require 'volt/reactive/reactive_array' require 'volt/models/model_wrapper' require 'volt/models/model_helpers' require 'volt/models/model_state' class ArrayModel < ReactiveArray include ModelWrapper include ModelHelpers include ModelState attr_reader :parent, :path, :persistor, :options, :array # For many methods, we want to call load data as soon as the model is interacted # with, so we proxy the method, then call super. def self.proxy_with_load_data(*method_names) method_names.each do |method_name| define_method(method_name) do |*args| load_data super(*args) end end end proxy_with_load_data :[], :size, :first, :last def initialize(array=[], options={}) @options = options @parent = options[:parent] @path = options[:path] || [] @persistor = setup_persistor(options[:persistor]) array = wrap_values(array) super(array) @persistor.loaded if @persistor end def find(*args, &block) if @persistor return @persistor.find(*args, &block) else raise "this model's persistance layer does not support find, try using store" end end def then(*args, &block) if @persistor return @persistor.then(*args, &block) else raise "this model's persistance layer does not support then, try using store" end end def attributes self end # Make sure it gets wrapped def <<(model) if model.is_a?(Model) # Set the new path model.options = @options.merge(path: @options[:path] + [:[]]) else model = wrap_values([model]).first end super(model) @persistor.added(model, @array.size-1) if @persistor return model end alias_method :append, :<< # Make sure it gets wrapped def inject(*args) args = wrap_values(args) super(*args) end # Make sure it gets wrapped def +(*args) args = wrap_values(args) super(*args) end def new_model(*args) class_at_path(options[:path]).new(*args) end def new_array_model(*args)*args) end # Convert the model to an array all of the way down def to_a array = [] attributes.each do |value| array << deep_unwrap(value) end return array end def inspect if @persistor && @persistor.is_a?(Persistors::ArrayStore) && state == :not_loaded # Show a special message letting users know it is not loaded yet. return "#<#{self.class.to_s}:not loaded, access with [] or size to load>" end # Otherwise inspect normally return super end def buffer model_path = options[:path] + [:[]] model_klass = class_at_path(model_path) new_options = options.merge(path: model_path, save_to: self).reject {|k,_| k.to_sym == :persistor } model ={}, new_options) return model end private # Takes the persistor if there is one and def setup_persistor(persistor) if persistor @persistor = end end # Loads data in an array store persistor when data is requested. def load_data if @persistor && @persistor.is_a?(Persistors::ArrayStore) @persistor.load_data end end end