# coding: utf-8 require 'nokogiri' require 'open-uri' module MetraSchedule class Parser attr_reader :html_doc, :tables, :trains attr_accessor :line def initialize(html_doc) @html_doc = html_doc end def scrape parse_nokogiri seperate_tables make_trains end def parse_nokogiri html_doc = open(@html_doc) if @html_doc.is_a?(String) html_doc = @html_doc if @html_doc.is_a?(File) @html_doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html_doc) end def seperate_tables tables = @html_doc.css('table.schedule') @tables = [] @tables.push ({:schedule => :weekday, :direction => :inbound, :tables => [tables[0..1]].flatten}) @tables.push ({:schedule => :saturday, :direction => :inbound, :tables => [tables[2]].flatten}) @tables.push ({:schedule => :sunday, :direction => :inbound, :tables => [tables[3]].flatten}) @tables.push ({:schedule => :weekday, :direction => :outbound, :tables => [tables[4..6]].flatten}) @tables.push ({:schedule => :saturday, :direction => :outbound, :tables => [tables[7]].flatten}) @tables.push ({:schedule => :sunday, :direction => :outbound, :tables => [tables[8]].flatten}) end def make_trains @trains = [] @tables.each do |t| t[:tables].each do |table| 1.upto(train_count(table)).each do |count| new_train = MetraSchedule::Train.new :direction => t[:direction], \ :schedule => t[:schedule], :stops => find_stops(table, count, t[:direction]), \ :train_num => find_train_num(table, count), :bike_limit => find_bike_count(table, count) @trains.push(new_train) end end end @trains end def train_count(table) table.xpath('thead/tr[1]/th').count - 1 end def stop_count(table) table.xpath('tbody').count end def make_stop(node, station_num, direction) node_text = node.text return nil if node_text == "– " time = Time.parse(node_text + am_or_pm(node)) if direction == :inbound station = @line[:stations].reverse[station_num] else station = @line[:stations][station_num] end MetraSchedule::Stop.new :station => station, :time => time end def am_or_pm(node) klass = node.attributes["class"].value return 'AM' if klass == 'am' return 'PM' if klass == 'pm' end def find_train_num(table, count) text = table.xpath("thead/tr/th[#{count+1}]").text text.slice(0..-3).to_i #Chop off the AM/PM in the table end def find_bike_count(table, count) num = table.xpath("thead/tr[3]/td[#{count}]").text.to_i if num == 0 nil else num end end def find_stops(table, count, direction) stops = [] 1.upto(stop_count(table)).each do |stop_count| stop = make_stop(table.xpath("tbody[#{stop_count}]/tr/td[#{count}]")[0], stop_count - 1, direction) stops.push stop if stop end stops end def sanitize(input) input.delete_at(0) if input.is_a?(Array) input end end end