# #-- # # $Id: filehandler.rb 620 2007-02-28 09:19:15Z thomas $ # # webgen: template based static website generator # Copyright (C) 2004 Thomas Leitner # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU # General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without # even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, # write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # #++ # require 'set' require 'yaml' require 'webgen/node' require 'webgen/listener' require 'webgen/languages' module FileHandlers # The main plugin for handling files. # # The following message listening hooks (defined via symbols) are available for this plugin # (see Listener): # # +before_node_created+:: called before a node is created # +after_node_created+:: called after a node has been created # +after_all_nodes_created+:: called after the plugin has finfished reading in all files and the # output backing section of the meta information file has been processed # +before_node_written+:: called before a node is written out # +after_node_written+:: called after a node has been written out # +before_all_nodes_written+:: called before the plugin starts writing out the files # +after_all_nodes_written+:: called after the plugin has finfished writing out the files class FileHandler < Webgen::Plugin infos( :name => 'Core/FileHandler', :author => Webgen::AUTHOR, :summary => "Main plugin for handling the files in the source directory" ) param 'ignorePaths', ['**/CVS{/**/**,/}'], 'An array of path patterns which match files ' + 'that should be excluded from the list of \'to be processed\' files.' param 'defaultMetaInfo', {}, 'The keys for this hash are the names of file handlers, the ' + 'values hashes with meta data.' depends_on 'Core/Configuration' include Listener def initialize( manager ) super add_msg_name( :before_node_created ) add_msg_name( :after_node_created ) add_msg_name( :after_all_nodes_created ) add_msg_name( :before_node_written ) add_msg_name( :after_node_written ) add_msg_name( :before_all_nodes_written ) add_msg_name( :after_all_nodes_written ) load_meta_info_backing_file end # Renders the whole website. def render_site tree = build_tree unless tree.nil? @plugin_manager['Misc/TreeWalker'].execute( tree ) write_tree( tree ) end end # Renders only the given +files+. def render_files( files ) tree = build_tree return if tree.nil? files.each do |file| node = tree.resolve_node( file ) if !node.nil? write_node( node.parent ) if !node.parent.nil? && node.parent.is_directory? write_node( node ) end end end # Returns true if the file +src+ is newer than +dest+ and therefore has been modified since the # last execution of webgen. The +mtime+ values for the source and destination files are used to # find this out. def file_modified?( src, dest ) if File.exists?( dest ) && ( File.mtime( src ) <= File.mtime( dest ) ) log(:info) { "File is up to date: <#{dest}>" } return false else return true end end # Returns the meta info for nodes for the given +handler+. If +file+ is specified, meta # information from the backing file is also used if available (using files specified in the # source block of the backing file). The parameter +file+ has to be an absolute path, ie. # starting with a slash. def meta_info_for( handler, file = nil ) info = (handler.class.config.infos[:default_meta_info] || {}).dup info.update( param('defaultMetaInfo')[handler.class.plugin_name] || {} ) if file file = normalize_path( file ) if @source_backing.has_key?( file ) info.update( @source_backing[file] ) end end info end # Creates a node for +file+ (creating parent directories apropriately) under +parent_node+ using # the given +handler+. If a block is given, then the block is used to create the node which is # useful if you want a custom node creation method. def create_node( file, parent_node, handler ) # :yields: file, parent_node, handler, meta_info pathname, filename = File.split( file ) parent_node = @plugin_manager['File/DirectoryHandler'].recursive_create_path( pathname, parent_node ) meta_info = meta_info_for( handler, File.join( parent_node.absolute_path, filename ) ) src_path = File.join( Node.root( parent_node ).node_info[:src], parent_node.absolute_path, filename ) dispatch_msg( :before_node_created, src_path, parent_node, handler, meta_info ) if block_given? node = yield( src_path, parent_node, handler, meta_info ) else node = handler.create_node( src_path, parent_node, meta_info ) end check_node( node ) unless node.nil? dispatch_msg( :after_node_created, node ) unless node.nil? node end ####### private ####### # Used to check that certain meta/node information is available and correct. def check_node( node ) node['lang'] = Webgen::LanguageManager.language_for_code( node['lang'] ) unless node['lang'].kind_of?( Webgen::Language ) node['title'] ||= node.path end # Returns a normalized path, ie. a path starting with a slash and any trailing slashes removed. def normalize_path( path ) path = (path =~ /^\// ? '' : '/') + path.sub( /\/+$/, '' ) end # Loads the meta information backing file from the website directory. def load_meta_info_backing_file file = File.join( param( 'websiteDir', 'Core/Configuration' ), 'metainfo.yaml' ) if File.exists?( file ) begin index = 1 YAML::load_documents( File.read( file ) ) do |data| if data.nil? || (data.kind_of?( Hash ) && data.all? {|k,v| v.kind_of?