require 'erb' Capistrano::Configuration.instance.load do namespace :db do namespace :mongodb do desc <<-EOF |capistrano-recipes| Performs a compressed database dump. \ WARNING: This locks your tables for the duration of the mongodump. Don't run it madly! EOF task :dump, :roles => :db, :only => { :primary => true } do prepare_from_yaml run "mongodump #{auth_options} -h #{db_host} --port #{db_port} -d #{db_name} -o #{db_backup_path}" do |ch, stream, out| puts out end end desc "|capistrano-recipes| Restores the database from the latest compressed dump" task :restore, :roles => :db, :only => { :primary => true } do prepare_from_yaml run "mongorestore #{auth_options} --drop -d #{db_name} #{db_backup_path}/#{db_name}" do |ch, stream, out| puts out end end desc "|capistrano-recipes| Downloads the compressed database dump to this machine" task :fetch_dump, :roles => :db, :only => { :primary => true } do prepare_from_yaml download db_remote_backup, db_local_file, :via => :scp, :recursive => true end def auth_options if db_user && db_pass "-u #{db_user} -p #{db_pass}" end end # Sets database variables from remote database.yaml def prepare_from_yaml set(:db_backup_path) { "#{shared_path}/backup/" } set(:db_local_file) { "tmp/" } set(:db_user) { db_config[rails_env.to_s]["username"] } set(:db_pass) { db_config[rails_env.to_s]["password"] } set(:db_host) { db_config[rails_env.to_s]["host"] } set(:db_port) { db_config[rails_env.to_s]["port"] } set(:db_name) { db_config[rails_env.to_s]["database"] } set(:db_remote_backup) { "#{db_backup_path}/#{db_name}" } end def db_config @db_config ||= fetch_db_config end def fetch_db_config require 'yaml' file = capture "cat #{shared_path}/config/mongoid.yml" db_config = YAML.load(file) end end desc "|capistrano-recipes| Create mongoid.yml in shared path with settings for current stage and test env" task :setup do set(:db_host) { Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask("Enter #{environment} database host:") {|q|q.default = "localhost"} } set(:db_port) { Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask("Enter #{environment} database port:", Integer){|q| q.default = 27017 } } set(:db_user) { Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask "Enter #{environment} database username:" } set(:db_pass) { Capistrano::CLI.password_prompt "Enter #{environment} database password:" } set(:db_safe_mode) { Capistrano::CLI.ui.agree "Enable safe mode on #{environment} database? [Yn]:" } db_config = <<-EOF defaults: &defaults host: #{db_host} port: #{db_port} <% if db_user && !db_user.empty? %> username: #{db_user} password: #{db_pass} <% end %> autocreate_indexes: false allow_dynamic_fields: true include_root_in_json: false parameterize_keys: true persist_in_safe_mode: #{db_safe_mode} raise_not_found_error: true reconnect_time: 3 development: <<: *defaults database: #{application}-development test: <<: *defaults database: #{application}-test production: <<: *defaults database: #{application}-production EOF put db_config.result(binding), "#{shared_path}/config/mongoid.yml" end end after "deploy:setup" do db.setup if Capistrano::CLI.ui.agree("Create mongoid.yml in app's shared path? [Yn]") end end