# bulma-clean-theme [](https://badge.fury.io/rb/bulma-clean-theme)  This is a clean and simple Jekyll Theme built with the [Bulma](https://bulma.io/) framework, providing a modern looking site to start with. ## Contents * [Installation](#installation) * [Usage](#usage) * [Pages](#pages) * [Posts](#posts) * [Navigation](#navigation) * [Colours and Styles](#colours-and-styles) * [Sidebar Visibility](#sidebar-visibility) * [Menubar](#menubar) * [Tabs](#tabs) * [Google Analytics](#google-analytics) * [Footer](#footer) * [Products](#products) * [Scripts](#scripts) * [Callouts](#callouts) * [Contributing](#contributing) * [Development](#development) * [Licence](#licence) ## Installation Add this line to your Jekyll site's `Gemfile`: ```ruby gem "bulma-clean-theme" ``` And add this line to your Jekyll site's `_config.yml`: ```yaml theme: bulma-clean-theme ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install bulma-clean-theme ## Usage ### Pages Create your pages as individual markdown files and use the `layout: page` for normal pages. Set the pages title and subtitle in the frontmatter and it will appear in the hero. **New in 0.2** Heros can now display a background image if you provide a `hero_image: /path/to/image.jpg` setting in your page frontmatter, or in the [defaults](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/configuration/front-matter-defaults/) in your sites `_config.yml` You can also set the height of the hero by providing a bulma hero height class in your frontmatter, such as `hero_height: is-fullwidth`. If you do not provide this, it will revert to is-medium **New in 0.5.4** If you would like to add a call to action button in the hero then add `hero_link` and `hero_link_text` to the page's frontmatter. ### Posts If you want posts, create a `_posts` directory to store your posts as per normal Jekyll usage, with the `layout: post`. Next create a `blog` directory with an index.html file that has `layout: blog` **New in 0.2** It will now display an image in the blog page if you set `image: /path/to/image.jpg` in your post's or page's frontmatter, or in the [defaults](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/configuration/front-matter-defaults/) in your sites `_config.yml` You can also set the height of the hero by providing a bulma hero height class in your frontmatter, such as `hero_height: is-fullwidth`. If you do not provide this, it will revert to is-medium ### Navigation For the top navigation, create a navigation.yml file in `_data` directory with the following format with the pages you want to include in the top navigation. You can now also add items to a dropdown menu. ```yaml - name: Page 1 link: /page-1/ - name: Blog link: /blog/ dropdown: - name: Page 2 link: /page-2/ ``` For the current page to have an active class, ensure the `link:` format matches your [permalink](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/permalinks/#extensionless-permalinks) format. The above example will work with `permalink: pretty` setting in your `_config.yml` ### Colours and Styles To overwrite the primary theme colour, set a sass variable in `assets/css/app.scss` before importing `main` ``` --- --- $primary: #333333; // Import Main CSS file from theme @import "main"; ``` You can overwrite any of the [Bulma initial variables](http://versions.bulma.io/0.7.0/documentation/overview/variables/) in this way as long as they are declared before the `@import "main"'` ### Sidebar Visibility **New in 0.2** If you want to show the sidebar with latest posts then set `show_sidebar: true` in the pages frontmatter, or in the [defaults](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/configuration/front-matter-defaults/) in your sites `_config.yml` ### Menubar **New in 0.3** The menubar gets its content from a data file in your site's `_data` directory. Simply set the name of your data file in the page's menubar setting in the frontmatter. ```yml show_sidebar: false menubar: example_menu ``` You will probably want to disable the show_sidebar otherwise there will be little room for the page content. #### Creating a menubar data file Create a data file in the _data directory and use the following format (if using yml) ```yml - label: Example Menu items: - name: Home link: / - name: Pages link: # items: - name: Page With Sidebar link: /page-1/ - name: Page Without Sidebar link: /page-2/ - name: Page With Menubar link: /page-3/ - name: Blog link: /blog/ ``` For the current page to have an active class, ensure the `link:` format matches your [permalink](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/permalinks/#extensionless-permalinks) format. The above example will work with `permalink: pretty` setting in your `_config.yml` #### Multiple menus You may make multiple menus in the same file, separated by the label ```yml - label: Menu Label items: - name: Example item link: /example-item/ - label: Second Menu Label items: - name: Parent Item link: /parent-item/ items: - name: Sublink link: /sublink/ - name: Sublink 2 link: /sublink2/ - label: Third Menu Label items: - name: Another example item link: /another-example-item/ ``` ### Tabs **New in 0.4** The tabs gets its content from a data file in your site's `_data` directory. Simply set the name of your data file in the page's menubar setting in the frontmatter. ```yml title: Page with tabs subtitle: Demo page with tabs layout: page show_sidebar: false menubar: example_menu tabs: example_tabs ``` Tabs can be used in conjunction with menubar and/or sidebar if you wish. #### Creating a tabs data file Create a data file in the _data directory and use the following format (if using yml) ```yml alignment: is-left style: is-boxed size: is-large items: - name: Tabs link: /page-4/ icon: fa-smile-wink - name: Sidebar link: /page-1/ icon: fa-square - name: No Sidebar link: /page-2/ icon: fa-ellipsis-v - name: Menubar link: /page-3/ icon: fa-bars ``` #### Settings You can control the alignment, style and size of the tabs by using the relevant [Bulma tabs classes](https://bulma.io/documentation/components/tabs/). #### Active Tab Highlighting It will automatically mark the active tab based on the current page. #### Icons You can add icons to your tab by passing in the [Font Awesome icon class](https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery). If you don't wish to show icons then simply omit the option from your yaml file. ### Google Analytics **New in 0.2** To enable Google Analytics add `google_analytics: UA-xxxxxxxx` to your `_config.yml` replacing the UA-xxxxxxxx with your Google Analytics property ### Footer **New in 0.4.1** To add some footer links, create a yaml file in the `_data` directory using the following format ```yml - name: Blog link: /blog/ - name: About link: /about/ - name: Privacy Policy link: /privacy-policy/ ``` Then add the name of your yaml file (without the .yml extension) into the footer_menu setting in the `_config.yml` ```yml footer_menu: example_footer_menu ``` #### Hiding the footer **New in 0.5.2** If you would like to hide the footer on a particular page then set `hide_footer: true` in the page's frontmatter. ### Products **New in 0.5** Now you can add simple product pages to your site using collections. #### Product pages Start by creating a `_products` directory to hold your product pages and create a new page for each product, such as `product1.md`. In the front matter for this page you can set the standard settings, such as your title, subtitle, description (for meta-description), hero_image, as well as the additional product settings such as price, product_code, image, features and rating. ```yml --- title: Product 1 Name subtitle: Product 1 tagline here description: This is a product description hero_image: /img/hero-img.jpg product_code: ABC124 layout: product image: https://via.placeholder.com/640x480 price: £1.99 + VAT features: - label: Great addition to any home icon: fa-location-arrow - label: Comes in a range of styles icon: fa-grin-stars - label: Available in multiple sizes icon: fa-fighter-jet rating: 3 --- ``` The text you write for the page content will be displayed as the product description. Next, add the following to your `_config.yml` to use collections to process the product pages and output them as individual pages. ```yml collections: products: output: true layout: product image: https://via.placeholder.com/800x600 show_sidebar: false ``` You can also set default product page values here if you like, such as the layout or image. #### Product Reviews To add reviews to your product page, create a `reviews` directory in the `_data` directory and add a yml file with the name of the product_code from the product page, for example `_data/reviews/ABC124.yml`. Create the reviews using the following format: ```yml - name: Mr E Xample rating: 4 title: Great product, highly recommended date: 01/01/2019 avatar: https://bulma.io/images/placeholders/128x128.png description: > The product worked really well. I would recommend this to most people to use. Delivery was quick and reasonable. Would recommend this to my friends. - name: Mrs R E View rating: 5 title: Nice, really liked this date: 02/02/2019 description: > The product worked exactly as described. ``` If you don't want to display an avatar image then a default user icon will be displayed. If you don't want to display a rating then omit it from the yml. #### Product Category Page To create a page listing your products you will need to create a product category page. Create a page, for example `products.md`, with the `layout: product-category` in the frontmatter. You can set the sort order of the products using `sort: title` to sort by the title, or by any setting in your product pages, such as price, rating or any custom frontmatter tags you wish to set. ```yml --- title: Products subtitle: Check out our range of products layout: product-category show_sidebar: false sort: title --- ``` ### Scripts **New in 0.5.2** There are two new files within the includes directory called `head-scripts.html` and `footer-scripts.html`. These are empty files by default but allow you to add any additional JavaScript to your site, such as the script for AddThis share buttons, in the `
` or after the `