( Hash ) }) if index == 1 @source_backing = {} data.each_pair {|path, metainfo| @source_backing[normalize_path(path)] = metainfo} unless data.nil? elsif index == 2 @output_backing = data else log(:error) { "A backing file can only have two blocks: one for source and one for output backing!" } end else log(:error) { "Content of backing file (#{index == 1 ? 'source' : 'output'} block) not correctcly structured" } end index += 1 end rescue log(:error) { "Backing file is not a valid YAML document: #{$!.message}" } end else log(:info) { 'No meta information backing file found!' } end @source_backing ||= {} @output_backing ||= {} end # Uses the output backing section of the meta information file to assign meta information or, if # no node for a path can be found, to create virtual nodes. def handle_output_backing( root ) @output_backing.each do |path, data| path = path[1..-1] if path =~ /^\// if node = root.resolve_node( path ) node.meta_info.update( data ) else node = create_node( path, root, @plugin_manager['File/VirtualFileHandler'] ) do |src, parent, handler, meta_info| meta_info = meta_info.merge( data ) handler.create_node( src, parent, meta_info ) end end check_node( node ) end end # Reads all files from the source directory and constructs the node tree which is returned. def build_tree all_files = find_all_files() return if all_files.empty? files_for_handlers = find_files_for_handlers() root_node = create_root_node() used_files = Set.new files_for_handlers.sort {|a,b| a[0] <=> b[0]}.each do |rank, handler, files| log(:debug) { "Creating nodes for #{handler.class.plugin_name} with rank #{rank}" } common = all_files & files used_files += common diff = files - common log(:info) { "Not using these files for #{handler.class.plugin_name} as they do not exist or are excluded: #{diff.inspect}" } if diff.length > 0 common.each do |file| log(:info) { "Creating node(s) for file <#{file}>..." } create_node( file.sub( /^#{Regexp.escape(root_node.node_info[:src])}/, '' ), root_node, handler ) end end unused_files = all_files - used_files log(:info) { "No handlers found for: #{unused_files.inspect}" } if unused_files.length > 0 handle_output_backing( root_node ) dispatch_msg( :after_all_nodes_created, root_node ) root_node end # Recursively writes out the tree specified by +node+. def write_tree( node ) dispatch_msg( :before_all_nodes_written, node ) if node.parent.nil? write_node( node ) node.each {|child| write_tree( child ) } dispatch_msg( :after_all_nodes_written, node ) if node.parent.nil? end # Writes out the given +node+. def write_node( node ) log(:info) { "Writing <#{node.full_path}>" } dispatch_msg( :before_node_written, node ) node.write_node dispatch_msg( :after_node_written, node ) end # Creates a set of all files in the source directory, removing all files which should be ignored. def find_all_files all_files = files_for_pattern( '**/{**,**/}' ).to_set param( 'ignorePaths' ).each {|pattern| all_files.subtract( files_for_pattern( pattern ) ) } log(:error) { "No files found in the source directory <#{param('srcDir', 'Core/Configuration')}>" } if all_files.empty? all_files end # Finds the files for each registered handler plugin and stores them in a Hash with the plugin # as key. def find_files_for_handlers files_for_handlers = [] @plugin_manager.plugins.each do |name, plugin| files_for_plugin = Set.new if plugin.kind_of?( DefaultHandler ) plugin.path_patterns.each do |rank, pattern| files = files_for_pattern( pattern ) - files_for_plugin files_for_handlers << [rank, plugin, files ] unless files.empty? files_for_plugin += files end end end files_for_handlers end # Returns an array of files of the source directory matching +pattern+ def files_for_pattern( pattern ) files = Dir.glob( File.join( param( 'srcDir', 'Core/Configuration' ), pattern ), File::FNM_CASEFOLD ).to_set files.delete( File.join( param( 'srcDir', 'Core/Configuration' ), '/' ) ) files.collect! do |f| f = f.sub( /([^.])\.{1,2}$/, '\1' ) # remove '.' and '..' from end of paths f += '/' if File.directory?( f ) && ( f[-1] != ?/ ) f end files end # Creates the root node. def create_root_node root_path = File.join( param( 'srcDir', 'Core/Configuration' ), '/' ) root_handler = @plugin_manager['File/DirectoryHandler'] if root_handler.nil? log(:error) { "No handler for root directory <#{root_path}> found" } return nil end root = root_handler.create_node( root_path, nil, meta_info_for( root_handler, '/' ) ) root['title'] = '' root.path = File.join( param( 'outDir', 'Core/Configuration' ), '/' ) root.node_info[:src] = root_path root end end # The default handler which is the super class of all file handlers. It defines methods thata # should be used by the subclasses to specify which files should be handled. There are two types # of path patterns: constant ones defined using the class methods and dynamic ones defined using # the instance methods. The dynamic path patterns should be defined during the initialization! # # During a webgen run the FileHandler retrieves all plugins which derive from the DefaultHandler # and uses the constant and dynamic path patterns defined for each file handler plugin for finding # the handled files. class DefaultHandler < Webgen::Plugin EXTENSION_PATH_PATTERN = "**/*.