require 'dm-core' begin require 'active_support/core_ext/class/attribute_accessors' require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank' require 'active_support/ordered_hash' class Object # If receiver is callable, calls it and # returns result. If not, just returns receiver # itself # # @return [Object] def try_call(*args) if self.respond_to?(:call)*args) else self end end end rescue LoadError require 'extlib/class' require 'extlib/dictionary' require 'extlib/blank' require 'extlib/try_dup' require 'extlib/object' module ActiveSupport OrderedHash = Dictionary end end module DataMapper class Property def, name, options = {}, type = nil) property = super property.model.auto_generate_validations(property) property end end end require 'dm-validations/exceptions' require 'dm-validations/validation_errors' require 'dm-validations/contextual_validators' require 'dm-validations/auto_validate' require 'dm-validations/validators/generic_validator' require 'dm-validations/validators/required_field_validator' require 'dm-validations/validators/primitive_validator' require 'dm-validations/validators/absent_field_validator' require 'dm-validations/validators/confirmation_validator' require 'dm-validations/validators/format_validator' require 'dm-validations/validators/length_validator' require 'dm-validations/validators/within_validator' require 'dm-validations/validators/numeric_validator' require 'dm-validations/validators/method_validator' require 'dm-validations/validators/block_validator' require 'dm-validations/validators/uniqueness_validator' require 'dm-validations/validators/acceptance_validator' require 'dm-validations/support/context' require 'dm-validations/support/object' module DataMapper module Validations Model.append_inclusions self extend Chainable def self.included(model) model.class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def self.create(attributes = {}, *args) resource = new(attributes)*args) resource end RUBY # models that are non DM resources must get .validators # and other methods, too model.extend ClassMethods end # Ensures the object is valid for the context provided, and otherwise # throws :halt and returns false. # chainable do def save(context = default_validation_context) validation_context(context) { super() } end end chainable do def update(attributes = {}, context = default_validation_context) validation_context(context) { super(attributes) } end end chainable do def save_self(*) return false unless !dirty_self? || validation_context_stack.empty? || valid?(current_validation_context) super end end # Return the ValidationErrors # def errors @errors ||= end # Mark this resource as validatable. When we validate associations of a # resource we can check if they respond to validatable? before trying to # recursivly validate them # def validatable? true end # Alias for valid?(:default) # def valid_for_default? valid?(:default) end # Check if a resource is valid in a given context # def valid?(context = :default) klass = respond_to?(:model) ? model : self.class klass.validators.execute(context, self) end def validation_property_value(name) __send__(name) if respond_to?(name, true) end # Get the corresponding Resource property, if it exists. # # Note: DataMapper validations can be used on non-DataMapper resources. # In such cases, the return value will be nil. def validation_property(field_name) if respond_to?(:model) && (properties = && properties.named?(field_name) properties[field_name] end end module ClassMethods include DataMapper::Validations::ValidatesPresence include DataMapper::Validations::ValidatesAbsence include DataMapper::Validations::ValidatesConfirmation include DataMapper::Validations::ValidatesPrimitiveType include DataMapper::Validations::ValidatesAcceptance include DataMapper::Validations::ValidatesFormat include DataMapper::Validations::ValidatesLength include DataMapper::Validations::ValidatesWithin include DataMapper::Validations::ValidatesNumericality include DataMapper::Validations::ValidatesWithMethod include DataMapper::Validations::ValidatesWithBlock include DataMapper::Validations::ValidatesUniqueness include DataMapper::Validations::AutoValidations # Return the set of contextual validators or create a new one # def validators @validators ||= end def inherited(base) super validators.contexts.each do |context, validators| base.validators.context(context).concat(validators) end end private # Clean up the argument list and return a opts hash, including the # merging of any default opts. Set the context to default if none is # provided. Also allow :context to be aliased to :on, :when & group # def opts_from_validator_args(args, defaults = nil) opts = args.last.kind_of?(Hash) ? args.pop.dup : {} context = opts.delete(:group) || opts.delete(:on) || opts.delete(:when) || opts.delete(:context) || :default opts[:context] = Array(context) opts.update(defaults) unless defaults.nil? opts end # Given a new context create an instance method of # valid_for_? which simply calls valid?(context) # if it does not already exist # def create_context_instance_methods(context) name = "valid_for_#{context.to_s}?" unless respond_to?(:resource_method_defined) ? resource_method_defined?(name) : instance_methods.include?(name) class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{name} # def valid_for_signup? valid?(#{context.to_sym.inspect}) # valid?(:signup) end # end RUBY end end # Create a new validator of the given klazz and push it onto the # requested context for each of the attributes in the fields list # @param [Hash] opts # Options supplied to validation macro, example: # {:context=>:default, :maximum=>50, :allow_nil=>true, :message=>nil} # # @param [Array] fields # Fields given to validation macro, example: # [:first_name, :last_name] in validates_presence_of :first_name, :last_name # # @param [Class] klazz # Validator class, example: DataMapper::Validations::LengthValidator def add_validator_to_context(opts, fields, validator_class) fields.each do |field| validator =, opts.dup) opts[:context].each do |context| validator_contexts = validators.context(context) next if validator_contexts.include?(validator) validator_contexts << validator create_context_instance_methods(context) end end end end # module ClassMethods end # module Validations # Provide a const alias for backward compatibility with plugins # This is scheduled to go away though, definitely before 1.0 Validate = Validations end # module DataMapper