=begin rdoc == Core Wars Lab Ruby implementation of the MARS virtual machine used in Core Wars. The machine implemented here conforms as close as possible to the ICWS'88 standard, as described by Mark Durham in his Introduction to Redcode (http://corewar.co.uk/guides.htm). Currently there is no attempt to translate instructions into a numerical format. MARS code is a set of Word objects. Each Word has an opcode and two operands (A and B), all of which are represented as strings. Integer data is represented by a Word where the opcode field is DAT. Other Word objects have executable machine instructions for opcodes. To test a single program students can make an instance of a class named MiniMARS, passing it the name of a test program. The test machine will have a small memory, only big enough to hold the test machine, and special versions of the step, dump and other methods. The main machine that runs one, two, or three programs simultaneously is in the module named MARS. Methods that assemble, load, and run programs are module methods, e.g. to assemble a program call MARS.assemble(foo). =end # TODO add [] and []= methods to Word, use it to extract/assign bits or ranges of bits # TODO define ranges for fields, e.g. @@opcode = 0..3; use to get opcode of Word, e.g. instr[@@opcode] # TODO make sure all code uses [] interface (e.g. no more instr.amode[0] == ?#) # TODO pack words into binary -- will kill several birds at once -- speed, trim values to 0..4095, .. # TODO color a cell black when a thread halts after executing an instruction in that cell # TODO MARS.dump # TODO pass load address to contest (which passes it on to Warrior.load)? module RubyLabs module MARSLab class MARSRuntimeException < StandardError end class RedcodeSyntaxError < StandardError end # An object of the Word class represents a single item from memory, either a machine # instruction or a piece of data. Attributes are the opcode, the A operand mode, and # the B operand (all strings). Instruction execution proceeds according to the description # in Durham's spec. class Word attr_reader :op, :lineno attr_accessor :a, :b def initialize(*args) @op, @a, @b, @lineno = args end def inspect sprintf "%s %s %s", @op, @a, @b end alias to_s inspect # two Words are the same if the strings representing the opcode and # both operands are the same def ==(other) return (op == other.op && a == other.a && b == other.b) end def clone Word.new(@op.clone, @a.clone, @b.clone, @lineno) end # Convert a field specification into an integer value, stripping off a leading # addressing mode character if it's there def field_value(field) return @@modes.include?(field[0]) ? field[1..-1].to_i : field.to_i end # Return the address of an operand; note that for immediate operands the # address is the address of the current instruction. def dereference(field, pc, mem) case field[0] when ?# return pc.current[:addr] when ?@ ptrloc = (field_value(field) + pc.current[:addr]) % mem.size ptr = mem.fetch(ptrloc) return (field_value(ptr.b) + ptrloc) % mem.size when ?< ptrloc = (field_value(field) + pc.current[:addr]) % mem.size ptr = mem.fetch(ptrloc) newb = field_value(ptr.b) - 1 mem.store_field(ptrloc, (newb % mem.size), :b) return (newb + ptrloc) % mem.size else return (field_value(field) + pc.current[:addr]) % mem.size end end # Execute an instruction. The first parameter is the program counter used # to fetch the instruction, the second is the machine's memory array. def execute(pc, mem) self.send(@op, pc, mem) return (@op == "DAT") ? (:halt) : (:continue) end private # The DAT instruction is effectively a "halt", but we still need to dereference # both its operands to generate the side effects in auto-decrement modes. def DAT(pc, mem) dereference(@a, pc, mem) dereference(@b, pc, mem) end # Durham isn't clear on how to handle immediate moves -- does the immediate value # go in the A or B field of the destination? Guess: B, in case the destination # is a DAT. def MOV(pc, mem) raise MARSRuntimeException, "MOV: immediate B-field not allowed" if @b[0] == ?# src = dereference(@a, pc, mem) val = mem.fetch(src) dest = dereference(@b, pc, mem) if @a[0] == ?# mem.store_field(dest, field_value(val.a), :b) else mem.store(dest, val) end pc.log(src) pc.log(dest) end # Ambiguity on how to handle immediate A values: add operand to the A or B # field of the destination? Guess: B (for same reasons given for MOV) def ADD(pc, mem) raise MARSRuntimeException, "ADD: immediate B-field not allowed" if @b[0] == ?# src = dereference(@a, pc, mem) left_operand = mem.fetch(src) dest = dereference(@b, pc, mem) right_operand = mem.fetch(dest) if @a[0] == ?