import React from 'react'; import { renderWithRedux, patientlyWaitFor, fireEvent } from 'react-testing-lib-wrapper'; import { nockInstance, assertNockRequest } from '../../../../test-utils/nockWrapper'; import api from '../../../../services/api'; import ContentViewDetails from '../ContentViewDetails'; import CONTENT_VIEWS_KEY from '../../ContentViewsConstants'; const cvDetailData = require('./contentViewDetails.fixtures.json'); const renderOptions = { apiNamespace: `${CONTENT_VIEWS_KEY}_1` }; const cvDetailsPath = api.getApiUrl('/content_views/1'); test('Can call API and show details on page load', async (done) => { const { label, name, description } = cvDetailData; const scope = nockInstance .get(cvDetailsPath) .query(true) .reply(200, cvDetailData); const { getByLabelText } = renderWithRedux( , renderOptions, ); await patientlyWaitFor(() => { expect(getByLabelText('name text value')).toHaveTextContent(name); expect(getByLabelText('label text value')).toHaveTextContent(label); expect(getByLabelText('description text value')).toHaveTextContent(description); }); assertNockRequest(scope, done); }); test('Can edit text details such as name', async (done) => { const newName = 'agoodname'; const updatedCVDetails = { ...cvDetailData, name: newName }; const getscope = nockInstance .get(cvDetailsPath) .query(true) .reply(200, cvDetailData); const updatescope = nockInstance .put(cvDetailsPath, { name: newName }) .reply(200, updatedCVDetails); const afterUpdateScope = nockInstance .get(cvDetailsPath) .query(true) .reply(200, updatedCVDetails); const { getByLabelText } = renderWithRedux( , renderOptions, ); const editLabel = 'edit name'; // Wait for page to load and confirm edit button is present, then click to edit await patientlyWaitFor(() => { expect(getByLabelText(editLabel)).toBeInTheDocument(); }); getByLabelText(editLabel).click(); const inputLabel = /name text input/; await patientlyWaitFor(() => { expect(getByLabelText(inputLabel)).toBeInTheDocument(); }); fireEvent.change(getByLabelText(inputLabel), { target: { value: newName } }); getByLabelText('submit name').click(); // Make sure new name is showing after update await patientlyWaitFor(() => { expect(getByLabelText('name text value')).toHaveTextContent(newName); }); assertNockRequest(getscope); assertNockRequest(updatescope); assertNockRequest(afterUpdateScope, done); }); test('Can edit boolean details such as solve dependencies', async (done) => { const updatedCVDetails = { ...cvDetailData, solve_dependencies: true }; const getscope = nockInstance .get(cvDetailsPath) .query(true) .reply(200, cvDetailData); const updatescope = nockInstance .put(cvDetailsPath, { solve_dependencies: true }) .reply(200, updatedCVDetails); const afterUpdateScope = nockInstance .get(cvDetailsPath) .query(true) .reply(200, updatedCVDetails); const { getByLabelText } = renderWithRedux( , renderOptions, ); const checkboxLabel = /solve_dependencies switch/; await patientlyWaitFor(() => expect(getByLabelText(checkboxLabel)).toBeInTheDocument()); expect(getByLabelText(checkboxLabel).checked).toBeFalsy();; await patientlyWaitFor(() => expect(getByLabelText(checkboxLabel).checked).toBeTruthy()); assertNockRequest(getscope); assertNockRequest(updatescope); assertNockRequest(afterUpdateScope, done); });