require 'aruba/api' World(Aruba::Api) Before('@disable-bundler') do unset_bundler_env_vars end Before do @__aruba_original_paths = (ENV['PATH'] || '').split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) ENV['PATH'] = ([File.expand_path('bin')] + @__aruba_original_paths).join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) end After do ENV['PATH'] = @__aruba_original_paths.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) end Before do #FileUtils.rm_rf(current_dir) end Before do aruba_working_dir_init end Before('@aruba-tmpdir') do aruba_working_dir_init end Before('@no-aruba-tmpdir') do aruba_working_dir_set('./') dirs_init end Before('@announce-cmd') do @announce_cmd = true end Before('@announce-dir') do @announce_dir = true end Before('@announce-env') do @announce_env = true end Before('@announce-stdout') do @announce_stdout = true end Before('@announce-stderr') do @announce_stderr = true end Before('@announce') do @announce_stdout = true @announce_stderr = true @announce_env = true @announce_dir = true @announce_cmd = true end Before('@puts') do @puts = true end After do restore_env end When /(?:add|set) the env variable "([^\"]*)" to "(.*)"/ do |var, val| set_env(var, val) end When /appends? to "([^\"]*)" with:$/ do |file_name, file_content| append_to_file(file_name, file_content) end When /(?:cds?|chdirs?) to "([^\"]*)"$/ do |dir| cd(dir) end When /clean up the working directory/ do clean_up end When /display stderr/ do announce_or_puts(last_stderr) end When /(?:delete|unset) the env variable "([^\"]*)"$/ do |var| remove_env(var) end When /display stdout/ do announce_or_puts(last_stdout) end When /using a clean gemset "([^\"]*)"$/ do |gemset| use_clean_gemset(gemset) end When /do(?:es)? have (?:a|the) directory named "([^\"]*)"$/ do |dir_name| create_dir(dir_name) end When /do(?:es)? have (?:a|the) file named "([^\"]*)" (?:containing|with):$/ \ do |file_name, file_content| create_file(file_name, file_content) end When /do(?:es)? have an empty file named "([^\"]*)"$/ do |file_name| create_file(file_name, "") end When /exit status should be (-?\d+)$/ do |exit_status| @last_exit_status.should == exit_status.to_i end When /exit status should not be (-?\d+)$/ do |exit_status| @last_exit_status.should_not == nil @last_exit_status.should_not == exit_status.to_i end When /file (?:named )?"([^\"]*)" should contain "([^\"]*)"$/\ do |file, partial_content| check_file_content(file, partial_content, true) end When /file (?:named )?"([^\"]*)" should contain:$/\ do |file, partial_content| check_file_content(file, partial_content, true) end When /file (?:named )?"([^\"]*)" should not contain "([^\"]*)"$/\ do |file, partial_content| check_file_content(file, partial_content, false) end When /file (?:named )?"([^\"]*)" should not contain:$/\ do |file, partial_content| check_file_content(file, partial_content, false) end When /file (?:named )?"([^\"]*)" should exist$/ do |file| check_file_presence([file_name], true) end When /file (?:named )?"([^\"]*)" should not exist$/ do |file| check_file_presence([file], false) end When /file (?:named )?"([^\"]*)" should not match \/([^\/]*)\/$/\ do |file, partial_content| check_file_content(file, /#{partial_content}/, false) end When /file (?:named )?"