev) { var pos = ev.getDocumentPosition(); var editor = this.editor; editor.moveCursorToPosition(pos); editor.selection.selectLine(); this.$clickSelection = editor.getSelectionRange(); }; this.onQuadClick = function(ev) { var editor = this.editor; editor.selectAll(); this.$clickSelection = editor.getSelectionRange(); }; this.onScroll = function(ev) { var editor = this.editor; editor.renderer.scrollBy(ev.wheelX * ev.speed, ev.wheelY * ev.speed); if (editor.renderer.isScrollableBy(ev.wheelX * ev.speed, ev.wheelY * ev.speed)) return ev.preventDefault(); }; }).call(DefaultHandlers.prototype); exports.DefaultHandlers = DefaultHandlers; function calcDistance(ax, ay, bx, by) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(bx - ax, 2) + Math.pow(by - ay, 2)); } }); /* vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4: * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * Irakli Gozalishvili <rfobic@gmail.com> (http://jeditoolkit.com) * Mike de Boer <mike AT ajax DOT org> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/lib/event_emitter', ['require', 'exports', 'module' ], function(require, exports, module) { var EventEmitter = {}; EventEmitter._emit = EventEmitter._dispatchEvent = function(eventName, e) { this._eventRegistry = this._eventRegistry || {}; this._defaultHandlers = this._defaultHandlers || {}; var listeners = this._eventRegistry[eventName] || []; var defaultHandler = this._defaultHandlers[eventName]; if (!listeners.length && !defaultHandler) return; e = e || {}; e.type = eventName; if (!e.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation = function() { this.propagationStopped = true; }; } if (!e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault = function() { this.defaultPrevented = true; }; } for (var i=0; i<listeners.length; i++) { listeners[i](e); if (e.propagationStopped) break; } if (defaultHandler && !e.defaultPrevented) defaultHandler(e); }; EventEmitter.setDefaultHandler = function(eventName, callback) { this._defaultHandlers = this._defaultHandlers || {}; if (this._defaultHandlers[eventName]) throw new Error("The default handler for '" + eventName + "' is already set"); this._defaultHandlers[eventName] = callback; }; EventEmitter.on = EventEmitter.addEventListener = function(eventName, callback) { this._eventRegistry = this._eventRegistry || {}; var listeners = this._eventRegistry[eventName]; if (!listeners) var listeners = this._eventRegistry[eventName] = []; if (listeners.indexOf(callback) == -1) listeners.push(callback); }; EventEmitter.removeListener = EventEmitter.removeEventListener = function(eventName, callback) { this._eventRegistry = this._eventRegistry || {}; var listeners = this._eventRegistry[eventName]; if (!listeners) return; var index = listeners.indexOf(callback); if (index !== -1) listeners.splice(index, 1); }; EventEmitter.removeAllListeners = function(eventName) { if (this._eventRegistry) this._eventRegistry[eventName] = []; }; exports.EventEmitter = EventEmitter; });/* vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4: * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * Irakli Gozalishvili <rfobic@gmail.com> (http://jeditoolkit.com) * Julian Viereck <julian.viereck@gmail.com> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/lib/browser_focus', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/lib/oop', 'ace/lib/event', 'ace/lib/event_emitter'], function(require, exports, module) { var oop = require("./oop"); var event = require("./event"); var EventEmitter = require("./event_emitter").EventEmitter; /** * This class keeps track of the focus state of the given window. * Focus changes for example when the user switches a browser tab, * goes to the location bar or switches to another application. */ var BrowserFocus = function(win) { win = win || window; this.lastFocus = new Date().getTime(); this._isFocused = true; var _self = this; // IE < 9 supports focusin and focusout events if ("onfocusin" in win.document) { event.addListener(win.document, "focusin", function(e) { _self._setFocused(true); }); event.addListener(win.document, "focusout", function(e) { _self._setFocused(!!e.toElement); }); } else { event.addListener(win, "blur", function(e) { _self._setFocused(false); }); event.addListener(win, "focus", function(e) { _self._setFocused(true); }); } }; (function(){ oop.implement(this, EventEmitter); this.isFocused = function() { return this._isFocused; }; this._setFocused = function(isFocused) { if (this._isFocused == isFocused) return; if (isFocused) this.lastFocus = new Date().getTime(); this._isFocused = isFocused; this._emit("changeFocus"); }; }).call(BrowserFocus.prototype); exports.BrowserFocus = BrowserFocus; }); /* vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4: * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/mouse/mouse_event', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/lib/event', 'ace/lib/dom'], function(require, exports, module) { var event = require("../lib/event"); var dom = require("../lib/dom"); /** * Custom Ace mouse event */ var MouseEvent = exports.MouseEvent = function(domEvent, editor) { this.domEvent = domEvent; this.editor = editor; this.pageX = event.getDocumentX(domEvent); this.pageY = event.getDocumentY(domEvent); this.clientX = domEvent.clientX; this.clientY = domEvent.clientY; this.$pos = null; this.$inSelection = null; this.propagationStopped = false; this.defaultPrevented = false; }; (function() { this.stopPropagation = function() { event.stopPropagation(this.domEvent); this.propagationStopped = true; }; this.preventDefault = function() { event.preventDefault(this.domEvent); this.defaultPrevented = true; }; /** * Get the document position below the mouse cursor * * @return {Object} 'row' and 'column' of the document position */ this.getDocumentPosition = function() { if (this.$pos) return this.$pos; var pageX = event.getDocumentX(this.domEvent); var pageY = event.getDocumentY(this.domEvent); this.$pos = this.editor.renderer.screenToTextCoordinates(pageX, pageY); this.$pos.row = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.$pos.row, this.editor.session.getLength()-1)); return this.$pos; }; /** * Check if the mouse cursor is inside of the text selection * * @return {Boolean} whether the mouse cursor is inside of the selection */ this.inSelection = function() { if (this.$inSelection !== null) return this.$inSelection; var editor = this.editor; if (editor.getReadOnly()) { this.$inSelection = false; } else { var selectionRange = editor.getSelectionRange(); if (selectionRange.isEmpty()) this.$inSelection = false; else { var pos = this.getDocumentPosition(); this.$inSelection = selectionRange.contains(pos.row, pos.column); } } return this.$inSelection; }; /** * Get the clicked mouse button * * @return {Number} 0 for left button, 1 for middle button, 2 for right button */ this.getButton = function() { return event.getButton(this.domEvent); }; /** * @return {Boolean} whether the shift key was pressed when the event was emitted */ this.getShiftKey = function() { return this.domEvent.shiftKey; }; this.getAccelKey = function() { return this.domEvent.ctrlKey || this.domEvent.metaKey ; }; }).call(MouseEvent.prototype); }); /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * Julian Viereck <julian.viereck@gmail.com> * Harutyun Amirjanyan <amirjanyan@gmail.com> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/keyboard/keybinding', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/lib/keys', 'ace/lib/event', 'ace/commands/default_commands'], function(require, exports, module) { var keyUtil = require("../lib/keys"); var event = require("../lib/event"); require("../commands/default_commands"); var KeyBinding = function(editor) { this.$editor = editor; this.$data = { }; this.$handlers = [this]; }; (function() { this.setKeyboardHandler = function(keyboardHandler) { if (this.$handlers[this.$handlers.length - 1] == keyboardHandler) return; this.$data = { }; this.$handlers = keyboardHandler ? [this, keyboardHandler] : [this]; }; this.addKeyboardHandler = function(keyboardHandler) { this.removeKeyboardHandler(keyboardHandler); this.$handlers.push(keyboardHandler); }; this.removeKeyboardHandler = function(keyboardHandler) { var i = this.$handlers.indexOf(keyboardHandler); if (i == -1) return false; this.$handlers.splice(i, 1); return true; }; this.getKeyboardHandler = function() { return this.$handlers[this.$handlers - 1]; }; this.$callKeyboardHandlers = function (hashId, keyString, keyCode, e) { var toExecute; for (var i = this.$handlers.length; i--;) { toExecute = this.$handlers[i].handleKeyboard( this.$data, hashId, keyString, keyCode, e ); if (toExecute && toExecute.command) break; } if (!toExecute || !toExecute.command) return false; var success = false; var commands = this.$editor.commands; // allow keyboardHandler to consume keys if (toExecute.command != "null") success = commands.exec(toExecute.command, this.$editor, toExecute.args); else success = true; if (success && e) event.stopEvent(e); return success; }; this.handleKeyboard = function(data, hashId, keyString) { return { command: this.$editor.commands.findKeyCommand(hashId, keyString) }; }; this.onCommandKey = function(e, hashId, keyCode) { var keyString = keyUtil.keyCodeToString(keyCode); this.$callKeyboardHandlers(hashId, keyString, keyCode, e); }; this.onTextInput = function(text, pasted) { var success = false; if (!pasted && text.length == 1) success = this.$callKeyboardHandlers(0, text); if (!success) this.$editor.commands.exec("insertstring", this.$editor, text); }; }).call(KeyBinding.prototype); exports.KeyBinding = KeyBinding; }); /* vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4: * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * Julian Viereck <julian.viereck@gmail.com> * Mihai Sucan <mihai.sucan@gmail.com> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/commands/default_commands', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/lib/lang'], function(require, exports, module) { var lang = require("../lib/lang"); function bindKey(win, mac) { return { win: win, mac: mac }; } exports.commands = [{ name: "selectall", bindKey: bindKey("Ctrl-A", "Command-A"), exec: function(editor) { editor.selectAll(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "centerselection", bindKey: bindKey(null, "Ctrl-L"), exec: function(editor) { editor.centerSelection(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "gotoline", bindKey: bindKey("Ctrl-L", "Command-L"), exec: function(editor) { var line = parseInt(prompt("Enter line number:")); if (!isNaN(line)) { editor.gotoLine(line); } }, readOnly: true }, { name: "fold", bindKey: bindKey("Alt-L", "Alt-L"), exec: function(editor) { editor.session.toggleFold(false); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "unfold", bindKey: bindKey("Alt-Shift-L", "Alt-Shift-L"), exec: function(editor) { editor.session.toggleFold(true); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "foldall", bindKey: bindKey("Alt-0", "Alt-0"), exec: function(editor) { editor.session.foldAll(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "unfoldall", bindKey: bindKey("Alt-Shift-0", "Alt-Shift-0"), exec: function(editor) { editor.session.unfold(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "findnext", bindKey: bindKey("Ctrl-K", "Command-G"), exec: function(editor) { editor.findNext(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "findprevious", bindKey: bindKey("Ctrl-Shift-K", "Command-Shift-G"), exec: function(editor) { editor.findPrevious(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "find", bindKey: bindKey("Ctrl-F", "Command-F"), exec: function(editor) { var needle = prompt("Find:", editor.getCopyText()); editor.find(needle); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "overwrite", bindKey: bindKey("Insert", "Insert"), exec: function(editor) { editor.toggleOverwrite(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "selecttostart", bindKey: bindKey("Ctrl-Shift-Home|Alt-Shift-Up", "Command-Shift-Up"), exec: function(editor) { editor.getSelection().selectFileStart(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "gotostart", bindKey: bindKey("Ctrl-Home|Ctrl-Up", "Command-Home|Command-Up"), exec: function(editor) { editor.navigateFileStart(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "selectup", bindKey: bindKey("Shift-Up", "Shift-Up"), exec: function(editor) { editor.getSelection().selectUp(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "golineup", bindKey: bindKey("Up", "Up|Ctrl-P"), exec: function(editor, args) { editor.navigateUp(args.times); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "selecttoend", bindKey: bindKey("Ctrl-Shift-End|Alt-Shift-Down", "Command-Shift-Down"), exec: function(editor) { editor.getSelection().selectFileEnd(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "gotoend", bindKey: bindKey("Ctrl-End|Ctrl-Down", "Command-End|Command-Down"), exec: function(editor) { editor.navigateFileEnd(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "selectdown", bindKey: bindKey("Shift-Down", "Shift-Down"), exec: function(editor) { editor.getSelection().selectDown(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "golinedown", bindKey: bindKey("Down", "Down|Ctrl-N"), exec: function(editor, args) { editor.navigateDown(args.times); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "selectwordleft", bindKey: bindKey("Ctrl-Shift-Left", "Option-Shift-Left"), exec: function(editor) { editor.getSelection().selectWordLeft(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "gotowordleft", bindKey: bindKey("Ctrl-Left", "Option-Left"), exec: function(editor) { editor.navigateWordLeft(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "selecttolinestart", bindKey: bindKey("Alt-Shift-Left", "Command-Shift-Left"), exec: function(editor) { editor.getSelection().selectLineStart(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "gotolinestart", bindKey: bindKey("Alt-Left|Home", "Command-Left|Home|Ctrl-A"), exec: function(editor) { editor.navigateLineStart(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "selectleft", bindKey: bindKey("Shift-Left", "Shift-Left"), exec: function(editor) { editor.getSelection().selectLeft(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "gotoleft", bindKey: bindKey("Left", "Left|Ctrl-B"), exec: function(editor, args) { editor.navigateLeft(args.times); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "selectwordright", bindKey: bindKey("Ctrl-Shift-Right", "Option-Shift-Right"), exec: function(editor) { editor.getSelection().selectWordRight(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "gotowordright", bindKey: bindKey("Ctrl-Right", "Option-Right"), exec: function(editor) { editor.navigateWordRight(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "selecttolineend", bindKey: bindKey("Alt-Shift-Right", "Command-Shift-Right"), exec: function(editor) { editor.getSelection().selectLineEnd(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "gotolineend", bindKey: bindKey("Alt-Right|End", "Command-Right|End|Ctrl-E"), exec: function(editor) { editor.navigateLineEnd(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "selectright", bindKey: bindKey("Shift-Right", "Shift-Right"), exec: function(editor) { editor.getSelection().selectRight(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "gotoright", bindKey: bindKey("Right", "Right|Ctrl-F"), exec: function(editor, args) { editor.navigateRight(args.times); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "selectpagedown", bindKey: bindKey("Shift-PageDown", "Shift-PageDown"), exec: function(editor) { editor.selectPageDown(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "pagedown", bindKey: bindKey(null, "PageDown"), exec: function(editor) { editor.scrollPageDown(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "gotopagedown", bindKey: bindKey("PageDown", "Option-PageDown|Ctrl-V"), exec: function(editor) { editor.gotoPageDown(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "selectpageup", bindKey: bindKey("Shift-PageUp", "Shift-PageUp"), exec: function(editor) { editor.selectPageUp(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "pageup", bindKey: bindKey(null, "PageUp"), exec: function(editor) { editor.scrollPageUp(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "gotopageup", bindKey: bindKey("PageUp", "Option-PageUp"), exec: function(editor) { editor.gotoPageUp(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "selectlinestart", bindKey: bindKey("Shift-Home", "Shift-Home"), exec: function(editor) { editor.getSelection().selectLineStart(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "selectlineend", bindKey: bindKey("Shift-End", "Shift-End"), exec: function(editor) { editor.getSelection().selectLineEnd(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "togglerecording", bindKey: bindKey("Ctrl-Alt-E", "Command-Option-E"), exec: function(editor) { editor.commands.toggleRecording(); }, readOnly: true }, { name: "replaymacro", bindKey: bindKey("Ctrl-Shift-E", "Command-Shift-E"), exec: function(editor) { editor.commands.replay(editor); }, readOnly: true }, // commands disabled in readOnly mode { name: "removeline", bindKey: bindKey("Ctrl-D", "Command-D"), exec: function(editor) { editor.removeLines(); } }, { name: "togglecomment", bindKey: bindKey("Ctrl-7", "Command-7"), exec: function(editor) { editor.toggleCommentLines(); } }, { name: "replace", bindKey: bindKey("Ctrl-R", "Command-Option-F"), exec: function(editor) { var needle = prompt("Find:", editor.getCopyText()); if (!needle) return; var replacement = prompt("Replacement:"); if (!replacement) return; editor.replace(replacement, {needle: needle}); } }, { name: "replaceall", bindKey: bindKey("Ctrl-Shift-R", "Command-Shift-Option-F"), exec: function(editor) { var needle = prompt("Find:"); if (!needle) return; var replacement = prompt("Replacement:"); if (!replacement) return; editor.replaceAll(replacement, {needle: needle}); } }, { name: "undo", bindKey: bindKey("Ctrl-Z", "Command-Z"), exec: function(editor) { editor.undo(); } }, { name: "redo", bindKey: bindKey("Ctrl-Shift-Z|Ctrl-Y", "Command-Shift-Z|Command-Y"), exec: function(editor) { editor.redo(); } }, { name: "copylinesup", bindKey: bindKey("Ctrl-Alt-Up", "Command-Option-Up"), exec: function(editor) { editor.copyLinesUp(); } }, { name: "movelinesup", bindKey: bindKey("Alt-Up", "Option-Up"), exec: function(editor) { editor.moveLinesUp(); } }, { name: "copylinesdown", bindKey: bindKey("Ctrl-Alt-Down", "Command-Option-Down"), exec: function(editor) { editor.copyLinesDown(); } }, { name: "movelinesdown", bindKey: bindKey("Alt-Down", "Option-Down"), exec: function(editor) { editor.moveLinesDown(); } }, { name: "del", bindKey: bindKey("Delete", "Delete|Ctrl-D"), exec: function(editor) { editor.remove("right"); } }, { name: "backspace", bindKey: bindKey( "Ctrl-Backspace|Command-Backspace|Option-Backspace|Shift-Backspace|Backspace", "Ctrl-Backspace|Command-Backspace|Shift-Backspace|Backspace|Ctrl-H" ), exec: function(editor) { editor.remove("left"); } }, { name: "removetolinestart", bindKey: bindKey("Alt-Backspace", "Option-Backspace"), exec: function(editor) { editor.removeToLineStart(); } }, { name: "removetolineend", bindKey: bindKey("Alt-Delete", "Ctrl-K"), exec: function(editor) { editor.removeToLineEnd(); } }, { name: "removewordleft", bindKey: bindKey("Ctrl-Backspace", "Alt-Backspace|Ctrl-Alt-Backspace"), exec: function(editor) { editor.removeWordLeft(); } }, { name: "removewordright", bindKey: bindKey("Ctrl-Delete", "Alt-Delete"), exec: function(editor) { editor.removeWordRight(); } }, { name: "outdent", bindKey: bindKey("Shift-Tab", "Shift-Tab"), exec: function(editor) { editor.blockOutdent(); } }, { name: "indent", bindKey: bindKey("Tab", "Tab"), exec: function(editor) { editor.indent(); } }, { name: "insertstring", exec: function(editor, str) { editor.insert(str); } }, { name: "inserttext", exec: function(editor, args) { editor.insert(lang.stringRepeat(args.text || "", args.times || 1)); } }, { name: "splitline", bindKey: bindKey(null, "Ctrl-O"), exec: function(editor) { editor.splitLine(); } }, { name: "transposeletters", bindKey: bindKey("Ctrl-T", "Ctrl-T"), exec: function(editor) { editor.transposeLetters(); } }, { name: "touppercase", bindKey: bindKey("Ctrl-U", "Ctrl-U"), exec: function(editor) { editor.toUpperCase(); } }, { name: "tolowercase", bindKey: bindKey("Ctrl-Shift-U", "Ctrl-Shift-U"), exec: function(editor) { editor.toLowerCase(); } }]; }); /* vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4: * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * Mihai Sucan <mihai DOT sucan AT gmail DOT com> * Julian Viereck <julian DOT viereck AT gmail DOT com> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/edit_session', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/lib/oop', 'ace/lib/lang', 'ace/lib/event_emitter', 'ace/selection', 'ace/mode/text', 'ace/range', 'ace/document', 'ace/background_tokenizer', 'ace/edit_session/folding', 'ace/edit_session/bracket_match'], function(require, exports, module) { var oop = require("./lib/oop"); var lang = require("./lib/lang"); var EventEmitter = require("./lib/event_emitter").EventEmitter; var Selection = require("./selection").Selection; var TextMode = require("./mode/text").Mode; var Range = require("./range").Range; var Document = require("./document").Document; var BackgroundTokenizer = require("./background_tokenizer").BackgroundTokenizer; var EditSession = function(text, mode) { this.$modified = true; this.$breakpoints = []; this.$frontMarkers = {}; this.$backMarkers = {}; this.$markerId = 1; this.$rowCache = []; this.$wrapData = []; this.$foldData = []; this.$foldData.toString = function() { var str = ""; this.forEach(function(foldLine) { str += "\n" + foldLine.toString(); }); return str; } if (text instanceof Document) { this.setDocument(text); } else { this.setDocument(new Document(text)); } this.selection = new Selection(this); if (mode) this.setMode(mode); else this.setMode(new TextMode()); }; (function() { oop.implement(this, EventEmitter); this.setDocument = function(doc) { if (this.doc) throw new Error("Document is already set"); this.doc = doc; doc.on("change", this.onChange.bind(this)); this.on("changeFold", this.onChangeFold.bind(this)); if (this.bgTokenizer) { this.bgTokenizer.setDocument(this.getDocument()); this.bgTokenizer.start(0); } }; this.getDocument = function() { return this.doc; }; this.$resetRowCache = function(row) { if (row == 0) { this.$rowCache = []; return; } var rowCache = this.$rowCache; for (var i = 0; i < rowCache.length; i++) { if (rowCache[i].docRow >= row) { rowCache.splice(i, rowCache.length); return; } } }; this.onChangeFold = function(e) { var fold = e.data; this.$resetRowCache(fold.start.row); }; this.onChange = function(e) { var delta = e.data; this.$modified = true; this.$resetRowCache(delta.range.start.row); var removedFolds = this.$updateInternalDataOnChange(e); if (!this.$fromUndo && this.$undoManager && !delta.ignore) { this.$deltasDoc.push(delta); if (removedFolds && removedFolds.length != 0) { this.$deltasFold.push({ action: "removeFolds", folds: removedFolds }); } this.$informUndoManager.schedule(); } this.bgTokenizer.start(delta.range.start.row); this._dispatchEvent("change", e); }; this.setValue = function(text) { this.doc.setValue(text); this.selection.moveCursorTo(0, 0); this.selection.clearSelection(); this.$resetRowCache(0); this.$deltas = []; this.$deltasDoc = []; this.$deltasFold = []; this.getUndoManager().reset(); }; this.getValue = this.toString = function() { return this.doc.getValue(); }; this.getSelection = function() { return this.selection; }; this.getState = function(row) { return this.bgTokenizer.getState(row); }; this.getTokens = function(firstRow, lastRow) { return this.bgTokenizer.getTokens(firstRow, lastRow); }; this.getTokenAt = function(row, column) { var tokens = this.bgTokenizer.getTokens(row, row)[0].tokens; var token, c = 0; if (column == null) { i = tokens.length - 1; c = this.getLine(row).length; } else { for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { c += tokens[i].value.length; if (c >= column) break; } } token = tokens[i]; if (!token) return null; token.index = i; token.start = c - token.value.length; return token; }; this.setUndoManager = function(undoManager) { this.$undoManager = undoManager; this.$resetRowCache(0); this.$deltas = []; this.$deltasDoc = []; this.$deltasFold = []; if (this.$informUndoManager) this.$informUndoManager.cancel(); if (undoManager) { var self = this; this.$syncInformUndoManager = function() { self.$informUndoManager.cancel(); if (self.$deltasFold.length) { self.$deltas.push({ group: "fold", deltas: self.$deltasFold }); self.$deltasFold = []; } if (self.$deltasDoc.length) { self.$deltas.push({ group: "doc", deltas: self.$deltasDoc }); self.$deltasDoc = []; } if (self.$deltas.length > 0) { undoManager.execute({ action: "aceupdate", args: [self.$deltas, self] }); } self.$deltas = []; } this.$informUndoManager = lang.deferredCall(this.$syncInformUndoManager); } }; this.$defaultUndoManager = { undo: function() {}, redo: function() {}, reset: function() {} }; this.getUndoManager = function() { return this.$undoManager || this.$defaultUndoManager; }, this.getTabString = function() { if (this.getUseSoftTabs()) { return lang.stringRepeat(" ", this.getTabSize()); } else { return "\t"; } }; this.$useSoftTabs = true; this.setUseSoftTabs = function(useSoftTabs) { if (this.$useSoftTabs === useSoftTabs) return; this.$useSoftTabs = useSoftTabs; }; this.getUseSoftTabs = function() { return this.$useSoftTabs; }; this.$tabSize = 4; this.setTabSize = function(tabSize) { if (isNaN(tabSize) || this.$tabSize === tabSize) return; this.$modified = true; this.$tabSize = tabSize; this._dispatchEvent("changeTabSize"); }; this.getTabSize = function() { return this.$tabSize; }; this.isTabStop = function(position) { return this.$useSoftTabs && (position.column % this.$tabSize == 0); }; this.$overwrite = false; this.setOverwrite = function(overwrite) { if (this.$overwrite == overwrite) return; this.$overwrite = overwrite; this._dispatchEvent("changeOverwrite"); }; this.getOverwrite = function() { return this.$overwrite; }; this.toggleOverwrite = function() { this.setOverwrite(!this.$overwrite); }; this.getBreakpoints = function() { return this.$breakpoints; }; this.setBreakpoints = function(rows) { this.$breakpoints = []; for (var i=0; i<rows.length; i++) { this.$breakpoints[rows[i]] = true; } this._dispatchEvent("changeBreakpoint", {}); }; this.clearBreakpoints = function() { this.$breakpoints = []; this._dispatchEvent("changeBreakpoint", {}); }; this.setBreakpoint = function(row) { this.$breakpoints[row] = true; this._dispatchEvent("changeBreakpoint", {}); }; this.clearBreakpoint = function(row) { delete this.$breakpoints[row]; this._dispatchEvent("changeBreakpoint", {}); }; this.getBreakpoints = function() { return this.