require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../spec_helper") describe Braintree::Transaction do describe "self.clone_transaction" do it "raises an exception if hash includes an invalid key" do expect do Braintree::Transaction.clone_transaction("an_id", :amount => "10.00", :invalid_key => "foo") raise_error(ArgumentError, "invalid keys: invalid_key") end end describe "self.create" do it "raises an exception if hash includes an invalid key" do expect do Braintree::Transaction.create(:amount => "Joe", :invalid_key => "foo") raise_error(ArgumentError, "invalid keys: invalid_key") end end describe "self.find" do it "raises error if passed empty string" do expect do Braintree::Transaction.find("") raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises error if passed empty string wth space" do expect do Braintree::Transaction.find(" ") raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises error if passed nil" do expect do Braintree::Transaction.find(nil) raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "self.submit_for_settlement" do it "raises an ArgumentError if transaction_id is an invalid format" do expect do Braintree::Transaction.submit_for_settlement("invalid-transaction-id") raise_error(ArgumentError, "transaction_id is invalid") end end describe "self.update_details" do it "raises an ArgumentError if transaction_id is an invalid format" do expect do Braintree::Transaction.update_details("invalid-transaction-id") raise_error(ArgumentError, "transaction_id is invalid") end end describe "initialize" do it "sets up customer attributes in customer_details" do transaction = Braintree::Transaction._new( :gateway, :customer => { :id => "123", :first_name => "Adam", :last_name => "Taylor", :company => "Ledner LLC", :email => "", :website => "", :phone => "1-999-652-4189 x56883", :fax => "012-161-8055" } ) == "123" transaction.customer_details.first_name.should == "Adam" transaction.customer_details.last_name.should == "Taylor" == "Ledner LLC" == "" == "" == "1-999-652-4189 x56883" transaction.customer_details.fax.should == "012-161-8055" end it "sets up disbursement attributes in disbursement_details" do transaction = Braintree::Transaction._new( :gateway, :disbursement_details => { :disbursement_date => "2013-04-03", :settlement_amount => "120.00", :settlement_currency_iso_code => "USD", :settlement_currency_exchange_rate => "1", :funds_held => false, :success => true } ) disbursement = transaction.disbursement_details disbursement.disbursement_date.should == Date.parse("2013-04-03") disbursement.settlement_amount.should == "120.00" disbursement.settlement_currency_iso_code.should == "USD" disbursement.settlement_currency_exchange_rate.should == "1" disbursement.funds_held?.should be(false) disbursement.success?.should be(true) end it "sets up credit card attributes in credit_card_details" do transaction = Braintree::Transaction._new( :gateway, :credit_card => { :token => "mzg2", :bin => "411111", :last_4 => "1111", :card_type => "Visa", :expiration_month => "08", :expiration_year => "2009", :customer_location => "US", :prepaid => "Yes", :healthcare => "Yes", :durbin_regulated => "Yes", :debit => "Yes", :commercial => "No", :payroll => "Unknown", :product_id => "Unknown", :country_of_issuance => "Narnia", :issuing_bank => "Mr Tumnus" } ) transaction.credit_card_details.token.should == "mzg2" transaction.credit_card_details.bin.should == "411111" transaction.credit_card_details.last_4.should == "1111" transaction.credit_card_details.card_type.should == "Visa" transaction.credit_card_details.expiration_month.should == "08" transaction.credit_card_details.expiration_year.should == "2009" transaction.credit_card_details.customer_location.should == "US" transaction.credit_card_details.prepaid.should == Braintree::CreditCard::Prepaid::Yes == Braintree::CreditCard::Healthcare::Yes transaction.credit_card_details.durbin_regulated.should == Braintree::CreditCard::DurbinRegulated::Yes transaction.credit_card_details.debit.should == Braintree::CreditCard::Debit::Yes transaction.credit_card_details.commercial.should == Braintree::CreditCard::Commercial::No