# mem.store_field(dest, field_value(left_operand.a) + field_value(right_operand.b), :b) else mem.store_field(dest, field_value(left_operand.a) + field_value(right_operand.a), :a) mem.store_field(dest, field_value(left_operand.b) + field_value(right_operand.b), :b) end pc.log(src) pc.log(dest) end # See note for ADD, re immediate A operand. def SUB(pc, mem) raise MARSRuntimeException, "SUB: immediate B-field not allowed" if @b[0] == ?# src = dereference(@a, pc, mem) right_operand = mem.fetch(src) dest = dereference(@b, pc, mem) left_operand = mem.fetch(dest) if @a[0] == ?# mem.store_field(dest, field_value(left_operand.b) - field_value(right_operand.a), :b) else mem.store_field(dest, field_value(left_operand.a) - field_value(right_operand.a), :a) mem.store_field(dest, field_value(left_operand.b) - field_value(right_operand.b), :b) end pc.log(src) pc.log(dest) end # Durham doesn't mention this explicitly, but since a B operand is allowed it implies # we have to dereference it in case it has a side effect. def JMP(pc, mem) raise MARSRuntimeException, "JMP: immediate A-field not allowed" if @a[0] == ?# target = dereference(@a, pc, mem) % mem.size dereference(@b, pc, mem) pc.branch(target) end # Branch to address specified by A if the B-field of the B operand is zero. def JMZ(pc, mem) raise MARSRuntimeException, "JMZ: immediate A-field not allowed" if @a[0] == ?# target = dereference(@a, pc, mem) % mem.size operand = mem.fetch(dereference(@b, pc, mem)) if field_value(operand.b) == 0 pc.branch(target) end end # As in JMZ, but branch if operand is non-zero def JMN(pc, mem) raise MARSRuntimeException, "JMN: immediate A-field not allowed" if @a[0] == ?# target = dereference(@a, pc, mem) % mem.size operand = mem.fetch(dereference(@b, pc, mem)) if field_value(operand.b) != 0 pc.branch(target) end end # DJN combines the auto-decrement mode dereference logic with a branch -- take # the branch if the new value of the B field of the pointer is non-zero. def DJN(pc, mem) raise MARSRuntimeException, "DJN: immediate A-field not allowed" if @a[0] == ?# target = dereference(@a, pc, mem) operand_addr = dereference(@b, pc, mem) operand = mem.fetch(operand_addr) newb = field_value(operand.b) - 1 mem.store_field(operand_addr, (newb % mem.size), :b) if newb != 0 pc.branch(target) end pc.log(operand_addr) end # Durham just says "compare two fields" if the operand is immediate. Since # B can't be immediate, we just need to look at the A operand and, presumably, # compare it to the A operand of the dereferenced operand fetched by the B field. # If A is not immediate compare two full Words -- including op codes. # The call to pc.next increments the program counter for this thread, which causes # the skip. def CMP(pc, mem) raise MARSRuntimeException, "CMP: immediate B-field not allowed" if @b[0] == ?# right = mem.fetch(dereference(@b, pc, mem)) if @a[0] == ?# left = field_value(@a) right = field_value(right.a) else left = mem.fetch(dereference(@a, pc, mem)) end if left == right pc.next end end # Major ambiguity here -- what does it mean for an word A to be "less than" # word B? First assumption, don't compare opcodes. Second, we're just going # to implement one-field comparisons of B fields. Otherwise for full-word operands # we'd need to do a lexicographic compare of A and B fields of both operands, skipping # modes and just comparing values. def SLT(pc, mem) raise MARSRuntimeException, "SLT: immediate B-field not allowed" if @b[0] == ?# if @a[0] == ?# left = field_value(@a) else left = field_value(mem.fetch(dereference(@a, pc, mem)).b) end right = field_value(mem.fetch(dereference(@b, pc, mem)).b) if left < right pc.next end end # Fork a new thread at the address specified by A. The new thread goes at the end # of the queue. Immediate operands are not allowed. Durham doesn't mention it, but # implies only A is dereferenced, so ignore B. def SPL(pc, mem) raise MARSRuntimeException, "SPL: immediate A-field not allowed" if @a[0] == ?# target = dereference(@a, pc, mem) pc.add_thread(target) end end # class Word =begin rdoc A Warrior is a core warrior -- an object of this class is a simple struct that has the program name, assembled code, the starting location, and the symbol table. A static method (Warrior.load) will load an assembled Warrior into memory, making sure the max number of programs is not exceeded. The addr attribute is set to the starting location of the program when it is loaded. =end class Warrior attr_reader :name, :code, :symbols, :errors def initialize(filename) if filename.class == Symbol filename = File.join(@@dataDirectory, filename.to_s + ".txt") end if ! File.exists?