require "spec_helper" describe PgSearch::Multisearch do with_table "pg_search_documents", {}, &DOCUMENTS_SCHEMA with_model :MultisearchableModel do table do |t| t.string :title t.text :content t.timestamps null: false end model do include PgSearch end end let(:model) { MultisearchableModel } let(:connection) { model.connection } let(:documents) { double(:documents) } describe ".rebuild" do before do model.multisearchable :against => :title end it "should operate inside a transaction" do expect(model).to receive(:transaction).once PgSearch::Multisearch.rebuild(model) end describe "cleaning up search documents for this model" do before do connection.execute <<-SQL.strip_heredoc INSERT INTO pg_search_documents (searchable_type, searchable_id, content, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ('#{}', 123, 'foo', now(), now()); INSERT INTO pg_search_documents (searchable_type, searchable_id, content, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ('Bar', 123, 'foo', now(), now()); SQL expect(PgSearch::Document.count).to eq(2) end context "when clean_up is not passed" do it "should delete the document for the model" do PgSearch::Multisearch.rebuild(model) expect(PgSearch::Document.count).to eq(1) expect(PgSearch::Document.first.searchable_type).to eq("Bar") end end context "when clean_up is true" do let(:clean_up) { true } it "should delete the document for the model" do PgSearch::Multisearch.rebuild(model, clean_up) expect(PgSearch::Document.count).to eq(1) expect(PgSearch::Document.first.searchable_type).to eq("Bar") end end context "when clean_up is false" do let(:clean_up) { false } it "should not delete the document for the model" do PgSearch::Multisearch.rebuild(model, clean_up) expect(PgSearch::Document.count).to eq(2) end end context "when the model implements .rebuild_pg_search_documents" do before do def model.rebuild_pg_search_documents connection.execute <<-SQL.strip_heredoc INSERT INTO pg_search_documents (searchable_type, searchable_id, content, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ('Baz', 789, 'baz', now(), now()); SQL end end it "should call .rebuild_pg_search_documents and skip the default behavior" do expect(PgSearch::Multisearch).not_to receive(:rebuild_sql) PgSearch::Multisearch.rebuild(model) record = PgSearch::Document.find_by_searchable_type_and_searchable_id("Baz", 789) expect(record.content).to eq("baz") end end end describe "inserting the new documents" do let!(:new_models) { [] } before do new_models << model.create!(:title => "Foo", :content => "Bar") new_models << model.create!(:title => "Baz", :content => "Bar") end it "should create new documents for the two models" do PgSearch::Multisearch.rebuild(model) expect(PgSearch::Document.last(2).map(&:searchable).map(&:title)).to match_array( end end describe "the generated SQL" do let(:now) { } before { allow(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(now) } context "with one attribute" do before do model.multisearchable :against => [:title] end it "should generate the proper SQL code" do expected_sql = <<-SQL.strip_heredoc INSERT INTO #{PgSearch::Document.quoted_table_name} (searchable_type, searchable_id, content, created_at, updated_at) SELECT #{connection.quote(} AS searchable_type, #{model.quoted_table_name}.id AS searchable_id, ( coalesce(#{model.quoted_table_name}."title"::text, '') ) AS content, #{connection.quote(connection.quoted_date(now))} AS created_at, #{connection.quote(connection.quoted_date(now))} AS updated_at FROM #{model.quoted_table_name} SQL statements = [] allow(connection).to receive(:execute) { |sql| statements << sql.strip } PgSearch::Multisearch.rebuild(model) expect(statements).to include(expected_sql.strip) end end context "with multiple attributes" do before do model.multisearchable :against => %i[title content] end it "should generate the proper SQL code" do expected_sql = <<-SQL.strip_heredoc INSERT INTO #{PgSearch::Document.quoted_table_name} (searchable_type, searchable_id, content, created_at, updated_at) SELECT #{connection.quote(} AS searchable_type, #{model.quoted_table_name}.id AS searchable_id, ( coalesce(#{model.quoted_table_name}."title"::text, '') || ' ' || coalesce(#{model.quoted_table_name}."content"::text, '') ) AS content, #{connection.quote(connection.quoted_date(now))} AS created_at, #{connection.quote(connection.quoted_date(now))} AS updated_at FROM #{model.quoted_table_name} SQL statements = [] allow(connection).to receive(:execute) { |sql| statements << sql.strip } PgSearch::Multisearch.rebuild(model) expect(statements).to include(expected_sql.strip) end end end end end