#!/usr/bin/env ruby $:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib'), File.dirname(__FILE__)) require 'slim' require 'context' require 'benchmark/ips' require 'tilt' require 'erubis' require 'erb' require 'haml' class SlimBenchmarks def initialize(slow) @benches = Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = [] } @erb_code = File.read(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/view.erb') @haml_code = File.read(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/view.haml') @slim_code = File.read(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/view.slim') init_compiled_benches init_tilt_benches init_parsing_benches if slow end def init_compiled_benches haml_pretty = Haml::Engine.new(@haml_code, format: :html5, escape_attrs: false) haml_ugly = Haml::Engine.new(@haml_code, format: :html5, ugly: true, escape_attrs: false) context = Context.new haml_pretty.def_method(context, :run_haml_pretty) haml_ugly.def_method(context, :run_haml_ugly) context.instance_eval %{ def run_erb; #{ERB.new(@erb_code).src}; end def run_erubis; #{Erubis::Eruby.new(@erb_code).src}; end def run_temple_erb; #{Temple::ERB::Engine.new.call @erb_code}; end def run_fast_erubis; #{Erubis::FastEruby.new(@erb_code).src}; end def run_slim_pretty; #{Slim::Engine.new(pretty: true).call @slim_code}; end def run_slim_ugly; #{Slim::Engine.new.call @slim_code}; end } bench(:compiled, 'erb') { context.run_erb } bench(:compiled, 'erubis') { context.run_erubis } bench(:compiled, 'fast erubis') { context.run_fast_erubis } bench(:compiled, 'temple erb') { context.run_temple_erb } bench(:compiled, 'slim pretty') { context.run_slim_pretty } bench(:compiled, 'slim ugly') { context.run_slim_ugly } bench(:compiled, 'haml pretty') { context.run_haml_pretty } bench(:compiled, 'haml ugly') { context.run_haml_ugly } end def init_tilt_benches tilt_erb = Tilt::ERBTemplate.new { @erb_code } tilt_erubis = Tilt::ErubisTemplate.new { @erb_code } tilt_temple_erb = Temple::ERB::Template.new { @erb_code } tilt_haml_pretty = Tilt::HamlTemplate.new(format: :html5) { @haml_code } tilt_haml_ugly = Tilt::HamlTemplate.new(format: :html5, ugly: true) { @haml_code } tilt_slim_pretty = Slim::Template.new(pretty: true) { @slim_code } tilt_slim_ugly = Slim::Template.new { @slim_code } context = Context.new bench(:tilt, 'erb') { tilt_erb.render(context) } bench(:tilt, 'erubis') { tilt_erubis.render(context) } bench(:tilt, 'temple erb') { tilt_temple_erb.render(context) } bench(:tilt, 'slim pretty') { tilt_slim_pretty.render(context) } bench(:tilt, 'slim ugly') { tilt_slim_ugly.render(context) } bench(:tilt, 'haml pretty') { tilt_haml_pretty.render(context) } bench(:tilt, 'haml ugly') { tilt_haml_ugly.render(context) } end def init_parsing_benches context = Context.new context_binding = context.instance_eval { binding } bench(:parsing, 'erb') { ERB.new(@erb_code).result(context_binding) } bench(:parsing, 'erubis') { Erubis::Eruby.new(@erb_code).result(context_binding) } bench(:parsing, 'fast erubis') { Erubis::FastEruby.new(@erb_code).result(context_binding) } bench(:parsing, 'temple erb') { Temple::ERB::Template.new { @erb_code }.render(context) } bench(:parsing, 'slim pretty') { Slim::Template.new(pretty: true) { @slim_code }.render(context) } bench(:parsing, 'slim ugly') { Slim::Template.new { @slim_code }.render(context) } bench(:parsing, 'haml pretty') { Haml::Engine.new(@haml_code, format: :html5).render(context) } bench(:parsing, 'haml ugly') { Haml::Engine.new(@haml_code, format: :html5, ugly: true).render(context) } end def run @benches.each do |group_name, group_benches| puts "Running #{group_name} benchmarks:" Benchmark.ips do |x| group_benches.each do |name, block| x.report("#{group_name} #{name}", &block) end x.compare! end end puts " Compiled benchmark: Template is parsed before the benchmark and generated ruby code is compiled into a method. This is the fastest evaluation strategy because it benchmarks pure execution speed of the generated ruby code. Compiled Tilt benchmark: Template is compiled with Tilt, which gives a more accurate result of the performance in production mode in frameworks like Sinatra, Ramaze and Camping. (Rails still uses its own template compilation.) Parsing benchmark: Template is parsed every time. This is not the recommended way to use the template engine and Slim is not optimized for it. Activate this benchmark with 'rake bench slow=1'. Temple ERB is the ERB implementation using the Temple framework. It shows the overhead added by the Temple framework compared to ERB. " end def bench(group, name, &block) @benches[group].push([name, block]) end end SlimBenchmarks.new(ENV['slow']).run