([^\"]*)" should match \/([^\/]*)\/$/\ do |file, partial_content| check_file_content(file, /#{partial_content}/, true) end When /following directories should exist:$/ do |directories| check_directory_presence({ |directory_row| directory_row[0]}, true) end When /following directories should not exist:$/ do |directories| check_directory_presence({ |directory_row| directory_row[0]}, false) end When /following files? should exist:$/ do |files| check_file_presence({|file_row| file_row[0]}, true) end When /following files? should not exist:$/ do |files| check_file_presence({|file_row| file_row[0]}, false) end When /output should contain "([^\"]*)"$/ do |partial_output| assert_partial_output(partial_output) end When /output should not contain "([^\"]*)"$/ do |partial_output| combined_output.should_not =~ regexp(partial_output) end When /output should contain:$/ do |partial_output| combined_output.should =~ regexp(partial_output) end When /output should not contain:$/ do |partial_output| combined_output.should_not =~ regexp(partial_output) end When /output should contain exactly "([^\"]*)"$/ do |exact_output| combined_output.should == unescape(exact_output) end When /output should contain exactly:$/ do |exact_output| combined_output.should == exact_output end # "the output should match" allows regex in the partial_output, if # you don't need regex, use "the output should contain" instead since # that way, you don't have to escape regex characters that # appear naturally in the output When /output should match \/([^\/]*)\/$/ do |partial_output| combined_output.should =~ /#{partial_output}/ end When /output should match:$/ do |partial_output| combined_output.should =~ /#{partial_output}/m end When /overwrites? "([^\"]*)" with:$/ do |file_name, file_content| create_file(file_name, file_content, true) end When /rebase the directory "()"$/ do |dir| rebase(dir.to_a) end When /rebase the directory named "([^\"]*)"$/ do |dir| rebase(dir) end When /removes? the file "([^\"]*)"$/ do |file_name| remove_file(file_name) end When /runs? "(.*)"$/ do |cmd| run(unescape(cmd), false) end When /runs? "(.*)" with errors?(?: and timeout of "(\d+\.?\d*)" seconds?)?$/\ do |cmd, time| run(unescape(cmd), false, time) end When /runs? "(.*)" without errors?(?: and timeout of "(\d+\.?\d*)" seconds?)?$/\ do |cmd, time| run(unescape(cmd), true, time) end When /runs? "([^\"]*)" interactively$/ do |cmd| run_interactive(unescape(cmd)) end When /(?:successfully )?runs? "(.*)" with timeout of "(\d+\.?\d*)" seconds??$/\ do |cmd, time| run(unescape(cmd), true, time) end When /should (pass|fail) with:$/ do |pass_fail, partial_output| assert_exit_status_and_output(pass_fail == "pass", partial_output, false) end Then /should (pass|fail) with exactly:$/ do |pass_fail, exact_output| assert_exit_status_and_output(pass_fail == "pass", exact_output, true) end When /should (pass|fail) with regexp?:$/ do |pass_fail, partial_output| When "output should match:", partial_output if pass_fail == 'pass' @last_exit_status.should == 0 else @last_exit_status.should_not == 0 end end When /stderr should be empty$/ do @last_stderr.should == "" end When /stdout should be empty$/ do @last_stdout.should == "" end When /stderr should not be empty$/ do @last_stderr.should_not == "" end When /stdout should not be empty$/ do @last_stdout.should_not == "" end When /stderr should contain "([^\"]*)"$/ do |partial_output| @last_stderr.should =~ regexp(partial_output) end When /stdout should contain "([^\"]*)"$/ do |partial_output| @last_stdout.should =~ regexp(partial_output) end Then /stderr should contain exactly:$/ do |exact_output| @last_stderr.should == exact_output end Then /stdout should contain exactly:$/ do |exact_output| @last_stdout.should == exact_output end When /stderr should not contain "([^\"]*)"$/ do |partial_output| @last_stderr.should_not =~ regexp(partial_output) end When /stdout should not contain "([^\"]*)"$/ do |partial_output| @last_stdout.should_not =~ regexp(partial_output) end When /types? "([^\"]*)"$/ do |input| write_interactive(ensure_newline(input)) end When /(?:use|using) a clean gemset "([^\"]*)"$/ do |gemset| use_clean_gemset(gemset) end When /writes? to "([^\"]*)" with:$/ do |file_name, file_content| create_file(file_name, file_content, false) end