# @title Install ruby-oci8 on OS X Install ruby-oci8 on OS X ========================= This page explains the way to install ruby-oci8 os OS X. Look at {file:docs/install-full-client.md}, {file:docs/install-instant-client.md} or {file:docs/install-binary-package.md} for other platforms. Install C compiler ------------------ You need to install the command line developer tools or the Xcode. (The latter includes the former.) Run `"cc --version"` in a terminal to check whether they are installed. If the cc version is printed, the tools are installed. If the follwoing dialog is displayed, click its Install button to install the tools. You have no need to install the Xcode to compile ruby-oci8. It requires command line tools, not an IDE such as the Xcode. ![dialog](osx-install-dev-tools.png) If `"Agreeing to the Xcode/iOS license requires admin privileges, please re-run as root via sudo."` is printed, you need to run `"sudo cc --version"`, enter your password, look at the license and type `"agree"`. Install Oracle Instant Client Packages -------------------------------------- ### Download Oracle Instant Client Packages Download the following packages from [Oracle Technology Network][] * Instant Client Package - Basic (`instantclient-basic-macos.x64-`) or Basic Lite (`instantclient-basiclite-macos.x64-`) * Instant Client Package - SDK (`instantclient-sdk-macos.x64-`) * Instant Client Package - SQL*Plus (`instantclient-sqlplus-macos.x64-`) (optionally) ### Install Oracle Instant Client Packages via Homebrew To install `Oracle Instant Client Basic` via [Homebrew][] * Copy downloaded zip files to `/Library/Caches/Homebrew` (if the environment variable `HOMEBREW_CACHE` is not set and `$HOME/Library/Caches/Homebrew` doesn't exist.) * Run the followining commands: brew tap InstantClientTap/instantclient brew install instantclient-basic brew install instantclient-sdk brew install instantclient-sqlplus # (optionally) * Set the environment variable `OCI_DIR` while performing the following installation steps if Homebrew is installed outside `/usr/local`. export OCI_DIR=$(brew --prefix)/lib To install `Oracle Instant Client Basic Lite` via [Homebrew][] * Copy downloaded zip files to `/Library/Caches/Homebrew` (if the environment variable `HOMEBREW_CACHE` is not set and `$HOME/Library/Caches/Homebrew` doesn't exist.) * Run the followining commands: brew tap InstantClientTap/instantclient brew install instantclient-basiclite brew install instantclient-sdk brew install instantclient-sqlplus --with-basiclite # (optionally) * Set the environment variable `OCI_DIR` while performing the following installation steps if Homebrew is installed outside `/usr/local`. export OCI_DIR=$(brew --prefix)/lib ### Install Oracle Instant Client Manually If you don't use [Homebrew][], do the following: Unzip the packages as follows: mkdir -p /opt/oracle cd /opt/oracle Copy downloaded files to /opt/oracle before running the following commands. unzip instantclient-basic-macos.x64- unzip instantclient-sdk-macos.x64- unzip instantclient-sqlplus-macos.x64- Make a symbolic link to link the library. cd /opt/oracle/instantclient_12_1 ln -s libclntsh.dylib.12.1 libclntsh.dylib Set the environment variable OCI_DIR while performing the following installation steps. export OCI_DIR=/opt/oracle/instantclient_12_1 Installation ------------ If you get a problem in the following steps, look at {file:docs/report-installation-issue.md}. ### gem package Run the following command. gem install ruby-oci8 ### tar.gz package #### Download the source code Download the latest tar.gz package from [download page][]. #### Run make and install tar xvfz ruby-oci8-VERSION.tar.gz cd ruby-oci8-VERSION make make install [download page]: https://bintray.com/kubo/generic/ruby-oci8 [Homebrew]: http://brew.sh/ [fix_oralib]: https://github.com/kubo/fix_oralib_osx [Oracle Technology Network]: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/intel-macsoft-096467.html