require 'digest' require 'fileutils' require 'json' require 'open-uri' require 'securerandom' require 'socket' require 'stringio' require 'tmpdir' require 'erb' require 'yaml' require 'retriable' require 'solr_wrapper/tgz_extractor' module SolrWrapper class Instance attr_reader :config ## # @param [Hash] options # @option options [String] :url # @option options [String] :instance_dir Directory to store the solr index files # @option options [String] :version Solr version to download and install # @option options [String] :port port to run Solr on # @option options [Boolean] :cloud Run solr in cloud mode # @option options [String] :version_file Local path to store the currently installed version # @option options [String] :download_dir Local directory to store the downloaded Solr artifact and its checksum file in (overridden by :artifact_path) # @option options [String] :artifact_path Local path for storing the downloaded Solr artifact file # @option options [Boolean] :validate Should solr_wrapper download a new checksum and (re-)validate the tgz file? (default: true) # @option options [String] :checksum Path/URL to checksum # @option options [String] :solr_xml Path to Solr configuration # @option options [String] :extra_lib_dir Path to directory containing extra libraries to copy into instance_dir/lib # @option options [Boolean] :verbose return verbose info when running solr commands # @option options [Boolean] :ignore_checksum # @option options [Hash] :solr_options # @option options [Hash] :env # @option options [String] :config def initialize(options = {}) @config = @started = false end def host end def port config.port end def url config.url end def instance_dir config.instance_dir end def version config.version end def wrap(&_block) extract_and_configure start yield self ensure stop if @started end ## # Start Solr and wait for it to become available def start extract_and_configure if managed? exec('start', p: port, c: @started = true # Wait for solr to start unless status sleep config.poll_interval end after_start end end ## # Stop Solr and wait for it to finish exiting def stop if managed? && started? exec('stop', p: port) wait end end ## # Stop Solr and wait for it to finish exiting def restart if managed? && started? exec('restart', p: port, c: end end ## # Check the status of a managed Solr service def status return true unless managed? out = exec('status').read out =~ /running on port #{port}/ rescue false end def pid return unless managed? @pid ||= begin out = exec('status').read out.match(/process (?\d+) running on port #{port}/) do |m| m[:pid].to_i end end rescue nil end ## # Is Solr running? def started? !!status end def wait while (Process.getpgid(pid) rescue status) sleep config.poll_interval end end ## # Create a new collection in solr # @param [Hash] options # @option options [String] :name # @option options [String] :dir def create(options = {}) options[:name] ||= SecureRandom.hex create_options = { p: port } create_options[:c] = options[:name] if options[:name] create_options[:n] = options[:config_name] if options[:config_name] create_options[:d] = options[:dir] if options[:dir] Retriable.retriable do raise "Not started yet" unless started? end # short-circuit if we're using persisted data with an existing core/collection return if options[:persist] && create_options[:c] && client.exists?(create_options[:c]) exec("create", create_options) options[:name] end ## # Update the collection configuration in zookeeper # @param [Hash] options # @option options [String] :config_name # @option options [String] :dir def upconfig(options = {}) options[:name] ||= SecureRandom.hex options[:zkhost] ||= zkhost upconfig_options = { upconfig: true, n: options[:name] } upconfig_options[:d] = options[:dir] if options[:dir] upconfig_options[:z] = options[:zkhost] if options[:zkhost] exec 'zk', upconfig_options options[:name] end ## # Copy the collection configuration from zookeeper to a local directory # @param [Hash] options # @option options [String] :config_name # @option options [String] :dir def downconfig(options = {}) options[:name] ||= SecureRandom.hex options[:zkhost] ||= zkhost downconfig_options = { downconfig: true, n: options[:name] } downconfig_options[:d] = options[:dir] if options[:dir] downconfig_options[:z] = options[:zkhost] if options[:zkhost] exec 'zk', downconfig_options options[:name] end ## # Create a new collection in solr # @param [String] name collection name def delete(name, _options = {}) exec("delete", c: name, p: port) end ## # Create a new collection, run the block, and then clean up the collection # @param [Hash] options # @option options [String] :name # @option options [String] :dir def with_collection(options = {}) options = config.collection_options.merge(options) return yield if options.empty? name = create(options) begin yield name ensure delete name unless options[:persist] end end ## # Clean up any files solr_wrapper may have downloaded def clean! stop remove_instance_dir! FileUtils.remove_entry(config.download_dir, true) if File.exist?(config.download_dir) FileUtils.remove_entry(config.tmp_save_dir, true) if File.exist? config.tmp_save_dir checksum_validator.clean! FileUtils.remove_entry(config.version_file) if File.exist? config.version_file end ## # Clean up any files in the Solr instance dir def remove_instance_dir! FileUtils.remove_entry(instance_dir, true) if File.exist? instance_dir end def configure raise_error_unless_extracted FileUtils.cp config.solr_xml, File.join(config.instance_dir, 'server', 'solr', 'solr.xml') if config.solr_xml FileUtils.cp_r File.join(config.extra_lib_dir, '.'), File.join(config.instance_dir, 'server', 'solr', 'lib') if config.extra_lib_dir end def extract_and_configure extract.tap { configure } end # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException # extract a copy of solr to instance_dir # Does noting if solr already exists at instance_dir # @return [String] instance_dir Directory where solr has been installed def extract return config.instance_dir if extracted? downloaded_artifact_path = download, destination: config.tmp_save_dir).extract! begin FileUtils.remove_dir(config.instance_dir, true) FileUtils.cp_r File.join(config.tmp_save_dir, File.basename(config.download_url, '.tgz')), config.instance_dir self.extracted_version = config.version FileUtils.chmod 0755, config.solr_binary rescue Exception => e abort "Unable to copy #{config.tmp_save_dir} to #{config.instance_dir}: #{e.message}" end config.instance_dir ensure FileUtils.remove_entry config.tmp_save_dir if File.exist? config.tmp_save_dir end # rubocop:enable Lint/RescueException def managed? config.managed? end protected def extracted? File.exist?(config.solr_binary) && extracted_version == config.version end def download unless File.exist?(config.downloaded_artifact_path) && checksum_validator.validate?(config.downloaded_artifact_path) Downloader.fetch_with_progressbar config.download_url, config.downloaded_artifact_path checksum_validator.validate! config.downloaded_artifact_path end config.downloaded_artifact_path end ## # Run a bin/solr command # @param [String] cmd command to run # @param [Hash] options key-value pairs to transform into command line arguments # @return [StringIO] an IO object for the executed shell command # @see # If you want to pass a boolean flag, include it in the +options+ hash with its value set to +true+ # the key will be converted into a boolean flag for you. # @example start solr in cloud mode on port 8983 # exec('start', {p: '8983', c: true}) def exec(cmd, options = {}) stringio = # JRuby uses Popen4 command_runner = IO.respond_to?(:popen4) ? Popen4Runner : PopenRunner runner =, options, config) exit_status = if exit_status != 0 && cmd != 'status' raise "Failed to execute solr #{cmd}: #{}. Further information may be available in #{instance_dir}/server/logs" end stringio end private def checksum_validator @checksum_validator ||= end def after_start create_configsets if end def create_configsets config.configsets.each do |configset| upconfig(configset) end end def extracted_version if File.exist? config.version_file end def extracted_version=(version), "w") do |f| f.puts version end end def zkhost "#{config.zookeeper_host}:#{config.zookeeper_port}" if end def client end def raise_error_unless_extracted raise RuntimeError, "there is no solr instance at #{config.instance_dir}. Run SolrWrapper.extract first." unless extracted? end end end