require_relative 'helpers/example_window' # Example for Button and ToggleButton class ExampleState < Fidgit::GuiState def initialize super vertical do my_label = label "Label", tip: "I'm a label" buttons = [] # A plain button, with some text on it. buttons << button("Button", tip: "I'm a button; press me!", shortcut: :auto) do my_label.text = "Pressed the button!" end # Buttons with icons in each possible positions. [:left, :right, :top, :bottom].each do |position| buttons << button("Icon at #{position}", icon: Gosu::Image["head_icon.png"], icon_position: position, icon_options: { factor: 2 }, tip: "I'm a button; press me!", shortcut: :auto) do my_label.text = "Pressed the button (icon to #{position})!" end end # A toggling button. buttons << toggle_button("ToggleButton", tip: "I'm a button that toggles", shortcut: :o) do |sender, value| my_label.text = "Turned the toggle button #{value ? "on" : "off"}!" end # A toggle-button that controls whether all the other buttons are enabled. toggle_button("Enable other two buttons", value: true) do |sender, value| buttons.each {|button| button.enabled = value } end end end end