require 'meilisearch' require 'meilisearch/rails/null_object' require 'meilisearch/rails/version' require 'meilisearch/rails/utilities' require 'meilisearch/rails/errors' if defined? Rails begin require 'meilisearch/rails/railtie' rescue LoadError end end begin require 'active_job' rescue LoadError # no queue support, fine end require 'logger' module MeiliSearch module Rails autoload :Configuration, 'meilisearch/rails/configuration' extend Configuration autoload :Pagination, 'meilisearch/rails/pagination' class << self attr_reader :included_in def included(klass) @included_in ||= [] @included_in << klass @included_in.uniq! klass.class_eval do extend ClassMethods include InstanceMethods end end def logger @logger ||= (::Rails.logger ||$stdout)) end end class IndexSettings DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE = 1000 DEFAULT_PRIMARY_KEY = 'id'.freeze # Meilisearch settings OPTIONS = %i[ searchable_attributes filterable_attributes sortable_attributes displayed_attributes distinct_attribute synonyms stop_words ranking_rules attributes_to_highlight attributes_to_crop crop_length pagination faceting typo_tolerance ].freeze CAMELIZE_OPTIONS = %i[pagination faceting typo_tolerance].freeze OPTIONS.each do |option| define_method option do |value| instance_variable_set("@#{option}", value) end underscored_name = option.to_s.gsub(/(.)([A-Z])/, '\1_\2').downcase alias_method underscored_name, option if underscored_name != option end def initialize(options, &block) @options = options instance_exec(&block) if block_given? end def use_serializer(serializer) @serializer = serializer # instance_variable_set("@serializer", serializer) end def attribute(*names, &block) raise ArgumentError, 'Cannot pass multiple attribute names if block given' if block_given? && (names.length > 1) @attributes ||= {} names.flatten.each do |name| @attributes[name.to_s] = block_given? ? proc { |d| d.instance_eval(&block) } : proc { |d| d.send(name) } end end alias attributes attribute def add_attribute(*names, &block) raise ArgumentError, 'Cannot pass multiple attribute names if block given' if block_given? && (names.length > 1) @additional_attributes ||= {} names.each do |name| @additional_attributes[name.to_s] = block_given? ? proc { |d| d.instance_eval(&block) } : proc { |d| d.send(name) } end end alias add_attributes add_attribute def mongoid?(document) defined?(::Mongoid::Document) && document.class.include?(::Mongoid::Document) end def sequel?(document) defined?(::Sequel::Model) && document.class < ::Sequel::Model end def active_record?(document) !mongoid?(document) && !sequel?(document) end def get_default_attributes(document) if mongoid?(document) # work-around mongoid 2.4's unscoped method, not accepting a block document.attributes elsif sequel?(document) document.to_hash else document.class.unscoped do document.attributes end end end def get_attribute_names(document) get_attributes(document).keys end def attributes_to_hash(attributes, document) if attributes attributes.to_h { |name, value| [name.to_s,] } else {} end end def get_attributes(document) # If a serializer is set, we ignore attributes # everything should be done via the serializer if !@serializer.nil? attributes = elsif @attributes.blank? attributes = get_default_attributes(document) # no `attribute ...` have been configured, use the default attributes of the model elsif active_record?(document) # at least 1 `attribute ...` has been configured, therefore use ONLY the one configured document.class.unscoped do attributes = attributes_to_hash(@attributes, document) end else attributes = attributes_to_hash(@attributes, document) end attributes.merge!(attributes_to_hash(@additional_attributes, document)) if @additional_attributes if @options[:sanitize] attributes = sanitize_attributes(attributes) end attributes = encode_attributes(attributes) if @options[:force_utf8_encoding] attributes end def sanitize_attributes(value) case value when String ActionView::Base.full_sanitizer.sanitize(value) when Hash value.each { |key, val| value[key] = sanitize_attributes(val) } when Array { |item| sanitize_attributes(item) } else value end end def encode_attributes(value) case value when String value.force_encoding('utf-8') when Hash value.each { |key, val| value[key] = encode_attributes(val) } when Array { |x| encode_attributes(x) } else value end end def get_setting(name) instance_variable_get("@#{name}") end def camelize_keys(hash) hash.transform_keys { |key| key.to_s.camelize(:lower) } end def to_settings settings = {} OPTIONS.each do |k| v = get_setting(k) next if v.nil? settings[k] = if CAMELIZE_OPTIONS.include?