# # TCPSocket represents a TCP/IP client socket. # # A simple client may look like: # # require 'socket' # # s = TCPSocket.new 'localhost', 2000 # # while line = s.gets # Read lines from socket # puts line # and print them # end # # s.close # close socket when done # class TCPSocket < IPSocket # # Use Addrinfo.getaddrinfo instead. This method is deprecated for the following # reasons: # # * The 3rd element of the result is the address family of the first address. # The address families of the rest of the addresses are not returned. # * gethostbyname() may take a long time and it may block other threads. (GVL # cannot be released since gethostbyname() is not thread safe.) # * This method uses gethostbyname() function already removed from POSIX. # # This method lookups host information by *hostname*. # # TCPSocket.gethostbyname("localhost") # #=> ["localhost", ["hal"], 2, ""] # def self.gethostbyname: (String host) -> [ String, Array[String], Integer, String ] private # # Opens a TCP connection to `remote_host` on `remote_port`. If `local_host` and # `local_port` are specified, then those parameters are used on the local end to # establish the connection. # # Starting from Ruby 3.4, this method operates according to the Happy Eyeballs # Version 2 ([RFC 8305](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8305)) # algorithm by default, except on Windows. # # For details on Happy Eyeballs Version 2, see # [Socket.tcp_fast_fallback=](rdoc-ref:Socket.tcp_fast_fallback=). # # To make it behave the same as in Ruby 3.3 and earlier, explicitly specify the # option fast_fallback:false. Or, setting Socket.tcp_fast_fallback=false will # disable Happy Eyeballs Version 2 not only for this method but for all Socket # globally. # # When using TCPSocket.new on Windows, Happy Eyeballs Version 2 is not provided, # and it behaves the same as in Ruby 3.3 and earlier. # # :resolv_timeout # : Specifies the timeout in seconds from when the hostname resolution starts. # # :connect_timeout # : This method sequentially attempts connecting to all candidate destination # addresses. # The `connect_timeout` specifies the timeout in seconds from the start of # the connection attempt to the last candidate. # By default, all connection attempts continue until the timeout occurs. # When `fast_fallback:false` is explicitly specified, # a timeout is set for each connection attempt and any connection attempt # that exceeds its timeout will be canceled. # # :fast_fallback # : Enables the Happy Eyeballs Version 2 algorithm (enabled by default). # def initialize: (String remote_host, Integer remote_port, ?String local_host, ?Integer local_port) -> untyped end