require 'learnosity/sdk/request/init' # Learnosity helper. require 'securerandom' class AuthorController < ApplicationController @@security_packet = { # XXX: This is a Learnosity Demos consumer; replace it with your own consumer key. Set values in application.rb. 'consumer_key' => Rails.configuration.consumer_key, 'domain' => 'localhost', 'user_id' => SecureRandom.uuid } # XXX: The consumer secret should be in a properly secured credential store, and *NEVER* checked into version control @@consumer_secret = Rails.configuration.consumer_secret @@author_request = { "mode"=> "item_edit", "reference"=> "a15ac409-f6d5-42de-a491-a1e4ab03c826", "user"=> { "id" => "brianmoser", "firstname" => "Test", "lastname" => "Test", "email" => "" }, "config"=> { "global"=> { "disable_onbeforeunload"=> true, "hide_tags"=> [ { "type"=> "internal_category_uuid" } ] }, "item_edit"=> { "item"=> { "back"=> true, "columns"=> true, "answers"=> true, "scoring"=> true, "reference"=> { "edit"=> false, "show"=> false, "prefix"=> "LEAR_" }, "save"=> true, "status"=> false, "dynamic_content"=> true, "shared_passage"=> true }, "widget"=> { "delete"=> false, "edit"=> true } }, "item_list"=> { "item"=> { "status"=> true, "url"=> "" }, "toolbar"=> { "add"=> true, "browse"=> { "controls"=> [ { "type"=> "hierarchy", "hierarchies"=> [ { "reference"=> "CCSS_Math_Hierarchy", "label"=> "CCSS Math" }, { "reference"=> "CCSS_ELA_Hierarchy", "label"=> "CCSS ELA" }, { "reference"=> "Demo_Items_Hierarchy", "label"=> "Demo Items" } ] }, { "type"=> "tag", "tag"=> { "type"=> "Alignment", "label"=> "def456" } }, { "type"=> "tag", "tag"=> { "type"=> "Course", "label"=> "commoncore" } } ] } }, "filter"=> { "restricted"=> { "current_user"=> true, "tags"=> { "all"=> [ { "type"=> "Alignment", "name"=> ["def456", "abc123"] }, { "type"=> "Course" } ], "either"=> [ { "type"=> "Grade", "name"=> "4" }, { "type"=> "Grade", "name"=> "5" }, { "type"=> "Subject", "name"=> ["Math", "Science"] } ], "none"=> [ { "type"=> "Grade", "name"=> "6" } ] } } } }, "dependencies"=> { "question_editor_api"=> { "init_options"=> {} }, "questions_api"=> { "init_options"=> {} } }, "widget_templates"=> { "back"=> true, "save"=> true, "widget_types"=> { "default"=> "questions", "show"=> true } }, "container"=> { "height"=> "auto", "fixed_footer_height"=> 0, "scroll_into_view_selector"=> "body" }, "label_bundle"=> { "backButton"=> "Zurück", "loadingText"=> "Wird geladen", "modalClose"=> "Schließen", "saveButton"=> "Speichern", "duplicateButton"=> "Duplikat", "dateTimeLocale"=> "en-us", "toolTipDateTimeSeparator"=> "um", "toolTipDateFormat"=> "DD-MM-YYYY", "toolTipTimeFormat"=> "HH:MM:SS", } }, } def index @init = 'author', @@security_packet, @@consumer_secret, @@author_request ) end end