# # Rakefile for Ruby-GetText-Package # # This file maintains Ruby-GetText-Package. # # Use setup.rb or gem for installation. # You don't need to use this file directly. # # Copyright(c) 2005 Masao Mutoh # This program is licenced under the same licence as Ruby. # $:.unshift "./lib" require 'rubygems' require 'rake' require 'rake/packagetask' require 'rake/gempackagetask' require 'gettext/version' RUBYBIN = File.join(Config::CONFIG['bindir'], Config::CONFIG['ruby_install_name']) + " " PKG_VERSION = GetText::VERSION task :default => [:makemo] ############################################################ # GetText tasks ############################################################ desc "Create lib/gettext/poparser.rb" task :poparser do poparser_path = "lib/gettext/poparser.rb" racc = File.join(Config::CONFIG['bindir'], "racc") if ! FileTest.exist?(racc) puts "racc was not found: #{racc}" exit 1 else FileTest.exist?(racc) cmd = "#{RUBYBIN} #{racc} -g src/poparser.ry -o src/poparser.tmp.rb" system(cmd) $stderr.puts cmd file = open(poparser_path, "w") file.print "=begin\n" file.print <<-EOS poparser.rb - Generate a .mo Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Masao Mutoh <mutoh@highway.ne.jp> You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same license terms as Ruby. EOS file.print "=end\n\n" tmpfile = open("src/poparser.tmp.rb") file.print tmpfile.read file.close tmpfile.close File.delete("src/poparser.tmp.rb") $stderr.puts "Create #{poparser_path}." end end ############################################################ # Manage po/mo files ############################################################ require 'gettext/utils' task :makemo_test do $stderr.puts "Create test mo files." GetText.create_mofiles(false, "test/po", "test/locale") end desc "Create *.mo from *.po" task :makemo => [:poparser, :makemo_test] do $stderr.puts "Create rgettext/rmsgfmt mo files." GetText.create_mofiles(true) $stderr.puts "Create samples mo files." GetText.create_mofiles(false, "samples/po", "samples/locale") $stderr.puts "Create samples/cgi mo files." GetText.create_mofiles(false, "samples/cgi/po", "samples/cgi/locale") $stderr.puts "Create samples/rails mo files." GetText.create_mofiles(false, "samples/rails/po", "samples/rails/locale") end desc "Update pot/po files to match new version." task :updatepo do #lib/gettext/*.rb -> rgettext.po GetText.update_pofiles("rgettext", Dir.glob("lib/**/*.rb") - ["lib/gettext/rails.rb"], "ruby-gettext #{GetText::VERSION}") #lib/gettext/rails.rb -> rails.po GetText.update_pofiles("rails", ["lib/gettext/rails.rb"], "ruby-gettext #{GetText::VERSION}") end desc "Setup Ruby-GetText-Package. (for setup.rb)" task :setup => [:makemo] desc "Gather the newest po files. (for me)" task :gatherpo => [:updatepo] do mkdir_p "pofiles/original" unless FileTest.exist? "pofiles/original" Dir.glob("**/*.pot").each do |f| unless /^(pofiles|test)/ =~ f copy f, "pofiles/original/" end end Dir.glob("**/*.po").each do |f| unless /^(pofiles|test)/ =~ f lang = /po\/([^\/]*)\/(.*.po)/.match(f).to_a[1] mkdir_p "pofiles/#{lang}" unless FileTest.exist? "pofiles/#{lang}" copy f, "pofiles/#{lang}/" Dir.glob("pofiles/original/*.pot").each do |f| newpo = "pofiles/#{lang}/#{File.basename(f, ".pot")}.po" copy f, newpo unless FileTest.exist? newpo end end end end ############################################################ # Package tasks ############################################################ desc "Create gem and tar.gz" spec = Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = 'gettext' s.version = PKG_VERSION if /mswin32/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM s.platform = Gem::Platform::WIN32 FileUtils.cd 'ext/gettext/gettext/' do system "#{RUBYBIN} extconf.rb" system "nmake" FileUtils.cp '_locale.so', '../../../lib/' end else s.extensions << "ext/gettext/gettext/extconf.rb" s.extensions.concat Dir.glob('**/extconf.rb') end s.summary = 'Ruby-GetText-Package is Native Language Support Library and Tools which modeled after GNU gettext package.' s.author = 'Masao Mutoh' s.email = 'mutoh@highway.ne.jp' s.homepage = 'http://ponx.s5.xrea.com/hiki/ruby-gettext.html' s.rubyforge_project = "gettext" s.files = FileList['**/*'].to_a.select{|v| v !~ /pkg|CVS/} s.require_path = 'lib' s.executables = Dir.entries('bin').delete_if {|item| /^\.|CVS|~$/ =~ item } s.bindir = 'bin' s.description = <<-EOF Ruby-GetText-Package is a GNU GetText-like program for Ruby. The catalog file(po-file) is same format with GNU GetText. So you can use GNU GetText tools for maintaining. EOF end unless /mswin32/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM Rake::PackageTask.new("ruby-gettext-package", PKG_VERSION) do |p| p.package_files = FileList['**/*'].to_a.select{|v| v !~ /pkg|CVS/} p.need_tar_gz = true p.need_zip = false end end Rake::GemPackageTask.new(spec) do |p| p.gem_spec = spec p.need_tar_gz = false p.need_zip = false end ############################################################ # Misc tasks ############################################################ desc "Test task (for shell environment only)" task :testunit => [:makemo_test] do unless /mswin32/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM sh 'cd test; sh test.sh' end end