$breakpoints; }; this.addMarker = function(range, clazz, type, inFront) { var id = this.$markerId++; var marker = { range : range, type : type || "line", renderer: typeof type == "function" ? type : null, clazz : clazz, inFront: !!inFront } if (inFront) { this.$frontMarkers[id] = marker; this._dispatchEvent("changeFrontMarker") } else { this.$backMarkers[id] = marker; this._dispatchEvent("changeBackMarker") } return id; }; this.removeMarker = function(markerId) { var marker = this.$frontMarkers[markerId] || this.$backMarkers[markerId]; if (!marker) return; var markers = marker.inFront ? this.$frontMarkers : this.$backMarkers; if (marker) { delete (markers[markerId]); this._dispatchEvent(marker.inFront ? "changeFrontMarker" : "changeBackMarker"); } }; this.getMarkers = function(inFront) { return inFront ? this.$frontMarkers : this.$backMarkers; }; /** * Error: * { * row: 12, * column: 2, //can be undefined * text: "Missing argument", * type: "error" // or "warning" or "info" * } */ this.setAnnotations = function(annotations) { this.$annotations = {}; for (var i=0; i<annotations.length; i++) { var annotation = annotations[i]; var row = annotation.row; if (this.$annotations[row]) this.$annotations[row].push(annotation); else this.$annotations[row] = [annotation]; } this._dispatchEvent("changeAnnotation", {}); }; this.getAnnotations = function() { return this.$annotations || {}; }; this.clearAnnotations = function() { this.$annotations = {}; this._dispatchEvent("changeAnnotation", {}); }; this.$detectNewLine = function(text) { var match = text.match(/^.*?(\r?\n)/m); if (match) { this.$autoNewLine = match[1]; } else { this.$autoNewLine = "\n"; } }; this.getWordRange = function(row, column) { var line = this.getLine(row); var inToken = false; if (column > 0) { inToken = !!line.charAt(column - 1).match(this.tokenRe); } if (!inToken) { inToken = !!line.charAt(column).match(this.tokenRe); } var re = inToken ? this.tokenRe : this.nonTokenRe; var start = column; if (start > 0) { do { start--; } while (start >= 0 && line.charAt(start).match(re)); start++; } var end = column; while (end < line.length && line.charAt(end).match(re)) { end++; } return new Range(row, start, row, end); }; // Gets the range of a word including its right whitespace this.getAWordRange = function(row, column) { var wordRange = this.getWordRange(row, column); var line = this.getLine(wordRange.end.row); while (line.charAt(wordRange.end.column).match(/[ \t]/)) { wordRange.end.column += 1; } return wordRange; }; this.setNewLineMode = function(newLineMode) { this.doc.setNewLineMode(newLineMode); }; this.getNewLineMode = function() { return this.doc.getNewLineMode(); }; this.$useWorker = true; this.setUseWorker = function(useWorker) { if (this.$useWorker == useWorker) return; this.$useWorker = useWorker; this.$stopWorker(); if (useWorker) this.$startWorker(); }; this.getUseWorker = function() { return this.$useWorker; }; this.onReloadTokenizer = function(e) { var rows = e.data; this.bgTokenizer.start(rows.first); this._dispatchEvent("tokenizerUpdate", e); }; this.$mode = null; this.setMode = function(mode) { if (this.$mode === mode) return; this.$mode = mode; this.$stopWorker(); if (this.$useWorker) this.$startWorker(); var tokenizer = mode.getTokenizer(); if(tokenizer.addEventListener !== undefined) { var onReloadTokenizer = this.onReloadTokenizer.bind(this); tokenizer.addEventListener("update", onReloadTokenizer); } if (!this.bgTokenizer) { this.bgTokenizer = new BackgroundTokenizer(tokenizer); var _self = this; this.bgTokenizer.addEventListener("update", function(e) { _self._dispatchEvent("tokenizerUpdate", e); }); } else { this.bgTokenizer.setTokenizer(tokenizer); } this.bgTokenizer.setDocument(this.getDocument()); this.bgTokenizer.start(0); this.tokenRe = mode.tokenRe; this.nonTokenRe = mode.nonTokenRe; this.$setFolding(mode.foldingRules); this._dispatchEvent("changeMode"); }; this.$stopWorker = function() { if (this.$worker) this.$worker.terminate(); this.$worker = null; }; this.$startWorker = function() { if (typeof Worker !== "undefined" && !require.noWorker) { try { this.$worker = this.$mode.createWorker(this); } catch (e) { console.log("Could not load worker"); console.log(e); this.$worker = null; } } else this.$worker = null; }; this.getMode = function() { return this.$mode; }; this.$scrollTop = 0; this.setScrollTopRow = function(scrollTopRow) { if (this.$scrollTop === scrollTopRow) return; this.$scrollTop = scrollTopRow; this._dispatchEvent("changeScrollTop"); }; this.getScrollTopRow = function() { return this.$scrollTop; }; this.getWidth = function() { this.$computeWidth(); return this.width; }; this.getScreenWidth = function() { this.$computeWidth(); return this.screenWidth; }; this.$computeWidth = function(force) { if (this.$modified || force) { this.$modified = false; var lines = this.doc.getAllLines(); var longestLine = 0; var longestScreenLine = 0; for ( var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var foldLine = this.getFoldLine(i), line, len; line = lines[i]; if (foldLine) { var end = foldLine.range.end; line = this.getFoldDisplayLine(foldLine); // Continue after the foldLine.end.row. All the lines in // between are folded. i = end.row; } len = line.length; longestLine = Math.max(longestLine, len); if (!this.$useWrapMode) { longestScreenLine = Math.max( longestScreenLine, this.$getStringScreenWidth(line)[0] ); } } this.width = longestLine; if (this.$useWrapMode) { this.screenWidth = this.$wrapLimit; } else { this.screenWidth = longestScreenLine; } } }; /** * Get a verbatim copy of the given line as it is in the document */ this.getLine = function(row) { return this.doc.getLine(row); }; this.getLines = function(firstRow, lastRow) { return this.doc.getLines(firstRow, lastRow); }; this.getLength = function() { return this.doc.getLength(); }; this.getTextRange = function(range) { return this.doc.getTextRange(range); }; this.insert = function(position, text) { return this.doc.insert(position, text); }; this.remove = function(range) { return this.doc.remove(range); }; this.undoChanges = function(deltas, dontSelect) { if (!deltas.length) return; this.$fromUndo = true; var lastUndoRange = null; for (var i = deltas.length - 1; i != -1; i--) { var delta = deltas[i]; if (delta.group == "doc") { this.doc.revertDeltas(delta.deltas); lastUndoRange = this.$getUndoSelection(delta.deltas, true, lastUndoRange); } else { delta.deltas.forEach(function(foldDelta) { this.addFolds(foldDelta.folds); }, this); } } this.$fromUndo = false; lastUndoRange && !dontSelect && this.selection.setSelectionRange(lastUndoRange); return lastUndoRange; }, this.redoChanges = function(deltas, dontSelect) { if (!deltas.length) return; this.$fromUndo = true; var lastUndoRange = null; for (var i = 0; i < deltas.length; i++) { var delta = deltas[i]; if (delta.group == "doc") { this.doc.applyDeltas(delta.deltas); lastUndoRange = this.$getUndoSelection(delta.deltas, false, lastUndoRange); } } this.$fromUndo = false; lastUndoRange && !dontSelect && this.selection.setSelectionRange(lastUndoRange); return lastUndoRange; }, this.$getUndoSelection = function(deltas, isUndo, lastUndoRange) { function isInsert(delta) { var insert = delta.action == "insertText" || delta.action == "insertLines"; return isUndo ? !insert : insert; } var delta = deltas[0]; var range, point; var lastDeltaIsInsert = false; if (isInsert(delta)) { range = delta.range.clone(); lastDeltaIsInsert = true; } else { range = Range.fromPoints(delta.range.start, delta.range.start); lastDeltaIsInsert = false; } for (var i = 1; i < deltas.length; i++) { delta = deltas[i]; if (isInsert(delta)) { point = delta.range.start; if (range.compare(point.row, point.column) == -1) { range.setStart(delta.range.start); } point = delta.range.end; if (range.compare(point.row, point.column) == 1) { range.setEnd(delta.range.end); } lastDeltaIsInsert = true; } else { point = delta.range.start; if (range.compare(point.row, point.column) == -1) { range = Range.fromPoints(delta.range.start, delta.range.start); } lastDeltaIsInsert = false; } } // Check if this range and the last undo range has something in common. // If true, merge the ranges. if (lastUndoRange != null) { var cmp = lastUndoRange.compareRange(range); if (cmp == 1) { range.setStart(lastUndoRange.start); } else if (cmp == -1) { range.setEnd(lastUndoRange.end); } } return range; }, this.replace = function(range, text) { return this.doc.replace(range, text); }; /** * Move a range of text from the given range to the given position. * * @param fromRange {Range} The range of text you want moved within the * document. * @param toPosition {Object} The location (row and column) where you want * to move the text to. * @return {Range} The new range where the text was moved to. */ this.moveText = function(fromRange, toPosition) { var text = this.getTextRange(fromRange); this.remove(fromRange); var toRow = toPosition.row; var toColumn = toPosition.column; // Make sure to update the insert location, when text is removed in // front of the chosen point of insertion. if (!fromRange.isMultiLine() && fromRange.start.row == toRow && fromRange.end.column < toColumn) toColumn -= text.length; if (fromRange.isMultiLine() && fromRange.end.row < toRow) { var lines = this.doc.$split(text); toRow -= lines.length - 1; } var endRow = toRow + fromRange.end.row - fromRange.start.row; var endColumn = fromRange.isMultiLine() ? fromRange.end.column : toColumn + fromRange.end.column - fromRange.start.column; var toRange = new Range(toRow, toColumn, endRow, endColumn); this.insert(toRange.start, text); return toRange; }; this.indentRows = function(startRow, endRow, indentString) { indentString = indentString.replace(/\t/g, this.getTabString()); for (var row=startRow; row<=endRow; row++) this.insert({row: row, column:0}, indentString); }; this.outdentRows = function (range) { var rowRange = range.collapseRows(); var deleteRange = new Range(0, 0, 0, 0); var size = this.getTabSize(); for (var i = rowRange.start.row; i <= rowRange.end.row; ++i) { var line = this.getLine(i); deleteRange.start.row = i; deleteRange.end.row = i; for (var j = 0; j < size; ++j) if (line.charAt(j) != ' ') break; if (j < size && line.charAt(j) == '\t') { deleteRange.start.column = j; deleteRange.end.column = j + 1; } else { deleteRange.start.column = 0; deleteRange.end.column = j; } this.remove(deleteRange); } }; this.moveLinesUp = function(firstRow, lastRow) { if (firstRow <= 0) return 0; var removed = this.doc.removeLines(firstRow, lastRow); this.doc.insertLines(firstRow - 1, removed); return -1; }; this.moveLinesDown = function(firstRow, lastRow) { if (lastRow >= this.doc.getLength()-1) return 0; var removed = this.doc.removeLines(firstRow, lastRow); this.doc.insertLines(firstRow+1, removed); return 1; }; this.duplicateLines = function(firstRow, lastRow) { var firstRow = this.$clipRowToDocument(firstRow); var lastRow = this.$clipRowToDocument(lastRow); var lines = this.getLines(firstRow, lastRow); this.doc.insertLines(firstRow, lines); var addedRows = lastRow - firstRow + 1; return addedRows; }; this.$clipRowToDocument = function(row) { return Math.max(0, Math.min(row, this.doc.getLength()-1)); }; this.$clipColumnToRow = function(row, column) { if (column < 0) return 0; return Math.min(this.doc.getLine(row).length, column); }; this.$clipPositionToDocument = function(row, column) { column = Math.max(0, column); if (row < 0) { row = 0; column = 0; } else { var len = this.doc.getLength(); if (row >= len) { row = len - 1; column = this.doc.getLine(len-1).length; } else { column = Math.min(this.doc.getLine(row).length, column); } } return { row: row, column: column }; }; this.$clipRangeToDocument = function(range) { if (range.start.row < 0) { range.start.row = 0; range.start.column = 0 } else { range.start.column = this.$clipColumnToRow( range.start.row, range.start.column ); } var len = this.doc.getLength() - 1; if (range.end.row > len) { range.end.row = len; range.end.column = this.doc.getLine(len).length; } else { range.end.column = this.$clipColumnToRow( range.end.row, range.end.column ); } return range; }; // WRAPMODE this.$wrapLimit = 80; this.$useWrapMode = false; this.$wrapLimitRange = { min : null, max : null }; this.setUseWrapMode = function(useWrapMode) { if (useWrapMode != this.$useWrapMode) { this.$useWrapMode = useWrapMode; this.$modified = true; this.$resetRowCache(0); // If wrapMode is activaed, the wrapData array has to be initialized. if (useWrapMode) { var len = this.getLength(); this.$wrapData = []; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { this.$wrapData.push([]); } this.$updateWrapData(0, len - 1); } this._dispatchEvent("changeWrapMode"); } }; this.getUseWrapMode = function() { return this.$useWrapMode; }; // Allow the wrap limit to move freely between min and max. Either // parameter can be null to allow the wrap limit to be unconstrained // in that direction. Or set both parameters to the same number to pin // the limit to that value. this.setWrapLimitRange = function(min, max) { if (this.$wrapLimitRange.min !== min || this.$wrapLimitRange.max !== max) { this.$wrapLimitRange.min = min; this.$wrapLimitRange.max = max; this.$modified = true; // This will force a recalculation of the wrap limit this._dispatchEvent("changeWrapMode"); } }; // This should generally only be called by the renderer when a resize // is detected. this.adjustWrapLimit = function(desiredLimit) { var wrapLimit = this.$constrainWrapLimit(desiredLimit); if (wrapLimit != this.$wrapLimit && wrapLimit > 0) { this.$wrapLimit = wrapLimit; this.$modified = true; if (this.$useWrapMode) { this.$updateWrapData(0, this.getLength() - 1); this.$resetRowCache(0) this._dispatchEvent("changeWrapLimit"); } return true; } return false; }; this.$constrainWrapLimit = function(wrapLimit) { var min = this.$wrapLimitRange.min; if (min) wrapLimit = Math.max(min, wrapLimit); var max = this.$wrapLimitRange.max; if (max) wrapLimit = Math.min(max, wrapLimit); // What would a limit of 0 even mean? return Math.max(1, wrapLimit); }; this.getWrapLimit = function() { return this.$wrapLimit; }; this.getWrapLimitRange = function() { // Avoid unexpected mutation by returning a copy return { min : this.$wrapLimitRange.min, max : this.$wrapLimitRange.max }; }; this.$updateInternalDataOnChange = function(e) { var useWrapMode = this.$useWrapMode; var len; var action = e.data.action; var firstRow = e.data.range.start.row, lastRow = e.data.range.end.row, start = e.data.range.start, end = e.data.range.end; var removedFolds = null; if (action.indexOf("Lines") != -1) { if (action == "insertLines") { lastRow = firstRow + (e.data.lines.length); } else { lastRow = firstRow; } len = e.data.lines ? e.data.lines.length : lastRow - firstRow; } else { len = lastRow - firstRow; } if (len != 0) { if (action.indexOf("remove") != -1) { useWrapMode && this.$wrapData.splice(firstRow, len); var foldLines = this.$foldData; removedFolds = this.getFoldsInRange(e.data.range); this.removeFolds(removedFolds); var foldLine = this.getFoldLine(end.row); var idx = 0; if (foldLine) { foldLine.addRemoveChars(end.row, end.column, start.column - end.column); foldLine.shiftRow(-len); var foldLineBefore = this.getFoldLine(firstRow); if (foldLineBefore && foldLineBefore !== foldLine) { foldLineBefore.merge(foldLine); foldLine = foldLineBefore; } idx = foldLines.indexOf(foldLine) + 1; } for (idx; idx < foldLines.length; idx++) { var foldLine = foldLines[idx]; if (foldLine.start.row >= end.row) { foldLine.shiftRow(-len); } } lastRow = firstRow; } else { var args; if (useWrapMode) { args = [firstRow, 0]; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) args.push([]); this.$wrapData.splice.apply(this.$wrapData, args); } // If some new line is added inside of a foldLine, then split // the fold line up. var foldLines = this.$foldData; var foldLine = this.getFoldLine(firstRow); var idx = 0; if (foldLine) { var cmp = foldLine.range.compareInside(start.row, start.column) // Inside of the foldLine range. Need to split stuff up. if (cmp == 0) { foldLine = foldLine.split(start.row, start.column); foldLine.shiftRow(len); foldLine.addRemoveChars( lastRow, 0, end.column - start.column); } else // Infront of the foldLine but same row. Need to shift column. if (cmp == -1) { foldLine.addRemoveChars(firstRow, 0, end.column - start.column); foldLine.shiftRow(len); } // Nothing to do if the insert is after the foldLine. idx = foldLines.indexOf(foldLine) + 1; } for (idx; idx < foldLines.length; idx++) { var foldLine = foldLines[idx]; if (foldLine.start.row >= firstRow) { foldLine.shiftRow(len); } } } } else { // Realign folds. E.g. if you add some new chars before a fold, the // fold should "move" to the right. len = Math.abs(e.data.range.start.column - e.data.range.end.column); if (action.indexOf("remove") != -1) { // Get all the folds in the change range and remove them. removedFolds = this.getFoldsInRange(e.data.range); this.removeFolds(removedFolds); len = -len; } var foldLine = this.getFoldLine(firstRow); if (foldLine) { foldLine.addRemoveChars(firstRow, start.column, len); } } if (useWrapMode && this.$wrapData.length != this.doc.getLength()) { console.error("doc.getLength() and $wrapData.length have to be the same!"); } useWrapMode && this.$updateWrapData(firstRow, lastRow); return removedFolds; }; this.$updateWrapData = function(firstRow, lastRow) { var lines = this.doc.getAllLines(); var tabSize = this.getTabSize(); var wrapData = this.$wrapData; var wrapLimit = this.$wrapLimit; var tokens; var foldLine; var row = firstRow; lastRow = Math.min(lastRow, lines.length - 1); while (row <= lastRow) { foldLine = this.getFoldLine(row, foldLine); if (!foldLine) { tokens = this.$getDisplayTokens(lang.stringTrimRight(lines[row])); wrapData[row] = this.$computeWrapSplits(tokens, wrapLimit, tabSize); row ++; } else { tokens = []; foldLine.walk( function(placeholder, row, column, lastColumn) { var walkTokens; if (placeholder) { walkTokens = this.$getDisplayTokens( placeholder, tokens.length); walkTokens[0] = PLACEHOLDER_START; for (var i = 1; i < walkTokens.length; i++) { walkTokens[i] = PLACEHOLDER_BODY; } } else { walkTokens = this.$getDisplayTokens( lines[row].substring(lastColumn, column), tokens.length); } tokens = tokens.concat(walkTokens); }.bind(this), foldLine.end.row, lines[foldLine.end.row].length + 1 ); // Remove spaces/tabs from the back of the token array. while (tokens.length != 0 && tokens[tokens.length - 1] >= SPACE) tokens.pop(); wrapData[foldLine.start.row] = this.$computeWrapSplits(tokens, wrapLimit, tabSize); row = foldLine.end.row + 1; } } }; // "Tokens" var CHAR = 1, CHAR_EXT = 2, PLACEHOLDER_START = 3, PLACEHOLDER_BODY = 4, PUNCTUATION = 9, SPACE = 10, TAB = 11, TAB_SPACE = 12; this.$computeWrapSplits = function(tokens, wrapLimit, tabSize) { if (tokens.length == 0) { return []; } var splits = []; var displayLength = tokens.length; var lastSplit = 0, lastDocSplit = 0; function addSplit(screenPos) { var displayed = tokens.slice(lastSplit, screenPos); // The document size is the current size - the extra width for tabs // and multipleWidth characters. var len = displayed.length; displayed.join(""). // Get all the TAB_SPACEs. replace(/12/g, function(m) { len -= 1; }). // Get all the CHAR_EXT/multipleWidth characters. replace(/2/g, function(m) { len -= 1; }); lastDocSplit += len; splits.push(lastDocSplit); lastSplit = screenPos; } while (displayLength - lastSplit > wrapLimit) { // This is, where the split should be. var split = lastSplit + wrapLimit; // If there is a space or tab at this split position, then making // a split is simple. if (tokens[split] >= SPACE) { // Include all following spaces + tabs in this split as well. while (tokens[split] >= SPACE) { split ++; } addSplit(split); continue; } // === ELSE === // Check if split is inside of a placeholder. Placeholder are // not splitable. Therefore, seek the beginning of the placeholder // and try to place the split beofre the placeholder's start. if (tokens[split] == PLACEHOLDER_START || tokens[split] == PLACEHOLDER_BODY) { // Seek the start of the placeholder and do the split // before the placeholder. By definition there always // a PLACEHOLDER_START between split and lastSplit. for (split; split != lastSplit - 1; split--) { if (tokens[split] == PLACEHOLDER_START) { // split++; << No incremental here as we want to // have the position before the Placeholder. break; } } // If the PLACEHOLDER_START is not the index of the // last split, then we can do the split if (split > lastSplit) { addSplit(split); continue; } // If the PLACEHOLDER_START IS the index of the last // split, then we have to place the split after the // placeholder. So, let's seek for the end of the placeholder. split = lastSplit + wrapLimit; for (split; split < tokens.length; split++) { if (tokens[split] != PLACEHOLDER_BODY) { break; } } // If spilt == tokens.length, then the placeholder is the last // thing in the line and adding a new split doesn't make sense. if (split == tokens.length) { break; // Breaks the while-loop. } // Finally, add the split... addSplit(split); continue; } // === ELSE === // Search for the first non space/tab/placeholder/punctuation token backwards. var minSplit = Math.max(split - 10, lastSplit - 1); while (split > minSplit && tokens[split] < PLACEHOLDER_START) { split --; } while (split > minSplit && tokens[split] == PUNCTUATION) { split --; } // If we found one, then add the split. if (split > minSplit) { addSplit(++split); continue; } // === ELSE === split = lastSplit + wrapLimit; // The split is inside of a CHAR or CHAR_EXT token and no space // around -> force a split. addSplit(split); } return splits; } /** * @param * offset: The offset in screenColumn at which position str starts. * Important for calculating the realTabSize. */ this.$getDisplayTokens = function(str, offset) { var arr = []; var tabSize; offset = offset || 0; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { var c = str.charCodeAt(i); // Tab if (c == 9) { tabSize = this.getScreenTabSize(arr.length + offset); arr.push(TAB); for (var n = 1; n < tabSize; n++) { arr.push(TAB_SPACE); } } // Space else if (c == 32) { arr.push(SPACE); } else if((c > 39 && c < 48) || (c > 57 && c < 64)) { arr.push(PUNCTUATION); } // full width characters else if (c >= 0x1100 && isFullWidth(c)) { arr.push(CHAR, CHAR_EXT); } else { arr.push(CHAR); } } return arr; } /** * Calculates the width of the a string on the screen while assuming that * the string starts at the first column on the screen. * * @param string str String to calculate the screen width of * @return array * [0]: number of columns for str on screen. * [1]: docColumn position that was read until (useful with screenColumn) */ this.$getStringScreenWidth = function(str, maxScreenColumn, screenColumn) { if (maxScreenColumn == 0) { return [0, 0]; } if (maxScreenColumn == null) { maxScreenColumn = screenColumn + str.length * Math.max(this.getTabSize(), 2); } screenColumn = screenColumn || 0; var c, column; for (column = 0; column < str.length; column++) { c = str.charCodeAt(column); // tab if (c == 9) { screenColumn += this.getScreenTabSize(screenColumn); } // full width characters else if (c >= 0x1100 && isFullWidth(c)) { screenColumn += 2; } else { screenColumn += 1; } if (screenColumn > maxScreenColumn) { break } } return [screenColumn, column]; } /** * Returns the number of rows required to render this row on the screen */ this.getRowLength = function(row) { if (!this.$useWrapMode || !this.$wrapData[row]) { return 1; } else { return this.$wrapData[row].length + 1; } } /** * Returns the height in pixels required to render this row on the screen **/ this.getRowHeight = function(config, row) { return this.getRowLength(row) * config.lineHeight; } this.getScreenLastRowColumn = function(screenRow) { //return this.screenToDocumentColumn(screenRow, Number.MAX_VALUE / 10) return this.documentToScreenColumn(screenRow, this.doc.getLine(screenRow).length); }; this.getDocumentLastRowColumn = function(docRow, docColumn) { var screenRow = this.documentToScreenRow(docRow, docColumn); return this.getScreenLastRowColumn(screenRow); }; this.getDocumentLastRowColumnPosition = function(docRow, docColumn) { var screenRow = this.documentToScreenRow(docRow, docColumn); return this.screenToDocumentPosition(screenRow, Number.MAX_VALUE / 10); }; this.getRowSplitData = function(row) { if (!this.$useWrapMode) { return undefined; } else { return this.$wrapData[row]; } }; /** * Returns the width of a tab character at screenColumn. */ this.getScreenTabSize = function(screenColumn) { return this.$tabSize - screenColumn % this.$tabSize; }; this.screenToDocumentRow = function(screenRow, screenColumn) { return this.screenToDocumentPosition(screenRow, screenColumn).row; }; this.screenToDocumentColumn = function(screenRow, screenColumn) { return this.screenToDocumentPosition(screenRow, screenColumn).column; }; this.screenToDocumentPosition = function(screenRow, screenColumn) { if (screenRow < 0) { return { row: 0, column: 0 } } var line; var docRow = 0; var docColumn = 0; var column; var row = 0; var rowLength = 0; var rowCache = this.$rowCache; for (var i = 0; i < rowCache.length; i++) { if (rowCache[i].screenRow < screenRow) { row = rowCache[i].screenRow; docRow = rowCache[i].docRow; } else { break; } } var doCache = !rowCache.length || i == rowCache.length; var maxRow = this.getLength() - 1; var foldLine = this.getNextFoldLine(docRow); var foldStart = foldLine ? foldLine.start.row : Infinity; while (row <= screenRow) { rowLength = this.getRowLength(docRow); if (row + rowLength - 1 >= screenRow || docRow >= maxRow) { break; } else { row += rowLength; docRow++; if (docRow > foldStart) { docRow = foldLine.end.row+1; foldLine = this.getNextFoldLine(docRow, foldLine); foldStart = foldLine ? foldLine.start.row : Infinity; } } if (doCache) { rowCache.push({ docRow: docRow, screenRow: row }); } } if (foldLine && foldLine.start.row <= docRow) { line = this.getFoldDisplayLine(foldLine); docRow = foldLine.start.row; } else if (row + rowLength <= screenRow || docRow > maxRow) { // clip at the end of the document return { row: maxRow, column: this.getLine(maxRow).length } } else { line = this.getLine(docRow); foldLine = null; } if (this.$useWrapMode) { var splits = this.$wrapData[docRow]; if (splits) { column = splits[screenRow - row]; if(screenRow > row && splits.length) { docColumn = splits[screenRow - row - 1] || splits[splits.length - 1]; line = line.substring(docColumn); } } } docColumn += this.$getStringScreenWidth(line, screenColumn)[1]; // Need to do some clamping action here. if (this.$useWrapMode) { if (docColumn >= column) { // We remove one character at the end such that the docColumn // position returned is not associated to the next row on the // screen. docColumn = column - 1; } } else { docColumn = Math.min(docColumn, line.length); } if (foldLine) { return foldLine.idxToPosition(docColumn); } return { row: docRow, column: docColumn } }; this.documentToScreenPosition = function(docRow, docColumn) { // Normalize the passed in arguments. if (typeof docColumn === "undefined") var pos = this.