(k) && v.is_a?(Hash) v = camelize_keys(v) # camelize keys of nested hashes v.each do |key, value| v[key] = camelize_keys(value) if value.is_a?(Hash) end else v end end settings end def add_index(index_uid, options = {}, &block) raise ArgumentError, 'No block given' unless block_given? if options[:auto_index] || options[:auto_remove] raise ArgumentError, 'Options auto_index and auto_remove cannot be set on nested indexes' end @additional_indexes ||= {} options[:index_uid] = index_uid @additional_indexes[options] =, &block) end def additional_indexes @additional_indexes || {} end end # Default queueing system if defined?(::ActiveJob::Base) # lazy load the ActiveJob class to ensure the # queue is initialized before using it autoload :MSJob, 'meilisearch/rails/ms_job' autoload :MSCleanUpJob, 'meilisearch/rails/ms_clean_up_job' end # this class wraps an MeiliSearch::Index document ensuring all raised exceptions # are correctly logged or thrown depending on the `raise_on_failure` option class SafeIndex def initialize(index_uid, raise_on_failure, options) client = MeiliSearch::Rails.client primary_key = options[:primary_key] || MeiliSearch::Rails::IndexSettings::DEFAULT_PRIMARY_KEY @raise_on_failure = raise_on_failure.nil? || raise_on_failure SafeIndex.log_or_throw(nil, @raise_on_failure) do client.create_index!(index_uid, { primary_key: primary_key }) end @index = client.index(index_uid) end ::MeiliSearch::Index.instance_methods(false).each do |m| define_method(m) do |*args, &block| if m == :update_settings args[0].delete(:attributes_to_highlight) if args[0][:attributes_to_highlight] args[0].delete(:attributes_to_crop) if args[0][:attributes_to_crop] args[0].delete(:crop_length) if args[0][:crop_length] end SafeIndex.log_or_throw(m, @raise_on_failure) do return MeiliSearch::Rails.black_hole unless @index.send(m, *args, &block) end end end # Maually define facet_search due to complications with **opts in ruby 2.* def facet_search(*args, **opts) SafeIndex.log_or_throw(:facet_search, @raise_on_failure) do return MeiliSearch::Rails.black_hole unless @index.facet_search(*args, **opts) end end # special handling of wait_for_task to handle null task_id def wait_for_task(task_uid) return if task_uid.nil? && !@raise_on_failure # ok SafeIndex.log_or_throw(:wait_for_task, @raise_on_failure) do @index.wait_for_task(task_uid) end end # special handling of settings to avoid raising errors on 404 def settings(*args) SafeIndex.log_or_throw(:settings, @raise_on_failure) do @index.settings(*args) rescue ::MeiliSearch::ApiError => e return {} if e.code == 404 # not fatal raise e end end def self.log_or_throw(method, raise_on_failure, &block) yield rescue ::MeiliSearch::TimeoutError, ::MeiliSearch::ApiError => e raise e if raise_on_failure # log the error"[meilisearch-rails] #{e.message}") # return something case method.to_s when 'search' # some attributes are required { 'hits' => [], 'hitsPerPage' => 0, 'page' => 0, 'facetDistribution' => {}, 'error' => e } else # empty answer { 'error' => e } end end end # these are the class methods added when MeiliSearch is included module ClassMethods def self.extended(base) class << base alias_method :without_auto_index, :ms_without_auto_index unless method_defined? :without_auto_index alias_method :reindex!, :ms_reindex! unless method_defined? :reindex! alias_method :index_documents, :ms_index_documents unless method_defined? :index_documents alias_method :index!, :ms_index! unless method_defined? :index! alias_method :remove_from_index!, :ms_remove_from_index! unless method_defined? :remove_from_index! alias_method :clear_index!, :ms_clear_index! unless method_defined? :clear_index! alias_method :search, :ms_search unless method_defined? :search alias_method :raw_search, :ms_raw_search unless method_defined? :raw_search alias_method :index, :ms_index unless method_defined? :index alias_method :index_uid, :ms_index_uid unless method_defined? :index_uid alias_method :must_reindex?, :ms_must_reindex? unless method_defined? :must_reindex? end base.cattr_accessor :meilisearch_options, :meilisearch_settings end def meilisearch(options = {}, &block) self.meilisearch_settings =, &block) self.meilisearch_options = { type: model_name.to_s.constantize, per_page: meilisearch_settings.get_setting(:hitsPerPage) || 20, page: 1 }.merge(options) attr_accessor :formatted if options.key?