require "colorize" module Restly::Base::Instance::Attributes def update_attributes(attributes) self.attributes = attributes save end def attributes=(attributes) attributes.each do |k, v| write_attribute k, v end end def attributes fields.reduce( do |hash, key| hash[key] = read_attribute key, autoload: false hash end end def write_attribute(attr, val) if fields.include?(attr) send("#{attr}_will_change!".to_sym) unless val == @attributes[attr.to_sym] || !@loaded @attributes[attr.to_sym] = elsif (association = self.class.reflect_on_resource_association attr).present? set_association attr, association.stub(self, val) unless (@association_attributes ||= {}.with_indifferent_access)[attr].present? else puts "WARNING: Attribute `#{attr}` not written. ".colorize(:yellow) + "To fix this add the following the the model. -- field :#{attr}" end end def read_attribute(attr, options={}) options.reverse_merge!({autoload: true}) if @attributes[attr.to_sym].nil? && !!options[:autoload] && !loaded? load! read_attribute(attr) else @attributes[attr.to_sym] end end alias :attribute :read_attribute def has_attribute?(attr) attribute(attr) end def respond_to_attribute?(m) !!(/(?\w+)(?=)?$/ =~ m.to_s) && associations.include?(attr) end def respond_to?(m, include_private = false) respond_to_attribute?(m) || super end def inspect inspection = if @attributes fields.collect { |name| "#{name}: #{attribute_for_inspect(name)}" }.compact.join(", ") else "not initialized" end "#<#{self.class} #{inspection}>" end private def attribute_for_inspect(attr_name) value = attribute(attr_name, autoload: false) if value.is_a?(String) && value.length > 50 "#{value[0..50]}...".inspect else value.inspect end end def set_attributes_from_response(response=self.response) self.attributes = parsed_response(response) end def method_missing(m, *args, &block) if !!(/(?\w+)(?=)?$/ =~ m.to_s) && fields.include?(attr) case !!setter when true write_attribute(attr, *args) when false read_attribute(attr) end else super(m, *args, &block) end end class Attribute < Restly::Proxies::Base def initialize(attr) @attr = attr case @attr when String type_convert_string end super(@attr) end private def type_convert_string time = (@attr.to_time rescue nil) date = (@attr.to_date rescue nil) # int = (@attr.to_i rescue nil) # flt = (@attr.to_f rescue nil) @attr = if time.try(:iso8601) == @attr time elsif date.try(:to_s) == @attr date #elsif int.try (:to_s) == @attr # int #elsif flt.try (:to_s) == @attr # flt else @attr end end end end