$clipPositionToDocument(docRow.row, docRow.column); else pos = this.$clipPositionToDocument(docRow, docColumn); docRow = pos.row; docColumn = pos.column; var wrapData; // Special case in wrapMode if the doc is at the end of the document. if (this.$useWrapMode) { wrapData = this.$wrapData; if (docRow > wrapData.length - 1) { return { row: this.getScreenLength(), column: wrapData.length == 0 ? 0 : (wrapData[wrapData.length - 1].length - 1) }; } } var screenRow = 0; var foldStartRow = null; var fold = null; // Clamp the docRow position in case it's inside of a folded block. fold = this.getFoldAt(docRow, docColumn, 1); if (fold) { docRow = fold.start.row; docColumn = fold.start.column; } var rowEnd, row = 0; var rowCache = this.$rowCache; for (var i = 0; i < rowCache.length; i++) { if (rowCache[i].docRow < docRow) { screenRow = rowCache[i].screenRow; row = rowCache[i].docRow; } else { break; } } var doCache = !rowCache.length || i == rowCache.length; var foldLine = this.getNextFoldLine(row); var foldStart = foldLine ?foldLine.start.row :Infinity; while (row < docRow) { if (row >= foldStart) { rowEnd = foldLine.end.row + 1; if (rowEnd > docRow) break; foldLine = this.getNextFoldLine(rowEnd, foldLine); foldStart = foldLine ?foldLine.start.row :Infinity; } else { rowEnd = row + 1; } screenRow += this.getRowLength(row); row = rowEnd; if (doCache) { rowCache.push({ docRow: row, screenRow: screenRow }); } } // Calculate the text line that is displayed in docRow on the screen. var textLine = ""; // Check if the final row we want to reach is inside of a fold. if (foldLine && row >= foldStart) { textLine = this.getFoldDisplayLine(foldLine, docRow, docColumn); foldStartRow = foldLine.start.row; } else { textLine = this.getLine(docRow).substring(0, docColumn); foldStartRow = docRow; } // Clamp textLine if in wrapMode. if (this.$useWrapMode) { var wrapRow = wrapData[foldStartRow]; var screenRowOffset = 0; while (textLine.length >= wrapRow[screenRowOffset]) { screenRow ++; screenRowOffset++; } textLine = textLine.substring( wrapRow[screenRowOffset - 1] || 0, textLine.length ); } return { row: screenRow, column: this.$getStringScreenWidth(textLine)[0] }; }; this.documentToScreenColumn = function(row, docColumn) { return this.documentToScreenPosition(row, docColumn).column; }; this.documentToScreenRow = function(docRow, docColumn) { return this.documentToScreenPosition(docRow, docColumn).row; }; this.getScreenLength = function() { var screenRows = 0; var fold = null; if (!this.$useWrapMode) { screenRows = this.getLength(); // Remove the folded lines again. var foldData = this.$foldData; for (var i = 0; i < foldData.length; i++) { fold = foldData[i]; screenRows -= fold.end.row - fold.start.row; } } else { var lastRow = this.$wrapData.length; var row = 0, i = 0; var fold = this.$foldData[i++]; var foldStart = fold ? fold.start.row :Infinity; while (row < lastRow) { screenRows += this.$wrapData[row].length + 1; row ++; if (row > foldStart) { row = fold.end.row+1; fold = this.$foldData[i++]; foldStart = fold ?fold.start.row :Infinity; } } } return screenRows; } // For every keystroke this gets called once per char in the whole doc!! // Wouldn't hurt to make it a bit faster for c >= 0x1100 function isFullWidth(c) { if (c < 0x1100) return false; return c >= 0x1100 && c <= 0x115F || c >= 0x11A3 && c <= 0x11A7 || c >= 0x11FA && c <= 0x11FF || c >= 0x2329 && c <= 0x232A || c >= 0x2E80 && c <= 0x2E99 || c >= 0x2E9B && c <= 0x2EF3 || c >= 0x2F00 && c <= 0x2FD5 || c >= 0x2FF0 && c <= 0x2FFB || c >= 0x3000 && c <= 0x303E || c >= 0x3041 && c <= 0x3096 || c >= 0x3099 && c <= 0x30FF || c >= 0x3105 && c <= 0x312D || c >= 0x3131 && c <= 0x318E || c >= 0x3190 && c <= 0x31BA || c >= 0x31C0 && c <= 0x31E3 || c >= 0x31F0 && c <= 0x321E || c >= 0x3220 && c <= 0x3247 || c >= 0x3250 && c <= 0x32FE || c >= 0x3300 && c <= 0x4DBF || c >= 0x4E00 && c <= 0xA48C || c >= 0xA490 && c <= 0xA4C6 || c >= 0xA960 && c <= 0xA97C || c >= 0xAC00 && c <= 0xD7A3 || c >= 0xD7B0 && c <= 0xD7C6 || c >= 0xD7CB && c <= 0xD7FB || c >= 0xF900 && c <= 0xFAFF || c >= 0xFE10 && c <= 0xFE19 || c >= 0xFE30 && c <= 0xFE52 || c >= 0xFE54 && c <= 0xFE66 || c >= 0xFE68 && c <= 0xFE6B || c >= 0xFF01 && c <= 0xFF60 || c >= 0xFFE0 && c <= 0xFFE6; }; }).call(EditSession.prototype); require("./edit_session/folding").Folding.call(EditSession.prototype); require("./edit_session/bracket_match").BracketMatch.call(EditSession.prototype); exports.EditSession = EditSession; }); /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * Julian Viereck <julian.viereck@gmail.com> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/selection', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/lib/oop', 'ace/lib/lang', 'ace/lib/event_emitter', 'ace/range'], function(require, exports, module) { var oop = require("./lib/oop"); var lang = require("./lib/lang"); var EventEmitter = require("./lib/event_emitter").EventEmitter; var Range = require("./range").Range; /** * Keeps cursor position and the text selection of an edit session. * * The row/columns used in the selection are in document coordinates * representing ths coordinates as thez appear in the document * before applying soft wrap and folding. */ var Selection = function(session) { this.session = session; this.doc = session.getDocument(); this.clearSelection(); this.selectionLead = this.doc.createAnchor(0, 0); this.selectionAnchor = this.doc.createAnchor(0, 0); var _self = this; this.selectionLead.on("change", function(e) { _self._dispatchEvent("changeCursor"); if (!_self.$isEmpty) _self._dispatchEvent("changeSelection"); if (!_self.$preventUpdateDesiredColumnOnChange && e.old.column != e.value.column) _self.$updateDesiredColumn(); }); this.selectionAnchor.on("change", function() { if (!_self.$isEmpty) _self._dispatchEvent("changeSelection"); }); }; (function() { oop.implement(this, EventEmitter); this.isEmpty = function() { return (this.$isEmpty || ( this.selectionAnchor.row == this.selectionLead.row && this.selectionAnchor.column == this.selectionLead.column )); }; this.isMultiLine = function() { if (this.isEmpty()) { return false; } return this.getRange().isMultiLine(); }; this.getCursor = function() { return this.selectionLead.getPosition(); }; this.setSelectionAnchor = function(row, column) { this.selectionAnchor.setPosition(row, column); if (this.$isEmpty) { this.$isEmpty = false; this._dispatchEvent("changeSelection"); } }; this.getSelectionAnchor = function() { if (this.$isEmpty) return this.getSelectionLead() else return this.selectionAnchor.getPosition(); }; this.getSelectionLead = function() { return this.selectionLead.getPosition(); }; this.shiftSelection = function(columns) { if (this.$isEmpty) { this.moveCursorTo(this.selectionLead.row, this.selectionLead.column + columns); return; }; var anchor = this.getSelectionAnchor(); var lead = this.getSelectionLead(); var isBackwards = this.isBackwards(); if (!isBackwards || anchor.column !== 0) this.setSelectionAnchor(anchor.row, anchor.column + columns); if (isBackwards || lead.column !== 0) { this.$moveSelection(function() { this.moveCursorTo(lead.row, lead.column + columns); }); } }; this.isBackwards = function() { var anchor = this.selectionAnchor; var lead = this.selectionLead; return (anchor.row > lead.row || (anchor.row == lead.row && anchor.column > lead.column)); }; this.getRange = function() { var anchor = this.selectionAnchor; var lead = this.selectionLead; if (this.isEmpty()) return Range.fromPoints(lead, lead); if (this.isBackwards()) { return Range.fromPoints(lead, anchor); } else { return Range.fromPoints(anchor, lead); } }; this.clearSelection = function() { if (!this.$isEmpty) { this.$isEmpty = true; this._dispatchEvent("changeSelection"); } }; this.selectAll = function() { var lastRow = this.doc.getLength() - 1; this.setSelectionAnchor(lastRow, this.doc.getLine(lastRow).length); this.moveCursorTo(0, 0); }; this.setSelectionRange = function(range, reverse) { if (reverse) { this.setSelectionAnchor(range.end.row, range.end.column); this.selectTo(range.start.row, range.start.column); } else { this.setSelectionAnchor(range.start.row, range.start.column); this.selectTo(range.end.row, range.end.column); } this.$updateDesiredColumn(); }; this.$updateDesiredColumn = function() { var cursor = this.getCursor(); this.$desiredColumn = this.session.documentToScreenColumn(cursor.row, cursor.column); }; this.$moveSelection = function(mover) { var lead = this.selectionLead; if (this.$isEmpty) this.setSelectionAnchor(lead.row, lead.column); mover.call(this); }; this.selectTo = function(row, column) { this.$moveSelection(function() { this.moveCursorTo(row, column); }); }; this.selectToPosition = function(pos) { this.$moveSelection(function() { this.moveCursorToPosition(pos); }); }; this.selectUp = function() { this.$moveSelection(this.moveCursorUp); }; this.selectDown = function() { this.$moveSelection(this.moveCursorDown); }; this.selectRight = function() { this.$moveSelection(this.moveCursorRight); }; this.selectLeft = function() { this.$moveSelection(this.moveCursorLeft); }; this.selectLineStart = function() { this.$moveSelection(this.moveCursorLineStart); }; this.selectLineEnd = function() { this.$moveSelection(this.moveCursorLineEnd); }; this.selectFileEnd = function() { this.$moveSelection(this.moveCursorFileEnd); }; this.selectFileStart = function() { this.$moveSelection(this.moveCursorFileStart); }; this.selectWordRight = function() { this.$moveSelection(this.moveCursorWordRight); }; this.selectWordLeft = function() { this.$moveSelection(this.moveCursorWordLeft); }; this.selectWord = function() { var cursor = this.getCursor(); var range = this.session.getWordRange(cursor.row, cursor.column); this.setSelectionRange(range); }; // Selects a word including its right whitespace this.selectAWord = function() { var cursor = this.getCursor(); var range = this.session.getAWordRange(cursor.row, cursor.column); this.setSelectionRange(range); }; this.selectLine = function() { var rowStart = this.selectionLead.row; var rowEnd; var foldLine = this.session.getFoldLine(rowStart); if (foldLine) { rowStart = foldLine.start.row; rowEnd = foldLine.end.row; } else { rowEnd = rowStart; } this.setSelectionAnchor(rowStart, 0); this.$moveSelection(function() { this.moveCursorTo(rowEnd + 1, 0); }); }; this.moveCursorUp = function() { this.moveCursorBy(-1, 0); }; this.moveCursorDown = function() { this.moveCursorBy(1, 0); }; this.moveCursorLeft = function() { var cursor = this.selectionLead.getPosition(), fold; if (fold = this.session.getFoldAt(cursor.row, cursor.column, -1)) { this.moveCursorTo(fold.start.row, fold.start.column); } else if (cursor.column == 0) { // cursor is a line (start if (cursor.row > 0) { this.moveCursorTo(cursor.row - 1, this.doc.getLine(cursor.row - 1).length); } } else { var tabSize = this.session.getTabSize(); if (this.session.isTabStop(cursor) && this.doc.getLine(cursor.row).slice(cursor.column-tabSize, cursor.column).split(" ").length-1 == tabSize) this.moveCursorBy(0, -tabSize); else this.moveCursorBy(0, -1); } }; this.moveCursorRight = function() { var cursor = this.selectionLead.getPosition(), fold; if (fold = this.session.getFoldAt(cursor.row, cursor.column, 1)) { this.moveCursorTo(fold.end.row, fold.end.column); } else if (this.selectionLead.column == this.doc.getLine(this.selectionLead.row).length) { if (this.selectionLead.row < this.doc.getLength() - 1) { this.moveCursorTo(this.selectionLead.row + 1, 0); } } else { var tabSize = this.session.getTabSize(); var cursor = this.selectionLead; if (this.session.isTabStop(cursor) && this.doc.getLine(cursor.row).slice(cursor.column, cursor.column+tabSize).split(" ").length-1 == tabSize) this.moveCursorBy(0, tabSize); else this.moveCursorBy(0, 1); } }; this.moveCursorLineStart = function() { var row = this.selectionLead.row; var column = this.selectionLead.column; var screenRow = this.session.documentToScreenRow(row, column); // Determ the doc-position of the first character at the screen line. var firstColumnPosition = this.session.screenToDocumentPosition(screenRow, 0); // Determ the line var beforeCursor = this.session.getDisplayLine( row, null, firstColumnPosition.row, firstColumnPosition.column ); var leadingSpace = beforeCursor.match(/^\s*/); if (leadingSpace[0].length == column) { this.moveCursorTo( firstColumnPosition.row, firstColumnPosition.column ); } else { this.moveCursorTo( firstColumnPosition.row, firstColumnPosition.column + leadingSpace[0].length ); } }; this.moveCursorLineEnd = function() { var lead = this.selectionLead; var lastRowColumnPosition = this.session.getDocumentLastRowColumnPosition(lead.row, lead.column); this.moveCursorTo( lastRowColumnPosition.row, lastRowColumnPosition.column ); }; this.moveCursorFileEnd = function() { var row = this.doc.getLength() - 1; var column = this.doc.getLine(row).length; this.moveCursorTo(row, column); }; this.moveCursorFileStart = function() { this.moveCursorTo(0, 0); }; this.moveCursorWordRight = function() { var row = this.selectionLead.row; var column = this.selectionLead.column; var line = this.doc.getLine(row); var rightOfCursor = line.substring(column); var match; this.session.nonTokenRe.lastIndex = 0; this.session.tokenRe.lastIndex = 0; var fold; if (fold = this.session.getFoldAt(row, column, 1)) { this.moveCursorTo(fold.end.row, fold.end.column); return; } else if (column == line.length) { this.moveCursorRight(); return; } else if (match = this.session.nonTokenRe.exec(rightOfCursor)) { column += this.session.nonTokenRe.lastIndex; this.session.nonTokenRe.lastIndex = 0; } else if (match = this.session.tokenRe.exec(rightOfCursor)) { column += this.session.tokenRe.lastIndex; this.session.tokenRe.lastIndex = 0; } this.moveCursorTo(row, column); }; this.moveCursorWordLeft = function() { var row = this.selectionLead.row; var column = this.selectionLead.column; var fold; if (fold = this.session.getFoldAt(row, column, -1)) { this.moveCursorTo(fold.start.row, fold.start.column); return; } if (column == 0) { this.moveCursorLeft(); return; } var str = this.session.getFoldStringAt(row, column, -1); if (str == null) { str = this.doc.getLine(row).substring(0, column) } var leftOfCursor = lang.stringReverse(str); var match; this.session.nonTokenRe.lastIndex = 0; this.session.tokenRe.lastIndex = 0; if (match = this.session.nonTokenRe.exec(leftOfCursor)) { column -= this.session.nonTokenRe.lastIndex; this.session.nonTokenRe.lastIndex = 0; } else if (match = this.session.tokenRe.exec(leftOfCursor)) { column -= this.session.tokenRe.lastIndex; this.session.tokenRe.lastIndex = 0; } this.moveCursorTo(row, column); }; this.moveCursorBy = function(rows, chars) { var screenPos = this.session.documentToScreenPosition( this.selectionLead.row, this.selectionLead.column ); var screenCol = (chars === 0 && this.$desiredColumn) || screenPos.column; var docPos = this.session.screenToDocumentPosition(screenPos.row + rows, screenCol); // move the cursor and update the desired column this.moveCursorTo(docPos.row, docPos.column + chars, chars === 0); }; this.moveCursorToPosition = function(position) { this.moveCursorTo(position.row, position.column); }; this.moveCursorTo = function(row, column, preventUpdateDesiredColumn) { // Ensure the row/column is not inside of a fold. var fold = this.session.getFoldAt(row, column, 1); if (fold) { row = fold.start.row; column = fold.start.column; } this.$preventUpdateDesiredColumnOnChange = true; this.selectionLead.setPosition(row, column); this.$preventUpdateDesiredColumnOnChange = false; if (!preventUpdateDesiredColumn) this.$updateDesiredColumn(this.selectionLead.column); }; this.moveCursorToScreen = function(row, column, preventUpdateDesiredColumn) { var pos = this.session.screenToDocumentPosition(row, column); row = pos.row; column = pos.column; this.moveCursorTo(row, column, preventUpdateDesiredColumn); }; }).call(Selection.prototype); exports.Selection = Selection; }); /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/range', ['require', 'exports', 'module' ], function(require, exports, module) { var Range = function(startRow, startColumn, endRow, endColumn) { this.start = { row: startRow, column: startColumn }; this.end = { row: endRow, column: endColumn }; }; (function() { this.isEequal = function(range) { return this.start.row == range.start.row && this.end.row == range.end.row && this.start.column == range.start.column && this.end.column == range.end.column }; this.toString = function() { return ("Range: [" + this.start.row + "/" + this.start.column + "] -> [" + this.end.row + "/" + this.end.column + "]"); }; this.contains = function(row, column) { return this.compare(row, column) == 0; }; /** * Compares this range (A) with another range (B), where B is the passed in * range. * * Return values: * -2: (B) is infront of (A) and doesn't intersect with (A) * -1: (B) begins before (A) but ends inside of (A) * 0: (B) is completly inside of (A) OR (A) is complety inside of (B) * +1: (B) begins inside of (A) but ends outside of (A) * +2: (B) is after (A) and doesn't intersect with (A) * * 42: FTW state: (B) ends in (A) but starts outside of (A) */ this.compareRange = function(range) { var cmp, end = range.end, start = range.start; cmp = this.compare(end.row, end.column); if (cmp == 1) { cmp = this.compare(start.row, start.column); if (cmp == 1) { return 2; } else if (cmp == 0) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } else if (cmp == -1) { return -2; } else { cmp = this.compare(start.row, start.column); if (cmp == -1) { return -1; } else if (cmp == 1) { return 42; } else { return 0; } } } this.comparePoint = function(p) { return this.compare(p.row, p.column); } this.containsRange = function(range) { return this.comparePoint(range.start) == 0 && this.comparePoint(range.end) == 0; } this.isEnd = function(row, column) { return this.end.row == row && this.end.column == column; } this.isStart = function(row, column) { return this.start.row == row && this.start.column == column; } this.setStart = function(row, column) { if (typeof row == "object") { this.start.column = row.column; this.start.row = row.row; } else { this.start.row = row; this.start.column = column; } } this.setEnd = function(row, column) { if (typeof row == "object") { this.end.column = row.column; this.end.row = row.row; } else { this.end.row = row; this.end.column = column; } } this.inside = function(row, column) { if (this.compare(row, column) == 0) { if (this.isEnd(row, column) || this.isStart(row, column)) { return false; } else { return true; } } return false; } this.insideStart = function(row, column) { if (this.compare(row, column) == 0) { if (this.isEnd(row, column)) { return false; } else { return true; } } return false; } this.insideEnd = function(row, column) { if (this.compare(row, column) == 0) { if (this.isStart(row, column)) { return false; } else { return true; } } return false; } this.compare = function(row, column) { if (!this.isMultiLine()) { if (row === this.start.row) { return column < this.start.column ? -1 : (column > this.end.column ? 1 : 0); }; } if (row < this.start.row) return -1; if (row > this.end.row) return 1; if (this.start.row === row) return column >= this.start.column ? 0 : -1; if (this.end.row === row) return column <= this.end.column ? 0 : 1; return 0; }; /** * Like .compare(), but if isStart is true, return -1; */ this.compareStart = function(row, column) { if (this.start.row == row && this.start.column == column) { return -1; } else { return this.compare(row, column); } } /** * Like .compare(), but if isEnd is true, return 1; */ this.compareEnd = function(row, column) { if (this.end.row == row && this.end.column == column) { return 1; } else { return this.compare(row, column); } } this.compareInside = function(row, column) { if (this.end.row == row && this.end.column == column) { return 1; } else if (this.start.row == row && this.start.column == column) { return -1; } else { return this.compare(row, column); } } this.clipRows = function(firstRow, lastRow) { if (this.end.row > lastRow) { var end = { row: lastRow+1, column: 0 }; } if (this.start.row > lastRow) { var start = { row: lastRow+1, column: 0 }; } if (this.start.row < firstRow) { var start = { row: firstRow, column: 0 }; } if (this.end.row < firstRow) { var end = { row: firstRow, column: 0 }; } return Range.fromPoints(start || this.start, end || this.end); }; this.extend = function(row, column) { var cmp = this.compare(row, column); if (cmp == 0) return this; else if (cmp == -1) var start = {row: row, column: column}; else var end = {row: row, column: column}; return Range.fromPoints(start || this.start, end || this.end); }; this.isEmpty = function() { return (this.start.row == this.end.row && this.start.column == this.end.column); }; this.isMultiLine = function() { return (this.start.row !== this.end.row); }; this.clone = function() { return Range.fromPoints(this.start, this.end); }; this.collapseRows = function() { if (this.end.column == 0) return new Range(this.start.row, 0, Math.max(this.start.row, this.end.row-1), 0) else return new Range(this.start.row, 0, this.end.row, 0) }; this.toScreenRange = function(session) { var screenPosStart = session.documentToScreenPosition(this.start); var screenPosEnd = session.documentToScreenPosition(this.end); return new Range( screenPosStart.row, screenPosStart.column, screenPosEnd.row, screenPosEnd.column ); }; }).call(Range.prototype); Range.fromPoints = function(start, end) { return new Range(start.row, start.column, end.row, end.column); }; exports.Range = Range; }); /* vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4: * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * Mihai Sucan <mihai DOT sucan AT gmail DOT com> * Chris Spencer <chris.ag.spencer AT googlemail DOT com> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/mode/text', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/tokenizer', 'ace/mode/text_highlight_rules', 'ace/mode/behaviour', 'ace/unicode'], function(require, exports, module) { var Tokenizer = require("../tokenizer").Tokenizer; var TextHighlightRules = require("./text_highlight_rules").TextHighlightRules; var Behaviour = require("./behaviour").Behaviour; var unicode = require("../unicode"); var Mode = function() { this.$tokenizer = new Tokenizer(new TextHighlightRules().getRules()); this.$behaviour = new Behaviour(); }; (function() { this.tokenRe = new RegExp("^[" + unicode.packages.L + unicode.packages.Mn + unicode.packages.Mc + unicode.packages.Nd + unicode.packages.Pc + "\\$_]+", "g" ); this.nonTokenRe = new RegExp("^(?:[^" + unicode.packages.L + unicode.packages.Mn + unicode.packages.Mc + unicode.packages.Nd + unicode.packages.Pc + "\\$_]|\s])+", "g" ); this.getTokenizer = function() { return this.$tokenizer; }; this.toggleCommentLines = function(state, doc, startRow, endRow) { }; this.getNextLineIndent = function(state, line, tab) { return ""; }; this.checkOutdent = function(state, line, input) { return false; }; this.autoOutdent = function(state, doc, row) { }; this.$getIndent = function(line) { var match = line.match(/^(\s+)/); if (match) { return match[1]; } return ""; }; this.createWorker = function(session) { return null; }; this.highlightSelection = function(editor) { var session = editor.session; if (!session.$selectionOccurrences) session.$selectionOccurrences = []; if (session.$selectionOccurrences.length) this.clearSelectionHighlight(editor); var selection = editor.getSelectionRange(); if (selection.isEmpty() || selection.isMultiLine()) return; var startOuter = selection.start.column - 1; var endOuter = selection.end.column + 1; var line = session.getLine(selection.start.row); var lineCols = line.length; var needle = line.substring(Math.max(startOuter, 0), Math.min(endOuter, lineCols)); // Make sure the outer characters are not part of the word. if ((startOuter >= 0 && /^[\w\d]/.test(needle)) || (endOuter <= lineCols && /[\w\d]$/.test(needle))) return; needle = line.substring(selection.start.column, selection.end.column); if (!/^[\w\d]+$/.test(needle)) return; var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition(); var newOptions = { wrap: true, wholeWord: true, caseSensitive: true, needle: needle }; var currentOptions = editor.$search.getOptions(); editor.$search.set(newOptions); var ranges = editor.$search.findAll(session); ranges.forEach(function(range) { if (!range.contains(cursor.row, cursor.column)) { var marker = session.addMarker(range, "ace_selected_word", "text"); session.$selectionOccurrences.push(marker); } }); editor.$search.set(currentOptions); }; this.clearSelectionHighlight = function(editor) { if (!editor.session.$selectionOccurrences) return; editor.session.$selectionOccurrences.forEach(function(marker) { editor.session.removeMarker(marker); }); editor.session.$selectionOccurrences = []; }; this.createModeDelegates = function (mapping) { if (!this.$embeds) { return; } this.$modes = {}; for (var i = 0; i < this.$embeds.length; i++) { if (mapping[this.$embeds[i]]) { this.$modes[this.$embeds[i]] = new mapping[this.$embeds[i]](); } } var delegations = ['toggleCommentLines', 'getNextLineIndent', 'checkOutdent', 'autoOutdent', 'transformAction']; for (var i = 0; i < delegations.length; i++) { (function(scope) { var functionName = delegations[i]; var defaultHandler = scope[functionName]; scope[delegations[i]] = function() { return this.$delegator(functionName, arguments, defaultHandler); } } (this)); } } this.$delegator = function(method, args, defaultHandler) { var state = args[0]; for (var i = 0; i < this.$embeds.length; i++) { if (!this.$modes[this.$embeds[i]]) continue; var split = state.split(this.$embeds[i]); if (!split[0] && split[1]) { args[0] = split[1]; var mode = this.$modes[this.$embeds[i]]; return mode[method].apply(mode, args); } } var ret = defaultHandler.apply(this, args); return defaultHandler ? ret : undefined; }; this.transformAction = function(state, action, editor, session, param) { if (this.$behaviour) { var behaviours = this.$behaviour.getBehaviours(); for (var key in behaviours) { if (behaviours[key][action]) { var ret = behaviours[key][action].apply(this, arguments); if (ret) { return ret; } } } } } }).call(Mode.prototype); exports.Mode = Mode; }); /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/tokenizer', ['require', 'exports', 'module' ], function(require, exports, module) { var Tokenizer = function(rules) { this.rules = rules; this.regExps = {}; this.matchMappings = {}; for ( var key in this.rules) { var rule = this.rules[key]; var state = rule; var ruleRegExps = []; var matchTotal = 0; var mapping = this.matchMappings[key] = {}; for ( var i = 0; i < state.length; i++) { // Count number of matching groups. 