transaction.credit_card_details.payroll.should == Braintree::CreditCard::Payroll::Unknown transaction.credit_card_details.product_id.should == Braintree::CreditCard::ProductId::Unknown transaction.credit_card_details.country_of_issuance.should == "Narnia" transaction.credit_card_details.issuing_bank.should == "Mr Tumnus" end it "sets up three_d_secure_info" do transaction = Braintree::Transaction._new( :gateway, :three_d_secure_info => { :enrolled => "Y", :liability_shifted => true, :liability_shift_possible => true, :status => "authenticate_successful", } ) transaction.three_d_secure_info.enrolled.should == "Y" transaction.three_d_secure_info.status.should == "authenticate_successful" transaction.three_d_secure_info.liability_shifted.should == true transaction.three_d_secure_info.liability_shift_possible.should == true end it "sets up history attributes in status_history" do time = Time.utc(2010,1,14) transaction = Braintree::Transaction._new( :gateway, :status_history => [ { :timestamp => time, :amount => "12.00", :transaction_source => "API", :user => "larry", :status => Braintree::Transaction::Status::Authorized }, { :timestamp => Time.utc(2010,1,15), :amount => "12.00", :transaction_source => "API", :user => "curly", :status => "scheduled_for_settlement"} ]) transaction.status_history.size.should == 2 transaction.status_history[0].user.should == "larry" transaction.status_history[0].amount.should == "12.00" transaction.status_history[0].status.should == Braintree::Transaction::Status::Authorized transaction.status_history[0].transaction_source.should == "API" transaction.status_history[0].timestamp.should == time transaction.status_history[1].user.should == "curly" end it "sets up authorization_adjustments" do timestamp = Time.utc(2010,1,14) transaction = Braintree::Transaction._new( :gateway, :authorization_adjustments => [ { :timestamp => timestamp, :processor_response_code => "1000", :processor_response_text => "Approved", :amount => "12.00", :success => true }, { :timestamp => timestamp, :processor_response_code => "3000", :processor_response_text => "Processor Network Unavailable - Try Again", :amount => "12.34", :success => false }, ]) transaction.authorization_adjustments.size.should == 2 transaction.authorization_adjustments[0].amount.should == "12.00" transaction.authorization_adjustments[0].success.should == true transaction.authorization_adjustments[0].timestamp.should == timestamp transaction.authorization_adjustments[0].processor_response_code.should == "1000" transaction.authorization_adjustments[0].processor_response_text.should == "Approved" transaction.authorization_adjustments[1].amount.should == "12.34" transaction.authorization_adjustments[1].success.should == false transaction.authorization_adjustments[1].timestamp.should == timestamp transaction.authorization_adjustments[1].processor_response_code.should == "3000" transaction.authorization_adjustments[1].processor_response_text.should == "Processor Network Unavailable - Try Again" end it "handles receiving custom as an empty string" do transaction = Braintree::Transaction._new( :gateway, :custom => "\n " ) end it "accepts amount as either a String or a BigDecimal" do Braintree::Transaction._new(:gateway, :amount => "12.34").amount.should == BigDecimal("12.34") Braintree::Transaction._new(:gateway, :amount => BigDecimal("12.34")).amount.should == BigDecimal("12.34") end it "blows up if amount is not a string or BigDecimal" do expect { Braintree::Transaction._new(:gateway, :amount => 12.34) }.to raise_error(/Argument must be a String or BigDecimal/) end it "handles nil risk_data" do transaction = Braintree::Transaction._new( :gateway, :risk_data => nil ) transaction.risk_data.should be_nil end it "accepts network_transaction_id" do transaction = Braintree::Transaction._new( :gateway, :network_transaction_id => "123456789012345" ) transaction.network_transaction_id.should == "123456789012345" end it "accepts network_response code and network_response_text" do transaction = Braintree::Transaction._new( :gateway, :network_response_code => "00", :network_response_text => "Successful approval/completion or V.I.P. PIN verification is