require 'spec_helper' module Spree describe Api::ZonesController, type: :controller do render_views let!(:attributes) { [:id, :name, :zone_members] } before do stub_authentication! @zone = create(:zone, name: 'Europe') end it "gets list of zones" do api_get :index expect(json_response['zones'].first).to have_attributes(attributes) end it 'can control the page size through a parameter' do create(:zone) api_get :index, per_page: 1 expect(json_response['count']).to eq(1) expect(json_response['current_page']).to eq(1) expect(json_response['pages']).to eq(2) end it 'can query the results through a paramter' do expected_result = create(:zone, name: 'South America') api_get :index, q: { name_cont: 'south' } expect(json_response['count']).to eq(1) expect(json_response['zones'].first['name']).to eq end it "gets a zone" do api_get :show, id: expect(json_response).to have_attributes(attributes) expect(json_response['name']).to eq expect(json_response['zone_members'].size).to eq @zone.zone_members.count end context "as an admin" do sign_in_as_admin! it "can create a new zone" do params = { zone: { name: "North Pole", zone_members: [ { zoneable_type: "Spree::Country", zoneable_id: 1 } ] } } api_post :create, params expect(response.status).to eq(201) expect(json_response).to have_attributes(attributes) expect(json_response["zone_members"]).not_to be_empty end it "updates a zone" do params = { id:, zone: { name: "North Pole", zone_members: [ { zoneable_type: "Spree::Country", zoneable_id: 1 } ] } } api_put :update, params expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(json_response['name']).to eq 'North Pole' expect(json_response['zone_members']).not_to be_blank end it "can delete a zone" do api_delete :destroy, id: expect(response.status).to eq(204) expect { @zone.reload }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end end end