package com.rho; import; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import*; import*; import java.util.Vector; public class Jsr75File implements SimpleFile { private FileConnection fconn; private InputStream in; private OutputStream out; private long inPos; private long outPos = 0; //private long currPos = 0; private long fileSize = 0; private boolean noFlush; private boolean m_bOpened = false; private static final int ZERO_BUF_SIZE = 4096; private static Vector m_arRoots; private static String m_strRhoPath; static private void log(String txt) { System.out.println("FileSystem: " + txt); } static void createDir( String strDir )throws IOException{ log("Dir:"+strDir); FileConnection fdir = null; try{ fdir = (FileConnection);//,Connector.READ_WRITE); if ( fdir == null ) { log("Dir Connection opened failed : null."); throw new RuntimeException("Dir Connection opened failed : null."); } log("Dir Connection opened."); // If no exception is thrown, then the URI is valid, but the file may or may not exist. if (!fdir.exists()) { log("Create directory."); fdir.mkdir(); // create the dir if it doesn't exist }else{ log("Dir exists."); } }catch(IOException exc){ log("Create directory failed." + exc.getMessage()); throw exc; }finally{ if ( fdir != null ) fdir.close(); } } static private Vector getRoots(){ if ( m_arRoots != null ) return m_arRoots; m_arRoots = new Vector(); Enumeration e = FileSystemRegistry.listRoots(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { String strRoot = (String)e.nextElement(); log("Root: " + strRoot); m_arRoots.addElement(strRoot); } return m_arRoots; } static private String findRoot(String strRoot){ Vector arRoots = getRoots(); for( int i = 0; i < arRoots.size(); i++ ){ String strRoot1 = (String)arRoots.elementAt(i); if ( strRoot1.equalsIgnoreCase(strRoot) ){ return strRoot1; } } return null; } static String makeRootPath(){ //SoftVersion ver = Version.getSoftVersion(); String strRoot = findRoot("SDCard/"); if ( strRoot != null ) return strRoot; /* if ( ver.nMajor == 0 )//emulator strRoot = findRoot("store/"); else if ( ver.nMajor >= 4 && ver.nMinor >= 3 ) strRoot = findRoot("store/");*/ strRoot = findRoot("store/"); return strRoot; } // public static String getRhoPath() throws IOException{ if ( m_strRhoPath != null ) return m_strRhoPath; String strRoot = makeRootPath(); if ( strRoot == null ) throw new IOException("Could not find storage"); m_strRhoPath = "file:///" + strRoot; if ( strRoot.equalsIgnoreCase("store/") ) m_strRhoPath += "home/user/"; m_strRhoPath += "Rho/"; createDir( m_strRhoPath ); RhoRubyHelper helper = new RhoRubyHelper(); String appName = helper.getAppProperty("MIDlet-Name"); if ( appName == null || appName.length() == 0 ) appName = helper.getModuleName(); if ( appName == null || appName.length() == 0 ) appName = "rhodesApp"; m_strRhoPath += appName + "/"; createDir( m_strRhoPath ); return m_strRhoPath; } public static void copyRhoFileFromDeviceMemory(String strFileName) { InputStream in = null; OutputStream out = null; FileConnection fSDCard = null; FileConnection fMem = null; try{ String strSDCardPath = getRhoPath() + strFileName; int nSDcardPos = strSDCardPath.indexOf("SDCard"); String strMemoryPath = strSDCardPath.substring(0,nSDcardPos) + "store/home/user" + strSDCardPath.substring(nSDcardPos+6); strSDCardPath += "_mem"; fMem = (FileConnection); in = fMem.openInputStream(); fSDCard = (FileConnection),Connector.READ_WRITE); if ( !fSDCard.exists() ) fSDCard.create(); out = fSDCard.openOutputStream(); int nSize = (int)fMem.fileSize(); byte[] buf = new byte[nSize];; out.write(buf); }catch(IOException exc){ log("copyRhoFileFromDeviceMemory