2 extra groups from the full match // And the catch-all on the end (used to force a match); var matchcount = new RegExp("(?:(" + state[i].regex + ")|(.))").exec("a").length - 2; // Replace any backreferences and offset appropriately. var adjustedregex = state[i].regex.replace(/\\([0-9]+)/g, function (match, digit) { return "\\" + (parseInt(digit, 10) + matchTotal + 1); }); mapping[matchTotal] = { rule: i, len: matchcount }; matchTotal += matchcount; ruleRegExps.push(adjustedregex); } this.regExps[key] = new RegExp("(?:(" + ruleRegExps.join(")|(") + ")|(.))", "g"); } }; (function() { this.getLineTokens = function(line, startState) { var currentState = startState; var state = this.rules[currentState]; var mapping = this.matchMappings[currentState]; var re = this.regExps[currentState]; re.lastIndex = 0; var match, tokens = []; var lastIndex = 0; var token = { type: null, value: "" }; while (match = re.exec(line)) { var type = "text"; var rule = null; var value = [match[0]]; for (var i = 0; i < match.length-2; i++) { if (match[i + 1] !== undefined) { rule = state[mapping[i].rule]; if (mapping[i].len > 1) { value = match.slice(i+2, i+1+mapping[i].len); } // compute token type if (typeof rule.token == "function") type = rule.token.apply(this, value); else type = rule.token; var next = rule.next; if (next && next !== currentState) { currentState = next; state = this.rules[currentState]; mapping = this.matchMappings[currentState]; lastIndex = re.lastIndex; re = this.regExps[currentState]; re.lastIndex = lastIndex; } break; } } if (value[0]) { if (typeof type == "string") { value = [value.join("")]; type = [type]; } for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { if ((!rule || rule.merge || type[i] === "text") && token.type === type[i]) { token.value += value[i]; } else { if (token.type) { tokens.push(token); } token = { type: type[i], value: value[i] }; } } } if (lastIndex == line.length) break; lastIndex = re.lastIndex; } if (token.type) tokens.push(token); return { tokens : tokens, state : currentState }; }; }).call(Tokenizer.prototype); exports.Tokenizer = Tokenizer; }); /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/mode/text_highlight_rules', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/lib/lang'], function(require, exports, module) { var lang = require("../lib/lang"); var TextHighlightRules = function() { // regexp must not have capturing parentheses // regexps are ordered -> the first match is used this.$rules = { "start" : [{ token : "empty_line", regex : '^$' }, { token : "text", regex : ".+" }] }; }; (function() { this.addRules = function(rules, prefix) { for (var key in rules) { var state = rules[key]; for (var i=0; i<state.length; i++) { var rule = state[i]; if (rule.next) { rule.next = prefix + rule.next; } else { rule.next = prefix + key; } } this.$rules[prefix + key] = state; } }; this.getRules = function() { return this.$rules; }; this.embedRules = function (HighlightRules, prefix, escapeRules, states) { var embedRules = new HighlightRules().getRules(); if (states) { for (var i = 0; i < states.length; i++) { states[i] = prefix + states[i]; } } else { states = []; for (var key in embedRules) { states.push(prefix + key); } } this.addRules(embedRules, prefix); for (var i = 0; i < states.length; i++) { Array.prototype.unshift.apply(this.$rules[states[i]], lang.deepCopy(escapeRules)); } if (!this.$embeds) { this.$embeds = []; } this.$embeds.push(prefix); } this.getEmbeds = function() { return this.$embeds; } }).call(TextHighlightRules.prototype); exports.TextHighlightRules = TextHighlightRules; }); /* vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4: * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Chris Spencer <chris.ag.spencer AT googlemail DOT com> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/mode/behaviour', ['require', 'exports', 'module' ], function(require, exports, module) { var Behaviour = function() { this.$behaviours = {}; }; (function () { this.add = function (name, action, callback) { switch (undefined) { case this.$behaviours: this.$behaviours = {}; case this.$behaviours[name]: this.$behaviours[name] = {}; } this.$behaviours[name][action] = callback; } this.addBehaviours = function (behaviours) { for (var key in behaviours) { for (var action in behaviours[key]) { this.add(key, action, behaviours[key][action]); } } } this.remove = function (name) { if (this.$behaviours && this.$behaviours[name]) { delete this.$behaviours[name]; } } this.inherit = function (mode, filter) { if (typeof mode === "function") { var behaviours = new mode().getBehaviours(filter); } else { var behaviours = mode.getBehaviours(filter); } this.addBehaviours(behaviours); } this.getBehaviours = function (filter) { if (!filter) { return this.$behaviours; } else { var ret = {} for (var i = 0; i < filter.length; i++) { if (this.$behaviours[filter[i]]) { ret[filter[i]] = this.$behaviours[filter[i]]; } } return ret; } } }).call(Behaviour.prototype); exports.Behaviour = Behaviour; });define('ace/unicode', ['require', 'exports', 'module' ], function(require, exports, module) { /* XRegExp Unicode plugin pack: Categories 1.0 (c) 2010 Steven Levithan MIT License <http://xregexp.com> Uses the Unicode 5.2 character database This package for the XRegExp Unicode plugin enables the following Unicode categories (aka properties): L - Letter (the top-level Letter category is included in the Unicode plugin base script) Ll - Lowercase letter Lu - Uppercase letter Lt - Titlecase letter Lm - Modifier letter Lo - Letter without case M - Mark Mn - Non-spacing mark Mc - Spacing combining mark Me - Enclosing mark N - Number Nd - Decimal digit Nl - Letter number No - Other number P - Punctuation Pd - Dash punctuation Ps - Open punctuation Pe - Close punctuation Pi - Initial punctuation Pf - Final punctuation Pc - Connector punctuation Po - Other punctuation S - Symbol Sm - Math symbol Sc - Currency symbol Sk - Modifier symbol So - Other symbol Z - Separator Zs - Space separator Zl - Line separator Zp - Paragraph separator C - Other Cc - Control Cf - Format Co - Private use Cs - Surrogate Cn - Unassigned Example usage: \p{N} \p{Cn} */ // will be populated by addUnicodePackage exports.packages = {}; addUnicodePackage({ L: 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"01BB01C0-01C3029405D0-05EA05F0-05F20621-063F0641-064A066E066F0671-06D306D506EE06EF06FA-06FC06FF07100712-072F074D-07A507B107CA-07EA0800-08150904-0939093D09500958-096109720979-097F0985-098C098F09900993-09A809AA-09B009B209B6-09B909BD09CE09DC09DD09DF-09E109F009F10A05-0A0A0A0F0A100A13-0A280A2A-0A300A320A330A350A360A380A390A59-0A5C0A5E0A72-0A740A85-0A8D0A8F-0A910A93-0AA80AAA-0AB00AB20AB30AB5-0AB90ABD0AD00AE00AE10B05-0B0C0B0F0B100B13-0B280B2A-0B300B320B330B35-0B390B3D0B5C0B5D0B5F-0B610B710B830B85-0B8A0B8E-0B900B92-0B950B990B9A0B9C0B9E0B9F0BA30BA40BA8-0BAA0BAE-0BB90BD00C05-0C0C0C0E-0C100C12-0C280C2A-0C330C35-0C390C3D0C580C590C600C610C85-0C8C0C8E-0C900C92-0CA80CAA-0CB30CB5-0CB90CBD0CDE0CE00CE10D05-0D0C0D0E-0D100D12-0D280D2A-0D390D3D0D600D610D7A-0D7F0D85-0D960D9A-0DB10DB3-0DBB0DBD0DC0-0DC60E01-0E300E320E330E40-0E450E810E820E840E870E880E8A0E8D0E94-0E970E99-0E9F0EA1-0EA30EA50EA70EAA0EAB0EAD-0EB00EB20EB30EBD0EC0-0EC40EDC0EDD0F000F40-0F470F49-0F6C0F88-0F8B1000-102A103F1050-1055105A-105D106110651066106E-10701075-1081108E10D0-10FA1100-1248124A-124D1250-12561258125A-125D1260-1288128A-128D1290-12B012B2-12B512B8-12BE12C012C2-12C512C8-12D612D8-13101312-13151318-135A1380-138F13A0-13F41401-166C166F-167F1681-169A16A0-16EA1700-170C170E-17111720-17311740-17511760-176C176E-17701780-17B317DC1820-18421844-18771880-18A818AA18B0-18F51900-191C1950-196D1970-19741980-19AB19C1-19C71A00-1A161A20-1A541B05-1B331B45-1B4B1B83-1BA01BAE1BAF1C00-1C231C4D-1C4F1C5A-1C771CE9-1CEC1CEE-1CF12135-21382D30-2D652D80-2D962DA0-2DA62DA8-2DAE2DB0-2DB62DB8-2DBE2DC0-2DC62DC8-2DCE2DD0-2DD62DD8-2DDE3006303C3041-3096309F30A1-30FA30FF3105-312D3131-318E31A0-31B731F0-31FF3400-4DB54E00-9FCBA000-A014A016-A48CA4D0-A4F7A500-A60BA610-A61FA62AA62BA66EA6A0-A6E5A7FB-A801A803-A805A807-A80AA80C-A822A840-A873A882-A8B3A8F2-A8F7A8FBA90A-A925A930-A946A960-A97CA984-A9B2AA00-AA28AA40-AA42AA44-AA4BAA60-AA6FAA71-AA76AA7AAA80-AAAFAAB1AAB5AAB6AAB9-AABDAAC0AAC2AADBAADCABC0-ABE2AC00-D7A3D7B0-D7C6D7CB-D7FBF900-FA2DFA30-FA6DFA70-FAD9FB1DFB1F-FB28FB2A-FB36FB38-FB3CFB3EFB40FB41FB43FB44FB46-FBB1FBD3-FD3DFD50-FD8FFD92-FDC7FDF0-FDFBFE70-FE74FE76-FEFCFF66-FF6FFF71-FF9DFFA0-FFBEFFC2-FFC7FFCA-FFCFFFD2-FFD7FFDA-FFDC", 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"0300-036F0483-04870591-05BD05BF05C105C205C405C505C70610-061A064B-065E067006D6-06DC06DF-06E406E706E806EA-06ED07110730-074A07A6-07B007EB-07F30816-0819081B-08230825-08270829-082D0900-0902093C0941-0948094D0951-095509620963098109BC09C1-09C409CD09E209E30A010A020A3C0A410A420A470A480A4B-0A4D0A510A700A710A750A810A820ABC0AC1-0AC50AC70AC80ACD0AE20AE30B010B3C0B3F0B41-0B440B4D0B560B620B630B820BC00BCD0C3E-0C400C46-0C480C4A-0C4D0C550C560C620C630CBC0CBF0CC60CCC0CCD0CE20CE30D41-0D440D4D0D620D630DCA0DD2-0DD40DD60E310E34-0E3A0E47-0E4E0EB10EB4-0EB90EBB0EBC0EC8-0ECD0F180F190F350F370F390F71-0F7E0F80-0F840F860F870F90-0F970F99-0FBC0FC6102D-10301032-10371039103A103D103E10581059105E-10601071-1074108210851086108D109D135F1712-17141732-1734175217531772177317B7-17BD17C617C9-17D317DD180B-180D18A91920-19221927192819321939-193B1A171A181A561A58-1A5E1A601A621A65-1A6C1A73-1A7C1A7F1B00-1B031B341B36-1B3A1B3C1B421B6B-1B731B801B811BA2-1BA51BA81BA91C2C-1C331C361C371CD0-1CD21CD4-1CE01CE2-1CE81CED1DC0-1DE61DFD-1DFF20D0-20DC20E120E5-20F02CEF-2CF12DE0-2DFF302A-302F3099309AA66FA67CA67DA6F0A6F1A802A806A80BA825A826A8C4A8E0-A8F1A926-A92DA947-A951A980-A982A9B3A9B6-A9B9A9BCAA29-AA2EAA31AA32AA35AA36AA43AA4CAAB0AAB2-AAB4AAB7AAB8AABEAABFAAC1ABE5ABE8ABEDFB1EFE00-FE0FFE20-FE26", 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"0028005B007B0F3A0F3C169B201A201E2045207D208D23292768276A276C276E27702772277427C527E627E827EA27EC27EE2983298529872989298B298D298F299129932995299729D829DA29FC2E222E242E262E283008300A300C300E3010301430163018301A301DFD3EFE17FE35FE37FE39FE3BFE3DFE3FFE41FE43FE47FE59FE5BFE5DFF08FF3BFF5BFF5FFF62", Pe: "0029005D007D0F3B0F3D169C2046207E208E232A2769276B276D276F27712773277527C627E727E927EB27ED27EF298429862988298A298C298E2990299229942996299829D929DB29FD2E232E252E272E293009300B300D300F3011301530173019301B301E301FFD3FFE18FE36FE38FE3AFE3CFE3EFE40FE42FE44FE48FE5AFE5CFE5EFF09FF3DFF5DFF60FF63", Pi: "00AB2018201B201C201F20392E022E042E092E0C2E1C2E20", Pf: "00BB2019201D203A2E032E052E0A2E0D2E1D2E21", Pc: "005F203F20402054FE33FE34FE4D-FE4FFF3F", Po: "0021-00230025-0027002A002C002E002F003A003B003F0040005C00A100B700BF037E0387055A-055F058905C005C305C605F305F40609060A060C060D061B061E061F066A-066D06D40700-070D07F7-07F90830-083E0964096509700DF40E4F0E5A0E5B0F04-0F120F850FD0-0FD4104A-104F10FB1361-1368166D166E16EB-16ED1735173617D4-17D617D8-17DA1800-18051807-180A1944194519DE19DF1A1E1A1F1AA0-1AA61AA8-1AAD1B5A-1B601C3B-1C3F1C7E1C7F1CD3201620172020-20272030-2038203B-203E2041-20432047-205120532055-205E2CF9-2CFC2CFE2CFF2E002E012E06-2E082E0B2E0E-2E162E182E192E1B2E1E2E1F2E2A-2E2E2E302E313001-3003303D30FBA4FEA4FFA60D-A60FA673A67EA6F2-A6F7A874-A877A8CEA8CFA8F8-A8FAA92EA92FA95FA9C1-A9CDA9DEA9DFAA5C-AA5FAADEAADFABEBFE10-FE16FE19FE30FE45FE46FE49-FE4CFE50-FE52FE54-FE57FE5F-FE61FE68FE6AFE6BFF01-FF03FF05-FF07FF0AFF0CFF0EFF0FFF1AFF1BFF1FFF20FF3CFF61FF64FF65", S: 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"00A600A700A900AE00B000B60482060E060F06E906FD06FE07F609FA0B700BF3-0BF80BFA0C7F0CF10CF20D790F01-0F030F13-0F170F1A-0F1F0F340F360F380FBE-0FC50FC7-0FCC0FCE0FCF0FD5-0FD8109E109F13601390-1399194019E0-19FF1B61-1B6A1B74-1B7C210021012103-21062108210921142116-2118211E-2123212521272129212E213A213B214A214C214D214F2195-2199219C-219F21A121A221A421A521A7-21AD21AF-21CD21D021D121D321D5-21F32300-2307230C-231F2322-2328232B-237B237D-239A23B4-23DB23E2-23E82400-24262440-244A249C-24E92500-25B625B8-25C025C2-25F72600-266E2670-26CD26CF-26E126E326E8-26FF2701-27042706-2709270C-27272729-274B274D274F-27522756-275E2761-276727942798-27AF27B1-27BE2800-28FF2B00-2B2F2B452B462B50-2B592CE5-2CEA2E80-2E992E9B-2EF32F00-2FD52FF0-2FFB300430123013302030363037303E303F319031913196-319F31C0-31E33200-321E322A-32503260-327F328A-32B032C0-32FE3300-33FF4DC0-4DFFA490-A4C6A828-A82BA836A837A839AA77-AA79FDFDFFE4FFE8FFEDFFEEFFFCFFFD", Z: "002000A01680180E2000-200A20282029202F205F3000", Zs: "002000A01680180E2000-200A202F205F3000", Zl: 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"03780379037F-0383038B038D03A20526-05300557055805600588058B-059005C8-05CF05EB-05EF05F5-05FF06040605061C061D0620065F070E074B074C07B2-07BF07FB-07FF082E082F083F-08FF093A093B094F095609570973-097809800984098D098E0991099209A909B109B3-09B509BA09BB09C509C609C909CA09CF-09D609D8-09DB09DE09E409E509FC-0A000A040A0B-0A0E0A110A120A290A310A340A370A3A0A3B0A3D0A43-0A460A490A4A0A4E-0A500A52-0A580A5D0A5F-0A650A76-0A800A840A8E0A920AA90AB10AB40ABA0ABB0AC60ACA0ACE0ACF0AD1-0ADF0AE40AE50AF00AF2-0B000B040B0D0B0E0B110B120B290B310B340B3A0B3B0B450B460B490B4A0B4E-0B550B58-0B5B0B5E0B640B650B72-0B810B840B8B-0B8D0B910B96-0B980B9B0B9D0BA0-0BA20BA5-0BA70BAB-0BAD0BBA-0BBD0BC3-0BC50BC90BCE0BCF0BD1-0BD60BD8-0BE50BFB-0C000C040C0D0C110C290C340C3A-0C3C0C450C490C4E-0C540C570C5A-0C5F0C640C650C70-0C770C800C810C840C8D0C910CA90CB40CBA0CBB0CC50CC90CCE-0CD40CD7-0CDD0CDF0CE40CE50CF00CF3-0D010D040D0D0D110D290D3A-0D3C0D450D490D4E-0D560D58-0D5F0D640D650D76-0D780D800D810D840D97-0D990DB20DBC0DBE0DBF0DC7-0DC90DCB-0DCE0DD50DD70DE0-0DF10DF5-0E000E3B-0E3E0E5C-0E800E830E850E860E890E8B0E8C0E8E-0E930E980EA00EA40EA60EA80EA90EAC0EBA0EBE0EBF0EC50EC70ECE0ECF0EDA0EDB0EDE-0EFF0F480F6D-0F700F8C-0F8F0F980FBD0FCD0FD9-0FFF10C6-10CF10FD-10FF1249124E124F12571259125E125F1289128E128F12B112B612B712BF12C112C612C712D7131113161317135B-135E137D-137F139A-139F13F5-13FF169D-169F16F1-16FF170D1715-171F1737-173F1754-175F176D17711774-177F17DE17DF17EA-17EF17FA-17FF180F181A-181F1878-187F18AB-18AF18F6-18FF191D-191F192C-192F193C-193F1941-1943196E196F1975-197F19AC-19AF19CA-19CF19DB-19DD1A1C1A1D1A5F1A7D1A7E1A8A-1A8F1A9A-1A9F1AAE-1AFF1B4C-1B4F1B7D-1B7F1BAB-1BAD1BBA-1BFF1C38-1C3A1C4A-1C4C1C80-1CCF1CF3-1CFF1DE7-1DFC1F161F171F1E1F1F1F461F471F4E1F4F1F581F5A1F5C1F5E1F7E1F7F1FB51FC51FD41FD51FDC1FF01FF11FF51FFF2065-206920722073208F2095-209F20B9-20CF20F1-20FF218A-218F23E9-23FF2427-243F244B-245F26CE26E226E4-26E727002705270A270B2728274C274E2753-2755275F27602795-279727B027BF27CB27CD-27CF2B4D-2B4F2B5A-2BFF2C2F2C5F2CF2-2CF82D26-2D2F2D66-2D6E2D70-2D7F2D97-2D9F2DA72DAF2DB72DBF2DC72DCF2DD72DDF2E32-2E7F2E9A2EF4-2EFF2FD6-2FEF2FFC-2FFF3040309730983100-3104312E-3130318F31B8-31BF31E4-31EF321F32FF4DB6-4DBF9FCC-9FFFA48D-A48FA4C7-A4CFA62C-A63FA660A661A674-A67BA698-A69FA6F8-A6FFA78D-A7FAA82C-A82FA83A-A83FA878-A87FA8C5-A8CDA8DA-A8DFA8FC-A8FFA954-A95EA97D-A97FA9CEA9DA-A9DDA9E0-A9FFAA37-AA3FAA4EAA4FAA5AAA5BAA7C-AA7FAAC3-AADAAAE0-ABBFABEEABEFABFA-ABFFD7A4-D7AFD7C7-D7CAD7FC-D7FFFA2EFA2FFA6EFA6FFADA-FAFFFB07-FB12FB18-FB1CFB37FB3DFB3FFB42FB45FBB2-FBD2FD40-FD4FFD90FD91FDC8-FDEFFDFEFDFFFE1A-FE1FFE27-FE2FFE53FE67FE6C-FE6FFE75FEFDFEFEFF00FFBF-FFC1FFC8FFC9FFD0FFD1FFD8FFD9FFDD-FFDFFFE7FFEF-FFF8FFFEFFFF" }); function addUnicodePackage (pack) { var codePoint = /\w{4}/g; for (var name in pack) exports.packages[name] = pack[name].replace(codePoint, "\\u$&"); }; });/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/document', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/lib/oop', 'ace/lib/event_emitter', 'ace/range', 'ace/anchor'], function(require, exports, module) { var oop = require("./lib/oop"); var EventEmitter = require("./lib/event_emitter").EventEmitter; var Range = require("./range").Range; var Anchor = require("./anchor").Anchor; var Document = function(text) { this.$lines = []; if (Array.isArray(text)) { this.insertLines(0, text); } // There has to be one line at least in the document. If you pass an empty // string to the insert function, nothing will happen. Workaround. else if (text.length == 0) { this.$lines = [""]; } else { this.insert({row: 0, column:0}, text); } }; (function() { oop.implement(this, EventEmitter); this.setValue = function(text) { var len = this.getLength(); this.remove(new Range(0, 0, len, this.getLine(len-1).length)); this.insert({row: 0, column:0}, text); }; this.getValue = function() { return this.getAllLines().join(this.getNewLineCharacter()); }; this.createAnchor = function(row, column) { return new Anchor(this, row, column); }; // check for IE split bug if ("aaa".split(/a/).length == 0) this.$split = function(text) { return text.replace(/\r\n|\r/g, "\n").split("\n"); } else this.$split = function(text) { return text.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/); }; this.$detectNewLine = function(text) { var match = text.match(/^.*?(\r\n|\r|\n)/m); if (match) { this.$autoNewLine = match[1]; } else { this.$autoNewLine = "\n"; } }; this.getNewLineCharacter = function() { switch (this.$newLineMode) { case "windows": return "\r\n"; case "unix": return "\n"; case "auto": return this.$autoNewLine; } }, this.$autoNewLine = "\n"; this.$newLineMode = "auto"; this.setNewLineMode = function(newLineMode) { if (this.$newLineMode === newLineMode) return; this.$newLineMode = newLineMode; }; this.getNewLineMode = function() { return this.$newLineMode; }; this.isNewLine = function(text) { return (text == "\r\n" || text == "\r" || text == "\n"); }; /** * Get a verbatim copy of the given line as it is in the document */ this.getLine = function(row) { return this.$lines[row] || ""; }; this.getLines = function(firstRow, lastRow) { return this.$lines.slice(firstRow, lastRow + 1); }; /** * Returns all lines in the document as string array. Warning: The caller * should not modify this array! */ this.getAllLines = function() { return this.getLines(0, this.getLength()); }; this.getLength = function() { return this.$lines.length; }; this.getTextRange = function(range) { if (range.start.row == range.end.row) { return this.$lines[range.start.row].substring(range.start.column, range.end.column); } else { var lines = []; lines.push(this.$lines[range.start.row].substring(range.start.column)); lines.push.apply(lines, this.getLines(range.start.row+1, range.end.row-1)); lines.push(this.$lines[range.end.row].substring(0, range.end.column)); return lines.join(this.getNewLineCharacter()); } }; this.$clipPosition = function(position) { var length = this.getLength(); if (position.row >= length) { position.row = Math.max(0, length - 1); position.column = this.getLine(length-1).length; } return position; } this.insert = function(position, text) { if (text.length == 0) return position; position = this.$clipPosition(position); if (this.getLength() <= 1) this.$detectNewLine(text); var lines = this.$split(text); var firstLine = lines.splice(0, 1)[0]; var lastLine = lines.length == 0 ? null : lines.splice(lines.length - 1, 1)[0]; position = this.insertInLine(position, firstLine); if (lastLine !== null) { position = this.insertNewLine(position); // terminate first line position = this.insertLines(position.row, lines); position = this.insertInLine(position, lastLine || ""); } return position; }; this.insertLines = function(row, lines) { if (lines.length == 0) return {row: row, column: 0}; var args = [row, 0]; args.push.apply(args, lines); this.$lines.splice.apply(this.$lines, args); var range = new Range(row, 0, row + lines.length, 0); var delta = { action: "insertLines", range: range, lines: lines }; this._dispatchEvent("change", { data: delta }); return range.end; }, this.insertNewLine = function(position) { position = this.$clipPosition(position); var line = this.$lines[position.row] || ""; this.$lines[position.row] = line.substring(0, position.column); this.$lines.splice(position.row + 1, 0, line.substring(position.column, line.length)); var end = { row : position.row + 1, column : 0 }; var delta = { action: "insertText", range: Range.fromPoints(position, end), text: this.getNewLineCharacter() }; this._dispatchEvent("change", { data: delta }); return end; }; this.insertInLine = function(position, text) { if (text.length == 0) return position; var line = this.$lines[position.row] || ""; this.$lines[position.row] = line.substring(0, position.column) + text + line.substring(position.column); var end = { row : position.row, column : position.column + text.length }; var delta = { action: "insertText", range: Range.fromPoints(position, end), text: text }; this._dispatchEvent("change", { data: delta }); return end; }; this.remove = function(range) { // clip to document range.start = this.$clipPosition(range.start); range.end = this.$clipPosition(range.end); if (range.isEmpty()) return range.start; var firstRow = range.start.row; var lastRow = range.end.row; if (range.isMultiLine()) { var firstFullRow = range.start.column == 0 ? firstRow : firstRow + 1; var lastFullRow = lastRow - 1; if (range.end.column > 0) this.removeInLine(lastRow, 0, range.end.column); if (lastFullRow >= firstFullRow) this.removeLines(firstFullRow, lastFullRow); if (firstFullRow != firstRow) { this.removeInLine(firstRow, range.start.column, this.getLine(firstRow).length); this.removeNewLine(range.start.row); } } else { this.removeInLine(firstRow, range.start.column, range.end.column); } return range.start; }; this.removeInLine = function(row, startColumn, endColumn) { if (startColumn == endColumn) return; var range = new Range(row, startColumn, row, endColumn); var line = this.getLine(row); var removed = line.substring(startColumn, endColumn); var newLine = line.substring(0, startColumn) + line.substring(endColumn, line.length); this.$lines.splice(row, 1, newLine); var delta = { action: "removeText", range: range, text: removed }; this._dispatchEvent("change", { data: delta }); return range.start; }; /** * Removes a range of full lines * * @param firstRow {Integer} The first row to be removed * @param lastRow {Integer} The last row to be removed * @return {String[]} The removed lines */ this.removeLines = function(firstRow, lastRow) { var range = new Range(firstRow, 0, lastRow + 1, 0); var removed = this.$lines.splice(firstRow, lastRow - firstRow + 1); var delta = { action: "removeLines", range: range, nl: this.getNewLineCharacter(), lines: removed }; this._dispatchEvent("change", { data: delta }); return removed; }; this.removeNewLine = function(row) { var firstLine = this.getLine(row); var secondLine = this.getLine(row+1); var range = new Range(row, firstLine.length, row+1, 0); var line = firstLine + secondLine; this.$lines.splice(row, 2, line); var delta = { action: "removeText", range: range, text: this.getNewLineCharacter() }; this._dispatchEvent("change", { data: delta }); }; this.replace = function(range, text) { if (text.length == 0 && range.isEmpty()) return range.start; // Shortcut: If the text we want to insert is the same as it is already // in the document, we don't have to replace anything. if (text == this.getTextRange(range)) return range.end; this.remove(range); if (text) { var end = this.insert(range.start, text); } else { end = range.start; } return end; }; this.applyDeltas = function(deltas) { for (var i=0; i<deltas.length; i++) { var delta = deltas[i]; var range = Range.fromPoints(delta.range.start, delta.range.end); if (delta.action == "insertLines") this.insertLines(range.start.row, delta.lines) else if (delta.action == "insertText") this.insert(range.start, delta.text) else if (delta.action == "removeLines") this.removeLines(range.start.row, range.end.row - 1) else if (delta.action == "removeText") this.remove(range) } }; this.revertDeltas = function(deltas) { for (var i=deltas.length-1; i>=0; i--) { var delta = deltas[i]; var range = Range.fromPoints(delta.range.start, delta.range.end); if (delta.action == "insertLines") this.removeLines(range.start.row, range.end.row - 1) else if (delta.action == "insertText") this.remove(range) else if (delta.action == "removeLines") this.insertLines(range.start.row, delta.lines) else if (delta.action == "removeText") this.insert(range.start, delta.text) } }; }).call(Document.prototype); exports.Document = Document; }); /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/anchor', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/lib/oop', 'ace/lib/event_emitter'], function(require, exports, module) { var oop = require("./lib/oop"); var EventEmitter = require("./lib/event_emitter").EventEmitter; /** * An Anchor is a floating pointer in the document. Whenever text is inserted or * deleted before the cursor, the position of the cursor is updated */ var Anchor = exports.Anchor = function(doc, row, column) { this.document = doc; if (typeof column == "undefined") this.setPosition(row.row, row.column); else this.setPosition(row, column); this.$onChange = this.onChange.bind(this); doc.on("change", this.$onChange); }; (function() { oop.implement(this, EventEmitter); this.getPosition = function() { return this.$clipPositionToDocument(this.row, this.column); }; this.getDocument = function() { return this.document; }; this.onChange = function(e) { var delta = e.data; var range = delta.range; if (range.start.row == range.end.row && range.start.row != this.row) return; if (range.start.row > this.row) return; if (range.start.row == this.row && range.start.column > this.column) return; var row = this.row; var column = this.column; if (delta.action === "insertText") { if (range.start.row === row && range.start.column <= column) { if (range.start.row === range.end.row) { column += range.end.column - range.start.column; } else { column -= range.start.column; row += range.end.row - range.start.row; } } else if (range.start.row !== range.end.row && range.start.row < row) { row += range.end.row - range.start.row; } } else if (delta.action === "insertLines") { if (range.start.row <= row) { row += range.end.row - range.start.row; } } else if (delta.action == "removeText") { if (range.start.row == row && range.start.column < column) { if (range.end.column >= column) column = range.start.column; else column = Math.max(0, column - (range.end.column - range.start.column)); } else if (range.start.row !== range.end.row && range.start.row < row) { if (range.end.row == row) { column = Math.max(0, column - range.end.column) + range.start.column; } row -= (range.end.row - range.start.row); } else if (range.end.row == row) { row -= range.end.row - range.start.row; column = Math.max(0, column - range.end.column) + range.start.column; } } else if (delta.action == "removeLines") { if (range.start.row <= row) { if (range.end.row <= row) row -= range.end.row - range.start.row; else { row = range.start.row; column = 0; } } } this.setPosition(row, column, true); }; this.setPosition = function(row, column, noClip) { var pos; if (noClip) { pos = { row: row, column: column }; } else { pos = this.$clipPositionToDocument(row, column); } if (this.row == pos.row && this.column == pos.column) return; var old = { row: this.row, column: this.column }; this.row = pos.row; this.column = pos.column; this._dispatchEvent("change", { old: old, value: pos }); }; this.detach = function() { this.document.removeEventListener("change", this.$onChange); }; this.