%s" DEFAULT_RANK = 100 infos( :name => 'File/DefaultHandler', :author => Webgen::AUTHOR, :summary => "Base class of all file handler plugins", :instantiate => false ) param 'linkToCurrentPage', false, 'Specifies whether in menus, breadcrumb trails, etc. a real link to ' + 'the current page should be used or only the link text.' # Specify the path pattern which should be handled by the class. The +rank+ is used for sorting # the patterns so that the creation order of nodes can be influenced. If a file is matched by # more than one path pattern defined by a single file handler plugin, it is only used once for # the first pattern. def self.register_path_pattern( path, rank = DEFAULT_RANK ) (self.config.infos[:path_patterns] ||= []) << [rank, path] end # Specify the files handled by the class via the extension. The parameter +ext+ should be the # pure extension without the dot. Also see DefaultHandler.register_path_pattern ! def self.register_extension( ext, rank = DEFAULT_RANK ) register_path_pattern( EXTENSION_PATH_PATTERN % [ext], rank ) end # See DefaultHandler.register_path_pattern def register_path_pattern( path, rank = DEFAULT_RANK ) (@path_patterns ||= []) << [rank, path] end protected :register_path_pattern # See DefaultHandler.register_extension def register_extension( ext, rank = DEFAULT_RANK ) register_path_pattern( EXTENSION_PATH_PATTERN % [ext], rank ) end protected :register_extension # Returns all (i.e. static and dynamic) path patterns defined for the file handler. def path_patterns (self.class.config.infos[:path_patterns] || []) + (@path_patterns ||= []) end # Sets the default meta information for the file handler. This meta information can later be # overridden by the +Core/FileHandler:defaultMetaInfo+ parameter and values set in the meta # information backing file. The so updated meta information is then passed to the #create_node # method. def self.default_meta_info( hash ) self.config.infos[:default_meta_info] = hash end # Asks the plugin to create a node for the given +path+ and the +parent+, using +meta_info+ as # default meta data for the node. Should return the node for the path (the newly created node # or, if a node with the path already exists, the existing one) or +nil+ if the node could not # be created. # # Has to be overridden by the subclass!!! def create_node( path, parent, meta_info ) raise NotImplementedError end # Asks the plugin to write out the node. # # Has to be overridden by the subclass!!! def write_node( node ) raise NotImplementedError end # Returns the node which has the same data as +node+ but in language +lang+; or +nil+ if such a # node does not exist. The default behaviour assumes that +node+ has the data for all languages. def node_for_lang( node, lang ) node end # Returns a HTML link to the +node+ from +ref_node+ or, if +node+ and +ref_node+ are the same # and the parameter +linkToCurrentPage+ is +false+, a +span+ element with the link text. # # You can optionally specify additional attributes for the html element in the +attr+ Hash. # Also, the meta information +linkAttrs+ of the given +node+ is used, if available, to set # attributes. However, the +attr+ parameter takes precedence over the +linkAttrs+ meta # information. If the special value +:link_text+ is present in the attributes, it will be used # as the link text; otherwise the title of the +node+ will be used. Be aware that all key-value # pairs with Symbol keys are removed before the attributes are written. Therefore you always # need to specify general attributes with Strings! def link_from( node, ref_node, attr = {} ) attr = node['linkAttrs'].merge( attr ) if node['linkAttrs'].kind_of?( Hash ) link_text = attr[:link_text] || node['title'] context = attr[:context] attr.delete_if {|k,v| k.kind_of?( Symbol )} use_link = ( node != ref_node || param( 'linkToCurrentPage' ) ) attr['href'] = ref_node.route_to( node ) if use_link attrs = attr.collect {|name,value| "#{name.to_s}=\"#{value}\"" }.sort.unshift( '' ).join( ' ' ) if !node['link_callback'].nil? result = begin instance_eval(node['link_callback']) rescue log(:error) { "Error while evaluating link callback from node <#{node.node_info[:src]}>: #{$!.message}" } nil end end if result.nil? ( use_link ? "#{link_text}" : "#{link_text}" ) else result end end end # Handles virtual nodes created via the output backing section of the meta information backing # file. class VirtualFileHandler < DefaultHandler # A virtual node. class VirtualNode < ::Node # Overridden to also match the +reference+ path of the virtual node. def =~( path ) md = /^(#{@path}|#{@node_info[:reference]})(?=#|$)/ =~ path ( md ? $& : nil ) end end infos( :name => 'File/VirtualFileHandler', :author => Webgen::AUTHOR, :summary => 'Handles virtual files specified in the backing file' ) def create_node( path, parent, meta_info ) filename = File.basename( path ) filename, reference = (meta_info['url'] ? [meta_info['url'], filename] : [filename, filename]) # no need to check for an existing nodes, that is already done in FileHandler#handle_output_backing temp_node = VirtualNode.new( parent, reference ) resolved_node = temp_node.resolve_node( filename ) if resolved_node node = VirtualNode.new( parent, temp_node.route_to( resolved_node ) ) else node = VirtualNode.new( parent, filename ) end parent.del_child( temp_node ) node.meta_info.update( meta_info ) node.node_info[:reference] = reference node.node_info[:processor] = self node end def write_node( node ) # nothing to write end end end