Sunzi::Dependency.load('linode') module Sunzi class Cloud class Linode < Base def do_setup @sshkey =['root_sshkey_path'])).chomp if @sshkey.match(/\n/) abort_with "RootSSHKey #{@sshkey.inspect} must not be multi-line! Check inside \"#{@config['root_sshkey_path']}\"" end choose(:plan, @api.avail.linodeplans) choose(:datacenter, @api.avail.datacenters, :label_method => :location) choose(:distribution, @api.avail.distributions, :filter => 'distributions_filter') choose(:kernel, @api.avail.kernels, :filter => 'kernels_filter') # Choose swap size @swap_size = ask('swap size in MB? (default: 256MB): ', Integer) { |q| q.default = 256 } # Go ahead? proceed? # Create say "creating a new linode..." result = @api.linode.create( :DatacenterID => @attributes[:datacenterid], :PlanID => @attributes[:planid], :PaymentTerm => @config['payment_term']) @linodeid = result.linodeid say "created a new instance: linodeid = #{@linodeid}" result ={|i| i.linodeid == @linodeid }.first @totalhd = result.totalhd # Update settings say "Updating settings..." @group = @config['group'][@env] settings = { :LinodeID => @linodeid, :Label => @name, :lpm_displayGroup => @group } settings.update(@config['settings']) if @config['settings'] @api.linode.update(settings) # Create a root disk say "Creating a root disk..." result = @api.linode.disk.createfromdistribution( :LinodeID => @linodeid, :DistributionID => @attributes[:distributionid], :Label => "#{@attributes[:distribution_label]} Image", :Size => @totalhd - @swap_size, :rootPass => @config['root_pass'], :rootSSHKey => @sshkey ) @root_diskid = result.diskid # Create a swap disk say "Creating a swap disk..." result = @api.linode.disk.create( :LinodeID => @linodeid, :Label => "#{@swap_size}MB Swap Image", :Type => 'swap', :Size => @swap_size ) @swap_diskid = result.diskid # Create a config profiile say "Creating a config profile..." result = @api.linode.config.create( :LinodeID => @linodeid, :KernelID => @attributes[:kernelid], :Label => "#{@attributes[:distribution_label]} Profile", :DiskList => [ @root_diskid, @swap_diskid ].join(',') ) @config_id = result.configid # Add a private IP say "Adding a private IP..." result = @api.linode.ip.list(:LinodeID => @linodeid) @public_ip = result.first.ipaddress result = @api.linode.ip.addprivate(:LinodeID => @linodeid) result = @api.linode.ip.list(:LinodeID => @linodeid).find{|i| i.ispublic == 0 } @private_ip = result.ipaddress @instance = { :linode_id => @linodeid, :env => @env, :host => @host, :fqdn => @fqdn, :label => @name, :group => @group, :plan_id => @attributes[:planid], :datacenter_id => @attributes[:datacenterid], :datacenter_location => @attributes[:datacenter_location], :distribution_id => @attributes[:distributionid], :distribution_label => @attributes[:distribution_label], :kernel_id => @attributes[:kernelid], :kernel_label => @attributes[:kernel_label], :swap_size => @swap_size, :totalhd => @totalhd, :root_diskid => @root_diskid, :swap_diskid => @swap_diskid, :config_id => @config_id, :public_ip => @public_ip, :private_ip => @private_ip, } # Boot say 'Done. Booting...' @api.linode.boot(:LinodeID => @linodeid) end def choose(key, result, options = {}) label_method = options[:label_method] || :label id = :"#{key}id" label = :"#{key}_#{label_method}" # Filters if options[:filter] and @config[options[:filter]] result ={|i| i.label.match[options[:filter]], Regexp::IGNORECASE) } end result.each{|i| say "#{i.send(id)}: #{i.send(label_method)}" } @attributes[id] = ask("which #{key}?: ", Integer) {|q| =; q.default = result.first.send(id) } @attributes[label] = result.find{|i| i.send(id) == @attributes[id] }.send(label_method) end def do_teardown @linode_id_hash = { :LinodeID => @instance[:linode_id] } # Shutdown first or disk deletion will fail say 'shutting down...' @api.linode.shutdown(@linode_id_hash) # Wait until linode.shutdown has completed wait_for('linode.shutdown') # Delete the instance say 'deleting linode...' @api.linode.delete(@linode_id_hash.merge(:skipChecks => 1)) end def assign_api @api = => @config['api_key']) end def ip_key :public_ip end def wait_for(action) begin sleep 3 end until @api.linode.job.list(@linode_id_hash).find{|i| i.action == action }.host_success == 1 end end end end