require 'active_model' require 'typhoeus' require 'active_support/all' # todo migrate to yajl require 'kaminari' require 'logical_model/hydra' require 'logical_model/responses_configuration' require 'logical_model/rest_actions' require 'logical_model/url_helper' require 'logical_model/safe_log' require 'logical_model/associations' require 'logical_model/api_key' require 'logical_model/attributes' require 'logical_model/cache' # Logical Model, not persistant on DB, works through API. (replaces ActiveResource) # # # Configuration attributes: # host: Host of the WS. eg: "localhost:3000" # resource_path: Path of this resources. eg: "/api/resources" # attribute_keys: Attributes. eg: [:id, :attr_a, :attr_b] # use_ssl: will use https if true, http if false # use_api_key: set to true if api_key is needed to access resource # api_key_name: api key parameter name. eg: app_key # api_key: api_key. eg: "asd32fa4s4pdf35tr" # log_path: Path to log file. Will be ignored if using Rails. # json_root: Used to build parameters. Default: class name underscored # # You may use validations such as validates_presence_of, etc. # # Usage: # class RemoteResource < LogicalModel # set_resource_url "remote.server", "/api/remote/path" # # attribute :id # attribute :attribute_a # attribute :attribute_b # # validates_presence_of :id # end # # This enables: # #[:remote_resource]) # RemoteResource#create # RemoteResource.find(params[:id]) # RemoteResource.paginate # RemoteResource#update(params[:remote_resouce]) # RemoteResource.delete(params[:id]) # RemoteResource#destroy class LogicalModel extend ActiveModel::Callbacks define_model_callbacks :create, :save, :update, :destroy, :initialize, :new_nested include LogicalModel::Hydra include LogicalModel::ResponsesConfiguration include LogicalModel::Attributes include LogicalModel::RESTActions include LogicalModel::UrlHelper include LogicalModel::ApiKey include LogicalModel::SafeLog include LogicalModel::Associations # include ActiveModel Modules that are usefull extend ActiveModel::Naming include ActiveModel::Conversion include ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON include ActiveModel::Validations include ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity self.include_root_in_json = false attr_accessor :last_response_code DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10000 DEFAULT_RETRIES = 3 def initialize(attributes={}) self.attributes = attributes end def initialize_with_callback(attributes = {}) run_callbacks :initialize do initialize_without_callback(attributes) end end alias_method_chain :initialize, :callback class << self attr_accessor :timeout, :retries, :json_root def timeout; @timeout ||= DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; end def retries; @retries ||= DEFAULT_RETRIES; end def delete_multiple_enabled?; @enable_delete_multiple ||= false; end def validates_associated(*associations) associations.each do |association| validates_each association do |record, attr, value| unless value.collect{ |r| r.nil? || r.valid? }.all? value.reject { |t| t.valid? }.each do |t| record.errors.add("", "#{} #{t.errors.full_messages.to_sentence}") end end end end end # host eg: "" # resource_path eg: "/api/v1/people" end def json_root @json_root ||= self.class.to_s.underscore end def persisted? false end # Returns true if a record has not been persisted yet. # # Usage: # @person.new_record? def new_record? !self.persisted? end end