$clipPositionToDocument = function(row, column) { var pos = {}; if (row >= this.document.getLength()) { pos.row = Math.max(0, this.document.getLength() - 1); pos.column = this.document.getLine(pos.row).length; } else if (row < 0) { pos.row = 0; pos.column = 0; } else { pos.row = row; pos.column = Math.min(this.document.getLine(pos.row).length, Math.max(0, column)); } if (column < 0) pos.column = 0; return pos; }; }).call(Anchor.prototype); }); /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/background_tokenizer', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/lib/oop', 'ace/lib/event_emitter'], function(require, exports, module) { var oop = require("./lib/oop"); var EventEmitter = require("./lib/event_emitter").EventEmitter; var BackgroundTokenizer = function(tokenizer, editor) { this.running = false; this.lines = []; this.currentLine = 0; this.tokenizer = tokenizer; var self = this; this.$worker = function() { if (!self.running) { return; } var workerStart = new Date(); var startLine = self.currentLine; var doc = self.doc; var processedLines = 0; var len = doc.getLength(); while (self.currentLine < len) { self.lines[self.currentLine] = self.$tokenizeRows(self.currentLine, self.currentLine)[0]; self.currentLine++; // only check every 5 lines processedLines += 1; if ((processedLines % 5 == 0) && (new Date() - workerStart) > 20) { self.fireUpdateEvent(startLine, self.currentLine-1); self.running = setTimeout(self.$worker, 20); return; } } self.running = false; self.fireUpdateEvent(startLine, len - 1); }; }; (function(){ oop.implement(this, EventEmitter); this.setTokenizer = function(tokenizer) { this.tokenizer = tokenizer; this.lines = []; this.start(0); }; this.setDocument = function(doc) { this.doc = doc; this.lines = []; this.stop(); }; this.fireUpdateEvent = function(firstRow, lastRow) { var data = { first: firstRow, last: lastRow }; this._dispatchEvent("update", {data: data}); }; this.start = function(startRow) { this.currentLine = Math.min(startRow || 0, this.currentLine, this.doc.getLength()); // remove all cached items below this line this.lines.splice(this.currentLine, this.lines.length); this.stop(); // pretty long delay to prevent the tokenizer from interfering with the user this.running = setTimeout(this.$worker, 700); }; this.stop = function() { if (this.running) clearTimeout(this.running); this.running = false; }; this.getTokens = function(firstRow, lastRow) { return this.$tokenizeRows(firstRow, lastRow); }; this.getState = function(row) { return this.$tokenizeRows(row, row)[0].state; }; this.$tokenizeRows = function(firstRow, lastRow) { if (!this.doc) return []; var rows = []; // determine start state var state = "start"; var doCache = false; if (firstRow > 0 && this.lines[firstRow - 1]) { state = this.lines[firstRow - 1].state; doCache = true; } else if (firstRow == 0) { state = "start"; doCache = true; } else if (this.lines.length > 0) { // Guess that we haven't changed state. state = this.lines[this.lines.length-1].state; } var lines = this.doc.getLines(firstRow, lastRow); for (var row=firstRow; row<=lastRow; row++) { if (!this.lines[row]) { var tokens = this.tokenizer.getLineTokens(lines[row-firstRow] || "", state); var state = tokens.state; rows.push(tokens); if (doCache) { this.lines[row] = tokens; } } else { var tokens = this.lines[row]; state = tokens.state; rows.push(tokens); } } return rows; }; }).call(BackgroundTokenizer.prototype); exports.BackgroundTokenizer = BackgroundTokenizer; }); /* vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4: * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Julian Viereck <julian DOT viereck AT gmail DOT com> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/edit_session/folding', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/range', 'ace/edit_session/fold_line', 'ace/edit_session/fold', 'ace/token_iterator'], function(require, exports, module) { var Range = require("../range").Range; var FoldLine = require("./fold_line").FoldLine; var Fold = require("./fold").Fold; var TokenIterator = require("../token_iterator").TokenIterator; function Folding() { /** * Looks up a fold at a given row/column. Possible values for side: * -1: ignore a fold if fold.start = row/column * +1: ignore a fold if fold.end = row/column */ this.getFoldAt = function(row, column, side) { var foldLine = this.getFoldLine(row); if (!foldLine) return null; var folds = foldLine.folds; for (var i = 0; i < folds.length; i++) { var fold = folds[i]; if (fold.range.contains(row, column)) { if (side == 1 && fold.range.isEnd(row, column)) { continue; } else if (side == -1 && fold.range.isStart(row, column)) { continue; } return fold; } } }; /** * Returns all folds in the given range. Note, that this will return folds * */ this.getFoldsInRange = function(range) { range = range.clone(); var start = range.start; var end = range.end; var foldLines = this.$foldData; var foundFolds = []; start.column += 1; end.column -= 1; for (var i = 0; i < foldLines.length; i++) { var cmp = foldLines[i].range.compareRange(range); if (cmp == 2) { // Range is before foldLine. No intersection. This means, // there might be other foldLines that intersect. continue; } else if (cmp == -2) { // Range is after foldLine. There can't be any other foldLines then, // so let's give up. break; } var folds = foldLines[i].folds; for (var j = 0; j < folds.length; j++) { var fold = folds[j]; cmp = fold.range.compareRange(range); if (cmp == -2) { break; } else if (cmp == 2) { continue; } else // WTF-state: Can happen due to -1/+1 to start/end column. if (cmp == 42) { break; } foundFolds.push(fold); } } return foundFolds; }; /** * Returns all folds in the document */ this.getAllFolds = function() { var folds = []; var foldLines = this.$foldData; function addFold(fold) { folds.push(fold); if (!fold.subFolds) return; for (var i = 0; i < fold.subFolds.length; i++) addFold(fold.subFolds[i]); } for (var i = 0; i < foldLines.length; i++) for (var j = 0; j < foldLines[i].folds.length; j++) addFold(foldLines[i].folds[j]); return folds; }; /** * Returns the string between folds at the given position. * E.g. * foo<fold>b|ar<fold>wolrd -> "bar" * foo<fold>bar<fold>wol|rd -> "world" * foo<fold>bar<fo|ld>wolrd -> <null> * * where | means the position of row/column * * The trim option determs if the return string should be trimed according * to the "side" passed with the trim value: * * E.g. * foo<fold>b|ar<fold>wolrd -trim=-1> "b" * foo<fold>bar<fold>wol|rd -trim=+1> "rld" * fo|o<fold>bar<fold>wolrd -trim=00> "foo" */ this.getFoldStringAt = function(row, column, trim, foldLine) { foldLine = foldLine || this.getFoldLine(row); if (!foldLine) return null; var lastFold = { end: { column: 0 } }; // TODO: Refactor to use getNextFoldTo function. var str, fold; for (var i = 0; i < foldLine.folds.length; i++) { fold = foldLine.folds[i]; var cmp = fold.range.compareEnd(row, column); if (cmp == -1) { str = this .getLine(fold.start.row) .substring(lastFold.end.column, fold.start.column); break; } else if (cmp === 0) { return null; } lastFold = fold; } if (!str) str = this.getLine(fold.start.row).substring(lastFold.end.column); if (trim == -1) return str.substring(0, column - lastFold.end.column); else if (trim == 1) return str.substring(column - lastFold.end.column); else return str; }; this.getFoldLine = function(docRow, startFoldLine) { var foldData = this.$foldData; var i = 0; if (startFoldLine) i = foldData.indexOf(startFoldLine); if (i == -1) i = 0; for (i; i < foldData.length; i++) { var foldLine = foldData[i]; if (foldLine.start.row <= docRow && foldLine.end.row >= docRow) { return foldLine; } else if (foldLine.end.row > docRow) { return null; } } return null; }; // returns the fold which starts after or contains docRow this.getNextFoldLine = function(docRow, startFoldLine) { var foldData = this.$foldData; var i = 0; if (startFoldLine) i = foldData.indexOf(startFoldLine); if (i == -1) i = 0; for (i; i < foldData.length; i++) { var foldLine = foldData[i]; if (foldLine.end.row >= docRow) { return foldLine; } } return null; }; this.getFoldedRowCount = function(first, last) { var foldData = this.$foldData, rowCount = last-first+1; for (var i = 0; i < foldData.length; i++) { var foldLine = foldData[i], end = foldLine.end.row, start = foldLine.start.row; if (end >= last) { if(start < last) { if(start >= first) rowCount -= last-start; else rowCount = 0;//in one fold } break; } else if(end >= first){ if (start >= first) //fold inside range rowCount -= end-start; else rowCount -= end-first+1; } } return rowCount; }; this.$addFoldLine = function(foldLine) { this.$foldData.push(foldLine); this.$foldData.sort(function(a, b) { return a.start.row - b.start.row; }); return foldLine; }; /** * Adds a new fold. * * @returns * The new created Fold object or an existing fold object in case the * passed in range fits an existing fold exactly. */ this.addFold = function(placeholder, range) { var foldData = this.$foldData; var added = false; var fold; if (placeholder instanceof Fold) fold = placeholder; else fold = new Fold(range, placeholder); this.$clipRangeToDocument(fold.range); var startRow = fold.start.row; var startColumn = fold.start.column; var endRow = fold.end.row; var endColumn = fold.end.column; // --- Some checking --- if (fold.placeholder.length < 2) throw "Placeholder has to be at least 2 characters"; if (startRow == endRow && endColumn - startColumn < 2) throw "The range has to be at least 2 characters width"; var startFold = this.getFoldAt(startRow, startColumn, 1); var endFold = this.getFoldAt(endRow, endColumn, -1); if (startFold && endFold == startFold) return startFold.addSubFold(fold); if ( (startFold && !startFold.range.isStart(startRow, startColumn)) || (endFold && !endFold.range.isEnd(endRow, endColumn)) ) { throw "A fold can't intersect already existing fold" + fold.range + startFold.range; } // Check if there are folds in the range we create the new fold for. var folds = this.getFoldsInRange(fold.range); if (folds.length > 0) { // Remove the folds from fold data. this.removeFolds(folds); // Add the removed folds as subfolds on the new fold. fold.subFolds = folds; } for (var i = 0; i < foldData.length; i++) { var foldLine = foldData[i]; if (endRow == foldLine.start.row) { foldLine.addFold(fold); added = true; break; } else if (startRow == foldLine.end.row) { foldLine.addFold(fold); added = true; if (!fold.sameRow) { // Check if we might have to merge two FoldLines. var foldLineNext = foldData[i + 1]; if (foldLineNext && foldLineNext.start.row == endRow) { // We need to merge! foldLine.merge(foldLineNext); break; } } break; } else if (endRow <= foldLine.start.row) { break; } } if (!added) foldLine = this.$addFoldLine(new FoldLine(this.$foldData, fold)); if (this.$useWrapMode) this.$updateWrapData(foldLine.start.row, foldLine.start.row); // Notify that fold data has changed. this.$modified = true; this._dispatchEvent("changeFold", { data: fold }); return fold; }; this.addFolds = function(folds) { folds.forEach(function(fold) { this.addFold(fold); }, this); }; this.removeFold = function(fold) { var foldLine = fold.foldLine; var startRow = foldLine.start.row; var endRow = foldLine.end.row; var foldLines = this.$foldData, folds = foldLine.folds; // Simple case where there is only one fold in the FoldLine such that // the entire fold line can get removed directly. if (folds.length == 1) { foldLines.splice(foldLines.indexOf(foldLine), 1); } else // If the fold is the last fold of the foldLine, just remove it. if (foldLine.range.isEnd(fold.end.row, fold.end.column)) { folds.pop(); foldLine.end.row = folds[folds.length - 1].end.row; foldLine.end.column = folds[folds.length - 1].end.column; } else // If the fold is the first fold of the foldLine, just remove it. if (foldLine.range.isStart(fold.start.row, fold.start.column)) { folds.shift(); foldLine.start.row = folds[0].start.row; foldLine.start.column = folds[0].start.column; } else // We know there are more then 2 folds and the fold is not at the edge. // This means, the fold is somewhere in between. // // If the fold is in one row, we just can remove it. if (fold.sameRow) { folds.splice(folds.indexOf(fold), 1); } else // The fold goes over more then one row. This means remvoing this fold // will cause the fold line to get splitted up. newFoldLine is the second part { var newFoldLine = foldLine.split(fold.start.row, fold.start.column); folds = newFoldLine.folds; folds.shift(); newFoldLine.start.row = folds[0].start.row; newFoldLine.start.column = folds[0].start.column; } if (this.$useWrapMode) { this.$updateWrapData(startRow, endRow); } // Notify that fold data has changed. this.$modified = true; this._dispatchEvent("changeFold", { data: fold }); }; this.removeFolds = function(folds) { // We need to clone the folds array passed in as it might be the folds // array of a fold line and as we call this.removeFold(fold), folds // are removed from folds and changes the current index. var cloneFolds = []; for (var i = 0; i < folds.length; i++) { cloneFolds.push(folds[i]); } cloneFolds.forEach(function(fold) { this.removeFold(fold); }, this); this.$modified = true; }; this.expandFold = function(fold) { this.removeFold(fold); fold.subFolds.forEach(function(fold) { this.addFold(fold); }, this); fold.subFolds = []; }; this.expandFolds = function(folds) { folds.forEach(function(fold) { this.expandFold(fold); }, this); }; this.unfold = function(location, expandInner) { var range, folds; if (location == null) range = new Range(0, 0, this.getLength(), 0); else if (typeof location == "number") range = new Range(location, 0, location, this.getLine(location).length); else if ("row" in location) range = Range.fromPoints(location, location); else range = location; folds = this.getFoldsInRange(range); if (expandInner) { this.removeFolds(folds); } else { // TODO: might need to remove and add folds in one go instead of using // expandFolds several times. while (folds.length) { this.expandFolds(folds); folds = this.getFoldsInRange(range); } } }; /** * Checks if a given documentRow is folded. This is true if there are some * folded parts such that some parts of the line is still visible. **/ this.isRowFolded = function(docRow, startFoldRow) { return !!this.getFoldLine(docRow, startFoldRow); }; this.getRowFoldEnd = function(docRow, startFoldRow) { var foldLine = this.getFoldLine(docRow, startFoldRow); return (foldLine ? foldLine.end.row : docRow) }; this.getFoldDisplayLine = function(foldLine, endRow, endColumn, startRow, startColumn) { if (startRow == null) { startRow = foldLine.start.row; startColumn = 0; } if (endRow == null) { endRow = foldLine.end.row; endColumn = this.getLine(endRow).length; } // Build the textline using the FoldLine walker. var doc = this.doc; var textLine = ""; foldLine.walk(function(placeholder, row, column, lastColumn, isNewRow) { if (row < startRow) { return; } else if (row == startRow) { if (column < startColumn) { return; } lastColumn = Math.max(startColumn, lastColumn); } if (placeholder) { textLine += placeholder; } else { textLine += doc.getLine(row).substring(lastColumn, column); } }.bind(this), endRow, endColumn); return textLine; }; this.getDisplayLine = function(row, endColumn, startRow, startColumn) { var foldLine = this.getFoldLine(row); if (!foldLine) { var line; line = this.doc.getLine(row); return line.substring(startColumn || 0, endColumn || line.length); } else { return this.getFoldDisplayLine( foldLine, row, endColumn, startRow, startColumn); } }; this.$cloneFoldData = function() { var fd = []; fd = this.$foldData.map(function(foldLine) { var folds = foldLine.folds.map(function(fold) { return fold.clone(); }); return new FoldLine(fd, folds); }); return fd; }; this.toggleFold = function(tryToUnfold) { var selection = this.selection; var range = selection.getRange(); if (range.isEmpty()) { var cursor = range.start; var fold = this.getFoldAt(cursor.row, cursor.column); var bracketPos; if (fold) { this.expandFold(fold); return; } else if (bracketPos = this.findMatchingBracket(cursor)) { if (range.comparePoint(bracketPos) == 1) { range.end = bracketPos; } else { range.start = bracketPos; range.start.column++; range.end.column--; } } else if (bracketPos = this.findMatchingBracket({row: cursor.row, column: cursor.column + 1})) { if (range.comparePoint(bracketPos) == 1) range.end = bracketPos; else range.start = bracketPos; range.start.column++; } else { range = this.getCommentFoldRange(cursor.row, cursor.column) || range; } } else { var folds = this.getFoldsInRange(range); if (tryToUnfold && folds.length) { this.expandFolds(folds); return; } else if (folds.length == 1 ) { fold = folds[0]; } } if (!fold) fold = this.getFoldAt(range.start.row, range.start.column); if (fold && fold.range.toString() == range.toString()){ this.expandFold(fold); return; } var placeholder = "..."; if (!range.isMultiLine()) { placeholder = this.getTextRange(range); if(placeholder.length < 4) return; placeholder = placeholder.trim().substring(0, 2) + ".."; } this.addFold(placeholder, range); }; this.getCommentFoldRange = function(row, column) { var iterator = new TokenIterator(this, row, column); var token = iterator.getCurrentToken(); if (token && /^comment|string/.test(token.type)) { var range = new Range(); var re = new RegExp(token.type.replace(/\..*/, "\\.")); do { token = iterator.stepBackward(); } while(token && re.test(token.type)) iterator.stepForward(); range.start.row = iterator.getCurrentTokenRow(); range.start.column = iterator.getCurrentTokenColumn() + 2; var iterator = new TokenIterator(this, row, column); do { token = iterator.stepForward(); } while(token && re.test(token.type)) token = iterator.stepBackward(); range.end.row = iterator.getCurrentTokenRow(); range.end.column = iterator.getCurrentTokenColumn() + token.value.length - 1; return range } }; this.foldAll = function(startRow, endRow) { var foldWidgets = this.foldWidgets; endRow = endRow || foldWidgets.length; for (var row = startRow || 0; row < endRow; row++) { if (foldWidgets[row] == null) foldWidgets[row] = this.getFoldWidget(row); if (foldWidgets[row] != "start") continue; var range = this.getFoldWidgetRange(row); // sometimes range can be incompatible with existing fold // wouldn't it be better for addFold to return null istead of throwing? if (range && range.end.row < endRow) try { this.addFold("...", range); } catch(e) {} } } // structured folding this.$setFolding = function(foldMode) { if (this.$foldMode == foldMode) return; this.$foldMode = foldMode; this.removeListener('change', this.$updateFoldWidgets); if (!foldMode) { this.foldWidgets = null; return; } this.foldWidgets = []; this.getFoldWidget = foldMode.getFoldWidget.bind(foldMode, this); this.getFoldWidgetRange = foldMode.getFoldWidgetRange.bind(foldMode, this); this.$updateFoldWidgets = this.updateFoldWidgets.bind(this); this.on('change', this.$updateFoldWidgets); }; this.onFoldWidgetClick = function(row, e) { var type = this.getFoldWidget(row); var line = this.getLine(row); var onlySubfolds = e.shiftKey; var addSubfolds = onlySubfolds || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey; var fold; if (type == "end") fold = this.getFoldAt(row, 0, -1); else fold = this.getFoldAt(row, line.length, 1); if (fold) { if (addSubfolds) this.removeFold(fold); else this.expandFold(fold); return; } var range = this.getFoldWidgetRange(row); if (range) { if (!onlySubfolds) this.addFold("...", range); if (addSubfolds) this.foldAll(range.start.row + 1, range.end.row); } }; this.updateFoldWidgets = function(e) { var delta = e.data; var range = delta.range; var firstRow = range.start.row; var len = range.end.row - firstRow; if (len === 0) { this.foldWidgets[firstRow] = null; } else if (delta.action == "removeText" || delta.action == "removeLines") { this.foldWidgets.splice(firstRow, len + 1, null); } else { var args = Array(len + 1); args.unshift(firstRow, 1); this.foldWidgets.splice.apply(this.foldWidgets, args); } }; } exports.Folding = Folding; }); /* vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4: * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Julian Viereck <julian DOT viereck AT gmail DOT com> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/edit_session/fold_line', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/range'], function(require, exports, module) { var Range = require("../range").Range; /** * If an array is passed in, the folds are expected to be sorted already. */ function FoldLine(foldData, folds) { this.foldData = foldData; if (Array.isArray(folds)) { this.folds = folds; } else { folds = this.folds = [ folds ]; } var last = folds[folds.length - 1] this.range = new Range(folds[0].start.row, folds[0].start.column, last.end.row, last.end.column); this.start = this.range.start; this.end = this.range.end; this.folds.forEach(function(fold) { fold.setFoldLine(this); }, this); } (function() { /** * Note: This doesn't update wrapData! */ this.shiftRow = function(shift) { this.start.row += shift; this.end.row += shift; this.folds.forEach(function(fold) { fold.start.row += shift; fold.end.row += shift; }); } this.addFold = function(fold) { if (fold.sameRow) { if (fold.start.row < this.startRow || fold.endRow > this.endRow) { throw "Can't add a fold to this FoldLine as it has no connection"; } this.folds.push(fold); this.folds.sort(function(a, b) { return -a.range.compareEnd(b.start.row, b.start.column); }); if (this.range.compareEnd(fold.start.row, fold.start.column) > 0) { this.end.row = fold.end.row; this.end.column = fold.end.column; } else if (this.range.compareStart(fold.end.row, fold.end.column) < 0) { this.start.row = fold.start.row; this.start.column = fold.start.column; } } else if (fold.start.row == this.end.row) { this.folds.push(fold); this.end.row = fold.end.row; this.end.column = fold.end.column; } else if (fold.end.row == this.start.row) { this.folds.unshift(fold); this.start.row = fold.start.row; this.start.column = fold.start.column; } else { throw "Trying to add fold to FoldRow that doesn't have a matching row"; } fold.foldLine = this; } this.containsRow = function(row) { return row >= this.start.row && row <= this.end.row; } this.walk = function(callback, endRow, endColumn) { var lastEnd = 0, folds = this.folds, fold, comp, stop, isNewRow = true; if (endRow == null) { endRow = this.end.row; endColumn = this.end.column; } for (var i = 0; i < folds.length; i++) { fold = folds[i]; comp = fold.range.compareStart(endRow, endColumn); // This fold is after the endRow/Column. if (comp == -1) { callback(null, endRow, endColumn, lastEnd, isNewRow); return; } stop = callback(null, fold.start.row, fold.start.column, lastEnd, isNewRow); stop = !stop && callback(fold.placeholder, fold.start.row, fold.start.column, lastEnd); // If the user requested to stop the walk or endRow/endColumn is // inside of this fold (comp == 0), then end here. if (stop || comp == 0) { return; } // Note the new lastEnd might not be on the same line. However, // it's the callback's job to recognize this. isNewRow = !fold.sameRow; lastEnd = fold.end.column; } callback(null, endRow, endColumn, lastEnd, isNewRow); } this.getNextFoldTo = function(row, column) { var fold, cmp; for (var i = 0; i < this.folds.length; i++) { fold = this.folds[i]; cmp = fold.range.compareEnd(row, column); if (cmp == -1) { return { fold: fold, kind: "after" }; } else if (cmp == 0) { return { fold: fold, kind: "inside" } } } return null; } this.addRemoveChars = function(row, column, len) { var ret = this.getNextFoldTo(row, column), fold, folds; if (ret) { fold = ret.fold; if (ret.kind == "inside" && fold.start.column != column && fold.start.row != row) { throw "Moving characters inside of a fold should never be reached"; } else if (fold.start.row == row) { folds = this.folds; var i = folds.indexOf(fold); if (i == 0) { this.start.column += len; } for (i; i < folds.length; i++) { fold = folds[i]; fold.start.column += len; if (!fold.sameRow) { return; } fold.end.column += len; } this.end.column += len; } } } this.split = function(row, column) { var fold = this.getNextFoldTo(row, column).fold, folds = this.folds; var foldData = this.foldData; if (!fold) { return null; } var i = folds.indexOf(fold); var foldBefore = folds[i - 1]; this.end.row = foldBefore.end.row; this.end.column = foldBefore.end.column; // Remove the folds after row/column and create a new FoldLine // containing these removed folds. folds = folds.splice(i, folds.length - i); var newFoldLine = new FoldLine(foldData, folds); foldData.splice(foldData.indexOf(this) + 1, 0, newFoldLine); return newFoldLine; } this.merge = function(foldLineNext) { var folds = foldLineNext.folds; for (var i = 0; i < folds.length; i++) { this.addFold(folds[i]); } // Remove the foldLineNext - no longer needed, as // it's merged now with foldLineNext. var foldData = this.foldData; foldData.splice(foldData.indexOf(foldLineNext), 1); } this.toString = function() { var ret = [this.range.toString() + ": [" ]; this.folds.forEach(function(fold) { ret.push(" " + fold.toString()); }); ret.push("]") return ret.join("\n"); } this.idxToPosition = function(idx) { var lastFoldEndColumn = 0; var fold; for (var i = 0; i < this.folds.length; i++) { var fold = this.folds[i]; idx -= fold.start.column - lastFoldEndColumn; if (idx < 0) { return { row: fold.start.row, column: fold.start.column + idx }; } idx -= fold.placeholder.length; if (idx < 0) { return fold.start; } lastFoldEndColumn = fold.end.column; } return { row: this.end.row, column: this.end.column + idx }; } }).call(FoldLine.prototype); exports.FoldLine = FoldLine; });/* vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4: * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Julian Viereck <julian DOT viereck AT gmail DOT com> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/edit_session/fold', ['require', 'exports', 'module' ], function(require, exports, module) { /** * Simple fold-data struct. **/ var Fold = exports.Fold = function(range, placeholder) { this.foldLine = null; this.placeholder = placeholder; this.range = range; this.start = range.start; this.end = range.end; this.sameRow = range.start.row == range.end.row; this.subFolds = []; }; (function() { this.toString = function() { return '"' + this.placeholder + '" ' + this.range.toString(); }; this.setFoldLine = function(foldLine) { this.foldLine = foldLine; this.subFolds.forEach(function(fold) { fold.setFoldLine(foldLine); }); }; this.clone = function() { var range = this.range.clone(); var fold = new Fold(range, this.placeholder); this.subFolds.forEach(function(subFold) { fold.subFolds.push(subFold.clone()); }); return fold; }; this.addSubFold = function(fold) { if (this.range.isEequal(fold)) return this; if (!this.range.containsRange(fold)) throw "A fold can't intersect already existing fold" + fold.range + this.range; var row = fold.range.start.row, column = fold.range.start.column; for (var i = 0, cmp = -1; i < this.subFolds.length; i++) { cmp = this.subFolds[i].range.compare(row, column); if (cmp != 1) break; } var afterStart = this.subFolds[i]; if (cmp == 0) return afterStart.addSubFold(fold) // cmp == -1 var row = fold.range.end.row, column = fold.range.end.column; for (var j = i, cmp = -1; j < this.subFolds.length; j++) { cmp = this.subFolds[j].range.compare(row, column); if (cmp != 1) break; } var afterEnd = this.subFolds[j]; if (cmp == 0) throw "A fold can't intersect already existing fold" + fold.range + this.range; var consumedFolds = this.subFolds.splice(i, j - i, fold) fold.setFoldLine(this.foldLine); return fold; } }).call(Fold.prototype); });/* vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4: * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/token_iterator', ['require', 'exports', 'module' ], function(require, exports, module) { var TokenIterator = function(session, initialRow, initialColumn) { this.