require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper') describe "Resizer" do def table(options) @table = [options[:field_lengths].keys.inject({}) {|t,e| t[e] = '1'; t}] @table.field_lengths = options[:field_lengths] @table.width = options[:width] @table.max_fields = options[:max_fields] if options[:max_fields] @width, @field_lengths = @table.width, @table.field_lengths @table end it "resize ensures columns total doesn't exceed max width" do table :field_lengths=>{:f1=>135, :f2=>45, :f3=>4, :f4=>55}, :width=>195 Helpers::Table::Resizer.resize!(@table) @field_lengths.values.inject {|a,e| a+=e}.should <= @width end it "resize sets columns by relative lengths" do table :field_lengths=>{:a=>30, :b=>30, :c=>40}, :width=>60 Helpers::Table::Resizer.resize!(@table) @field_lengths.values.inject {|a,e| a+=e}.should <= @width @field_lengths.values.uniq.size.should.not == 1 end it "resize sets all columns roughly equal when adusting long fields don't work" do table :field_lengths=>{:field1=>10, :field2=>15, :field3=>100}, :width=>20 Helpers::Table::Resizer.resize!(@table) @field_lengths.values.inject {|a,e| a+=e}.should <= @width @field_lengths.values.each {|e| e.should <= 4 } end describe "add_extra_width and max_fields" do def table_and_resize(options={}) defaults = {:field_lengths=>{:f1=>135, :f2=>30, :f3=>4, :f4=>100}, :width=>195, :max_fields=>{:f1=>80, :f4=>30} } @table = table defaults.merge(options) # repeated from table since instance variables aren't copied b/n contexts @width, @field_lengths = @table.width, @table.field_lengths Helpers::Table::Resizer.resize! @table end it "doesn't add to already maxed out field" do table_and_resize @field_lengths[:f3].should == 4 end it "restricted before adding width" do table_and_resize @field_lengths[:f4].should <= 30 end it "adds to restricted field" do table_and_resize @field_lengths[:f1].should <= 80 end it "adds to unrestricted field" do table_and_resize :field_lengths=>{:f1=>135, :f2=>70, :f3=>4, :f4=>100} @field_lengths[:f2].should == 70 end end end