package; import*; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import processing.core.PApplet; /** * A simple table class to use a String as a lookup for another String value. * * @webref data:composite * @see IntDict * @see FloatDict */ public class StringDict { /** Number of elements in the table */ protected int count; /** * */ protected String[] keys; /** * */ protected String[] values; /** Internal implementation for faster lookups */ private HashMap indices = new HashMap<>(); /** * */ public StringDict() { count = 0; keys = new String[10]; values = new String[10]; } /** * Create a new lookup pre-allocated to a specific length.This will not change the size(), but is more efficient than not specifying a length. Use it when you know the rough size of the thing you're creating. * * @param length * @nowebref */ public StringDict(int length) { count = 0; keys = new String[length]; values = new String[length]; } /** * Read a set of entries from a Reader that has each key/value pair on * a single line, separated by a tab. * * @param reader * @nowebref */ public StringDict(BufferedReader reader) { String[] lines = PApplet.loadStrings(reader); keys = new String[lines.length]; values = new String[lines.length]; for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { String[] pieces = PApplet.split(lines[i], '\t'); if (pieces.length == 2) { keys[count] = pieces[0]; values[count] = pieces[1]; indices.put(keys[count], count); count++; } } } /** * @param keys * @param values * @nowebref */ public StringDict(String[] keys, String[] values) { if (keys.length != values.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("key and value arrays must be the same length"); } this.keys = keys; this.values = values; count = keys.length; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { indices.put(keys[i], i); } } /** * Constructor to allow (more intuitive) inline initialization, e.g.: *
   * new StringDict(new String[][] {
   *   { "key1", "value1" },
   *   { "key2", "value2" }
   * });
* It's no Python, but beats a static { } block with HashMap.put() statements. * @param pairs */ public StringDict(String[][] pairs) { count = pairs.length; this.keys = new String[count]; this.values = new String[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { keys[i] = pairs[i][0]; values[i] = pairs[i][1]; indices.put(keys[i], i); } } /** * Create a dictionary that maps between column titles and cell entries * in a TableRow.If two columns have the same name, the later column's values will override the earlier values. * @param arg0 */ public StringDict(TableRow row) { this(row.getColumnCount()); String[] titles = row.getColumnTitles(); if (titles == null) { titles = new StringList(IntList.fromRange(row.getColumnCount())).array(); } for (int col = 0; col < row.getColumnCount(); col++) { set(titles[col], row.getString(col)); } // remove unused and overwritten entries crop(); } /** * @return * @webref stringdict:method * @brief Returns the number of key/value pairs */ public int size() { return count; } /** * Resize the internal data, this can only be used to shrink the list.Helpful for situations like sorting and then grabbing the top 50 entries. * @param arg0 */ public void resize(int length) { if (length > count) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("resize() can only be used to shrink the dictionary"); } if (length < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("resize(" + length + ") is too small, use 1 or higher"); } String[] newKeys = new String[length]; String[] newValues = new String[length]; PApplet.arrayCopy(keys, newKeys, length); PApplet.arrayCopy(values, newValues, length); keys = newKeys; values = newValues; count = length; resetIndices(); } /** * Remove all entries. * * @webref stringdict:method * @brief Remove all entries */ public void clear() { count = 0; indices = new HashMap<>(); } private void resetIndices() { indices = new HashMap<>(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { indices.put(keys[i], i); } } // . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /** * */ public class Entry { /** * */ public String key; /** * */ public String value; Entry(String key, String value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; } } /** * * @return */ public Iterable entries() { return new Iterable() { public Iterator iterator() { return entryIterator(); } }; } /** * * @return */ public Iterator entryIterator() { return new Iterator() { int index = -1; public void remove() { removeIndex(index); index--; } public Entry next() { ++index; Entry e = new Entry(keys[index], values[index]); return e; } public boolean hasNext() { return index+1 < size(); } }; } // . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /** * * @param index * @return */ public String key(int index) { return keys[index]; } /** * */ protected void crop() { if (count != keys.length) { keys = PApplet.subset(keys, 0, count); values = PApplet.subset(values, 0, count); } } /** * * @return */ public Iterable keys() { return new Iterable() { @Override public Iterator iterator() { return keyIterator(); } }; } // Use this to iterate when you want to be able to remove elements along the way /** * * @return */ public Iterator keyIterator() { return new Iterator() { int index = -1; public void remove() { removeIndex(index); index--; } public String next() { return key(++index); } public boolean hasNext() { return index+1 < size(); } }; } /** * Return a copy of the internal keys array.This array can be modified. * * @return * @webref stringdict:method * @brief Return a copy of the internal keys array */ public String[] keyArray() { crop(); return keyArray(null); } /** * * @param outgoing * @return */ public String[] keyArray(String[] outgoing) { if (outgoing == null || outgoing.length != count) { outgoing = new String[count]; } System.arraycopy(keys, 0, outgoing, 0, count); return outgoing; } /** * * @param index * @return */ public String value(int index) { return values[index]; } /** * @return * @webref stringdict:method * @brief Return the internal array being used to store the values */ public Iterable values() { return