# 1.4.2 * Fix bug when removing features loaded by relative path from `$LOADED_FEATURES` * Fix bug with propagation of `NameError` up from nested calls to `require` # 1.4.1 * Don't register change observers to frozen objects. # 1.4.0 * When running in development mode, always fall back to a full path scan on LoadError, making bootsnap more able to detect newly-created files. (#230) * Respect `$LOADED_FEATURES.delete` in order to support code reloading, for integration with Zeitwerk. (#230) * Minor performance improvement: flow-control exceptions no longer generate backtraces. * Better support for requiring from environments where some features are not supported (especially JRuby). (#226)k * More robust handling of OS errors when creating files. (#225) # 1.3.2 * Fix Spring + Bootsnap incompatibility when there are files with similar names. * Fix `YAML.load_file` monkey patch to keep accepting File objects as arguments. * Fix the API for `ActiveSupport::Dependencies#autoloadable_module?`. * Some performance improvements. # 1.3.1 * Change load path scanning to more correctly follow symlinks. # 1.3.0 * Handle cases where load path entries are symlinked (https://github.com/Shopify/bootsnap/pull/136) # 1.2.1 * Fix method visibility of `Kernel#require`. # 1.2.0 * Add `LoadedFeaturesIndex` to preserve fix a common bug related to `LOAD_PATH` modifications after loading bootsnap. # 1.1.8 * Don't cache YAML documents with `!ruby/object` * Fix cache write mode on Windows # 1.1.7 * Create cache entries as 0775/0664 instead of 0755/0644 * Better handling around cache updates in highly-parallel workloads # 1.1.6 * Assortment of minor bugfixes # 1.1.5 * bugfix re-release of 1.1.4 # 1.1.4 (yanked) * Avoid loading a constant twice by checking if it is already defined # 1.1.3 * Properly resolve symlinked path entries # 1.1.2 * Minor fix: deprecation warning # 1.1.1 * Fix crash in `Native.compile_option_crc32=` on 32-bit platforms. # 1.1.0 * Add `bootsnap/setup` * Support jruby (without compile caching features) * Better deoptimization when Coverage is enabled * Consider `Bundler.bundle_path` to be stable # 1.0.0 * (none) # 0.3.2 * Minor performance savings around checking validity of cache in the presence of relative paths. * When coverage is enabled, skips optimization instead of exploding. # 0.3.1 * Don't whitelist paths under `RbConfig::CONFIG['prefix']` as stable; instead use `['libdir']` (#41). * Catch `EOFError` when reading load-path-cache and regenerate cache. * Support relative paths in load-path-cache. # 0.3.0 * Migrate CompileCache from xattr as a cache backend to a cache directory * Adds support for Linux and FreeBSD # 0.2.15 * Support more versions of ActiveSupport (`depend_on`'s signature varies; don't reiterate it) * Fix bug in handling autoloaded modules that raise NoMethodError