//FONTS add fonts here // e.g. // @font-face { // font-family: 'Butler Black'; // src: font-url('butler_black.otf') // } // // @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Raleway:wght@200;900&display=swap'); // // $butler_black: 'Butler Black', serif; // $raleway: 'Raleway', sans-serif; // BREAKPOINTS $medium: 600px; $large: 800px; $xlarge: 1200px; $xxlarge: 1900px; //LAYOUT $row-width: 1200px; $mobile-gutter: 0 10px; $desktop-gutter: 0 10px; // COLORS // class e.g. // .black { color: $black !important; } // .black-bg { background-color: $black !important; } $black: #000; $gray: #D3D3D3; $light-gray: #ECECEC; $white: #FFF; $red: #E23838; $orange: #F78200; $yellow: #FFB900; $green: #5EBD3E; $blue: #009CDF; $indigo: #31457D; $violet: #973999; $teal: #2D9FA2; $primary-color: $red; $secondary-color: $yellow; $tertiary-color: $blue; $heading-color: #333; $copy-color: #333; $success-color: #2FAC58; $info-color: #25327C; $danger-color: #E83D48; $warning-color: #EAC435; // TYPOGRAPHY $body-font: serif; $copy-font: serif; $heading-font: sans-serif; $body-font-size: 16px; $copy-font-size: 16px; $heading-1-font-size: 2rem; $heading-2-font-size: 1.5rem; $heading-3-font-size: 1.17rem; $heading-4-font-size: 1.12rem; $heading-5-font-size: .83rem; $heading-6-font-size: .75rem; $heading-margin: 0 0 .5rem 0; $copy-margin: 0 0 .5rem 0; $copy-line-height: 1.2; $heading-line-height: 1.2; $copy-font-weight: normal; $heading-font-weight: bold; // BUTTONS $btn-min-width: 145px; $btn-border-style: solid; $btn-border-radius: 5px; $btn-border-width: 1px; $btn-padding: 11px 5px; $btn-font-size: 16px; $btn-font-weight: 700; $btn-font: $copy-font; $btn-color: $primary-color; $btn-border-color: $primary-color; $btn-text-color: $white; $secondary-btn-text-color: $white; $secondary-btn-color: $secondary-color; $secondary-btn-border-color: $secondary-color; $tertiary-btn-text-color: $white; $tertiary-btn-color: $tertiary-color; $tertiary-btn-border-color: $tertiary-color; $btn-mini-min-width: 70px; $btn-mini-padding: 8px; // FORMS $input-border: none; $input-border-radius: 0; $input-bg: $light-gray; $input-padding: 8px; $input-margin-bottom: 16px; $input-height: 38px; $text-area-min-height: 200px; $label-margin-bottom: 8px; $form-font: $copy-font; $label-font: $form-font; $input-font-size: $copy-font-size; $label-font-size: $copy-font-size; $file-font-size: 14px; $checkbox-width: 16px; $checkbox-margin-bottom: 8px; $radio-width: 13px; $radio-margin-bottom: 8px; // MODALS $modal-bg-color: $white; $modal-max-width: 1200px; $modal-content-padding: 20px; $modal-border-radius: 5px; $modal-border: 5px solid $white; $modal-close-size: 30px; $modal-close-color: $copy-color; $modal-close-transform: rotate(45deg); // TABLES $table-border: none; $border-collapse: collapse; $tr-border: 1px solid $light-gray; $td-border: none; $tr-bg: $light-gray; $td-padding: 5px; $table-font: $copy-font; $table-font-size: $copy-font-size; //UNIVERSAL $main-overflow: hidden; $section-padding-desktop: 2rem 0; $section-padding-mobile: 1rem 0; $link-hover-color: $primary-color; $mobile-list-padding: 10px; $desktop-list-padding: 10px; @import 'timequake/index'; // HAMBURGERS $hamburger-padding-x : 15px; $hamburger-padding-y : 15px; $hamburger-layer-width : 40px; $hamburger-layer-height : 4px; $hamburger-layer-spacing : 6px; $hamburger-layer-color : #789798; $hamburger-layer-border-radius : 4px; $hamburger-hover-opacity : 0.7; $hamburger-active-layer-color : $hamburger-layer-color; $hamburger-active-hover-opacity: $hamburger-hover-opacity; // To use CSS filters as the hover effect instead of opacity, // set $hamburger-hover-use-filter as true and // change the value of $hamburger-hover-filter accordingly. $hamburger-hover-use-filter : false; $hamburger-hover-filter : opacity(0%); $hamburger-active-hover-filter: $hamburger-hover-filter; // Remove or comment out the hamburger types you don’t want // or need, so they get excluded from the compiled CSS. $hamburger-types: ( 3dx, 3dx-r, 3dy, 3dy-r, 3dxy, 3dxy-r, arrow, arrow-r, arrowalt, arrowalt-r, arrowturn, arrowturn-r, boring, collapse, collapse-r, elastic, elastic-r, emphatic, emphatic-r, minus, slider, slider-r, spring, spring-r, stand, stand-r, spin, spin-r, squeeze, vortex, vortex-r ); @import "hamburgers/hamburgers"