$session = session; this.$row = initialRow; this.$rowTokens = session.getTokens(initialRow, initialRow)[0].tokens; var token = session.getTokenAt(initialRow, initialColumn); this.$tokenIndex = token ? token.index : -1; }; (function() { this.stepBackward = function() { this.$tokenIndex -= 1; while (this.$tokenIndex < 0) { this.$row -= 1; if (this.$row < 0) return null; this.$rowTokens = this.$session.getTokens(this.$row, this.$row)[0].tokens; this.$tokenIndex = this.$rowTokens.length - 1; } return this.$rowTokens[this.$tokenIndex]; }; this.stepForward = function() { var rowCount = this.$session.getLength(); this.$tokenIndex += 1; while (this.$tokenIndex >= this.$rowTokens.length) { this.$row += 1; if (this.$row >= rowCount) return null; this.$rowTokens = this.$session.getTokens(this.$row, this.$row)[0].tokens; this.$tokenIndex = 0; } return this.$rowTokens[this.$tokenIndex]; }; this.getCurrentToken = function () { return this.$rowTokens[this.$tokenIndex]; }; this.getCurrentTokenRow = function () { return this.$row; }; this.getCurrentTokenColumn = function() { var rowTokens = this.$rowTokens; var tokenIndex = this.$tokenIndex; // If a column was cached by EditSession.getTokenAt, then use it var column = rowTokens[tokenIndex].start; if (column !== undefined) return column; column = 0; while (tokenIndex > 0) { tokenIndex -= 1; column += rowTokens[tokenIndex].value.length; } return column; }; }).call(TokenIterator.prototype); exports.TokenIterator = TokenIterator; }); /* vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4: * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/edit_session/bracket_match', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/token_iterator'], function(require, exports, module) { var TokenIterator = require("../token_iterator").TokenIterator; function BracketMatch() { this.findMatchingBracket = function(position) { if (position.column == 0) return null; var charBeforeCursor = this.getLine(position.row).charAt(position.column-1); if (charBeforeCursor == "") return null; var match = charBeforeCursor.match(/([\(\[\{])|([\)\]\}])/); if (!match) { return null; } if (match[1]) { return this.$findClosingBracket(match[1], position); } else { return this.$findOpeningBracket(match[2], position); } }; this.$brackets = { ")": "(", "(": ")", "]": "[", "[": "]", "{": "}", "}": "{" }; this.$findOpeningBracket = function(bracket, position) { var openBracket = this.$brackets[bracket]; var depth = 1; var iterator = new TokenIterator(this, position.row, position.column); var token = iterator.getCurrentToken(); if (!token) return null; // token.type contains a period-delimited list of token identifiers // (e.g.: "constant.numeric" or "paren.lparen"). Create a pattern that // matches any token containing the same identifiers or a subset. In // addition, if token.type includes "rparen", then also match "lparen". // So if type.token is "paren.rparen", then typeRe will match "lparen.paren". var typeRe = new RegExp("(\\.?" + token.type.replace(".", "|").replace("rparen", "lparen|rparen") + ")+"); // Start searching in token, just before the character at position.column var valueIndex = position.column - iterator.getCurrentTokenColumn() - 2; var value = token.value; while (true) { while (valueIndex >= 0) { var char = value.charAt(valueIndex); if (char == openBracket) { depth -= 1; if (depth == 0) { return {row: iterator.getCurrentTokenRow(), column: valueIndex + iterator.getCurrentTokenColumn()}; } } else if (char == bracket) { depth += 1; } valueIndex -= 1; } // Scan backward through the document, looking for the next token // whose type matches typeRe do { token = iterator.stepBackward(); } while (token && !typeRe.test(token.type)); if (token == null) break; value = token.value; valueIndex = value.length - 1; } return null; }; this.$findClosingBracket = function(bracket, position) { var closingBracket = this.$brackets[bracket]; var depth = 1; var iterator = new TokenIterator(this, position.row, position.column); var token = iterator.getCurrentToken(); if (!token) return null; // token.type contains a period-delimited list of token identifiers // (e.g.: "constant.numeric" or "paren.lparen"). Create a pattern that // matches any token containing the same identifiers or a subset. In // addition, if token.type includes "lparen", then also match "rparen". // So if type.token is "lparen.paren", then typeRe will match "paren.rparen". var typeRe = new RegExp("(\\.?" + token.type.replace(".", "|").replace("lparen", "lparen|rparen") + ")+"); // Start searching in token, after the character at position.column var valueIndex = position.column - iterator.getCurrentTokenColumn(); while (true) { var value = token.value; var valueLength = value.length; while (valueIndex < valueLength) { var char = value.charAt(valueIndex); if (char == closingBracket) { depth -= 1; if (depth == 0) { return {row: iterator.getCurrentTokenRow(), column: valueIndex + iterator.getCurrentTokenColumn()}; } } else if (char == bracket) { depth += 1; } valueIndex += 1; } // Scan forward through the document, looking for the next token // whose type matches typeRe do { token = iterator.stepForward(); } while (token && !typeRe.test(token.type)); if (token == null) break; valueIndex = 0; } return null; }; } exports.BracketMatch = BracketMatch; }); /* vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4: * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * Mihai Sucan <mihai DOT sucan AT gmail DOT com> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/search', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/lib/lang', 'ace/lib/oop', 'ace/range'], function(require, exports, module) { var lang = require("./lib/lang"); var oop = require("./lib/oop"); var Range = require("./range").Range; var Search = function() { this.$options = { needle: "", backwards: false, wrap: false, caseSensitive: false, wholeWord: false, scope: Search.ALL, regExp: false }; }; Search.ALL = 1; Search.SELECTION = 2; (function() { this.set = function(options) { oop.mixin(this.$options, options); return this; }; this.getOptions = function() { return lang.copyObject(this.$options); }; this.find = function(session) { if (!this.$options.needle) return null; if (this.$options.backwards) { var iterator = this.$backwardMatchIterator(session); } else { iterator = this.$forwardMatchIterator(session); } var firstRange = null; iterator.forEach(function(range) { firstRange = range; return true; }); return firstRange; }; this.findAll = function(session) { var options = this.$options; if (!options.needle) return []; if (options.backwards) { var iterator = this.$backwardMatchIterator(session); } else { iterator = this.$forwardMatchIterator(session); } var ignoreCursor = !options.start && options.wrap && options.scope == Search.ALL; if (ignoreCursor) options.start = {row: 0, column: 0}; var ranges = []; iterator.forEach(function(range) { ranges.push(range); }); if (ignoreCursor) options.start = null; return ranges; }; this.replace = function(input, replacement) { var re = this.$assembleRegExp(); var match = re.exec(input); if (match && match[0].length == input.length) { if (this.$options.regExp) { return input.replace(re, replacement); } else { return replacement; } } else { return null; } }; this.$forwardMatchIterator = function(session) { var re = this.$assembleRegExp(); var self = this; return { forEach: function(callback) { self.$forwardLineIterator(session).forEach(function(line, startIndex, row) { if (startIndex) { line = line.substring(startIndex); } var matches = []; line.replace(re, function(str) { var offset = arguments[arguments.length-2]; matches.push({ str: str, offset: startIndex + offset }); return str; }); for (var i=0; i<matches.length; i++) { var match = matches[i]; var range = self.$rangeFromMatch(row, match.offset, match.str.length); if (callback(range)) return true; } }); } }; }; this.$backwardMatchIterator = function(session) { var re = this.$assembleRegExp(); var self = this; return { forEach: function(callback) { self.$backwardLineIterator(session).forEach(function(line, startIndex, row) { if (startIndex) { line = line.substring(startIndex); } var matches = []; line.replace(re, function(str, offset) { matches.push({ str: str, offset: startIndex + offset }); return str; }); for (var i=matches.length-1; i>= 0; i--) { var match = matches[i]; var range = self.$rangeFromMatch(row, match.offset, match.str.length); if (callback(range)) return true; } }); } }; }; this.$rangeFromMatch = function(row, column, length) { return new Range(row, column, row, column+length); }; this.$assembleRegExp = function() { if (this.$options.regExp) { var needle = this.$options.needle; } else { needle = lang.escapeRegExp(this.$options.needle); } if (this.$options.wholeWord) { needle = "\\b" + needle + "\\b"; } var modifier = "g"; if (!this.$options.caseSensitive) { modifier += "i"; } var re = new RegExp(needle, modifier); return re; }; this.$forwardLineIterator = function(session) { var searchSelection = this.$options.scope == Search.SELECTION; var range = this.$options.range || session.getSelection().getRange(); var start = this.$options.start || range[searchSelection ? "start" : "end"]; var firstRow = searchSelection ? range.start.row : 0; var firstColumn = searchSelection ? range.start.column : 0; var lastRow = searchSelection ? range.end.row : session.getLength() - 1; var wrap = this.$options.wrap; var inWrap = false; function getLine(row) { var line = session.getLine(row); if (searchSelection && row == range.end.row) { line = line.substring(0, range.end.column); } if (inWrap && row == start.row) { line = line.substring(0, start.column); } return line; } return { forEach: function(callback) { var row = start.row; var line = getLine(row); var startIndex = start.column; var stop = false; inWrap = false; while (!callback(line, startIndex, row)) { if (stop) { return; } row++; startIndex = 0; if (row > lastRow) { if (wrap) { row = firstRow; startIndex = firstColumn; inWrap = true; } else { return; } } if (row == start.row) stop = true; line = getLine(row); } } }; }; this.$backwardLineIterator = function(session) { var searchSelection = this.$options.scope == Search.SELECTION; var range = this.$options.range || session.getSelection().getRange(); var start = this.$options.start || range[searchSelection ? "end" : "start"]; var firstRow = searchSelection ? range.start.row : 0; var firstColumn = searchSelection ? range.start.column : 0; var lastRow = searchSelection ? range.end.row : session.getLength() - 1; var wrap = this.$options.wrap; return { forEach : function(callback) { var row = start.row; var line = session.getLine(row).substring(0, start.column); var startIndex = 0; var stop = false; var inWrap = false; while (!callback(line, startIndex, row)) { if (stop) return; row--; startIndex = 0; if (row < firstRow) { if (wrap) { row = lastRow; inWrap = true; } else { return; } } if (row == start.row) stop = true; line = session.getLine(row); if (searchSelection) { if (row == firstRow) startIndex = firstColumn; else if (row == lastRow) line = line.substring(0, range.end.column); } if (inWrap && row == start.row) startIndex = start.column; } } }; }; }).call(Search.prototype); exports.Search = Search; }); define('ace/commands/command_manager', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/lib/keys'], function(require, exports, module) { var keyUtil = require("../lib/keys"); var CommandManager = function(platform, commands) { if (typeof platform !== "string") throw new TypeError("'platform' argument must be either 'mac' or 'win'"); this.platform = platform; this.commands = {}; this.commmandKeyBinding = {}; if (commands) commands.forEach(this.addCommand, this); }; (function() { this.addCommand = function(command) { if (this.commands[command.name]) this.removeCommand(command); this.commands[command.name] = command; if (command.bindKey) { this._buildKeyHash(command); } }; this.removeCommand = function(command) { var name = (typeof command === 'string' ? command : command.name); command = this.commands[name]; delete this.commands[name]; // exaustive search is brute force but since removeCommand is // not a performance critical operation this should be OK var ckb = this.commmandKeyBinding; for (var hashId in ckb) { for (var key in ckb[hashId]) { if (ckb[hashId][key] == command) delete ckb[hashId][key]; } } }; this.addCommands = function(commands) { Object.keys(commands).forEach(function(name) { var command = commands[name]; if (typeof command === "string") return this.bindKey(command, name); if (typeof command === "function") command = { exec: command }; if (!command.name) command.name = name; this.addCommand(command); }, this); }; this.removeCommands = function(commands) { Object.keys(commands).forEach(function(name) { this.removeCommand(commands[name]); }, this); }; this.bindKey = function(key, command) { if(!key) return; var ckb = this.commmandKeyBinding; key.split("|").forEach(function(keyPart) { var binding = parseKeys(keyPart, command); var hashId = binding.hashId; (ckb[hashId] || (ckb[hashId] = {}))[binding.key] = command; }); }; this.bindKeys = function(keyList) { Object.keys(keyList).forEach(function(key) { this.bindKey(key, keyList[key]); }, this); }; this._buildKeyHash = function(command) { var binding = command.bindKey; if (!binding) return; var key = typeof binding == "string" ? binding: binding[this.platform]; this.bindKey(key, command); } function parseKeys(keys, val, ret) { var key; var hashId = 0; var parts = splitSafe(keys); for (var i=0, l = parts.length; i < l; i++) { if (keyUtil.KEY_MODS[parts[i]]) hashId = hashId | keyUtil.KEY_MODS[parts[i]]; else key = parts[i] || "-"; //when empty, the splitSafe removed a '-' } return { key: key, hashId: hashId } } function splitSafe(s, separator) { return (s.toLowerCase() .trim() .split(new RegExp("[\\s ]*\\-[\\s ]*", "g"), 999)); } this.findKeyCommand = function findKeyCommand(hashId, textOrKey) { // Convert keyCode to the string representation. if (typeof textOrKey == "number") { textOrKey = keyUtil.keyCodeToString(textOrKey); } var ckbr = this.commmandKeyBinding; return ckbr[hashId] && ckbr[hashId][textOrKey.toLowerCase()]; } this.exec = function(command, editor, args) { if (typeof command === 'string') command = this.commands[command]; if (!command) return false; if (editor && editor.$readOnly && !command.readOnly) return false; command.exec(editor, args || {}); return true; }; this.toggleRecording = function() { if (this.$inReplay) return; if (this.recording) { this.macro.pop(); this.exec = this.normal_exec; return this.recording = false; } this.macro = []; this.normal_exec = this.exec; this.exec = function(command, editor, args) { this.macro.push([command, args]); return this.normal_exec(command, editor, args); }; return this.recording = true; }; this.replay = function(editor) { if (this.$inReplay) return; if (!this.macro || this.recording) return this.toggleRecording(); try { this.$inReplay = true; this.macro.forEach(function(x) { if (typeof x == "string") this.exec(x, editor); else this.exec(x[0], editor, x[1]); }, this) } finally { this.$inReplay = false; } }; this.trimMacro = function(m) { return m.map(function(x){ if (typeof x[0] != "string") x[0] = x[0].name; if (!x[1]) x = x[0]; return x }) } }).call(CommandManager.prototype); exports.CommandManager = CommandManager; }); /* vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4: * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * Mihai Sucan <mihai DOT sucan AT gmail DOT com> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/undomanager', ['require', 'exports', 'module' ], function(require, exports, module) { var UndoManager = function() { this.reset(); }; (function() { this.execute = function(options) { var deltas = options.args[0]; this.$doc = options.args[1]; this.$undoStack.push(deltas); this.$redoStack = []; }; this.undo = function(dontSelect) { var deltas = this.$undoStack.pop(); var undoSelectionRange = null; if (deltas) { undoSelectionRange = this.$doc.undoChanges(deltas, dontSelect); this.$redoStack.push(deltas); } return undoSelectionRange; }; this.redo = function(dontSelect) { var deltas = this.$redoStack.pop(); var redoSelectionRange = null; if (deltas) { redoSelectionRange = this.$doc.redoChanges(deltas, dontSelect); this.$undoStack.push(deltas); } return redoSelectionRange; }; this.reset = function() { this.$undoStack = []; this.$redoStack = []; }; this.hasUndo = function() { return this.$undoStack.length > 0; }; this.hasRedo = function() { return this.$redoStack.length > 0; }; }).call(UndoManager.prototype); exports.UndoManager = UndoManager; }); /* vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4: * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian@ajax.org> * Irakli Gozalishvili <rfobic@gmail.com> (http://jeditoolkit.com) * Julian Viereck <julian.viereck@gmail.com> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/virtual_renderer', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/lib/oop', 'ace/lib/dom', 'ace/lib/event', 'ace/lib/useragent', 'ace/layer/gutter', 'ace/layer/marker', 'ace/layer/text', 'ace/layer/cursor', 'ace/scrollbar', 'ace/renderloop', 'ace/lib/event_emitter', 'text!ace/css/editor.css'], function(require, exports, module) { var oop = require("./lib/oop"); var dom = require("./lib/dom"); var event = require("./lib/event"); var useragent = require("./lib/useragent"); var GutterLayer = require("./layer/gutter").Gutter; var MarkerLayer = require("./layer/marker").Marker; var TextLayer = require("./layer/text").Text; var CursorLayer = require("./layer/cursor").Cursor; var ScrollBar = require("./scrollbar").ScrollBar; var RenderLoop = require("./renderloop").RenderLoop; var EventEmitter = require("./lib/event_emitter").EventEmitter; var editorCss = require("text!./css/editor.css"); dom.importCssString(editorCss, "ace_editor"); var VirtualRenderer = function(container, theme) { this.container = container; // TODO: this breaks rendering in Cloud9 with multiple ace instances // // Imports CSS once per DOM document ('ace_editor' serves as an identifier). // dom.importCssString(editorCss, "ace_editor", container.ownerDocument); // Chrome has some strange rendering issues if this is not done async setTimeout(function() { dom.addCssClass(container, "ace_editor"); }, 0) this.setTheme(theme); this.$gutter = dom.createElement("div"); this.$gutter.className = "ace_gutter"; this.container.appendChild(this.$gutter); this.scroller = dom.createElement("div"); this.scroller.className = "ace_scroller"; this.container.appendChild(this.scroller); this.content = dom.createElement("div"); this.content.className = "ace_content"; this.scroller.appendChild(this.content); this.$gutterLayer = new GutterLayer(this.$gutter); this.$markerBack = new MarkerLayer(this.content); var textLayer = this.$textLayer = new TextLayer(this.content); this.canvas = textLayer.element; this.$markerFront = new MarkerLayer(this.content); this.characterWidth = textLayer.getCharacterWidth(); this.lineHeight = textLayer.getLineHeight(); this.$cursorLayer = new CursorLayer(this.content); this.$cursorPadding = 8; // Indicates whether the horizontal scrollbar is visible this.$horizScroll = true; this.$horizScrollAlwaysVisible = true; this.scrollBar = new ScrollBar(container); this.scrollBar.addEventListener("scroll", this.onScroll.bind(this)); this.scrollTop = 0; this.cursorPos = { row : 0, column : 0 }; var _self = this; this.$textLayer.addEventListener("changeCharaterSize", function() { _self.characterWidth = textLayer.getCharacterWidth(); _self.lineHeight = textLayer.getLineHeight(); _self.$updatePrintMargin(); _self.onResize(true); _self.$loop.schedule(_self.CHANGE_FULL); }); event.addListener(this.$gutter, "click", this.$onGutterClick.bind(this)); event.addListener(this.$gutter, "dblclick", this.$onGutterClick.bind(this)); this.$size = { width: 0, height: 0, scrollerHeight: 0, scrollerWidth: 0 }; this.layerConfig = { width : 1, padding : 0, firstRow : 0, firstRowScreen: 0, lastRow : 0, lineHeight : 1, characterWidth : 1, minHeight : 1, maxHeight : 1, offset : 0, height : 1 }; this.$loop = new RenderLoop( this.$renderChanges.bind(this), this.container.ownerDocument.defaultView ); this.$loop.schedule(this.CHANGE_FULL); this.setPadding(4); this.$updatePrintMargin(); }; (function() { this.showGutter = true; this.CHANGE_CURSOR = 1; this.CHANGE_MARKER = 2; this.CHANGE_GUTTER = 4; this.CHANGE_SCROLL = 8; this.CHANGE_LINES = 16; this.CHANGE_TEXT = 32; this.CHANGE_SIZE = 64; this.CHANGE_MARKER_BACK = 128; this.CHANGE_MARKER_FRONT = 256; this.CHANGE_FULL = 512; oop.implement(this, EventEmitter); this.setSession = function(session) { this.session = session; this.$cursorLayer.setSession(session); this.$markerBack.setSession(session); this.$markerFront.setSession(session); this.$gutterLayer.setSession(session); this.$textLayer.setSession(session); this.$loop.schedule(this.CHANGE_FULL); }; /** * Triggers partial update of the text layer */ this.updateLines = function(firstRow, lastRow) { if (lastRow === undefined) lastRow = Infinity; if (!this.$changedLines) { this.$changedLines = { firstRow: firstRow, lastRow: lastRow }; } else { if (this.$changedLines.firstRow > firstRow) this.$changedLines.firstRow = firstRow; if (this.$changedLines.lastRow < lastRow) this.$changedLines.lastRow = lastRow; } this.$loop.schedule(this.CHANGE_LINES); }; /** * Triggers full update of the text layer */ this.updateText = function() { this.$loop.schedule(this.CHANGE_TEXT); }; /** * Triggers a full update of all layers */ this.updateFull = function() { this.$loop.schedule(this.CHANGE_FULL); }; this.updateFontSize = function() { this.$textLayer.checkForSizeChanges(); }; /** * Triggers resize of the editor */ this.onResize = function(force) { var changes = this.CHANGE_SIZE; var size = this.$size; var height = dom.getInnerHeight(this.container); if (force || size.height != height) { size.height = height; this.scroller.style.height = height + "px"; size.scrollerHeight = this.scroller.clientHeight; this.scrollBar.setHeight(size.scrollerHeight); if (this.session) { this.scrollToY(this.getScrollTop()); changes = changes | this.CHANGE_FULL; } } var width = dom.getInnerWidth(this.container); if (force || size.width != width) { size.width = width; var gutterWidth = this.showGutter ? this.$gutter.offsetWidth : 0; this.scroller.style.left = gutterWidth + "px"; size.scrollerWidth = Math.max(0, width - gutterWidth - this.scrollBar.getWidth()) this.scroller.style.width = size.scrollerWidth + "px"; if (this.session.getUseWrapMode() && this.adjustWrapLimit() || force) changes = changes | this.CHANGE_FULL; } this.$loop.schedule(changes); }; this.adjustWrapLimit = function(){ var availableWidth = this.$size.scrollerWidth - this.$padding * 2; var limit = Math.floor(availableWidth / this.characterWidth) - 1; return this.session.adjustWrapLimit(limit); }; this.$onGutterClick = function(e) { var pageY = event.getDocumentY(e); var row = this.screenToTextCoordinates(0, pageY).row; if (e.target.className.indexOf('ace_fold-widget') != -1) return this.session.onFoldWidgetClick(row, e); this._dispatchEvent("gutter" + e.type, { row: row, htmlEvent: e }); }; this.setShowInvisibles = function(showInvisibles) { if (this.$textLayer.setShowInvisibles(showInvisibles)) this.$loop.schedule(this.CHANGE_TEXT); }; this.getShowInvisibles = function() { return this.$textLayer.showInvisibles; }; this.$showPrintMargin = true; this.setShowPrintMargin = function(showPrintMargin) { this.$showPrintMargin = showPrintMargin; this.$updatePrintMargin(); }; this.getShowPrintMargin = function() { return this.$showPrintMargin; }; this.$printMarginColumn = 80; this.setPrintMarginColumn = function(showPrintMargin) { this.$printMarginColumn = showPrintMargin; this.$updatePrintMargin(); }; this.getPrintMarginColumn = function() { return this.$printMarginColumn; }; this.getShowGutter = function(){ return this.showGutter; }; this.setShowGutter = function(show){ if(this.showGutter === show) return; this.$gutter.style.display = show ? "block" : "none"; this.showGutter = show; this.onResize(true); }; this.$updatePrintMargin = function() { var containerEl; if (!this.$showPrintMargin && !this.$printMarginEl) return; if (!this.$printMarginEl) { containerEl = dom.createElement("div"); containerEl.className = "ace_print_margin_layer"; this.$printMarginEl = dom.createElement("div"); this.$printMarginEl.className = "ace_print_margin"; containerEl.appendChild(this.$printMarginEl); this.content.insertBefore(containerEl, this.$textLayer.element); } var style = this.$printMarginEl.style; style.left = ((this.characterWidth * this.$printMarginColumn) + this.$padding * 2) + "px"; style.visibility = this.$showPrintMargin ? "visible" : "hidden"; }; this.getContainerElement = function() { return this.container; }; this.getMouseEventTarget = function() { return this.content; }; this.getTextAreaContainer = function() { return this.container; }; this.moveTextAreaToCursor = function(textarea) { // in IE the native cursor always shines through // this persists in IE9 if (useragent.isIE) return; var pos = this.$cursorLayer.getPixelPosition(); if (!pos) return; var bounds = this.content.getBoundingClientRect(); var offset = this.layerConfig.offset; textarea.style.left = (bounds.left + pos.left + this.$padding) + "px"; textarea.style.top = (bounds.top + pos.top - this.scrollTop + offset) + "px"; }; this.getFirstVisibleRow = function() { return this.layerConfig.firstRow; }; this.getFirstFullyVisibleRow = function() { return this.layerConfig.firstRow + (this.layerConfig.offset === 0 ? 0 : 1); }; this.getLastFullyVisibleRow = function() { var flint = Math.floor((this.layerConfig.height + this.layerConfig.offset) / this.layerConfig.lineHeight); return this.layerConfig.firstRow - 1 + flint; }; this.getLastVisibleRow = function() { return this.layerConfig.lastRow; }; this.$padding = null; this.setPadding = function(padding) { this.$padding = padding; this.$textLayer.setPadding(padding); this.$cursorLayer.setPadding(padding); this.$markerFront.setPadding(padding); this.$markerBack.setPadding(padding); this.$loop.schedule(this.CHANGE_FULL); this.$updatePrintMargin(); }; this.getHScrollBarAlwaysVisible = function() { return this.