(:per_environment) raise BadConfiguration, ':per_environment option should be defined globally on MeiliSearch::Rails.configuration block.' end if options[:synchronous] == true if defined?(::Sequel::Model) && self < Sequel::Model class_eval do copy_after_validation = instance_method(:after_validation) define_method(:after_validation) do |*args| super(*args) copy_after_validation.bind(self).call ms_mark_synchronous end end elsif respond_to?(:after_validation) after_validation :ms_mark_synchronous end end if options[:enqueue] raise ArgumentError, 'Cannot use a enqueue if the `synchronous` option is set' if options[:synchronous] proc = if options[:enqueue] == true proc do |record, remove| if remove MSCleanUpJob.perform_later(record.ms_entries) else MSJob.perform_later(record, 'ms_index!') end end elsif options[:enqueue].respond_to?(:call) options[:enqueue] elsif options[:enqueue].is_a?(Symbol) proc { |record, remove| send(options[:enqueue], record, remove) } else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid `enqueue` option: #{options[:enqueue]}" end meilisearch_options[:enqueue] = proc do |record, remove|, remove) unless ms_without_auto_index_scope end end unless options[:auto_index] == false if defined?(::Sequel::Model) && self < Sequel::Model class_eval do copy_after_validation = instance_method(:after_validation) copy_before_save = instance_method(:before_save) define_method(:after_validation) do |*args| super(*args) copy_after_validation.bind(self).call ms_mark_must_reindex end define_method(:before_save) do |*args| copy_before_save.bind(self).call ms_mark_for_auto_indexing super(*args) end sequel_version = if sequel_version >='4.0.0') && sequel_version <'5.0.0') copy_after_commit = instance_method(:after_commit) define_method(:after_commit) do |*args| super(*args) copy_after_commit.bind(self).call ms_perform_index_tasks end else copy_after_save = instance_method(:after_save) define_method(:after_save) do |*args| super(*args) copy_after_save.bind(self).call db.after_commit do ms_perform_index_tasks end end end end else after_validation :ms_mark_must_reindex if respond_to?(:after_validation) before_save :ms_mark_for_auto_indexing if respond_to?(:before_save) if respond_to?(:after_commit) after_commit :ms_perform_index_tasks elsif respond_to?(:after_save) after_save :ms_perform_index_tasks end end end unless options[:auto_remove] == false if defined?(::Sequel::Model) && self < Sequel::Model class_eval do copy_after_destroy = instance_method(:after_destroy) define_method(:after_destroy) do |*args| copy_after_destroy.bind(self).call ms_enqueue_remove_from_index!(ms_synchronous?) super(*args) end end elsif respond_to?(:after_destroy) after_destroy_commit { |searchable| searchable.ms_enqueue_remove_from_index!(ms_synchronous?) } end end warn_searchable_missing_attributes end def ms_without_auto_index(&block) self.ms_without_auto_index_scope = true begin yield ensure self.ms_without_auto_index_scope = false end end def ms_without_auto_index_scope=(value) Thread.current["ms_without_auto_index_scope_for_#{model_name}"] = value end def ms_without_auto_index_scope Thread.current["ms_without_auto_index_scope_for_#{model_name}"] end def ms_reindex!(batch_size = MeiliSearch::Rails::IndexSettings::DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE, synchronous = false) return if ms_without_auto_index_scope ms_configurations.each do |options, settings| next if ms_indexing_disabled?(options) index = ms_ensure_init(options, settings) last_task = nil ms_find_in_batches(batch_size) do |group| if ms_conditional_index?(options) # delete non-indexable documents ids = { |d| !Utilities.indexable?(d, options) }.map { |d| ms_primary_key_of(d, options) } index.delete_documents( # select only indexable documents group = { |d| Utilities.indexable?(d, options) } end documents = do |d| attributes = settings.get_attributes(d) attributes = attributes.to_hash unless attributes.instance_of?(Hash) attributes.merge ms_pk(options) => ms_primary_key_of(d, options) end last_task = index.add_documents(documents) end index.wait_for_task(last_task['taskUid']) if last_task && (synchronous || options[:synchronous]) end nil end def ms_set_settings(synchronous = false) ms_configurations.each do |options, settings| if options[:primary_settings] && options[:inherit] primary = options[:primary_settings].to_settings final_settings = primary.merge(settings.to_settings) else final_settings = settings.to_settings end index =, true, options) task = index.update_settings(final_settings) index.wait_for_task(task['taskUid']) if synchronous end end def ms_index_documents(documents, synchronous = false) ms_configurations.each do |options, settings| next if ms_indexing_disabled?