/* Copyright (c) 1995-2000, The Hypersonic SQL Group. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the Hypersonic SQL Group nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE HYPERSONIC SQL GROUP, * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals * on behalf of the Hypersonic SQL Group. * * * For work added by the HSQL Development Group: * * Copyright (c) 2001-2008, The HSQL Development Group * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the HSQL Development Group nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL HSQL DEVELOPMENT GROUP, HSQLDB.ORG, * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.hsqldb; import org.hsqldb.HsqlNameManager.HsqlName; import org.hsqldb.index.RowIterator; import org.hsqldb.lib.ArrayUtil; import org.hsqldb.lib.Iterator; // fredt@users 20020225 - patch 1.7.0 by boucherb@users - named constraints // fredt@users 20020320 - doc 1.7.0 - update // tony_lai@users 20020820 - patch 595156 - violation of Integrity constraint name /** * Implementation of a table constraint with references to the indexes used * by the constraint.
* @author Thomas Mueller (Hypersonic SQL Group)
* @version 1.8.0
* @since Hypersonic SQL
public class Constraint {
SQL CLI codes
Referential Constraint 0 CASCADE
Referential Constraint 1 RESTRICT
Referential Constraint 2 SET NULL
Referential Constraint 3 NO ACTION
Referential Constraint 4 SET DEFAULT
static final int CASCADE = 0,
static final int FOREIGN_KEY = 0,
MAIN = 1,
CHECK = 3,
ConstraintCore core;
HsqlName constName;
int constType;
* Constructor declaration for PK and UNIQUE
Constraint(HsqlName name, Table t, Index index, int type) {
core = new ConstraintCore();
constName = name;
constType = type;
core.mainTable = t;
core.mainIndex = index;
/* fredt - in unique constraints column list for iColMain is the
visible columns of iMain
core.mainColArray = ArrayUtil.arraySlice(index.getColumns(), 0,
core.colLen = core.mainColArray.length;
* Constructor for main constraints (foreign key references in PK table)
Constraint(HsqlName name, Constraint fkconstraint) {
constName = name;
constType = MAIN;
core = fkconstraint.core;
* Constructor for foreign key constraints.
* @param pkname name in the main (referenced) table, used internally
* @param name name in the referencing table, public name of the constraint
* @param mainTable referenced table
* @param refTable referencing talbe
* @param mainCols array of column indexes in main table
* @param refCols array of column indexes in referencing table
* @param mainIndex index on the main table
* @param refIndex index on the referencing table
* @param deleteAction triggered action on delete
* @param updateAction triggered action on update
* @exception HsqlException
Constraint(HsqlName pkname, HsqlName name, Table mainTable,
Table refTable, int[] mainCols, int[] refCols,
Index mainIndex, Index refIndex, int deleteAction,
int updateAction) throws HsqlException {
core = new ConstraintCore();
core.pkName = pkname;
core.fkName = name;
constName = name;
constType = FOREIGN_KEY;
core.mainTable = mainTable;
core.refTable = refTable;
/* fredt - in FK constraints column lists for iColMain and iColRef have
identical sets to visible columns of iMain and iRef respectively
but the order of columns can be different and must be preserved
core.mainColArray = mainCols;
core.colLen = core.mainColArray.length;
core.refColArray = refCols;
core.mainIndex = mainIndex;
core.refIndex = refIndex;
core.deleteAction = deleteAction;
core.updateAction = updateAction;
* temp constraint constructor
Constraint(HsqlName name, int[] mainCols, Table refTable, int[] refCols,
int type, int deleteAction, int updateAction) {
core = new ConstraintCore();
constName = name;
constType = type;
core.mainColArray = mainCols;
core.refTable = refTable;
core.refColArray = refCols;
core.deleteAction = deleteAction;
core.updateAction = updateAction;
private Constraint() {}
* Returns the HsqlName.
