require "better_ipaddr/methods" class IPAddr class Base < IPAddr include BetterIpaddr::Constants include BetterIpaddr::InstanceMethods include Comparable include Enumerable def inherited(cls) cls.extend BetterIpaddr::ClassMethods end def self.[](address, mask = nil, family: self::FAMILY) case mask when Integer if 0 <= mask && mask <= FAMILY_TO_BIT_LENGTH[family] new(address, family).mask(mask) else new(address, family).mask(new(mask, family).to_s) end when String, IPAddr new(address, family).mask(mask.to_s) else new(address, family) end end # Convert the given string to an IPAddr subclass. # # @param address [String] the string to convert # @return [IPAddr::V4, IPAddr::V6, IPAddr::EUI48] def self.parse(address) specialize end # Return the given address as an instance of a class specific to # its address family. # # @param address [IPAddr] the address to convert # @return [IPAddr::V4, IPAddr::V6, IPAddr::EUI48] def self.specialize(address) return address unless address.class == IPAddr case when Family::IPV4 IPAddr::V4[address.to_i, address.instance_variable_get(:@mask_addr)] when Family::IPV6 IPAddr::V6[address.to_i, address.instance_variable_get(:@mask_addr)] when Family::EUI48 IPAddr::MAC[address.to_i, address.instance_variable_get(:@mask_addr)] end end def self.specialize_constants(family) const_set(:FAMILY, family) const_set(:BIT_LENGTH, FAMILY_TO_BIT_LENGTH.fetch(self::FAMILY)) const_set(:NETMASK_TO_PREFIX_LENGTH, NETMASK_TO_PREFIX_LENGTH.fetch(self::FAMILY)) const_set(:PREFIX_LENGTH_TO_NETMASK, PREFIX_LENGTH_TO_NETMASK.fetch(self::FAMILY)) end def address_family_bit_length self.class::BIT_LENGTH end def network? prefix_length < self.class::BIT_LENGTH end def prefix_length self.class::NETMASK_TO_PREFIX_LENGTH[mask_addr] end end class V4 < Base specialize_constants Family::IPV4 end class V6 < Base specialize_constants Family::IPV6 end class MAC < Base specialize_constants Family::EUI48 end end