(options) index = ms_ensure_init(options, settings) task = index.add_documents( { |d| settings.get_attributes(d).merge ms_pk(options) => ms_primary_key_of(d, options) }) index.wait_for_task(task['taskUid']) if synchronous || options[:synchronous] end end def ms_index!(document, synchronous = false) return if ms_without_auto_index_scope # MS tasks to be returned do |options, settings| next if ms_indexing_disabled?(options) primary_key = ms_primary_key_of(document, options) index = ms_ensure_init(options, settings) if Utilities.indexable?(document, options) raise ArgumentError, 'Cannot index a record without a primary key' if primary_key.blank? doc = settings.get_attributes(document) doc = doc.merge ms_pk(options) => primary_key if synchronous || options[:synchronous] index.add_documents!(doc) else index.add_documents(doc) end elsif ms_conditional_index?(options) && primary_key.present? # remove non-indexable documents if synchronous || options[:synchronous] index.delete_document!(primary_key) else index.delete_document(primary_key) end end end.compact end def ms_entries_for(document:, synchronous:) primary_key = ms_primary_key_of(document) raise ArgumentError, 'Cannot index a record without a primary key' if primary_key.blank? ms_configurations.filter_map do |options, settings| { synchronous: synchronous || options[:synchronous], index_uid: options[:index_uid], primary_key: primary_key }.with_indifferent_access unless ms_indexing_disabled?(options) end end def ms_remove_from_index!(document, synchronous = false) return if ms_without_auto_index_scope primary_key = ms_primary_key_of(document) raise ArgumentError, 'Cannot index a record without a primary key' if primary_key.blank? ms_configurations.each do |options, settings| next if ms_indexing_disabled?(options) index = ms_ensure_init(options, settings) if synchronous || options[:synchronous] index.delete_document!(primary_key) else index.delete_document(primary_key) end end nil end def ms_clear_index!(synchronous = false) ms_configurations.each do |options, settings| next if ms_indexing_disabled?(options) index = ms_ensure_init(options, settings) synchronous || options[:synchronous] ? index.delete_all_documents! : index.delete_all_documents @ms_indexes[][settings] = nil end nil end def ms_raw_search(q, params = {}) index_uid = params.delete(:index) || params.delete('index') unless meilisearch_settings.get_setting(:attributes_to_highlight).nil? params[:attributes_to_highlight] = meilisearch_settings.get_setting(:attributes_to_highlight) end unless meilisearch_settings.get_setting(:attributes_to_crop).nil? params[:attributes_to_crop] = meilisearch_settings.get_setting(:attributes_to_crop) unless meilisearch_settings.get_setting(:crop_length).nil? params[:crop_length] = meilisearch_settings.get_setting(:crop_length) end end index = ms_index(index_uid), params.to_h { |k, v| [k, v] }) end module AdditionalMethods def ms_raw_answer @ms_json end def ms_facets_distribution @ms_json['facetDistribution'] end alias raw_answer ms_raw_answer unless method_defined? :raw_answer alias facets_distribution ms_facets_distribution unless method_defined? :facets_distribution private def ms_init_raw_answer(json) @ms_json = json end end def ms_search(query, params = {}) if MeiliSearch::Rails.configuration[:pagination_backend] %i[page hitsPerPage hits_per_page].each do |key| params[key.to_s.underscore.to_sym] = params[key].to_i if params.key?(key) end # It is required to activate the finite pagination in Meilisearch v0.30 (or newer), # to have at least `hits_per_page` defined or `page` in the search request. params[:page] ||= 1 end json = ms_raw_search(query, params) # condition_key gets the primary key of the document; looks for "id" on the options condition_key = if defined?(::Mongoid::Document) && include?(::Mongoid::Document) else ms_primary_key_method end # The condition_key must be a valid column otherwise, the `.where` below will not work # Since we provide a way to customize the primary_key value, `ms_pk(meilisearch_options)` may not # respond with a valid database column. The blocks below prevent that from happening. has_virtual_column_as_pk = if defined?