failed." + exc.getMessage()); }finally{ try{ if ( in != null ) in.close(); if ( out != null ) out.close(); if ( fMem != null ) fMem.close(); if ( fSDCard != null ) fSDCard.close(); }catch(Exception exc){ log("copyRhoFileFromDeviceMemory failed." + exc.getMessage()); } } } public static boolean isRhoFolderExist() { String strSdCardPath = "file:///SDCard/Rho/"; String strMemoryPath = "file:///store/home/user/Rho/"; FileConnection fdir = null; try{ fdir = (FileConnection); if ( fdir != null && fdir.exists() ) return true; if (fdir != null) fdir.close(); fdir = (FileConnection); if ( fdir != null && fdir.exists() ) return true; }catch(IOException exc){ log("isRhoFolderExist failed." + exc.getMessage()); }finally{ if ( fdir != null ) try{ fdir.close(); }catch(Exception exc){} } return false; } public static boolean isSDCardExist() { String strSdCardPath = "file:///SDCard/"; FileConnection fdir = null; try{ fdir = (FileConnection); if ( fdir != null && fdir.exists() ) return true; }catch(IOException exc){ log("isSDCardExist failed." + exc.getMessage()); }finally{ if ( fdir != null ) try{ fdir.close(); }catch(Exception exc){} } return false; } public String getDirPath(String strDir) throws IOException{ String strRoot = getRhoPath(); if ( strRoot == null ) throw new IOException("Could not find storage"); if ( strDir != null && strDir.length() > 0 ){ String strDirPath = FilePath.join(strRoot, strDir); strDirPath = FilePath.join(strDirPath, "/"); createDir( strDirPath ); return strDirPath; } return strRoot; } public static void listFolder(String uri, Vector result) { FileConnection fc = null; try { fc = (FileConnection),Connector.READ); Enumeration enumFiles = fc.list("*",true); while ( enumFiles.hasMoreElements() ) { result.addElement(uri+"/"+enumFiles.nextElement()); } } catch (IOException x) { log("Exception in listFolder: " + x.getMessage()); } finally { if (fc !=null) { try { fc.close(); } catch(Exception exc) {} } } } private static void deleteFilesInFolder(FileConnection fcFolder){ try{ Enumeration enumFiles = fcFolder.list(); while ( enumFiles.hasMoreElements() ) { String fileName = (String)enumFiles.nextElement(); String fullFileName = fcFolder.getURL() + fileName; try{ FileConnection fc2 = (FileConnection); if ( fc2.isDirectory() ) deleteFilesInFolder(fc2); try{fc2.delete();}finally{ fc2.close();}; }catch( IOException exc) { log("deleteFilesInFolder exception: " + exc.getMessage()); } } }catch(IOException exc){ log(exc.getMessage()); } } public void delete(String path) { String url = path; if (!url.startsWith("file:")) { if (url.startsWith("/")) { url = "file:///" + path; } else { try{ String strRhoPath = getRhoPath(); url = strRhoPath + path; } catch (IOException x) { log("getRhoPath exception: " + x.getMessage()); //throw new IOException(StorageError.FILE_ACCESS_ERROR, x); } } } FileConnection fc = null; try { fc = (FileConnection),Connector.READ_WRITE); if ( fc.isDirectory() ) deleteFilesInFolder(fc); fc.delete(); } catch (IOException x) { log("delete Exception: " + x.getMessage()); //throw new StorageError(StorageError.FILE_ACCESS_ERROR, x); }finally{ if (fc !