# typed: true # frozen_string_literal: true require_relative "test_case" module RubyIndexer class ClassesAndModulesTest < TestCase def test_empty_statements_class index(<<~RUBY) class Foo end RUBY assert_entry("Foo", Entry::Class, "/fake/path/foo.rb:0-0:1-3") end def test_conditional_class index(<<~RUBY) class Foo end if condition RUBY assert_entry("Foo", Entry::Class, "/fake/path/foo.rb:0-0:1-3") end def test_class_with_statements index(<<~RUBY) class Foo def something; end end RUBY assert_entry("Foo", Entry::Class, "/fake/path/foo.rb:0-0:2-3") end def test_colon_colon_class index(<<~RUBY) class ::Foo end RUBY assert_entry("Foo", Entry::Class, "/fake/path/foo.rb:0-0:1-3") end def test_colon_colon_class_inside_class index(<<~RUBY) class Bar class ::Foo end end RUBY assert_entry("Bar", Entry::Class, "/fake/path/foo.rb:0-0:3-3") assert_entry("Foo", Entry::Class, "/fake/path/foo.rb:1-2:2-5") end def test_namespaced_class index(<<~RUBY) class Foo::Bar end RUBY assert_entry("Foo::Bar", Entry::Class, "/fake/path/foo.rb:0-0:1-3") end def test_dynamically_namespaced_class index(<<~RUBY) class self::Bar end RUBY assert_entry("self::Bar", Entry::Class, "/fake/path/foo.rb:0-0:1-3") end def test_dynamically_namespaced_class_doesnt_affect_other_classes index(<<~RUBY) class Foo class self::Bar end class Bar end end RUBY refute_entry("self::Bar") assert_entry("Foo", Entry::Class, "/fake/path/foo.rb:0-0:6-3") assert_entry("Foo::Bar", Entry::Class, "/fake/path/foo.rb:4-2:5-5") end def test_empty_statements_module index(<<~RUBY) module Foo end RUBY assert_entry("Foo", Entry::Module, "/fake/path/foo.rb:0-0:1-3") end def test_conditional_module index(<<~RUBY) module Foo end if condition RUBY assert_entry("Foo", Entry::Module, "/fake/path/foo.rb:0-0:1-3") end def test_module_with_statements index(<<~RUBY) module Foo def something; end end RUBY assert_entry("Foo", Entry::Module, "/fake/path/foo.rb:0-0:2-3") end def test_colon_colon_module index(<<~RUBY) module ::Foo end RUBY assert_entry("Foo", Entry::Module, "/fake/path/foo.rb:0-0:1-3") end def test_namespaced_module index(<<~RUBY) module Foo::Bar end RUBY assert_entry("Foo::Bar", Entry::Module, "/fake/path/foo.rb:0-0:1-3") end def test_dynamically_namespaced_module index(<<~RUBY) module self::Bar end RUBY assert_entry("self::Bar", Entry::Module, "/fake/path/foo.rb:0-0:1-3") end def test_dynamically_namespaced_module_doesnt_affect_other_modules index(<<~RUBY) module Foo class self::Bar end module Bar end end RUBY assert_entry("Foo::self::Bar", Entry::Class, "/fake/path/foo.rb:1-2:2-5") assert_entry("Foo", Entry::Module, "/fake/path/foo.rb:0-0:6-3") assert_entry("Foo::Bar", Entry::Module, "/fake/path/foo.rb:4-2:5-5") end def test_nested_modules_and_classes index(<<~RUBY) module Foo class Bar end module Baz class Qux class Something end end end end RUBY assert_entry("Foo", Entry::Module, "/fake/path/foo.rb:0-0:10-3") assert_entry("Foo::Bar", Entry::Class, "/fake/path/foo.rb:1-2:2-5") assert_entry("Foo::Baz", Entry::Module, "/fake/path/foo.rb:4-2:9-5") assert_entry("Foo::Baz::Qux", Entry::Class, "/fake/path/foo.rb:5-4:8-7") assert_entry("Foo::Baz::Qux::Something", Entry::Class, "/fake/path/foo.rb:6-6:7-9") end def test_deleting_from_index_based_on_file_path index(<<~RUBY) class Foo end RUBY assert_entry("Foo", Entry::Class, "/fake/path/foo.rb:0-0:1-3") @index.delete(IndexablePath.new(nil, "/fake/path/foo.rb")) refute_entry("Foo") assert_no_indexed_entries end def test_comments_can_be_attached_to_a_class index(<<~RUBY) # This is method comment def foo; end # This is a Foo comment # This is another Foo comment class Foo # This should not be attached end # Ignore me # This Bar comment has 1 line padding class Bar; end RUBY foo_entry = @index["Foo"].first assert_equal("This is a Foo comment\nThis