module BubbleWrap # The HTTP module provides a simple interface to make HTTP requests. # # TODO: preflight support, easier/better cookie support, better error handling module HTTP # Make a GET request and process the response asynchronously via a block. # # @examples # # Simple GET request printing the body # BubbleWrap::HTTP.get("") do |response| # p response.body.to_str # end # # # GET request with basic auth credentials # BubbleWrap::HTTP.get("", {credentials: {username: 'matt', password: 'aimonetti'}}) do |response| # p response.body.to_str # prints the response's body # end # [:get, :post, :put, :delete, :head, :options, :patch].each do |http_verb| define_singleton_method(http_verb) do |url, options = {}, &block| options[:action] = block if block, http_verb, options) end end end end class InvalidURLError < StandardError; end class InvalidFileError < StandardError; end