class Helios.Views.Navigation extends Backbone.View template: JST['navigation'] el: "[role='navigation']" render: => @$el.html(@template()) class Helios.Views.Entities extends Backbone.View template: JST['data/entities'] el: "[role='main']" events: 'change #entities': ->$el.find("#entities").val(), {trigger: true}) initialize: -> @collection.on 'reset', @render render: => @$el.html(@template(entities: @collection)) @ class Helios.Views.Entity extends Backbone.View el: "[role='main']" initialize: -> @model.on 'reset', @render @collection = @model.get('resources') @collection.fetch({success: @render}) render: => if @collection @datagrid ?= new Backbone.Datagrid({ collection: @collection, columns: (if @collection.first() then @collection.first().attributes.keys else []), paginated: true, perPage: 20 }) @$el.find("#datagrid").html(@datagrid.el) @ class Helios.Views.Devices extends Backbone.View template: JST['push-notification/devices'] el: "[role='main']" events: 'keyup form.filter input': 'filter' initialize: -> @datagrid = new Backbone.Datagrid({ collection: @collection, columns: @collection.fields, paginated: true, perPage: 20 }) render: => @$el.html(@template()) # @composeView ?= new Helios.Views.Compose() # @composeView.render() @$el.find("#datagrid").html(@datagrid.el) @ filter: (e) -> e.preventDefault() @collection.query = $( @collection.fetch() class Helios.Views.Compose extends Backbone.View template: JST['push-notification/compose'] el: "#compose-modal" events: 'submit form': 'submit' 'click button#send': 'submit' 'keyup textarea': 'updatePreview' 'focus textarea': -> @$el.find("input[type=radio][value=selected]").prop('checked',true) initialize: -> window.setInterval(@updateTime, 10000) render: -> @$el.html(@template()) @editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("payload"), { mode: "application/json", theme: "solarized-dark", tabMode: "indent", lineNumbers : true, matchBrackets: true }) @updatePreview() @updateTime() # $.ajax("/message" # type: "HEAD" # error: (data, status) => # @disable() # ) @ submit: -> $form = @$el.find("form#compose") payload = @editor.getValue() tokens = undefined if $("input[name='recipients']:checked").val() == "specified" tokens = [$form.find("#tokens").val()] $.ajax( url:"/message" type: "POST" dataType: "json" data: { tokens: tokens, payload: payload } ) beforeSend: => @$el.find(".alert-error, .alert-success").remove() success: (data, status) => alert = """

Push Notification Succeeded

""" @$el.prepend(alert) error: (data, status) => alert = """

Push Notification Failed


""" @$el.prepend(alert) disable: -> alert = """

Push Notification Sending Unavailable

Check that Rack::PushNotification initializes with a :certificate parameter, and that the certificate exists and is readable in the location specified.

""" @$el.prepend(alert) $(".iphone").css(opacity: 0.5) $form = @$el.find("form#compose") $form.css(opacity: 0.5) $form.find("input").disable() updatePreview: -> try json = $.parseJSON(@editor.getValue()) if alert = json.aps.alert $(".preview p").text(alert) catch error $(".alert strong").text( $(".alert span").text(error.message) finally if alert? and alert.length > 0 $(".notification").show() $(".alert").hide() else $(".notification").hide() $(".alert").show() updateTime: -> $time = $("time") $time.attr("datetime", $time.find(".time").text("HH:mm")) $time.find(".date").text("dddd, MMMM d")) class Helios.Views.Receipts extends Backbone.View template: JST['in-app-purchase/receipts'] el: "[role='main']" events: 'keyup form.filter input': 'filter' initialize: -> @datagrid = new Backbone.Datagrid({ collection: @collection, columns: @collection.fields, paginated: true, perPage: 20 }) render: => @$el.html(@template()) @$el.find("#datagrid").html(@datagrid.el) @ filter: (e) -> e.preventDefault() @collection.query = $( @collection.fetch() class Helios.Views.Passes extends Backbone.View template: JST['passbook/passes'] el: "[role='main']" events: 'keyup form.filter input': 'filter' initialize: -> @datagrid = new Backbone.Datagrid({ collection: @collection, columns: @collection.fields, paginated: true, perPage: 20 }) render: => @$el.html(@template()) @$el.find("#datagrid").html(@datagrid.el) @ filter: (e) -> e.preventDefault() @collection.query = $( @collection.fetch() class Helios.Views.Issues extends Backbone.View template: JST['newsstand/issues'] el: "[role='main']" events: 'keyup form.filter input': 'filter' initialize: -> @datagrid = new Backbone.Datagrid({ collection: @collection, columns: @collection.fields, paginated: true, perPage: 20 }) $.ajax( url:['newsstand'] + "/issues/new", type: "HEAD", error: -> $(".auxiliary button").prop('disabled', true) ) render: => @$el.html(@template()) @$el.find("#datagrid").html(@datagrid.el) @newView ?= new Helios.Views.NewIssue() @newView.render() @ filter: (e) -> e.preventDefault() @collection.query = $( @collection.fetch() class Helios.Views.NewIssue extends Backbone.View template: JST['newsstand/new'] el: "#new-issue-modal" events: 'submit form': 'submit' 'click button#create': 'submit' render: -> @$el.html(@template()) @ submit: -> $form = @$el.find("form#new") console.log($form.find("input[type='file']")) $.ajax( url: $form.attr("action") type: "POST" dataType: "json" data: $form.serializeMultipart() cache: false contentType: false processData: false success: (data) -> console.log("Success", data) error: (data) -> console.log("Failure", data) )