en: mongoid: scroll: errors: messages: multiple_sort_fields: message: "Scrolling over a criteria with multiple fields is not supported." summary: "You're attempting to scroll over data with a sort order that includes multiple fields: %{sort}." resolution: "Simplify the sort order to a single field." invalid_cursor: message: "The cursor supplied is invalid." summary: "The cursor supplied is invalid: %{cursor}." resolution: "Cursors must be in the form 'value:tiebreak_id'." no_such_field: message: "Invalid field." summary: "The field supplied in the cursor does not exist: %{field}." resolution: "Has the model changed or are you not sorting the criteria by the right field." unsupported_field_type: message: "Unsupported field type." summary: "The type of the field '%{field}' is not supported: %{type}." resolution: "Please open a feature request in https://github.com/mongoid/mongoid-scroll."