(::Sequel::Model) && self < Sequel::Model meilisearch_options[:type] else meilisearch_options[:type] end condition_key = meilisearch_options[:type].primary_key if has_virtual_column_as_pk hit_ids = if has_virtual_column_as_pk json['hits'].map { |hit| hit[condition_key] } else json['hits'].map { |hit| hit[ms_pk(meilisearch_options).to_s] } end # meilisearch_options[:type] refers to the Model name (e.g. Product) # results_by_id creates a hash with the primaryKey of the document (id) as the key and doc itself as the value # {"13"=>#} results_by_id = meilisearch_options[:type].where(condition_key => hit_ids).index_by do |hit| ms_primary_key_of(hit) end results = json['hits'].map do |hit| o = results_by_id[hit[ms_pk(meilisearch_options).to_s].to_s] if o o.formatted = hit['_formatted'] o end end.compact res = Pagination.create(results, json['totalHits'], meilisearch_options.merge(page: json['page'], per_page: json['hitsPerPage'])) res.extend(AdditionalMethods) res.send(:ms_init_raw_answer, json) res end def ms_index(name = nil) if name ms_configurations.each do |o, s| return ms_ensure_init(o, s) if o[:index_uid].to_s == name.to_s end raise ArgumentError, "Invalid index name: #{name}" end ms_ensure_init end def ms_index_uid(options = nil) options ||= meilisearch_options global_options ||= MeiliSearch::Rails.configuration name = options[:index_uid] || model_name.to_s.gsub('::', '_') name = "#{name}_#{::Rails.env}" if global_options[:per_environment] name end def ms_must_reindex?(document) # use +ms_dirty?+ method if implemented return document.send(:ms_dirty?) if document.respond_to?(:ms_dirty?) # Loop over each index to see if a attribute used in records has changed ms_configurations.each do |options, settings| next if ms_indexing_disabled?(options) return true if ms_primary_key_changed?(document, options) settings.get_attribute_names(document).each do |k| return true if ms_attribute_changed?(document, k) # return true if !document.respond_to?(changed_method) || document.send(changed_method) end [options[:if], options[:unless]].each do |condition| case condition when nil return false when String, Symbol return true if ms_attribute_changed?(document, condition) else # if the :if, :unless condition is a anything else, # we have no idea whether we should reindex or not # let's always reindex then return true end end end # By default, we don't reindex false end protected def ms_ensure_init(options = meilisearch_options, settings = meilisearch_settings, user_configuration = settings.to_settings) raise ArgumentError, 'No `meilisearch` block found in your model.' if meilisearch_settings.nil? @ms_indexes ||= { true => {}, false => {} } @ms_indexes[][settings] ||=, meilisearch_options[:raise_on_failure], meilisearch_options) update_settings_if_changed(@ms_indexes[][settings], options, user_configuration) @ms_indexes[][settings] end private def update_settings_if_changed(index, options, user_configuration) server_state = index.settings user_configuration = options[:primary_settings].to_settings.merge(user_configuration) if options[:inherit] config = user_configuration.except(:attributes_to_highlight, :attributes_to_crop, :crop_length) if !skip_checking_settings?(options) && meilisearch_settings_changed?(server_state, config) index.update_settings(user_configuration) end end def skip_checking_settings?(options) ms_indexing_disabled?(options) || ms_checking_disabled?(options) end def ms_checking_disabled?(options) options[:check_settings] == false end def ms_configurations raise ArgumentError, 'No `meilisearch` block found in your model.' if meilisearch_settings.nil? if @configurations.nil? @configurations = {} @configurations[meilisearch_options] = meilisearch_settings meilisearch_settings.additional_indexes.each do |k, v| @configurations[k] = v next unless v.additional_indexes.any? v.additional_indexes.each do |options, index| @configurations[options] = index end end end @configurations end def ms_primary_key_method(options = nil) options ||= meilisearch_options options[:primary_key] || options[:id] || :id end def ms_primary_key_of(doc, options = nil) doc.send(ms_primary_key_method(options)).to_s end def ms_primary_key_changed?(doc, options = nil) changed = ms_attribute_changed?(doc, ms_primary_key_method(options)) changed.nil? ? false : changed end def ms_pk(options = nil) options[:primary_key] || MeiliSearch::Rails::IndexSettings::DEFAULT_PRIMARY_KEY end def meilisearch_settings_changed?