HsqlName getName() {
return constName;
* Changes constraint name.
private void setName(String name, boolean isquoted) throws HsqlException {
constName.rename(name, isquoted);
* probably a misnomer, but DatabaseMetaData.getCrossReference specifies
* it this way (I suppose because most FKs are declared against the PK of
* another table)
* @return name of the index refereneced by a foreign key
String getPkName() {
return core.pkName == null ? null
: core.pkName.name;
* probably a misnomer, but DatabaseMetaData.getCrossReference specifies
* it this way (I suppose because most FKs are declared against the PK of
* another table)
* @return name of the index for the referencing foreign key
String getFkName() {
return core.fkName == null ? null
: core.fkName.name;
* Returns the type of constraint
int getType() {
return constType;
* Returns the main table
Table getMain() {
return core.mainTable;
* Returns the main index
Index getMainIndex() {
return core.mainIndex;
* Returns the reference table
Table getRef() {
return core.refTable;
* Returns the reference index
Index getRefIndex() {
return core.refIndex;
* The ON DELETE triggered action of (foreign key) constraint
int getDeleteAction() {
return core.deleteAction;
* The ON UPDATE triggered action of (foreign key) constraint
int getUpdateAction() {
return core.updateAction;
* Returns the main table column index array
int[] getMainColumns() {
return core.mainColArray;
* Returns the reference table column index array
int[] getRefColumns() {
return core.refColArray;
* Returns true if an index is part this constraint and the constraint is set for
* a foreign key. Used for tests before dropping an index.
boolean isIndexFK(Index index) {
if (constType == FOREIGN_KEY || constType == MAIN) {
if (core.mainIndex == index || core.refIndex == index) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if an index is part this constraint and the constraint is set for
* a unique constraint. Used for tests before dropping an index.
boolean isIndexUnique(Index index) {
return (constType == UNIQUE && core.mainIndex == index);
* Only for check constraints
boolean hasColumn(Table table, String colname) {
if (constType != CHECK) {
return false;
Expression.Collector coll = new Expression.Collector();
coll.addAll(core.check, Expression.COLUMN);
Iterator it = coll.iterator();
for (; it.hasNext(); ) {
Expression e = (Expression) it.next();
if (e.getColumnName().equals(colname)
&& table.tableName.name.equals(e.getTableName())) {
return true;
return false;
boolean hasColumn(int colIndex) {
if (constType == MAIN) {
return ArrayUtil.find(core.mainColArray, colIndex) != -1;
} else if (constType == FOREIGN_KEY) {
return ArrayUtil.find(core.refColArray, colIndex) != -1;
return false;
// fredt@users 20020225 - patch 1.7.0 by fredt - duplicate constraints
* Compares this with another constraint column set. This implementation
* only checks UNIQUE constraints.
boolean isEquivalent(int[] col, int type) {
if (type != constType || constType != UNIQUE
|| core.colLen != col.length) {
return false;
return ArrayUtil.haveEqualSets(core.mainColArray, col, core.colLen);
* Compares this with another constraint column set. This implementation
* only checks FOREIGN KEY constraints.
boolean isEquivalent(Table tablemain, int[] colmain, Table tableref,
int[] colref) {
if (constType != Constraint.MAIN
&& constType != Constraint.FOREIGN_KEY) {
return false;
if (tablemain != core.mainTable || tableref != core.refTable) {
return false;
return ArrayUtil.areEqualSets(core.mainColArray, colmain)
&& ArrayUtil.areEqualSets(core.refColArray, colref);
* Used to update constrains to reflect structural changes in a table.
* Prior checks must ensure that this method does not throw.
* @param oldt reference to the old version of the table
* @param newt referenct to the new version of the table
* @param colindex index at which table column is added or removed
* @param adjust -1, 0, +1 to indicate if column is added or removed
* @throws HsqlException
void replaceTable(Table oldt, Table newt, int colindex,
int adjust) throws HsqlException {
if (oldt == core.mainTable) {
core.mainTable = newt;
// exclude CHECK
if (core.mainIndex != null) {
core.mainIndex =
core.mainColArray =
colindex, adjust);
if (oldt == core.refTable) {
core.refTable = newt;
if (core.refIndex != null) {
core.refIndex =
if (core.refIndex != core.mainIndex) {
core.refColArray =
colindex, adjust);
* Checks for foreign key or check constraint violation when
* inserting a row into the child table.