=null) try{ fc.close(); }catch(IOException exc){ } } } public void renameOverwrite(String oldname, String newname) { delete(newname); FileConnection fconn = null; try{ fconn = (FileConnection), Connector.READ_WRITE); String name = newname; int nSlash = newname.lastIndexOf('/'); if ( nSlash >= 0 ) name = newname.substring(nSlash+1); if ( fconn.exists() ){ fconn.rename(name); } }catch(IOException exc){ log("renameOverwrite from '" + oldname + "' to '" + newname + "' Exception: " + exc.getMessage()); }finally{ if ( fconn != null ) try{fconn.close();}catch(IOException exc){ log("renameOverwrite close Exception: " + exc.getMessage()); } } } public OutputStream getOutStream(){ return out; } public InputStream getInputStream()throws IOException{ if ( in == null ) in = fconn.openInputStream(); return in; } public boolean isOpened(){ return m_bOpened; } public void open(String path, boolean readOnly, boolean noFlush)throws IOException { String url = path; this.noFlush = noFlush; log("Open file:" + path); if (!url.startsWith("file:")) { /*if (url.startsWith("/")) { url = "file:///" + path; } else {*/ try{ url = FilePath.join(getRhoPath(), path); } catch (IOException x) { log("getRhoPath Exception: " + x.getMessage()); throw x; } // } } try { if (fconn == null) { fconn = (FileConnection),Connector.READ_WRITE); // If no exception is thrown, then the URI is valid, but the file may or may not exist. if (!fconn.exists() && !readOnly ) { fconn.create(); // create the file if it doesn't exist } } if ( fconn.exists() ) { fileSize = fconn.fileSize(); m_bOpened = true; if (!readOnly) { //fconn.setWritable(true); out = fconn.openOutputStream(); outPos = 0; } }else { fileSize = 0; m_bOpened = false; } } catch (IOException x) { log("Exception: " + x.getMessage()); throw x; } in = null; inPos = 0; } public String readString()throws IOException{ if ( !isOpened() || fileSize == 0 ) return ""; byte[] data = new byte[(int)fileSize]; int len = read(0,data); if ( len == 0 ) return ""; return new String(data,0,len); } public int read(long pos, byte[] b)throws IOException { int len = b.length; if (pos >= fileSize) { return 0; } try { if (in == null || inPos > pos) { sync(); if (in != null) { in.close(); } in = fconn.openInputStream(); inPos = in.skip(pos); } else if (inPos < pos) { inPos += in.skip(pos - inPos); } if (inPos != pos) { return 0; } int off = 0; while (len > 0) { int rc =, off, len); if (rc > 0) { inPos += rc; off += rc; len -= rc; } else { break; } } return off; } catch(IOException x) { throw x; } } public void truncate(int nSize)throws IOException{ if ( fconn != null ){ fconn.truncate(nSize); fileSize = nSize; } } public void write(long pos, byte[] b)throws IOException { int len = b.length; if (out == null) { throw new IOException("Illegal mode"); } int nTry = 0; while (nTry <= 1){ try { if (outPos != pos) { out.close(); out = fconn.openOutputStream(pos); if (pos > fileSize) { byte[] zeroBuf = new byte[ZERO_BUF_SIZE]; do { int size = pos - fileSize > ZERO_BUF_SIZE ? ZERO_BUF_SIZE : (int)(pos - fileSize); out.write(zeroBuf, 0, size); fileSize += size; //BB //fconn.truncate(fileSize); } while (pos != fileSize); } outPos = pos; } out.write(b, 0, len); outPos += len; if (outPos > fileSize) { fileSize = outPos; } //BB //fconn.truncate(fileSize); if (in != null) { in.close(); in = null; } break; }catch(IOException exc){ nTry++; if ( nTry > 1 ) throw exc; else{ outPos = -pos; /* String name = fconn.getURL(); //boolean bRead = fconn.canRead(); boolean bWrite = fconn.canWrite(); close(); open(name, !bWrite, noFlush);*/ } } } } public long length() { return fileSize; } public void close() throws IOException{ try { m_bOpened = false; if (in != null) { in.close(); in = null; } if (out != null) { out.close(); out = null; } if ( fconn != null ) { log("File close: " + fconn.getName()); fconn.close(); fconn = null; } } catch(IOException x) { throw x; } } public void sync() throws IOException{ if (!noFlush && out != null) { try { out.flush(); } catch(IOException x) { throw x; } } } public InputStream getResourceAsStream(Class fromClass, String path){ if ( fromClass == null ) return null; return fromClass.getResourceAsStream(path); } }