stages: - check - generate - triggers - deploy default: image: tags: - gitlab-org cache: key: files: - Gemfile.lock - gitlab-qa.gemspec paths: - vendor/ruby before_script: - bundle version - bundle config path vendor - bundle install --jobs=$(nproc) --retry=3 --quiet && bundle check - export LANG=C.UTF-8 workflow: rules: # For merge requests, create a pipeline. - if: '$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID' # For the default branch, create a pipeline (this includes on schedules, pushes, merges, etc.). - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "master"' # For tags, create a pipeline. - if: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG' # For triggers from GitLab MR pipelines (and pipelines from other projects), create a pipeline - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "pipeline"' # When using Run pipeline button in the GitLab UI, from the project’s CI/CD > Pipelines section, create a pipeline. - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "web"' .check-base: stage: check script: - bundle exec $CI_JOB_NAME --color rubocop: extends: .check-base rspec: extends: .check-base prepare: stage: generate extends: .rules:never-on-version-change-or-tag script: - 'export QA_IMAGE_TAG=${TOP_UPSTREAM_SOURCE_REF:=master} && echo "QA_IMAGE_TAG=$QA_IMAGE_TAG" >> prep_vars.env' - 'echo $QA_IMAGE_TAG' artifacts: reports: dotenv: prep_vars.env paths: - prep_vars.env generate-jobs: stage: generate extends: .rules:never-on-version-change-or-tag script: # TOP_UPSTREAM_DEFAULT_BRANCH is the default branch name of the original project that triggered a pipeline in this project. - 'export TOP_UPSTREAM_DEFAULT_BRANCH=${TOP_UPSTREAM_DEFAULT_BRANCH:=master} && echo "TOP_UPSTREAM_DEFAULT_BRANCH=$TOP_UPSTREAM_DEFAULT_BRANCH" >> variables.env' - 'echo "RELEASE=$RELEASE" >> variables.env' - 'echo "GITLAB_QA_OPTIONS=$GITLAB_QA_OPTIONS" >> variables.env' - 'echo "QA_TESTS=$QA_TESTS" >> variables.env' - 'echo "KNAPSACK_GENERATE_REPORT=$KNAPSACK_GENERATE_REPORT" >> variables.env' - 'echo "TOP_UPSTREAM_SOURCE_JOB=$TOP_UPSTREAM_SOURCE_JOB" >> variables.env' - 'echo "TOP_UPSTREAM_SOURCE_REF=$TOP_UPSTREAM_SOURCE_REF" >> variables.env' - 'echo "DISABLE_RELATING_FAILURE_ISSUES=$DISABLE_RELATING_FAILURE_ISSUES" >> variables.env' - 'echo "TOP_UPSTREAM_SOURCE_PROJECT=$TOP_UPSTREAM_SOURCE_PROJECT" >> variables.env' - 'echo "TOP_UPSTREAM_SOURCE_SHA=$TOP_UPSTREAM_SOURCE_SHA" >> variables.env' - 'echo "NOTIFY_CHANNEL=$NOTIFY_CHANNEL" >> variables.env' - 'echo "QA_IMAGE=$QA_IMAGE" >> variables.env' - 'echo "EE_LICENSE=$EE_LICENSE" >> variables.env' - 'echo "TOP_UPSTREAM_MERGE_REQUEST_IID=$TOP_UPSTREAM_MERGE_REQUEST_IID" >> variables.env' - 'echo "ALLURE_JOB_NAME=$ALLURE_JOB_NAME" >> variables.env' - ./scripts/generate-qa-jobs.rb - cat generated-qa-jobs.yml artifacts: reports: dotenv: variables.env paths: - generated-qa-jobs.yml - variables.env expire_in: 2 days needs: - job: generate-count-example-files artifacts: true generate-count-example-files: stage: generate extends: .rules:never-on-version-change-or-tag image: name: $CI_REGISTRY/gitlab-org/gitlab/gitlab-ee-qa:$QA_IMAGE_TAG entrypoint: [ "" ] variables: QA_EXPORT_TEST_METRICS: "false" needs: - prepare before_script: - cd /home/gitlab/qa script: - bundle exec bin/qa Test::Instance::All http://dummy.test --count-examples-only -- $QA_TESTS - bundle exec bin/qa Test::Integration::Mattermost http://dummy.test http://mattermost.test --count-examples-only -- $QA_TESTS - bundle exec bin/qa Test::Integration::ServicePingDisabled http://dummy.test --count-examples-only -- $QA_TESTS - bundle exec bin/qa QA::EE::Scenario::Test::Geo --count-examples-only --primary-address http://dummy1.test --primary-name gitlab-primary --secondary-address http://dummy2.test --secondary-name gitlab-secondary --without-setup - bundle exec bin/qa Test::Integration::LDAPNoTLS http://dummy.test --count-examples-only -- $QA_TESTS - bundle exec bin/qa Test::Integration::LDAPTLS http://dummy.test --count-examples-only -- $QA_TESTS - bundle exec bin/qa Test::Integration::LDAPNoServer http://dummy.test --count-examples-only -- $QA_TESTS - bundle exec bin/qa Test::Integration::InstanceSAML http://dummy.test --count-examples-only -- $QA_TESTS - bundle exec bin/qa QA::EE::Scenario::Test::Integration::GroupSAML http://dummy.test --count-examples-only -- $QA_TESTS - bundle exec bin/qa Test::Integration::RegistryTLS http://dummy.test --count-examples-only -- $QA_TESTS - bundle exec bin/qa Test::Integration::Registry http://dummy.test --count-examples-only -- $QA_TESTS - bundle exec bin/qa QA::EE::Scenario::Test::Integration::Elasticsearch http://dummy.test --count-examples-only -- $QA_TESTS - bundle exec bin/qa Test::Integration::SMTP http://dummy.test --count-examples-only -- $QA_TESTS - bundle exec bin/qa Test::Integration::RegistryWithCDN http://dummy.test --count-examples-only -- $QA_TESTS - bundle exec bin/qa Test::Instance::All http://dummy.test --count-examples-only -- $QA_TESTS --tag repository_storage - bundle exec bin/qa Test::Instance::All http://dummy.test --count-examples-only -- $QA_TESTS --tag packages - bundle exec bin/qa Test::Instance::All http://dummy.test --count-examples-only -- $QA_TESTS --tag integrations - bundle exec bin/qa Test::Instance::All http://dummy.test --count-examples-only -- $QA_TESTS --tag actioncable - bundle exec bin/qa Test::Instance::All http://dummy.test --count-examples-only -- $QA_TESTS --tag mtls - bundle exec bin/qa Test::Instance::All http://dummy.test --count-examples-only -- $QA_TESTS --tag jira - bundle exec bin/qa Test::Instance::All http://dummy.test --count-examples-only -- $QA_TESTS --tag can_use_large_setup - bundle exec bin/qa Test::Instance::All http://dummy.test --count-examples-only -- $QA_TESTS --tag cloud_activation - bundle exec bin/qa Test::Instance::All http://dummy.test --count-examples-only -- $QA_TESTS --tag object_storage - cp -r no_of_examples $CI_PROJECT_DIR artifacts: paths: - no_of_examples allow_failure: true trigger-generated-jobs: stage: triggers extends: .rules:never-on-version-change-or-tag needs: [ generate-jobs ] variables: # Variables used in rules also need to be passed down using the `variables` section in addition to dotenv file # due to this bug: For other variables, duplicate declaration here is needed # as well due to not using `needs` and `artifacts: true` in child pipelines. RELEASE: $RELEASE GITLAB_QA_OPTIONS: $GITLAB_QA_OPTIONS QA_TESTS: $QA_TESTS KNAPSACK_GENERATE_REPORT: $KNAPSACK_GENERATE_REPORT TOP_UPSTREAM_SOURCE_JOB: $TOP_UPSTREAM_SOURCE_JOB TOP_UPSTREAM_SOURCE_REF: $TOP_UPSTREAM_SOURCE_REF TOP_UPSTREAM_DEFAULT_BRANCH: $TOP_UPSTREAM_DEFAULT_BRANCH DISABLE_RELATING_FAILURE_ISSUES: $DISABLE_RELATING_FAILURE_ISSUES TOP_UPSTREAM_SOURCE_PROJECT: $TOP_UPSTREAM_SOURCE_PROJECT TOP_UPSTREAM_SOURCE_SHA: $TOP_UPSTREAM_SOURCE_SHA NOTIFY_CHANNEL: $NOTIFY_CHANNEL QA_IMAGE: $QA_IMAGE EE_LICENSE: $EE_LICENSE TOP_UPSTREAM_MERGE_REQUEST_IID: $TOP_UPSTREAM_MERGE_REQUEST_IID ALLURE_JOB_NAME: $ALLURE_JOB_NAME trigger: strategy: depend include: - artifact: generated-qa-jobs.yml job: generate-jobs include: - local: .gitlab/ci/rules.gitlab-ci.yml - project: 'gitlab-org/quality/pipeline-common' file: - '/ci/gem-release.yml' - '/ci/danger-review.yml' danger-review: stage: check