void checkInsert(Session session, Object[] row) throws HsqlException {
if (constType == Constraint.MAIN || constType == Constraint.UNIQUE
|| constType == Constraint.PRIMARY_KEY) {
// inserts in the main table are never a problem
// unique constraints are checked by the unique index
if (constType == Constraint.CHECK) {
checkCheckConstraint(session, row);
if (Index.isNull(row, core.refColArray)) {
// a record must exist in the main table
boolean exists = core.mainIndex.exists(session, row,
if (!exists) {
// special case: self referencing table and self referencing row
if (core.mainTable == core.refTable) {
boolean match = true;
for (int i = 0; i < core.colLen; i++) {
if (!row[core.refColArray[i]].equals(
row[core.mainColArray[i]])) {
match = false;
if (match) {
Trace.Constraint_violation, new Object[] {
core.fkName.name, core.mainTable.getName().name
* Tests a row against this CHECK constraint.
void checkCheckConstraint(Session session,
Object[] row) throws HsqlException {
core.checkFilter.currentData = row;
boolean nomatch = Boolean.FALSE.equals(core.check.test(session));
core.checkFilter.currentData = null;
if (nomatch) {
Trace.Constraint_violation, new Object[] {
constName.name, core.mainTable.tableName.name
// fredt@users 20020225 - patch 1.7.0 - cascading deletes
* New method to find any referencing row for a
* foreign key (finds row in child table). If ON DELETE CASCADE is
* supported by this constraint, then the method finds the first row
* among the rows of the table ordered by the index and doesn't throw.
* Without ON DELETE CASCADE, the method attempts to finds any row that
* exists, in which case it throws an exception. If no row is found,
* null is returned.
* (fredt@users)
* @param row array of objects for a database row
* @param forDelete should we allow 'ON DELETE CASCADE' or 'ON UPDATE CASCADE'
* @return Node object or null
* @throws HsqlException
RowIterator findFkRef(Session session, Object[] row,
boolean delete) throws HsqlException {
if (row == null || Index.isNull(row, core.mainColArray)) {
return core.refIndex.emptyIterator();
return delete
? core.refIndex.findFirstRowForDelete(session, row,
: core.refIndex.findFirstRow(session, row, core.mainColArray);
* For the candidate table row, finds any referring node in the main table.
* This is used to check referential integrity when updating a node. We
* have to make sure that the main table still holds a valid main record.
* If a valid row is found the corresponding Node
is returned.
* Otherwise a 'INTEGRITY VIOLATION' Exception gets thrown.
boolean hasMainRef(Session session, Object[] row) throws HsqlException {
if (Index.isNull(row, core.refColArray)) {
return false;
boolean exists = core.mainIndex.exists(session, row,
// -- there has to be a valid node in the main table
// --
if (!exists) {
Trace.Constraint_violation, new Object[] {
core.fkName.name, core.refTable.getName().name
return exists;
* Test used before adding a new foreign key constraint. This method
* returns true if the given row has a corresponding row in the main
* table. Also returns true if any column covered by the foreign key
* constraint has a null value.
private static boolean hasReferencedRow(Session session,
Object[] rowdata, int[] rowColArray,
Index mainIndex) throws HsqlException {
if (Index.isNull(rowdata, rowColArray)) {
return true;
// else a record must exist in the main index
return mainIndex.exists(session, rowdata, rowColArray);
* Check used before creating a new foreign key cosntraint, this method
* checks all rows of a table to ensure they all have a corresponding
* row in the main table.
static void checkReferencedRows(Session session, Table table,
int[] rowColArray,
Index mainIndex) throws HsqlException {
RowIterator it = table.getPrimaryIndex().firstRow(session);
while (true) {
Row row = it.next();
if (row == null) {
Object[] rowdata = row.getData();
if (!Constraint.hasReferencedRow(session, rowdata, rowColArray,
mainIndex)) {
String colvalues = "";
for (int i = 0; i < rowColArray.length; i++) {
Object o = rowdata[rowColArray[i]];
colvalues += o;
colvalues += ",";
throw Trace.error(
Trace.Constraint_violation, new Object[] {
colvalues, table.getName().name