(filename) raise "Can't find file: #{filename}" end @name, @code, @symbols, @errors = MARS.assemble( File.open(filename).readlines ) if @errors.length > 0 puts "Syntax errors in #{filename}:" puts errors @code.clear end end def inspect sprintf "Name: #{@name} Code: #{@code.inspect}" end alias to_s inspect def Warrior.load(app, addr = :random) if app.class != Warrior puts "Argument must be a Warrior object, not a #{app.class}" return nil end if @@entries.length == @@maxEntries puts "Maximum #{@@maxEntries} programs can be loaded at one time" return nil end if addr == :random loop do addr = rand(@@mem.size) break if Warrior.check_loc(addr, addr + app.code.length - 1) end else if ! Warrior.check_loc(addr, addr + app.code.length - 1) puts "Address #{addr} too close to another program; #{app.name} not loaded" return nil end end loc = addr app.code.each do |x| @@mem.store(loc, x) loc = (loc + 1) % @@mem.size end id = @@entries.length @@pcs << PC.new(id, addr + app.symbols[:start]) @@entries << app # save the range of memory locations reserved by this app lb = addr - @@params[:buffer] ub = addr + app.code.length + @@params[:buffer] - 1 if lb < 0 @@in_use << ( 0 .. (addr+app.code.length-1) ) @@in_use << ( (@@params[:memSize] + lb) .. (@@params[:memSize]-1) ) elsif ub > @@params[:memSize] @@in_use << ( addr .. (@@params[:memSize]-1) ) @@in_use << ( 0 .. (ub - @@params[:memSize]) ) else @@in_use << (lb..ub) end return addr end @@in_use = Array.new def Warrior.reset @@in_use = Array.new end private # Return true if a program loaded between lb and ub would not overlap another # program already loaded (including a buffer surrounding loaded programs). def Warrior.check_loc(lb, ub) @@in_use.each do |range| return false if range.include?(lb) || range.include?(ub) end return true end end # class Warrior =begin rdoc The PC class is used to represent the set of program counters for a running program. It has an array of locations to hold the next instruction from each thread, plus the index of the thread to use on the next instruction fetch cycle. Call next to get the address of the next instruction to execute; as a side effect this call bumps the thread pointer to the next thread in the program. Call add_thread(n) to start a new thread running at location n. Call kill_thread to remove the thread that was used in the most recent call to next (i.e. when that program dies). To help visualize the operation of a program the class keeps a history of memory references made by each thread. A call to next automatically records the program counter value, but a semantic routine can also all log(x) to append location x to a history. Call history to get the history vectors for all threads. =end class PC attr_reader :id, :thread, :addrs, :current @@hmax = 10 # see also @@threadMax in Draw -- allowed to be a different value def initialize(id, addr) @id = id @addrs = [addr] @history = [ Array.new ] @thread = 0 @current = {:thread => nil, :addr => nil} @first = addr end def reset @addrs = [@first] @history.clear @thread = 0 @current = {:thread => nil, :addr => nil} return @first end def inspect s = "[ " @addrs.each_with_index do |x,i| s << "*" if i == @thread s << x.to_s s << " " end s << "]" end alias to_s inspect # Not sure if this is right -- new thread appended to list, as per Durham, but # the execution stays with the current thread (thread switch happens in 'next' method) def add_thread(addr) @addrs << addr @history << Array.new self end def next return nil if @addrs.empty? addr = @addrs[@thread] @current[:thread] = @thread @current[:addr] = addr @addrs[@thread] = (@addrs[@thread] + 1) % @@mem.size @thread = (@thread + 1) % @addrs.size log(addr) return addr end def branch(loc) @addrs[@current[:thread]] = loc end def kill_thread return 0 if @addrs.empty? @addrs.slice!(@current[:thread]) @history.slice!(@current[:thread]) @thread -= 1 return @addrs.length end =begin rdoc record the location of a memory operation in the history vector for the current thread =end def log(loc) a = @history[@current[:thread]] a << loc a.shift if a.length > @@hmax end def history return @history end end # class PC =begin rdoc An object of the Memory class is a 1-D array of the specified size. Methods namde store and fetch operate on full words, while store_field and fetch_field operate on partial words. =end class Memory attr_reader :array def initialize(size) @array = Array.new(size) end def to_s sprintf "Memory [0..