successful", ) expect(transaction.network_response_code).to eq("00") expect(transaction.network_response_text).to eq("Successful approval/completion or V.I.P. PIN verification is successful") end end describe "inspect" do it "includes the id, type, amount, status, and processed_with_network_token?" do transaction = Braintree::Transaction._new( :gateway, :id => "1234", :type => "sale", :amount => "100.00", :status => Braintree::Transaction::Status::Authorized, :processed_with_network_token => false, ) output = transaction.inspect output.should include(%Q(#<Braintree::Transaction id: "1234", type: "sale", amount: "100.0", status: "authorized")) output.should include(%Q(processed_with_network_token?: false)) end end describe "==" do it "returns true for transactions with the same id" do first = Braintree::Transaction._new(:gateway, :id => 123) second = Braintree::Transaction._new(:gateway, :id => 123) first.should == second second.should == first end it "returns false for transactions with different ids" do first = Braintree::Transaction._new(:gateway, :id => 123) second = Braintree::Transaction._new(:gateway, :id => 124) first.should_not == second second.should_not == first end it "returns false when comparing to nil" do Braintree::Transaction._new(:gateway, {}).should_not == nil end it "returns false when comparing to non-transactions" do same_id_different_object = def; 123; end transaction = Braintree::Transaction._new(:gateway, :id => 123) transaction.should_not == same_id_different_object end end describe "new" do it "is protected" do expect do raise_error(NoMethodError, /protected method .new/) end end describe "refunded?" do it "is true if the transaciton has been refunded" do transaction = Braintree::Transaction._new(:gateway, :refund_id => "123") transaction.refunded?.should == true end it "is false if the transaciton has not been refunded" do transaction = Braintree::Transaction._new(:gateway, :refund_id => nil) transaction.refunded?.should == false end end describe "sale" do let(:mock_response) { {:transaction => {}}} let(:http_stub) { double('http_stub').as_null_object } RSpec::Matchers.define :skip_advanced_fraud_check_value_is do |value| match { |params| params[:transaction][:options][:skip_advanced_fraud_checking] == value } end it "accepts skip_advanced_fraud_checking options with value true" do Braintree::Http.stub(:new).and_return http_stub expect(http_stub).to receive(:post).with(anything, skip_advanced_fraud_check_value_is(true)).and_return(mock_response) :amount => Braintree::Test::TransactionAmounts::Authorize, :credit_card => { :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa, :expiration_date => "05/2009" }, :options => { :skip_advanced_fraud_checking => true } ) end it "accepts skip_advanced_fraud_checking options with value false" do Braintree::Http.stub(:new).and_return http_stub expect(http_stub).to receive(:post).with(anything, skip_advanced_fraud_check_value_is(false)).and_return(mock_response) :amount => Braintree::Test::TransactionAmounts::Authorize, :credit_card => { :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa, :expiration_date => "05/2009" }, :options => { :skip_advanced_fraud_checking => false } ) end it "doesn't include skip_advanced_fraud_checking in params if its not specified" do Braintree::Http.stub(:new).and_return http_stub expect(http_stub).to receive(:post).with(anything, skip_advanced_fraud_check_value_is(nil)).and_return(mock_response) :amount => Braintree::Test::TransactionAmounts::Authorize, :credit_card => { :number => Braintree::Test::CreditCardNumbers::Visa, :expiration_date => "05/2009" }, :options => { :submit_for_settlement => false } ) end end describe "processed_with_network_token?" do it "is true if the transaction was processed with a network token" do transaction = Braintree::Transaction._new(:gateway, :processed_with_network_token => true) transaction.processed_with_network_token?.should == true end it "is false if the transaction was not processed with a network token" do transaction = Braintree::Transaction._new(:gateway, :processed_with_network_token => false) transaction.processed_with_network_token?.should == false end end end