new Iterable() { @Override public Iterator iterator() { return valueIterator(); } }; } /** * * @return */ public Iterator valueIterator() { return new Iterator() { int index = -1; public void remove() { removeIndex(index); index--; } public String next() { return value(++index); } public boolean hasNext() { return index+1 < size(); } }; } /** * Create a new array and copy each of the values into it. * * @return * @webref stringdict:method * @brief Create a new array and copy each of the values into it */ public String[] valueArray() { crop(); return valueArray(null); } /** * Fill an already-allocated array with the values (more efficient than * creating a new array each time).If 'array' is null, or not the same size as the number of values, a new array will be allocated and returned. * @param array * @return */ public String[] valueArray(String[] array) { if (array == null || array.length != size()) { array = new String[count]; } System.arraycopy(values, 0, array, 0, count); return array; } /** * Return a value for the specified key. * * @param key * @return * @webref stringdict:method * @brief Return a value for the specified key */ public String get(String key) { int index = index(key); if (index == -1) return null; return values[index]; } /** * * @param key * @param alternate * @return */ public String get(String key, String alternate) { int index = index(key); if (index == -1) return alternate; return values[index]; } /** * @param key * @param value * @webref stringdict:method * @brief Create a new key/value pair or change the value of one */ public void set(String key, String value) { int index = index(key); if (index == -1) { create(key, value); } else { values[index] = value; } } /** * * @param index * @param key * @param value */ public void setIndex(int index, String key, String value) { if (index < 0 || index >= count) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(index); } keys[index] = key; values[index] = value; } /** * * @param what * @return */ public int index(String what) { Integer found = indices.get(what); return (found == null) ? -1 : found.intValue(); } /** * @param key * @return * @webref stringdict:method * @brief Check if a key is a part of the data structure */ public boolean hasKey(String key) { return index(key) != -1; } /** * * @param key * @param value */ protected void create(String key, String value) { if (count == keys.length) { keys = PApplet.expand(keys); values = PApplet.expand(values); } indices.put(key, Integer.valueOf(count)); keys[count] = key; values[count] = value; count++; } /** * @param key * @return * @webref stringdict:method * @brief Remove a key/value pair */ public int remove(String key) { int index = index(key); if (index != -1) { removeIndex(index); } return index; } /** * * @param index * @return */ public String removeIndex(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= count) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(index); } //System.out.println("index is " + which + " and " + keys[which]); String key = keys[index]; indices.remove(key); for (int i = index; i < count-1; i++) { keys[i] = keys[i+1]; values[i] = values[i+1]; indices.put(keys[i], i); } count--; keys[count] = null; values[count] = null; return key; } /** * * @param a * @param b */ public void swap(int a, int b) { String tkey = keys[a]; String tvalue = values[a]; keys[a] = keys[b]; values[a] = values[b]; keys[b] = tkey; values[b] = tvalue; // indices.put(keys[a], Integer.valueOf(a)); // indices.put(keys[b], Integer.valueOf(b)); } /** * Sort the keys alphabetically (ignoring case). Uses the value as a * tie-breaker (only really possible with a key that has a case change). * * @webref stringdict:method * @brief Sort the keys alphabetically */ public void sortKeys() { sortImpl(true, false); } /** * @webref stringdict:method * @brief Sort the keys alphabetically in reverse */ public void sortKeysReverse() { sortImpl(true, true); } /** * Sort by values in descending order (largest value will be at [0]). * * @webref stringdict:method * @brief Sort by values in ascending order */ public void sortValues() { sortImpl(false, false); } /** * @webref stringdict:method * @brief Sort by values in descending order */ public void sortValuesReverse() { sortImpl(false, true); } /** * * @param useKeys * @param reverse */ protected void sortImpl(final boolean useKeys, final boolean reverse) { Sort s = new Sort() { @Override public int size() { return count; } @Override public float compare(int a, int b) { int diff = 0; if (useKeys) { diff = keys[a].compareToIgnoreCase(keys[b]); if (diff == 0) { diff = values[a].compareToIgnoreCase(values[b]); } } else { // sort values diff = values[a].compareToIgnoreCase(values[b]); if (diff == 0) { diff = keys[a].compareToIgnoreCase(keys[b]); } } return reverse ? -diff : diff; } @Override public void swap(int a, int b) { StringDict.this.swap(a, b); } };; // Set the indices after sort/swaps (performance fix 160411) resetIndices(); } /** Returns a duplicate copy of this object. * @return */ public StringDict copy() { StringDict outgoing = new StringDict(count); System.arraycopy(keys, 0, outgoing.keys, 0, count); System.arraycopy(values, 0, outgoing.values, 0, count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { outgoing.indices.put(keys[i], i); } outgoing.count = count; return outgoing; } /** * */ public void print() { for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) { System.out.println(keys[i] + " = " + values[i]); } } /** * Write tab-delimited entries out to * @param writer */ public void write(PrintWriter writer) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { writer.println(keys[i] + "\t" + values[i]); } writer.flush(); } /** * Return this dictionary as a String in JSON format. * @return */ public String toJSON() { StringList items = new StringList(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { items.append(JSONObject.quote(keys[i])+ ": " + JSONObject.quote(values[i])); } return "{ " + items.join(", ") + " }"; } /** * * @return */ @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + " size=" + size() + " " + toJSON(); } }