#{@array.size-1}]" end =begin rdoc dump(loc,n) -- print the n words in memory starting at loc =end def dump(loc, n) (loc...(loc+n)).each do |x| addr = x % @array.size printf "%04d: %s\n", addr, self.fetch(addr) end end def size return @array.size end # Methods for fetching and storing data in memory. According to the standard, # memory is initialized with DAT #0 instructions, but our array has nils; the # fetch method returns a DAT #0 from an uninitialized location. def fetch(loc) return ( @array[loc] || Word.new("DAT", "#0", "#0", nil) ) end def store(loc, val) @array[loc] = val.clone end # fetch and store operations that work on partial words def fetch_field(loc, field) instr = self.fetch(loc) return field == :a ? instr.a : instr.b end def store_field(loc, val, field) instr = self.fetch(loc) part = (field == :a) ? instr.a : instr.b mode = @@modes.include?(part[0]) ? part[0].chr : "" part.replace(mode + val.to_s) self.store(loc, instr) end end # class Memory =begin rdoc A miniature machine (MiniMARS) object is used to test a program. Pass the name of a Recode program to the constructor and get back a VM that has a memory where this program has been loaded into location 0. Pass an extra parameter to define the size of the memory (otherwise the memory is just big enough to hold the program). Call the step method to execute a single instruction, or run to run the program until it hits a DAT instruction or executes max instructions. =end class MiniMARS attr_reader :mem, :pc, :state def initialize(file, size = nil) w = Warrior.new(file) @mem = size ? Memory.new(size) : Memory.new(w.code.length) loc = 0 w.code.each do |x| @mem.store(loc, x) loc = loc + 1 end @pc = PC.new(w.name, w.symbols[:start]) @state = :ready end def inspect return "#" end alias to_s inspect def status s = "Run: #{@state}" s += " PC: #{@pc}" unless @state == :halt puts s end def step return "machine halted" if @state == :halt instr = @mem.fetch(@pc.next) @state = instr.execute(@pc, @mem) return instr end def run(nsteps = 1000) count = 0 loop do break if @state == :halt || nsteps <= 0 self.step nsteps -= 1 count += 1 end return count end def reset @pc.reset puts "warning: memory may not be in initial state" end def dump(*args) if args.empty? @mem.dump(0, @mem.array.length) else x = args[0] y = args[1] || x @mem.dump(x, y-x+1) end return nil end end # MiniMARS =begin rdoc Make a window to display the state of the machine =end class Draw @@cellSize = 8 @@cellRows = 32 @@cellCols = 128 @@padding = @@cellSize @@traceSize = 10 @@cellColor = '#CCCCCC' def paintCell(i, color) @cells[i]['fill'] = color end def fillCanvas(mem) @cells = [] mem.each_with_index do |val, i| x = (i % @@cellCols) * @@cellSize + @@padding y = (i / @@cellCols) * @@cellSize + @@padding @cells << TkcRectangle.new( @canvas, x, y, x+@@cellSize, y+@@cellSize, :outline => "#888888", :fill => @@cellColor ) end end def reset @cells.each do |cell| cell['fill'] = @@cellColor end end # Make a range of colors starting from first and going to last in n steps. # First and last are expected to be 3-tuples of integer RGB values. The # result is an array that starts with first, has n-1 intermediate colors, # and ends with last. Example: # makePalette( [255,0,0], [0,0,0], 10) # makes 11 colors starting with red and ending with black. def makePalette(first, last, n) d = Array.new(3) 3.times { |i| d[i] = (first[i] - last[i]) / n } a = [first] (n-1).times do |i| a << a.last.clone 3.times { |j| a.last[j] -= d[j] } end a << last a.map { |c| sprintf("#%02X%02X%02X",c[0],c[1],c[2]) } end def updateCells(pc) id = pc.id a = pc.history[pc.current[:thread]] d = @palette[id].length - a.length a.each_with_index do |x, i| paintCell(x, @palette[id][i+d]) end end def initialize(parent) content = TkFrame.new(parent) @canvas = TkCanvas.new(content, :borderwidth => 1, :width => @@cellCols*@@cellSize+@@padding, :height => @@cellRows*@@cellSize+@@padding) fillCanvas(Array.new(4096)) @canvas.grid :column => 0, :row => 0, :columnspan => 4, :padx => 10, :pady => 10 content.pack :pady => 20 # initialize palettes with blends from a dingy color to gray, then # add a bright color as the last item @palette = [ makePalette( [204,204,204], [204,100,100], @@traceSize ), makePalette( [204,204,204], [100,100,204], @@traceSize ), makePalette( [204,204,204], [100,204,100], @@traceSize ), ] @palette[0] << "#FF0000" @palette[1] << "#0000FF" @palette[2] << "#00FF00" end end # class Draw =begin rdoc The MARS module is a package that has the methods used to assemble, load, and execute up to three programs at a time. =end class MARS # -------- Assembler ---------- # line format: #