h1. Drag-Drop Sortable for ActiveScaffold Currently, this plugin is compatible with rails 3.x and master branches of vhochstein/ActiveScaffold. h2. Overview This plugin enables those slicker-than-snot ajax drag-drop sortable elements on your active-scaffold page, with so little configuration you almost get it for free. h2. Installation You'll need at least vhochstein/ActiveScaffold to use this, and rails 3.x
script/plugin install clone git://github.com/vhochstein/active_scaffold_sortable.git
h2. Usage h4. Step 1 Create a model with a column named 'position':
# app/models/entry.rb

# id           integer
# title        string(255)
# birthday     date
# position     integer

class Entry < ActiveRecord::Base
h4. Step 2 Create your scaffold controller
# app/controllers/entries_controller.rb

class EntryController < ApplicationController
  active_scaffold :entries do |config|
    config.actions << :sortable
    config.sortable.column = :position
h4. Step 3 Create your layout
# app/views/layouts/application.rhtml

  active scaffold demo application
  <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>
  <%= active_scaffold_includes %>

  <%= yield %>

h2. Notice: If you are using acts_as_list plugin you can skip the step 3 h2. Support If you have issues installing the plugin, search / post to the "Active Scaffold":http://groups.google.com/group/activescaffold forum or "Create an issue":http://github.com/vhochstein/active_scaffold_sortable/issues h2. Contributing Fork, hack, push, and request a pull: http://github.com/vhochstein/active_scaffold_sortable/ h2. License Released under the MIT license (included). h2. Author Contact me:
  Tim Harper - irb(main):001:0> ( 'tim_see_harperATgmail._see_om'.gsub('_see_', 'c').gsub('AT', '@') )
  Sergio Cambra - irb(main):001:0> ( 'sergioATentrecables._see_om'.gsub('_see_', 'c').gsub('AT', '@') )