is another Foo comment", foo_entry.comments.join("\n")) bar_entry = @index["Bar"].first assert_equal("This Bar comment has 1 line padding", bar_entry.comments.join("\n")) end def test_skips_comments_containing_invalid_encodings index(<<~RUBY) # comment \xBA class Foo end RUBY assert(@index["Foo"].first) end def test_comments_can_be_attached_to_a_namespaced_class index(<<~RUBY) # This is a Foo comment # This is another Foo comment class Foo # This is a Bar comment class Bar; end end RUBY foo_entry = @index["Foo"].first assert_equal("This is a Foo comment\nThis is another Foo comment", foo_entry.comments.join("\n")) bar_entry = @index["Foo::Bar"].first assert_equal("This is a Bar comment", bar_entry.comments.join("\n")) end def test_comments_can_be_attached_to_a_reopened_class index(<<~RUBY) # This is a Foo comment class Foo; end # This is another Foo comment class Foo; end RUBY first_foo_entry = @index["Foo"][0] assert_equal("This is a Foo comment", first_foo_entry.comments.join("\n")) second_foo_entry = @index["Foo"][1] assert_equal("This is another Foo comment", second_foo_entry.comments.join("\n")) end def test_comments_removes_the_leading_pound_and_space index(<<~RUBY) # This is a Foo comment class Foo; end #This is a Bar comment class Bar; end RUBY first_foo_entry = @index["Foo"][0] assert_equal("This is a Foo comment", first_foo_entry.comments.join("\n")) second_foo_entry = @index["Bar"][0] assert_equal("This is a Bar comment", second_foo_entry.comments.join("\n")) end def test_private_class_and_module_indexing index(<<~RUBY) class A class B; end private_constant(:B) module C; end private_constant("C") class D; end end RUBY b_const = @index["A::B"].first assert_equal(Entry::Visibility::PRIVATE, b_const.visibility) c_const = @index["A::C"].first assert_equal(Entry::Visibility::PRIVATE, c_const.visibility) d_const = @index["A::D"].first assert_equal(Entry::Visibility::PUBLIC, d_const.visibility) end def test_keeping_track_of_super_classes index(<<~RUBY) class Foo < Bar end class Baz end module Something class Baz end class Qux < ::Baz end end class FinalThing < Something::Baz end RUBY foo = T.must(@index["Foo"].first) assert_equal("Bar", foo.parent_class) baz = T.must(@index["Baz"].first) assert_equal("::Object", baz.parent_class) qux = T.must(@index["Something::Qux"].first) assert_equal("::Baz", qux.parent_class) final_thing = T.must(@index["FinalThing"].first) assert_equal("Something::Baz", final_thing.parent_class) end def test_keeping_track_of_included_modules index(<<~RUBY) class Foo # valid syntaxes that we can index include A1 self.include A2 include A3, A4 self.include A5, A6 # valid syntaxes that we cannot index because of their dynamic nature include some_variable_or_method_call self.include some_variable_or_method_call def something include A7 # We should not index this because of this dynamic nature end # Valid inner class syntax definition with its own modules included class Qux include Corge self.include Corge include Baz include some_variable_or_method_call end end class ConstantPathReferences include Foo::Bar self.include Foo::Bar2 include dynamic::Bar include Foo:: end RUBY foo = T.must(@index["Foo"][0]) assert_equal(["A1", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5", "A6"], foo.mixin_operation_module_names) qux = T.must(@index["Foo::Qux"][0]) assert_equal(["Corge", "Corge", "Baz"], qux.mixin_operation_module_names) constant_path_references = T.must(@index["ConstantPathReferences"][0]) assert_equal(["Foo::Bar", "Foo::Bar2"], constant_path_references.mixin_operation_module_names) end def test_keeping_track_of_prepended_modules index(<<~RUBY) class Foo # valid syntaxes that we can index prepend A1 self.prepend A2 prepend A3, A4 self.prepend A5, A6 # valid syntaxes that we cannot index