# -- coding: utf-8 =begin !!!!!!!!!!!!! !! CAUTION !! !!!!!!!!!!!!! This script access and destroy all records. Be carefully for run, and run `ktserver -port 19999 '*'` before testing. =end $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../lib") require "rubygems" require "kyototycoon.rb" describe do before(:all) do @kt = KyotoTycoon.new('', 19999) @kt.serializer=:default # or :msgpack @kt.logger=nil end before(:each) do @kt.clear end it 'should handle multi servers' do kt = KyotoTycoon.new('www.example.com', 11111) kt.connect_timeout = 0.1 kt.servers << ['example.net', 1978] kt.servers << ['', 19999] kt['foo'] = 'bar' kt[:foo].should == 'bar' end it 'should provide simple kvs feature' do @kt.set('a', 'b') @kt.get('a').should == 'b' @kt['foo'] = 'bar' @kt['foo'].should == 'bar' @kt.delete('foo') @kt['foo'].should be_nil @kt.clear @kt.report['db_total_count'].to_i.should == 0 @kt.status['count'].to_i.should == 0 @kt['foo'] = 'oldbaz' @kt.cas('foo', 'oldbaz', 'newbaz').should be_true @kt.cas('foo', 'oldbaz', 'newbaz').should be_false @kt.get('foo').should == 'newbaz' @kt.clear @kt['foo'] ||= 'aaa' @kt['foo'] ||= 'bbb' @kt['foo'].should == 'aaa' @kt.clear @kt[:a] = 1 @kt[:b] = 1 @kt.keys.sort.should == %w!a b!.sort end it 'should provide bulk' do data = {} receive = {} 10.times{|n| data[n.to_s] = n.to_s receive["_#{n}"] = n.to_s } receive['num'] = "10" @kt.set_bulk(data) @kt.get_bulk(data.keys).sort.should == receive.sort @kt.remove_bulk(data.keys) @kt.get_bulk(data.keys).should == {'num' => '0'} end it 'should can handle strange key/value' do # '+' is known ambiguity key on URL encode/decode processing %w!a\tb a\nb a\r\nb a*-b a^@b!.each{|outlaw| @kt[outlaw] = outlaw @kt[outlaw].should == outlaw } end it 'should provide delete variation' do build = lambda {|kt| kt.clear kt.set_bulk({ :a => 1, :b => 1, :c => 1, }) } build.call(@kt) @kt.delete('a','b') @kt.keys.should == ['c'] build.call(@kt) @kt.delete(['a', 'b']) @kt.keys.should == ['c'] end it 'should increment' do @kt.increment('foo').should == 1 @kt.increment('foo').should == 2 @kt.increment('foo').should == 3 @kt.increment('foo', 10).should == 13 @kt.increment('foo', -10).should == 3 @kt.decrement('foo', 5).should == -2 @kt.incr('foo', 5).should == 3 @kt.decr('foo', 5).should == -2 end it 'should provide status/report' do @kt[:a] = 1 @kt[:b] = 2 @kt.report['db_total_count'].to_i.should == 2 @kt.status['count'].to_i.should == 2 end it 'should match prefixes' do @kt['123'] = 1 @kt['124'] = 1 @kt['125'] = 1 @kt['999'] = 1 @kt['9999'] = 1 @kt.match_prefix("12").sort.should == %w!123 124 125!.sort @kt.match_prefix("9").sort.should == %w!999 9999!.sort @kt.match_prefix("9999").sort.should == %w!9999! @kt.match_regex(/^12/).sort.should == %w!123 124 125!.sort @kt.match_regex(/^9+$/).sort.should == %w!999 9999!.sort end it 'should configure/create method works' do logger = Logger.new(STDOUT) KyotoTycoon.configure(:test) do |kt| kt.logger = logger kt.serializer = :msgpack kt.db = 'foobar' end KyotoTycoon.configure(:test2, 'host', 1999) do |kt| kt.logger = logger kt.serializer = :msgpack kt.db = 'foobar' end %w!test test2!.each{|name| kt = KyotoTycoon.create(name.to_sym) kt.logger.should == logger kt.serializer.should == KyotoTycoon::Serializer::Msgpack kt.db.should == 'foobar' } end end