$horizScrollAlwaysVisible; }; this.setHScrollBarAlwaysVisible = function(alwaysVisible) { if (this.$horizScrollAlwaysVisible != alwaysVisible) { this.$horizScrollAlwaysVisible = alwaysVisible; if (!this.$horizScrollAlwaysVisible || !this.$horizScroll) this.$loop.schedule(this.CHANGE_SCROLL); } }; this.onScroll = function(e) { this.scrollToY(e.data); }; this.$updateScrollBar = function() { this.scrollBar.setInnerHeight(this.layerConfig.maxHeight); this.scrollBar.setScrollTop(this.scrollTop); }; this.$renderChanges = function(changes) { if (!changes || !this.session) return; // text, scrolling and resize changes can cause the view port size to change if (changes & this.CHANGE_FULL || changes & this.CHANGE_SIZE || changes & this.CHANGE_TEXT || changes & this.CHANGE_LINES || changes & this.CHANGE_SCROLL ) this.$computeLayerConfig(); // full if (changes & this.CHANGE_FULL) { this.$textLayer.update(this.layerConfig); if (this.showGutter) this.$gutterLayer.update(this.layerConfig); this.$markerBack.update(this.layerConfig); this.$markerFront.update(this.layerConfig); this.$cursorLayer.update(this.layerConfig); this.$updateScrollBar(); return; } // scrolling if (changes & this.CHANGE_SCROLL) { if (changes & this.CHANGE_TEXT || changes & this.CHANGE_LINES) this.$textLayer.update(this.layerConfig); else this.$textLayer.scrollLines(this.layerConfig); if (this.showGutter) this.$gutterLayer.update(this.layerConfig); this.$markerBack.update(this.layerConfig); this.$markerFront.update(this.layerConfig); this.$cursorLayer.update(this.layerConfig); this.$updateScrollBar(); return; } if (changes & this.CHANGE_TEXT) { this.$textLayer.update(this.layerConfig); if (this.showGutter) this.$gutterLayer.update(this.layerConfig); } else if (changes & this.CHANGE_LINES) { this.$updateLines(); this.$updateScrollBar(); if (this.showGutter) this.$gutterLayer.update(this.layerConfig); } else if (changes & this.CHANGE_GUTTER) { if (this.showGutter) this.$gutterLayer.update(this.layerConfig); } if (changes & this.CHANGE_CURSOR) this.$cursorLayer.update(this.layerConfig); if (changes & (this.CHANGE_MARKER | this.CHANGE_MARKER_FRONT)) { this.$markerFront.update(this.layerConfig); } if (changes & (this.CHANGE_MARKER | this.CHANGE_MARKER_BACK)) { this.$markerBack.update(this.layerConfig); } if (changes & this.CHANGE_SIZE) this.$updateScrollBar(); }; this.$computeLayerConfig = function() { var session = this.session; var offset = this.scrollTop % this.lineHeight; var minHeight = this.$size.scrollerHeight + this.lineHeight; var longestLine = this.$getLongestLine(); var widthChanged = this.layerConfig.width != longestLine; var horizScroll = this.$horizScrollAlwaysVisible || this.$size.scrollerWidth - longestLine < 0; var horizScrollChanged = this.$horizScroll !== horizScroll; this.$horizScroll = horizScroll; if (horizScrollChanged) this.scroller.style.overflowX = horizScroll ? "scroll" : "hidden"; var maxHeight = this.session.getScreenLength() * this.lineHeight; this.scrollTop = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.scrollTop, maxHeight - this.$size.scrollerHeight)); var lineCount = Math.ceil(minHeight / this.lineHeight) - 1; var firstRow = Math.max(0, Math.round((this.scrollTop - offset) / this.lineHeight)); var lastRow = firstRow + lineCount; // Map lines on the screen to lines in the document. var firstRowScreen, firstRowHeight; var lineHeight = { lineHeight: this.lineHeight }; firstRow = session.screenToDocumentRow(firstRow, 0); // Check if firstRow is inside of a foldLine. If true, then use the first // row of the foldLine. var foldLine = session.getFoldLine(firstRow); if (foldLine) { firstRow = foldLine.start.row; } firstRowScreen = session.documentToScreenRow(firstRow, 0); firstRowHeight = session.getRowHeight(lineHeight, firstRow); lastRow = Math.min(session.screenToDocumentRow(lastRow, 0), session.getLength() - 1); minHeight = this.$size.scrollerHeight + session.getRowHeight(lineHeight, lastRow)+ firstRowHeight; offset = this.scrollTop - firstRowScreen * this.lineHeight; this.layerConfig = { width : longestLine, padding : this.$padding, firstRow : firstRow, firstRowScreen: firstRowScreen, lastRow : lastRow, lineHeight : this.lineHeight, characterWidth : this.characterWidth, minHeight : minHeight, maxHeight : maxHeight, offset : offset, height : this.$size.scrollerHeight }; // For debugging. // console.log(JSON.stringify(this.layerConfig)); this.$gutterLayer.element.style.marginTop = (-offset) + "px"; this.content.style.marginTop = (-offset) + "px"; this.content.style.width = longestLine + "px"; this.content.style.height = minHeight + "px"; // scroller.scrollWidth was smaller than scrollLeft we needed if (this.$desiredScrollLeft) { this.scrollToX(this.$desiredScrollLeft); this.$desiredScrollLeft = 0; } // Horizontal scrollbar visibility may have changed, which changes // the client height of the scroller if (horizScrollChanged) this.onResize(true); }; this.$updateLines = function() { var firstRow = this.$changedLines.firstRow; var lastRow = this.$changedLines.lastRow; this.$changedLines = null; var layerConfig = this.layerConfig; // if the update changes the width of the document do a full redraw if (layerConfig.width != this.$getLongestLine()) return this.$textLayer.update(layerConfig); if (firstRow > layerConfig.lastRow + 1) { return; } if (lastRow < layerConfig.firstRow) { return; } // if the last row is unknown -> redraw everything if (lastRow === Infinity) { if (this.showGutter) this.$gutterLayer.update(layerConfig); this.$textLayer.update(layerConfig); return; } // else update only the changed rows this.$textLayer.updateLines(layerConfig, firstRow, lastRow); }; this.$getLongestLine = function() { var charCount = this.session.getScreenWidth() + 1; if (this.$textLayer.showInvisibles) charCount += 1; return Math.max(this.$size.scrollerWidth, Math.round(charCount * this.characterWidth)); }; this.updateFrontMarkers = function() { this.$markerFront.setMarkers(this.session.getMarkers(true)); this.$loop.schedule(this.CHANGE_MARKER_FRONT); }; this.updateBackMarkers = function() { this.$markerBack.setMarkers(this.session.getMarkers()); this.$loop.schedule(this.CHANGE_MARKER_BACK); }; this.addGutterDecoration = function(row, className){ this.$gutterLayer.addGutterDecoration(row, className); this.$loop.schedule(this.CHANGE_GUTTER); }; this.removeGutterDecoration = function(row, className){ this.$gutterLayer.removeGutterDecoration(row, className); this.$loop.schedule(this.CHANGE_GUTTER); }; this.setBreakpoints = function(rows) { this.$gutterLayer.setBreakpoints(rows); this.$loop.schedule(this.CHANGE_GUTTER); }; this.setAnnotations = function(annotations) { this.$gutterLayer.setAnnotations(annotations); this.$loop.schedule(this.CHANGE_GUTTER); }; this.updateCursor = function() { this.$loop.schedule(this.CHANGE_CURSOR); }; this.hideCursor = function() { this.$cursorLayer.hideCursor(); }; this.showCursor = function() { this.$cursorLayer.showCursor(); }; this.scrollCursorIntoView = function() { // the editor is not visible if (this.$size.scrollerHeight === 0) return; var pos = this.$cursorLayer.getPixelPosition(); var left = pos.left; var top = pos.top; if (this.scrollTop > top) { this.scrollToY(top); } if (this.scrollTop + this.$size.scrollerHeight < top + this.lineHeight) { this.scrollToY(top + this.lineHeight - this.$size.scrollerHeight); } var scrollLeft = this.scroller.scrollLeft; if (scrollLeft > left) { this.scrollToX(left); } if (scrollLeft + this.$size.scrollerWidth < left + this.characterWidth) { if (left > this.layerConfig.width) this.$desiredScrollLeft = left + 2 * this.characterWidth; else this.scrollToX(Math.round(left + this.characterWidth - this.$size.scrollerWidth)); } }; this.getScrollTop = function() { return this.scrollTop; }; this.getScrollLeft = function() { return this.scroller.scrollLeft; }; this.getScrollTopRow = function() { return this.scrollTop / this.lineHeight; }; this.getScrollBottomRow = function() { return Math.max(0, Math.floor((this.scrollTop + this.$size.scrollerHeight) / this.lineHeight) - 1); }; this.scrollToRow = function(row) { this.scrollToY(row * this.lineHeight); }; this.scrollToLine = function(line, center) { var lineHeight = { lineHeight: this.lineHeight }; var offset = 0; for (var l = 1; l < line; l++) { offset += this.session.getRowHeight(lineHeight, l-1); } if (center) { offset -= this.$size.scrollerHeight / 2; } this.scrollToY(offset); }; this.scrollToY = function(scrollTop) { // after calling scrollBar.setScrollTop // scrollbar sends us event with same scrollTop. ignore it scrollTop = Math.max(0, scrollTop); if (this.scrollTop !== scrollTop) { this.$loop.schedule(this.CHANGE_SCROLL); this.scrollTop = scrollTop; } }; this.scrollToX = function(scrollLeft) { if (scrollLeft <= this.$padding) scrollLeft = 0; this.scroller.scrollLeft = scrollLeft; }; this.scrollBy = function(deltaX, deltaY) { deltaY && this.scrollToY(this.scrollTop + deltaY); deltaX && this.scrollToX(this.scroller.scrollLeft + deltaX); }; this.isScrollableBy = function(deltaX, deltaY) { if (deltaY < 0 && this.scrollTop > 0) return true; if (deltaY > 0 && this.scrollTop + this.$size.scrollerHeight < this.layerConfig.maxHeight) return true; // todo: handle horizontal scrolling }; this.screenToTextCoordinates = function(pageX, pageY) { var canvasPos = this.scroller.getBoundingClientRect(); var col = Math.round((pageX + this.scroller.scrollLeft - canvasPos.left - this.$padding - dom.getPageScrollLeft()) / this.characterWidth); var row = Math.floor((pageY + this.scrollTop - canvasPos.top - dom.getPageScrollTop()) / this.lineHeight); return this.session.screenToDocumentPosition(row, Math.max(col, 0)); }; this.textToScreenCoordinates = function(row, column) { var canvasPos = this.scroller.getBoundingClientRect(); var pos = this.session.documentToScreenPosition(row, column); var x = this.$padding + Math.round(pos.column * this.characterWidth); var y = pos.row * this.lineHeight; return { pageX: canvasPos.left + x - this.getScrollLeft(), pageY: canvasPos.top + y - this.getScrollTop() }; }; this.visualizeFocus = function() { dom.addCssClass(this.container, "ace_focus"); }; this.visualizeBlur = function() { dom.removeCssClass(this.container, "ace_focus"); }; this.showComposition = function(position) { if (!this.$composition) { this.$composition = dom.createElement("div"); this.$composition.className = "ace_composition"; this.content.appendChild(this.$composition); } this.$composition.innerHTML = " "; var pos = this.$cursorLayer.getPixelPosition(); var style = this.$composition.style; style.top = pos.top + "px"; style.left = (pos.left + this.$padding) + "px"; style.height = this.lineHeight + "px"; this.hideCursor(); }; this.setCompositionText = function(text) { dom.setInnerText(this.$composition, text); }; this.hideComposition = function() { this.showCursor(); if (!this.$composition) return; var style = this.$composition.style; style.top = "-10000px"; style.left = "-10000px"; }; this.setTheme = function(theme) { var _self = this; this.$themeValue = theme; if (!theme || typeof theme == "string") { theme = theme || "ace/theme/textmate"; require([theme], function(theme) { afterLoad(theme); }); } else { afterLoad(theme); } function afterLoad(theme) { dom.importCssString( theme.cssText, theme.cssClass, _self.container.ownerDocument ); if (_self.$theme) dom.removeCssClass(_self.container, _self.$theme); _self.$theme = theme ? theme.cssClass : null; if (_self.$theme) dom.addCssClass(_self.container, _self.$theme); if (theme && theme.isDark) dom.addCssClass(_self.container, "ace_dark"); else dom.removeCssClass(_self.container, "ace_dark"); // force re-measure of the gutter width if (_self.$size) { _self.$size.width = 0; _self.onResize(); } } }; this.getTheme = function() { return this.$themeValue; }; // Methods allows to add / remove CSS classnames to the editor element. // This feature can be used by plug-ins to provide a visual indication of // a certain mode that editor is in. this.setStyle = function setStyle(style) { dom.addCssClass(this.container, style); }; this.unsetStyle = function unsetStyle(style) { dom.removeCssClass(this.container, style); }; this.destroy = function() { this.$textLayer.destroy(); this.$cursorLayer.destroy(); }; }).call(VirtualRenderer.prototype); exports.VirtualRenderer = VirtualRenderer; }); /* vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4: * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * Julian Viereck <julian DOT viereck AT gmail DOT com> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/layer/gutter', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/lib/dom'], function(require, exports, module) { var dom = require("../lib/dom"); var Gutter = function(parentEl) { this.element = dom.createElement("div"); this.element.className = "ace_layer ace_gutter-layer"; parentEl.appendChild(this.element); this.setShowFoldWidgets(this.$showFoldWidgets); this.$breakpoints = []; this.$annotations = []; this.$decorations = []; }; (function() { this.setSession = function(session) { this.session = session; }; this.addGutterDecoration = function(row, className){ if (!this.$decorations[row]) this.$decorations[row] = ""; this.$decorations[row] += " ace_" + className; } this.removeGutterDecoration = function(row, className){ this.$decorations[row] = this.$decorations[row].replace(" ace_" + className, ""); }; this.setBreakpoints = function(rows) { this.$breakpoints = rows.concat(); }; this.setAnnotations = function(annotations) { // iterate over sparse array this.$annotations = []; for (var row in annotations) if (annotations.hasOwnProperty(row)) { var rowAnnotations = annotations[row]; if (!rowAnnotations) continue; var rowInfo = this.$annotations[row] = { text: [] }; for (var i=0; i<rowAnnotations.length; i++) { var annotation = rowAnnotations[i]; var annoText = annotation.text.replace(/"/g, """).replace(/'/g, "’").replace(/</, "<"); if (rowInfo.text.indexOf(annoText) === -1) rowInfo.text.push(annoText); var type = annotation.type; if (type == "error") rowInfo.className = "ace_error"; else if (type == "warning" && rowInfo.className != "ace_error") rowInfo.className = "ace_warning"; else if (type == "info" && (!rowInfo.className)) rowInfo.className = "ace_info"; } } }; this.update = function(config) { this.$config = config; var emptyAnno = {className: "", text: []}; var html = []; var i = config.firstRow; var lastRow = config.lastRow; var fold = this.session.getNextFoldLine(i); var foldStart = fold ? fold.start.row : Infinity; var foldWidgets = this.$showFoldWidgets && this.session.foldWidgets; while (true) { if(i > foldStart) { i = fold.end.row + 1; fold = this.session.getNextFoldLine(i, fold); foldStart = fold ?fold.start.row :Infinity; } if(i > lastRow) break; var annotation = this.$annotations[i] || emptyAnno; html.push("<div class='ace_gutter-cell", this.$decorations[i] || "", this.$breakpoints[i] ? " ace_breakpoint " : " ", annotation.className, "' title='", annotation.text.join("\n"), "' style='height:", config.lineHeight, "px;'>", (i+1)); if (foldWidgets) { var c = foldWidgets[i]; // check if cached value is invalidated and we need to recompute if (c == null) c = foldWidgets[i] = this.session.getFoldWidget(i); if (c) html.push( "<span class='ace_fold-widget ", c, c == "start" && i == foldStart && i < fold.end.row ? " closed" : " open", "'></span>" ); } var wrappedRowLength = this.session.getRowLength(i) - 1; while (wrappedRowLength--) { html.push("</div><div class='ace_gutter-cell' style='height:", config.lineHeight, "px'>\xA6"); } html.push("</div>"); i++; } this.element = dom.setInnerHtml(this.element, html.join("")); this.element.style.height = config.minHeight + "px"; }; this.$showFoldWidgets = true; this.setShowFoldWidgets = function(show) { if (show) dom.addCssClass(this.element, "ace_folding-enabled"); else dom.removeCssClass(this.element, "ace_folding-enabled"); this.$showFoldWidgets = show; }; this.getShowFoldWidgets = function() { return this.$showFoldWidgets; }; }).call(Gutter.prototype); exports.Gutter = Gutter; }); /* vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4: * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * Julian Viereck <julian.viereck@gmail.com> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/layer/marker', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/range', 'ace/lib/dom'], function(require, exports, module) { var Range = require("../range").Range; var dom = require("../lib/dom"); var Marker = function(parentEl) { this.element = dom.createElement("div"); this.element.className = "ace_layer ace_marker-layer"; parentEl.appendChild(this.element); }; (function() { this.$padding = 0; this.setPadding = function(padding) { this.$padding = padding; }; this.setSession = function(session) { this.session = session; }; this.setMarkers = function(markers) { this.markers = markers; }; this.update = function(config) { var config = config || this.config; if (!config) return; this.config = config; var html = []; for ( var key in this.markers) { var marker = this.markers[key]; var range = marker.range.clipRows(config.firstRow, config.lastRow); if (range.isEmpty()) continue; range = range.toScreenRange(this.session); if (marker.renderer) { var top = this.$getTop(range.start.row, config); var left = Math.round( this.$padding + range.start.column * config.characterWidth ); marker.renderer(html, range, left, top, config); } else if (range.isMultiLine()) { if (marker.type == "text") { this.drawTextMarker(html, range, marker.clazz, config); } else { this.drawMultiLineMarker( html, range, marker.clazz, config, marker.type ); } } else { this.drawSingleLineMarker( html, range, marker.clazz, config, null, marker.type ); } } this.element = dom.setInnerHtml(this.element, html.join("")); }; this.$getTop = function(row, layerConfig) { return (row - layerConfig.firstRowScreen) * layerConfig.lineHeight; }; /** * Draws a marker, which spans a range of text in a single line */ this.drawTextMarker = function(stringBuilder, range, clazz, layerConfig) { // selection start var row = range.start.row; var lineRange = new Range( row, range.start.column, row, this.session.getScreenLastRowColumn(row) ); this.drawSingleLineMarker(stringBuilder, lineRange, clazz, layerConfig, 1, "text"); // selection end row = range.end.row; lineRange = new Range(row, 0, row, range.end.column); this.drawSingleLineMarker(stringBuilder, lineRange, clazz, layerConfig, 0, "text"); for (row = range.start.row + 1; row < range.end.row; row++) { lineRange.start.row = row; lineRange.end.row = row; lineRange.end.column = this.session.getScreenLastRowColumn(row); this.drawSingleLineMarker(stringBuilder, lineRange, clazz, layerConfig, 1, "text"); } }; /** * Draws a multi line marker, where lines span the full width */ this.drawMultiLineMarker = function(stringBuilder, range, clazz, layerConfig, type) { // from selection start to the end of the line var padding = type === "background" ? 0 : this.$padding; var height = layerConfig.lineHeight; var width = Math.round(layerConfig.width - (range.start.column * layerConfig.characterWidth)); var top = this.$getTop(range.start.row, layerConfig); var left = Math.round( padding + range.start.column * layerConfig.characterWidth ); stringBuilder.push( "<div class='", clazz, "' style='", "height:", height, "px;", "width:", width, "px;", "top:", top, "px;", "left:", left, "px;'></div>" ); // from start of the last line to the selection end top = this.$getTop(range.end.row, layerConfig); width = Math.round(range.end.column * layerConfig.characterWidth); stringBuilder.push( "<div class='", clazz, "' style='", "height:", height, "px;", "width:", width, "px;", "top:", top, "px;", "left:", padding, "px;'></div>" ); // all the complete lines height = (range.end.row - range.start.row - 1) * layerConfig.lineHeight; if (height < 0) return; top = this.$getTop(range.start.row + 1, layerConfig); width = layerConfig.width; stringBuilder.push( "<div class='", clazz, "' style='", "height:", height, "px;", "width:", width, "px;", "top:", top, "px;", "left:", padding, "px;'></div>" ); }; /** * Draws a marker which covers one single full line */ this.drawSingleLineMarker = function(stringBuilder, range, clazz, layerConfig, extraLength, type) { var padding = type === "background" ? 0 : this.$padding; var height = layerConfig.lineHeight; if (type === "background") var width = layerConfig.width; else width = Math.round((range.end.column + (extraLength || 0) - range.start.column) * layerConfig.characterWidth); var top = this.$getTop(range.start.row, layerConfig); var left = Math.round( padding + range.start.column * layerConfig.characterWidth ); stringBuilder.push( "<div class='", clazz, "' style='", "height:", height, "px;", "width:", width, "px;", "top:", top, "px;", "left:", left,"px;'></div>" ); }; }).call(Marker.prototype); exports.Marker = Marker; }); /* vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4: * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * Julian Viereck <julian DOT viereck AT gmail DOT com> * Mihai Sucan <mihai.sucan@gmail.com> * Irakli Gozalishvili <rfobic@gmail.com> (http://jeditoolkit.com) * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/layer/text', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/lib/oop', 'ace/lib/dom', 'ace/lib/lang', 'ace/lib/useragent', 'ace/lib/event_emitter'], function(require, exports, module) { var oop = require("../lib/oop"); var dom = require("../lib/dom"); var lang = require("../lib/lang"); var useragent = require("../lib/useragent"); var EventEmitter = require("../lib/event_emitter").EventEmitter; var Text = function(parentEl) { this.element = dom.createElement("div"); this.element.className = "ace_layer ace_text-layer"; parentEl.appendChild(this.element); this.$characterSize = this.$measureSizes() || {width: 0, height: 0}; this.$pollSizeChanges(); }; (function() { oop.implement(this, EventEmitter); this.EOF_CHAR = "\xB6"; //"¶"; this.EOL_CHAR = "\xAC"; //"¬"; this.TAB_CHAR = "\u2192"; //"→"; this.SPACE_CHAR = "\xB7"; //"·"; this.$padding = 0; this.setPadding = function(padding) { this.$padding = padding; this.element.style.padding = "0 " + padding + "px"; }; this.getLineHeight = function() { return this.$characterSize.height || 1; }; this.getCharacterWidth = function() { return this.$characterSize.width || 1; }; this.checkForSizeChanges = function() { var size = this.$measureSizes(); if (size && (this.$characterSize.width !== size.width || this.$characterSize.height !== size.height)) { this.$characterSize = size; this._dispatchEvent("changeCharaterSize", {data: size}); } }; this.$pollSizeChanges = function() { var self = this; this.$pollSizeChangesTimer = setInterval(function() { self.checkForSizeChanges(); }, 500); }; this.$fontStyles = { fontFamily : 1, fontSize : 1, fontWeight : 1, fontStyle : 1, lineHeight : 1 }; this.$measureSizes = function() { var n = 1000; if (!this.$measureNode) { var measureNode = this.$measureNode = dom.createElement("div"); var style = measureNode.style; style.width = style.height = "auto"; style.left = style.top = (-n * 40) + "px"; style.visibility = "hidden"; style.position = "absolute"; style.overflow = "visible"; style.whiteSpace = "nowrap"; // in FF 3.6 monospace fonts can have a fixed sub pixel width. // that's why we have to measure many characters // Note: characterWidth can be a float! measureNode.innerHTML = lang.stringRepeat("Xy", n); if (this.element.ownerDocument.body) { this.element.ownerDocument.body.appendChild(measureNode); } else { var container = this.element.parentNode; while (!dom.hasCssClass(container, "ace_editor")) container = container.parentNode; container.appendChild(measureNode); } } var style = this.$measureNode.style; var computedStyle = dom.computedStyle(this.element); for (var prop in this.$fontStyles) style[prop] = computedStyle[prop]; var size = { height: this.$measureNode.offsetHeight, width: this.$measureNode.offsetWidth / (n * 2) }; // Size and width can be null if the editor is not visible or // detached from the document if (size.width == 0 && size.height == 0) return null; return size; }; this.setSession = function(session) { this.session = session; }; this.showInvisibles = false; this.setShowInvisibles = function(showInvisibles) { if (this.showInvisibles == showInvisibles) return false; this.showInvisibles = showInvisibles; return true; }; this.$tabStrings = []; this.$computeTabString = function() { var tabSize = this.session.getTabSize(); var tabStr = this.$tabStrings = [0]; for (var i = 1; i < tabSize + 1; i++) { if (this.showInvisibles) { tabStr.push("<span class='ace_invisible'>" + this.TAB_CHAR + new Array(i).join(" ") + "</span>"); } else { tabStr.push(new Array(i+1).join(" ")); } } }; this.updateLines = function(config, firstRow, lastRow) { this.$computeTabString(); // Due to wrap line changes there can be new lines if e.g. // the line to updated wrapped in the meantime. if (this.config.lastRow != config.lastRow || this.config.firstRow != config.firstRow) { this.scrollLines(config); } this.config = config; var first = Math.max(firstRow, config.firstRow); var last = Math.min(lastRow, config.lastRow); var lineElements = this.element.childNodes; var lineElementsIdx = 0; for (var row = config.firstRow; row < first; row++) { var foldLine = this.session.getFoldLine(row); if (foldLine) { if (foldLine.containsRow(first)) { first = foldLine.start.row; break; } else { row = foldLine.end.row; } } lineElementsIdx ++; } for (var i=first; i<=last; i++) { var lineElement = lineElements[lineElementsIdx++]; if (!lineElement) continue; var html = []; var tokens = this.session.getTokens(i, i); this.$renderLine(html, i, tokens[0].tokens, !this.$useLineGroups()); lineElement = dom.setInnerHtml(lineElement, html.join("")); i = this.session.getRowFoldEnd(i); } }; this.scrollLines = function(config) { this.$computeTabString(); var oldConfig = this.config; this.config = config; if (!oldConfig || oldConfig.lastRow < config.firstRow) return this.update(config); if (config.lastRow < oldConfig.firstRow) return this.update(config); var el = this.element; if (oldConfig.firstRow < config.firstRow) for (var row=this.session.getFoldedRowCount(oldConfig.firstRow, config.firstRow - 1); row>0; row--) el.removeChild(el.firstChild); if (oldConfig.lastRow > config.lastRow) for (var row=this.session.getFoldedRowCount(config.lastRow + 1, oldConfig.lastRow); row>0; row--) el.removeChild(el.lastChild); if (config.firstRow < oldConfig.firstRow) { var fragment = this.$renderLinesFragment(config, config.firstRow, oldConfig.firstRow - 1); if (el.firstChild) el.insertBefore(fragment, el.firstChild); else el.appendChild(fragment); } if (config.lastRow > oldConfig.lastRow) { var fragment = this.$renderLinesFragment(config, oldConfig.lastRow + 1, config.lastRow); el.appendChild(fragment); } }; this.$renderLinesFragment = function(config, firstRow, lastRow) { var fragment = this.element.ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment(), row = firstRow, fold = this.session.getNextFoldLine(row), foldStart = fold ?fold.start.row :Infinity; while (true) { if (row > foldStart) { row = fold.end.row+1; fold = this.session.getNextFoldLine(row, fold); foldStart = fold ?fold.start.row :Infinity; } if (row > lastRow) break; var container = dom.createElement("div"); var html = []; // Get the tokens per line as there might be some lines in between // beeing folded. // OPTIMIZE: If there is a long block of unfolded lines, just make // this call once for that big block of unfolded lines. var tokens = this.session.getTokens(row, row); if (tokens.length == 1) this.$renderLine(html, row, tokens[0].tokens, false); // don't use setInnerHtml since we are working with an empty DIV container.innerHTML = html.join(""); if (this.$useLineGroups()) { container.className = 'ace_line_group'; fragment.appendChild(container); } else { var lines = container.childNodes while(lines.length) fragment.appendChild(lines[0]); } row++; } return fragment; }; this.update = function(config) { this.$computeTabString(); this.config = config; var html = []; var firstRow = config.firstRow, lastRow = config.lastRow; var row = firstRow, fold = this.session.getNextFoldLine(row), foldStart = fold ?fold.start.row :Infinity; while (true) { if (row > foldStart) { row = fold.end.row+1; fold = this.session.getNextFoldLine(row, fold); foldStart = fold ?fold.start.row :Infinity; } if (row > lastRow) break; if (this.$useLineGroups()) html.push("<div class='ace_line_group'>") // Get the tokens per line as there might be some lines in between // beeing folded. // OPTIMIZE: If there is a long block of unfolded lines, just make // this call once for that big block of unfolded lines. var tokens = this.session.getTokens(row, row); if (tokens.length == 1) this.$renderLine(html, row, tokens[0].tokens, false); if (this.$useLineGroups()) html.push("</div>"); // end the line group row++; } this.element = dom.setInnerHtml(this.element, html.join("")); }; this.$textToken = { "text": true, "rparen": true, "lparen": true }; this.$renderToken = function(stringBuilder, screenColumn, token, value) { var self = this; var replaceReg = /\t|&|<|( +)|([\v\f \u00a0\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u200b\u2028\u2029\u3000])|[\u1100-\u115F]|[\u11A3-\u11A7]|[\u11FA-\u11FF]|[\u2329-\u232A]|[\u2E80-\u2E99]|[\u2E9B-\u2EF3]|[\u2F00-\u2FD5]|[\u2FF0-\u2FFB]|[\u3000-\u303E]|[\u3041-\u3096]|[\u3099-\u30FF]|[\u3105-\u312D]|[\u3131-\u318E]|[\u3190-\u31BA]|[\u31C0-\u31E3]|[\u31F0-\u321E]|[\u3220-\u3247]|[\u3250-\u32FE]|[\u3300-\u4DBF]|[\u4E00-\uA48C]|[\uA490-\uA4C6]|[\uA960-\uA97C]|[\uAC00-\uD7A3]|[\uD7B0-\uD7C6]|[\uD7CB-\uD7FB]|[\uF900-\uFAFF]|[\uFE10-\uFE19]|[\uFE30-\uFE52]|[\uFE54-\uFE66]|[\uFE68-\uFE6B]|[\uFF01-\uFF60]|[\uFFE0-\uFFE6]/g; var replaceFunc = function(c, a, b, tabIdx, idx4) { if (c.charCodeAt(0) == 32) { return new Array(c.length+1).join(" "); } else if (c == "\t") { var tabSize = self.session.getScreenTabSize(screenColumn + tabIdx); screenColumn += tabSize - 1; return self.$tabStrings[tabSize]; } else if (c == "&") { if (useragent.isOldGecko) return "&"; else return "&"; } else if (c == "<") { return "<"; } else if (c == "\u3000") { // U+3000 is both invisible AND full-width, so must be handled uniquely var classToUse = self.showInvisibles ? "ace_cjk ace_invisible" : "ace_cjk"; var space = self.showInvisibles ? self.SPACE_CHAR : ""; screenColumn += 1; return "<span class='" + classToUse + "' style='width:" + (self.config.characterWidth * 2) + "px'>" + space + "</span>"; } else if (c.match(/[\v\f \u00a0\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u200b\u2028\u2029\u3000]/)) { if (self.showInvisibles) { var space = new Array(c.length+1).join(self.SPACE_CHAR); return "<span class='ace_invisible'>" + space + "</span>"; } else { return " "; } } else { screenColumn += 1; return "<span class='ace_cjk' style='width:" + (self.config.characterWidth * 2) + "px'>" + c + "</span>"; } }; var output = value.replace(replaceReg, replaceFunc); if (!this.$textToken[token.type]) { var classes = "ace_" + token.type.replace(/\./g, " ace_"); stringBuilder.push("<span class='", classes, "'>", output, "</span>"); } else { stringBuilder.push(output); } return screenColumn + value.length; }; this.$renderLineCore = function(stringBuilder, lastRow, tokens, splits, onlyContents) { var chars = 0; var split = 0; var splitChars; var characterWidth = this.config.characterWidth; var screenColumn = 0; var self = this; if (!splits || splits.length == 0) splitChars = Number.MAX_VALUE; else splitChars = splits[0]; if (!onlyContents) { stringBuilder.push("<div class='ace_line' style='height:", this.config.lineHeight, "px", "'>" ); } for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { var token = tokens[i]; var value = token.value; if (chars + value.length < splitChars) { screenColumn = self.$renderToken( stringBuilder, screenColumn, token, value ); chars += value.length; } else { while (chars + value.length >= splitChars) { screenColumn = self.$renderToken( stringBuilder, screenColumn, token, value.substring(0, splitChars - chars) ); value = value.substring(splitChars - chars); chars = splitChars; if (!onlyContents) { stringBuilder.push("</div>", "<div class='ace_line' style='height:", this.config.lineHeight, "px", "'>" ); } split ++; screenColumn = 0; splitChars = splits[split] || Number.MAX_VALUE; } if (value.length != 0) { chars += value.length; screenColumn = self.$renderToken( stringBuilder, screenColumn, token, value ); } } } if (this.showInvisibles) { if (lastRow !== this.session.getLength() - 1) stringBuilder.push("<span class='ace_invisible'>" + this.EOL_CHAR + "</span>"); else stringBuilder.push("<span class='ace_invisible'>" + this.EOF_CHAR + "</span>"); } if (!onlyContents) stringBuilder.push("</div>"); }; this.$renderLine = function(stringBuilder, row, tokens, onlyContents) { // Check if the line to render is folded or not. If not, things are // simple, otherwise, we need to fake some things... if (!this.session.isRowFolded(row)) { var splits = this.session.getRowSplitData(row); this.$renderLineCore(stringBuilder, row, tokens, splits, onlyContents); } else { this.$renderFoldLine(stringBuilder, row, tokens, onlyContents); } }; this.$renderFoldLine = function(stringBuilder, row, tokens, onlyContents) { var session = this.session, foldLine = session.getFoldLine(row), renderTokens = []; function addTokens(tokens, from, to) { var idx = 0, col = 0; while ((col + tokens[idx].value.length) < from) { col += tokens[idx].value.length; idx++; if (idx == tokens.length) { return; } } if (col != from) { var value = tokens[idx].value.substring(from - col); // Check if the token value is longer then the from...to spacing. if (value.length > (to - from)) { value = value.substring(0, to - from); } renderTokens.push({ type: tokens[idx].type, value: value }); col = from + value.length; idx += 1; } while (col < to) { var value = tokens[idx].value; if (value.length + col > to) { value = value.substring(0, to - col); } renderTokens.push({ type: tokens[idx].type, value: value }); col += value.length; idx += 1; } } foldLine.walk(function(placeholder, row, column, lastColumn, isNewRow) { if (placeholder) { renderTokens.push({ type: "fold", value: placeholder }); } else { if (isNewRow) { tokens = this.session.getTokens(row, row)[0].tokens; } if (tokens.length != 0) { addTokens(tokens, lastColumn, column); } } }.bind(this), foldLine.end.row, this.session.getLine(foldLine.end.row).length); // TODO: Build a fake splits array! var splits = this.session.$useWrapMode?this.session.$wrapData[row]:null; this.$renderLineCore(stringBuilder, row, renderTokens, splits, onlyContents); }; this.$useLineGroups = function() { // For the updateLines function to work correctly, it's important that the // child nodes of this.element correspond on a 1-to-1 basis to rows in the // document (as distinct from lines on the screen). For sessions that are // wrapped, this means we need to add a layer to the node hierarchy (tagged // with the class name ace_line_group). return this.session.getUseWrapMode(); }; this.destroy = function() { clearInterval(this.$pollSizeChangesTimer); if (this.$measureNode) this.$measureNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.$measureNode); delete this.$measureNode; }; }).call(Text.prototype); exports.Text = Text; }); /* vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4: * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * Julian Viereck <julian.viereck@gmail.com> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/layer/cursor', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/lib/dom'], function(require, exports, module) { var dom = require("../lib/dom"); var Cursor = function(parentEl) { this.element = dom.createElement("div"); this.element.className = "ace_layer ace_cursor-layer"; parentEl.appendChild(this.element); this.cursor = dom.createElement("div"); this.cursor.className = "ace_cursor ace_hidden"; this.element.appendChild(this.cursor); this.isVisible = false; }; (function() { this.$padding = 0; this.setPadding = function(padding) { this.$padding = padding; }; this.setSession = function(session) { this.session = session; }; this.hideCursor = function() { this.isVisible = false; dom.addCssClass(this.cursor, "ace_hidden"); clearInterval(this.blinkId); }; this.showCursor = function() { this.isVisible = true; dom.removeCssClass(this.cursor, "ace_hidden"); this.cursor.style.visibility = "visible"; this.restartTimer(); }; this.restartTimer = function() { clearInterval(this.blinkId); if (!this.isVisible) { return; } var cursor = this.cursor; this.blinkId = setInterval(function() { cursor.style.visibility = "hidden"; setTimeout(function() { cursor.style.visibility = "visible"; }, 400); }, 1000); }; this.getPixelPosition = function(onScreen) { if (!this.config || !this.session) { return { left : 0, top : 0 }; } var position = this.session.selection.getCursor(); var pos = this.session.documentToScreenPosition(position); var cursorLeft = Math.round(this.$padding + pos.column * this.config.characterWidth); var cursorTop = (pos.row - (onScreen ? this.config.firstRowScreen : 0)) * this.config.lineHeight; return { left : cursorLeft, top : cursorTop }; }; this.update = function(config) { this.config = config; this.pixelPos = this.getPixelPosition(true); this.cursor.style.left = this.pixelPos.left + "px"; this.cursor.style.top = this.pixelPos.top + "px"; this.cursor.style.width = config.characterWidth + "px"; this.cursor.style.height = config.lineHeight + "px"; var overwrite = this.session.getOverwrite() if (overwrite != this.overwrite) { this.overwrite = overwrite; if (overwrite) dom.addCssClass(this.cursor, "ace_overwrite"); else dom.removeCssClass(this.cursor, "ace_overwrite"); } this.restartTimer(); }; this.destroy = function() { clearInterval(this.blinkId); } }).call(Cursor.prototype); exports.Cursor = Cursor; }); /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * Irakli Gozalishvili <rfobic@gmail.com> (http://jeditoolkit.com) * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/scrollbar', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/lib/oop', 'ace/lib/dom', 'ace/lib/event', 'ace/lib/event_emitter'], function(require, exports, module) { var oop = require("./lib/oop"); var dom = require("./lib/dom"); var event = require("./lib/event"); var EventEmitter = require("./lib/event_emitter").EventEmitter; var ScrollBar = function(parent) { this.element = dom.createElement("div"); this.element.className = "ace_sb"; this.inner = dom.createElement("div"); this.element.appendChild(this.inner); parent.appendChild(this.element); // in OSX lion the scrollbars appear to have no width. In this case resize // the to show the scrollbar but still pretend that the scrollbar has a width // of 0px // in Firefox 6+ scrollbar is hidden if element has the same width as scrollbar // make element a little bit wider to retain scrollbar when page is zoomed this.width = dom.scrollbarWidth(parent.ownerDocument); this.element.style.width = (this.width || 15) + 5 + "px"; event.addListener(this.element, "scroll", this.onScroll.bind(this)); }; (function() { oop.implement(this, EventEmitter); this.onScroll = function() { this._dispatchEvent("scroll", {data: this.element.scrollTop}); }; this.getWidth = function() { return this.width; }; this.setHeight = function(height) { this.element.style.height = height + "px"; }; this.setInnerHeight = function(height) { this.inner.style.height = height + "px"; }; this.setScrollTop = function(scrollTop) { this.element.scrollTop = scrollTop; }; }).call(ScrollBar.prototype); exports.ScrollBar = ScrollBar; }); /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * Irakli Gozalishvili <rfobic@gmail.com> (http://jeditoolkit.com) * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/renderloop', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/lib/event'], function(require, exports, module) { var event = require("./lib/event"); var RenderLoop = function(onRender, win) { this.onRender = onRender; this.pending = false; this.changes = 0; this.window = win || window; }; (function() { this.schedule = function(change) { //this.onRender(change); //return; this.changes = this.changes | change; if (!this.pending) { this.pending = true; var _self = this; event.nextTick(function() { _self.pending = false; var changes = _self.changes; _self.changes = 0; _self.onRender(changes); }, this.window); } }; }).call(RenderLoop.prototype); exports.RenderLoop = RenderLoop; }); define("text!ace/css/editor.css", [], "@import url(//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Droid+Sans+Mono);\n" + "\n" + "\n" + ".ace_editor {\n" + " position: absolute;\n" + " overflow: hidden;\n" + " font-family: 'Monaco', 'Menlo', 'Ubuntu Mono', 'Droid Sans Mono', 'Courier New', monospace;\n" + " font-size: 12px;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".ace_scroller {\n" + " position: absolute;\n" + " overflow-x: scroll;\n" + " overflow-y: hidden;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".ace_content {\n" + " position: absolute;\n" + " box-sizing: border-box;\n" + " -moz-box-sizing: border-box;\n" + " -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;\n" + " cursor: text;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "/* setting pointer-events: auto; on node under the mouse, which changes during scroll,\n" + " will break mouse wheel scrolling in Safari */\n" + ".ace_content * {\n" + " pointer-events: none;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".ace_composition {\n" + " position: absolute;\n" + " background: #555;\n" + " color: #DDD;\n" + " z-index: 4;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".ace_gutter {\n" + " position: absolute;\n" + " overflow-x: hidden;\n" + " overflow-y: hidden;\n" + " height: 100%;\n" + " cursor: default;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".ace_gutter-cell.ace_error {\n" + " background-image: url(\"data:image/gif,GIF89a%10%00%10%00%D5%00%00%F5or%F5%87%88%F5nr%F4ns%EBmq%F5z%7F%DDJT%DEKS%DFOW%F1Yc%F2ah%CE(7%CE)8%D18E%DD%40M%F2KZ%EBU%60%F4%60m%DCir%C8%16(%C8%19*%CE%255%F1%3FR%F1%3FS%E6%AB%B5%CA%5DI%CEn%5E%F7%A2%9A%C9G%3E%E0a%5B%F7%89%85%F5yy%F6%82%80%ED%82%80%FF%BF%BF%E3%C4%C4%FF%FF%FF%FF%FF%FF%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00!%F9%04%01%00%00%25%00%2C%00%00%00%00%10%00%10%00%00%06p%C0%92pH%2C%1A%8F%C8%D2H%93%E1d4%23%E4%88%D3%09mB%1DN%B48%F5%90%40%60%92G%5B%94%20%3E%22%D2%87%24%FA%20%24%C5%06A%00%20%B1%07%02B%A38%89X.v%17%82%11%13q%10%0Fi%24%0F%8B%10%7BD%12%0Ei%09%92%09%0EpD%18%15%24%0A%9Ci%05%0C%18F%18%0B%07%04%01%04%06%A0H%18%12%0D%14%0D%12%A1I%B3%B4%B5IA%00%3B\");\n" + " background-repeat: no-repeat;\n" + " background-position: 4px center;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".ace_gutter-cell.ace_warning {\n" + " background-image: 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.ace_sb {\n" + " position: absolute;\n" + " overflow-x: hidden;\n" + " overflow-y: scroll;\n" + " right: 0;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".ace_editor .ace_sb div {\n" + " position: absolute;\n" + " width: 1px;\n" + " left: 0;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".ace_editor .ace_print_margin_layer {\n" + " z-index: 0;\n" + " position: absolute;\n" + " overflow: hidden;\n" + " margin: 0;\n" + " left: 0;\n" + " height: 100%;\n" + " width: 100%;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".ace_editor .ace_print_margin {\n" + " position: absolute;\n" + " height: 100%;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".ace_editor textarea {\n" + " position: fixed;\n" + " z-index: -1;\n" + " width: 10px;\n" + " height: 30px;\n" + " opacity: 0;\n" + " background: transparent;\n" + " appearance: none;\n" + " -moz-appearance: none;\n" + " border: none;\n" + " resize: none;\n" + " outline: none;\n" + " overflow: hidden;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".ace_layer {\n" + " z-index: 1;\n" + " position: absolute;\n" + " overflow: hidden;\n" + " white-space: nowrap;\n" + " height: 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.ace_selected_word {\n" + " position: absolute;\n" + " z-index: 6;\n" + " box-sizing: border-box;\n" + " -moz-box-sizing: border-box;\n" + " -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".ace_line .ace_fold {\n" + " cursor: pointer;\n" + " color: darkred;\n" + " -moz-outline-radius: 4px;\n" + " outline-radius: 4px;\n" + " border-radius: 4px;\n" + " outline: 1px solid #1C00FF;\n" + " outline-offset: -2px;\n" + " pointer-events: auto;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".ace_dark .ace_fold {\n" + " color: #E6E1DC;\n" + " outline-color: #FC6F09;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".ace_fold:hover{\n" + " background: gold!important;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".ace_dragging .ace_content {\n" + " cursor: move;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".ace_folding-enabled .ace_gutter-cell {\n" + " padding-right: 9px!important;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".ace_fold-widget {\n" + " margin-right: -9px;\n" + " display: inline-block;\n" + " height: 9px;\n" + " width: 9px;\n" + " background: url(\"\") no-repeat;\n" + " background-origin: content-box;\n" + " padding: 1px 0;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".ace_fold-widget.end{\n" + " transform: scaleY(-1);\n" + " -moz-transform: scaleY(-1);\n" + " -webkit-transform: scaleY(-1);\n" + " opacity:0.8;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".ace_fold-widget.closed{\n" + " -moz-transform: none;\n" + " -webkit-transform: none;\n" + " background-image: url(\"\");\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".ace_fold-widget:hover {\n" + " background-image: url(\"\");\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".ace_fold-widget.closed:hover {\n" + " background-image: url(\"\");\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ""); /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Ajax.org B.V. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Fabian Jakobs <fabian AT ajax DOT org> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define('ace/theme/textmate', ['require', 'exports', 'module' , 'ace/lib/dom'], function(require, exports, module) { exports.isDark = false; exports.cssClass = "ace-tm"; exports.cssText = ".ace-tm .ace_editor {\ border: 2px solid rgb(159, 159, 159);\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_editor.ace_focus {\ border: 2px solid #327fbd;\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_gutter {\ width: 50px;\ background: #e8e8e8;\ color: #333;\ overflow : hidden;\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_gutter-layer {\ width: 100%;\ text-align: right;\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_gutter-layer .ace_gutter-cell {\ padding-right: 6px;\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_print_margin {\ width: 1px;\ background: #e8e8e8;\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_text-layer {\ cursor: text;\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_cursor {\ border-left: 2px solid black;\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_cursor.ace_overwrite {\ border-left: 0px;\ border-bottom: 1px solid black;\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_line .ace_invisible {\ color: rgb(191, 191, 191);\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_line .ace_keyword {\ color: blue;\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_line .ace_constant.ace_buildin {\ color: rgb(88, 72, 246);\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_line .ace_constant.ace_language {\ color: rgb(88, 92, 246);\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_line .ace_constant.ace_library {\ color: rgb(6, 150, 14);\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_line .ace_invalid {\ background-color: rgb(153, 0, 0);\ color: white;\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_line .ace_fold {\ outline-color: #1C00FF;\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_line .ace_support.ace_function {\ color: rgb(60, 76, 114);\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_line .ace_support.ace_constant {\ color: rgb(6, 150, 14);\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_line .ace_support.ace_type,\ .ace-tm .ace_line .ace_support.ace_class {\ color: rgb(109, 121, 222);\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_line .ace_keyword.ace_operator {\ color: rgb(104, 118, 135);\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_line .ace_string {\ color: rgb(3, 106, 7);\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_line .ace_comment {\ color: rgb(76, 136, 107);\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_line .ace_comment.ace_doc {\ color: rgb(0, 102, 255);\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_line .ace_comment.ace_doc.ace_tag {\ color: rgb(128, 159, 191);\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_line .ace_constant.ace_numeric {\ color: rgb(0, 0, 205);\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_line .ace_variable {\ color: rgb(49, 132, 149);\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_line .ace_xml_pe {\ color: rgb(104, 104, 91);\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_entity.ace_name.ace_function {\ color: #0000A2;\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_markup.ace_markupine {\ text-decoration:underline;\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_markup.ace_heading {\ color: rgb(12, 7, 255);\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_markup.ace_list {\ color:rgb(185, 6, 144);\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_marker-layer .ace_selection {\ background: rgb(181, 213, 255);\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_marker-layer .ace_step {\ background: rgb(252, 255, 0);\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_marker-layer .ace_stack {\ background: rgb(164, 229, 101);\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_marker-layer .ace_bracket {\ margin: -1px 0 0 -1px;\ border: 1px solid rgb(192, 192, 192);\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_marker-layer .ace_active_line {\ background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07);\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_marker-layer .ace_selected_word {\ background: rgb(250, 250, 255);\ border: 1px solid rgb(200, 200, 250);\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_meta.ace_tag {\ color:rgb(28, 2, 255);\ }\ \ .ace-tm .ace_string.ace_regex {\ color: rgb(255, 0, 0)\ }"; var dom = require("../lib/dom"); dom.importCssString(exports.cssText); }); define("text!ace/css/editor.css", [], "@import url(//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Droid+Sans+Mono);\n" + "\n" + "\n" + ".ace_editor {\n" + " position: absolute;\n" + " overflow: hidden;\n" + " font-family: 'Monaco', 'Menlo', 'Ubuntu Mono', 'Droid Sans Mono', 'Courier New', monospace;\n" + " font-size: 12px;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".ace_scroller {\n" + " position: absolute;\n" + " overflow-x: scroll;\n" + " overflow-y: hidden;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".ace_content {\n" + " position: absolute;\n" + " box-sizing: border-box;\n" + " -moz-box-sizing: border-box;\n" + " -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;\n" + " cursor: text;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "/* setting pointer-events: auto; on node under the mouse, which changes during scroll,\n" + " will break mouse wheel scrolling in Safari */\n" + ".ace_content * {\n" + " pointer-events: none;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".ace_composition {\n" + " position: absolute;\n" + " background: #555;\n" + " color: #DDD;\n" + " z-index: 4;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".ace_gutter {\n" + " position: absolute;\n" + " overflow-x: hidden;\n" + " overflow-y: hidden;\n" + " height: 100%;\n" + " cursor: default;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + ".ace_gutter-cell.ace_error {\n" + " background-image: 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"*.ace_gutter-cell {\n" + " -moz-user-select: -moz-none;\n" + " -khtml-user-select: none;\n" + " -webkit-user-select: none;\n" + " user-select: none;\n" + "}"); define("text!kitchen-sink/docs/css.css", [], ".text-layer {\n" + " font-family: Monaco, \"Courier New\", monospace;\n" + " font-size: 12px;\n" + " cursor: text;\n" + "}"); define("text!kitchen-sink/styles.css", [], "html {\n" + " height: 100%;\n" + " width: 100%;\n" + " overflow: hidden;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "body {\n" + " overflow: hidden;\n" + " margin: 0;\n" + " padding: 0;\n" + " height: 100%;\n" + " width: 100%;\n" + " font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif, Tahoma, Verdana, sans-serif;\n" + " font-size: 12px;\n" + " background: rgb(14, 98, 165);\n" + " color: white;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "#logo {\n" + " padding: 15px;\n" + " margin-left: 70px;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "#editor {\n" + " position: absolute;\n" + " top: 0px;\n" + " left: 300px;\n" + " bottom: 0px;\n" + " right: 0px;\n" + " background: white;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "#controls {\n" + " padding: 5px;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "#controls td {\n" + " text-align: right;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "#controls td + td {\n" + " text-align: left;\n" + "}"); /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Mozilla Skywriter. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Mozilla. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2009 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Kevin Dangoor (kdangoor@mozilla.com) * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ require(["ace/ace"], function(ace) { window.ace = ace; });