require 'rspec' require 'moo_moo' require 'webmock/rspec' require 'vcr' require 'extlib' VCR.config do |c| c.cassette_library_dir = 'spec/vcr_cassettes' c.stub_with :webmock c.default_cassette_options = {:record => :none, :match_requests_on => [:uri]} end def requires_attr(attr, &block) expect { }.to raise_error(MooMoo::ArgumentError, /Missing required parameter: #{attr}/i) end def live_test? !ENV['OPENSRS_REAL'].nil? end def random_domain "domainthatsnottaken#{}.com" end def test_contacts contact = { :first_name => "Owen", :last_name => "Ottway", :phone => "+1.4165550123x1902", :fax => "+1.4165550124", :email => "", :org_name => "Example Inc.", :address1 => "32 Oak Street", :address2 => "Suite 500", :address3 => "Owner", :city => "SomeCity", :state => "CA", :country => "US", :postal_code => "90210", :url => "" } out = { :title => "blahblah", :owner => contact, :admin => contact, :billing => contact, :tech => contact } end RSpec.configure do |c| c.extend VCR::RSpec::Macros c.before(:each) do MooMoo.configure do |config| if live_test? = ENV['OPENSRS_TEST_URL'] if ENV['OPENSRS_TEST_URL'] config.key = ENV['OPENSRS_TEST_KEY'] || raise(ArgumentError, "OPENSRS_TEST_KEY is required") config.username = ENV['OPENSRS_TEST_USER'] || raise(ArgumentError, "OPENSRS_TEST_USER is required") else = "" config.key = "testkey" config.username = "testuser" end end end end RSpec::Matchers.define :have_attr_accessor do |attribute| match do |object| object.respond_to?(attribute) && object.respond_to?("#{attribute}=") end description do "have attr_accessor :#{attribute}" end end RSpec::Matchers.define(:have_registered_service) do |*args| method_name = args[0] object_name = args[1] action_name = args[2] || method_name match do |object| parameters = {:the => :params, :cookie => "thecookie"} response = double("Response", :body => {"attributes" => { :the => :attrs }}) object.should_receive(:faraday_request). with(action_name, object_name, parameters). and_return(response) object.send("api_#{method_name}", parameters) == { :the => :attrs } end description do "have registered service :#{method_name} delegating to action :#{action_name} and object :#{object_name}" end end