(server_state, user_configuration) return true if server_state.nil? user_configuration.transform_keys! { |key| key.to_s.camelize(:lower) } user_configuration.any? do |key, user| server = server_state[key] if user.is_a?(Hash) && server.is_a?(Hash) meilisearch_settings_changed?(server, user) elsif user.is_a?(Array) && server.is_a?(Array) != else user.to_s != server.to_s end end end def ms_conditional_index?(options = nil) options ||= meilisearch_options options[:if].present? || options[:unless].present? end def ms_indexing_disabled?(options = nil) options ||= meilisearch_options constraint = options[:disable_indexing] || options['disable_indexing'] case constraint when nil return false when true, false return constraint when String, Symbol return send(constraint) else return if constraint.respond_to?(:call) # Proc end raise ArgumentError, "Unknown constraint type: #{constraint} (#{constraint.class})" end def ms_find_in_batches(batch_size, &block) if (defined?(::ActiveRecord) && ancestors.include?(::ActiveRecord::Base)) || respond_to?(:find_in_batches) scope = respond_to?(:meilisearch_import) ? meilisearch_import : all scope.find_in_batches(batch_size: batch_size, &block) elsif defined?(::Sequel::Model) && self < Sequel::Model dataset.extension(:pagination).each_page(batch_size, &block) else # don't worry, mongoid has its own underlying cursor/streaming mechanism items = [] all.each do |item| items << item if (items.length % batch_size).zero? yield items items = [] end end yield items unless items.empty? end end def ms_attribute_changed?(document, attr_name) if document.respond_to?("will_save_change_to_#{attr_name}?") return document.send("will_save_change_to_#{attr_name}?") end # We don't know if the attribute has changed, so conservatively assume it has true end def warn_searchable_missing_attributes searchables = meilisearch_settings.get_setting(:searchable_attributes) attrs = meilisearch_settings.get_setting(:attributes)&.keys if searchables.present? && attrs.present? ( - do |missing_searchable| MeiliSearch::Rails.logger.warn( "[meilisearch-rails] #{name}##{missing_searchable} declared in searchable_attributes but not in attributes. Please add it to attributes if it should be searchable." ) end end end end # these are the instance methods included module InstanceMethods def self.included(base) base.instance_eval do alias_method :index!, :ms_index! unless method_defined? :index! alias_method :remove_from_index!, :ms_remove_from_index! unless method_defined? :remove_from_index! end end def ms_index!(synchronous = false) self.class.ms_index!(self, synchronous || ms_synchronous?) end def ms_remove_from_index!(synchronous = false) self.class.ms_remove_from_index!(self, synchronous || ms_synchronous?) end def ms_enqueue_remove_from_index!(synchronous) if meilisearch_options[:enqueue] unless self.class.send(:ms_indexing_disabled?, meilisearch_options) meilisearch_options[:enqueue].call(self, true) end else ms_remove_from_index!(synchronous || ms_synchronous?) end end def ms_enqueue_index!(synchronous) return unless Utilities.indexable?(self, meilisearch_options) if meilisearch_options[:enqueue] unless self.class.send(:ms_indexing_disabled?, meilisearch_options) meilisearch_options[:enqueue].call(self, false) end else ms_index!(synchronous) end end def ms_synchronous? @ms_synchronous end def ms_entries(synchronous = false) self.class.ms_entries_for(document: self, synchronous: synchronous || ms_synchronous?) end private def ms_mark_synchronous @ms_synchronous = true end def ms_mark_for_auto_indexing @ms_auto_indexing = true end def ms_mark_must_reindex # ms_must_reindex flag is reset after every commit as part. If we must reindex at any point in # a transaction, keep flag set until it is explicitly unset @ms_must_reindex ||= if defined?(::Sequel::Model) && is_a?(Sequel::Model) new? || self.class.ms_must_reindex?(self) else new_record? || self.class.ms_must_reindex?(self) end true end def ms_perform_index_tasks return if !@ms_auto_indexing || @ms_must_reindex == false ms_enqueue_index!(ms_synchronous?) remove_instance_variable(:@ms_auto_indexing) if instance_variable_defined?(:@ms_auto_indexing) remove_instance_variable(:@ms_synchronous) if instance_variable_defined?(:@ms_synchronous) remove_instance_variable(:@ms_must_reindex) if instance_variable_defined?(:@ms_must_reindex) end end end end