because of their dynamic nature prepend some_variable_or_method_call self.prepend some_variable_or_method_call def something prepend A7 # We should not index this because of this dynamic nature end # Valid inner class syntax definition with its own modules prepended class Qux prepend Corge self.prepend Corge prepend Baz prepend some_variable_or_method_call end end class ConstantPathReferences prepend Foo::Bar self.prepend Foo::Bar2 prepend dynamic::Bar prepend Foo:: end RUBY foo = T.must(@index["Foo"][0]) assert_equal(["A1", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5", "A6"], foo.mixin_operation_module_names) qux = T.must(@index["Foo::Qux"][0]) assert_equal(["Corge", "Corge", "Baz"], qux.mixin_operation_module_names) constant_path_references = T.must(@index["ConstantPathReferences"][0]) assert_equal(["Foo::Bar", "Foo::Bar2"], constant_path_references.mixin_operation_module_names) end def test_keeping_track_of_extended_modules index(<<~RUBY) class Foo # valid syntaxes that we can index extend A1 self.extend A2 extend A3, A4 self.extend A5, A6 # valid syntaxes that we cannot index because of their dynamic nature extend some_variable_or_method_call self.extend some_variable_or_method_call def something extend A7 # We should not index this because of this dynamic nature end # Valid inner class syntax definition with its own modules prepended class Qux extend Corge self.extend Corge extend Baz extend some_variable_or_method_call end end class ConstantPathReferences extend Foo::Bar self.extend Foo::Bar2 extend dynamic::Bar extend Foo:: end RUBY foo = T.must(@index["Foo::<Class:Foo>"][0]) assert_equal(["A1", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5", "A6"], foo.mixin_operation_module_names) qux = T.must(@index["Foo::Qux::<Class:Qux>"][0]) assert_equal(["Corge", "Corge", "Baz"], qux.mixin_operation_module_names) constant_path_references = T.must(@index["ConstantPathReferences::<Class:ConstantPathReferences>"][0]) assert_equal(["Foo::Bar", "Foo::Bar2"], constant_path_references.mixin_operation_module_names) end def test_tracking_singleton_classes index(<<~RUBY) class Foo; end class Foo # Some extra comments class << self end end RUBY foo = T.must(@index["Foo::<Class:Foo>"].first) assert_equal(4, foo.location.start_line) assert_equal("Some extra comments", foo.comments.join("\n")) end def test_dynamic_singleton_class_blocks index(<<~RUBY) class Foo # Some extra comments class << bar end end RUBY singleton = T.must(@index["Foo::<Class:bar>"].first) # Even though this is not correct, we consider any dynamic singleton class block as a regular singleton class. # That pattern cannot be properly analyzed statically and assuming that it's always a regular singleton simplifies # the implementation considerably. assert_equal(3, singleton.location.start_line) assert_equal("Some extra comments", singleton.comments.join("\n")) end def test_namespaces_inside_singleton_blocks index(<<~RUBY) class Foo class << self class Bar end end end RUBY assert_entry("Foo::<Class:Foo>::Bar", Entry::Class, "/fake/path/foo.rb:2-4:3-7") end def test_name_location_points_to_constant_path_location index(<<~RUBY) class Foo def foo; end end module Bar def bar; end end RUBY foo = T.must(@index["Foo"].first) refute_equal(foo.location, foo.name_location) name_location = foo.name_location assert_equal(1, name_location.start_line) assert_equal(1, name_location.end_line) assert_equal(6, name_location.start_column) assert_equal(9, name_location.end_column) bar = T.must(@index["Bar"].first) refute_equal(bar.location, bar.name_location) name_location = bar.name_location assert_equal(5, name_location.start_line) assert_equal(5, name_location.end_line) assert_equal(7, name_location.start_column) assert_equal(10, name_location.end_column) end end end