#! /usr/bin/env ruby # cal.rb: Written by Tadayoshi Funaba 1998-2004 # $Id: cal.rb,v 2.8 2004-09-25 12:50:10+09 tadf Exp $ require 'date' class Cal START = { 'cn' => true, # China 'de' => 2342032, # Germany (protestant states) 'dk' => 2342032, # Denmark 'en' => 2361222, # English 'es' => 2299161, # Spain 'fi' => 2361390, # Finland 'fr' => 2299227, # France 'gb' => 2361222, # United Kingdom 'gr' => 2423868, # Greece 'hu' => 2301004, # Hungary 'it' => 2299161, # Italy 'jp' => true, # Japan 'no' => 2342032, # Norway 'nl' => 2361222, 'pl' => 2299161, # Poland 'pt' => 2299161, # Portugal 'ru' => 2421639, # Russia 'se' => 2361390, # Sweden 'us' => 2361222, # United States 'os' => false, # (old style) 'ns' => true # (new style) } DEFAULT_START = 'gb' def initialize opt_j; opt_m; opt_t; opt_y; opt_c end def opt_j(flag=false) @opt_j = flag end def opt_m(flag=false) @opt_m = flag end def opt_t(flag=false) @opt_t = flag end def opt_y(flag=false) @opt_y = flag end def opt_c(arg=DEFAULT_START) @start = START[arg] end def set_params @dw = if @opt_j then 3 else 2 end @mw = (@dw + 1) * 7 - 1 @mn = if @opt_j then 2 else 3 end @tw = (@mw + 2) * @mn - 2 @k = if @opt_m then 1 else 0 end @da = if @opt_j then :yday else :mday end end def pict(y, m) d = (1..31).detect{|d| Date.valid_date?(y, m, d, @start)} fi = Date.new(y, m, d, @start) fi -= (fi.jd - @k + 1) % 7 ve = (fi..fi + 6).collect{|cu| %w(S M Tu W Th F S)[cu.wday] } ve += (fi..fi + 41).collect{|cu| if cu.mon == m then cu.send(@da) end.to_s } ve = ve.collect{|e| e.rjust(@dw)} gr = group(ve, 7) gr = trans(gr) if @opt_t ta = gr.collect{|xs| xs.join(' ')} ca = %w(January February March April May June July August September October November December)[m - 1] ca = ca + ' ' + y.to_s if not @opt_y ca = ca.center(@mw) ta.unshift(ca) end def group(xs, n) (0..xs.size / n - 1).collect{|i| xs[i * n, n]} end def trans(xs) (0..xs[0].size - 1).collect{|i| xs.collect{|x| x[i]}} end def stack(xs) if xs.empty? then [] else xs[0] + stack(xs[1..-1]) end end def block(xs, n) stack(group(xs, n).collect{|ys| trans(ys).collect{|zs| zs.join(' ')}}) end def unlines(xs) xs.collect{|x| x + "\n"}.join end def monthly(y, m) unlines(pict(y, m)) end def addmon(y, m, n) y, m = (y * 12 + (m - 1) + n).divmod(12) return y, m + 1 end def yearly(y) y.to_s.center(@tw) + "\n\n" + unlines(block((0..11).collect{|n| pict(*addmon(y, 1, n))}, @mn)) + "\n" end def print(y, m) set_params if @opt_y then yearly(y) else monthly(y, m) end end end if __FILE__ == $0 require 'getoptlong' def usage warn 'usage: cal [-c iso3166] [-jmty] [[month] year]' exit 1 end cal = Cal.new begin GetoptLong.new(['-c', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['-j', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['-m', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['-t', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['-y', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT]). each do |opt, arg| case opt when '-c'; cal.opt_c(arg) || raise when '-j'; cal.opt_j(true) when '-m'; cal.opt_m(true) when '-t'; cal.opt_t(true) when '-y'; cal.opt_y(true) end end rescue usage end y, m = ARGV.values_at(1, 0).compact.collect{|x| x.to_i} cal.opt_y(true) if y and not m to = Date.today y ||= to.year m ||= to.mon usage unless m >= 1 and m <= 12 usage unless y >= -4712 print cal.print(y, m) end