require "pact_broker/api/decorators/verifiable_pact_decorator" module PactBroker module Api module Decorators describe VerifiablePactDecorator do before do allow_any_instance_of(PactBroker::Api::PactBrokerUrls).to receive(:pact_version_url_with_metadata).and_return("http://pact") allow(PactBroker::Pacts::BuildVerifiablePactNotices).to receive(:call).and_return(notices) allow_any_instance_of(PactBroker::Pacts::VerifiablePactMessages).to receive(:pact_version_short_description).and_return("short desc") allow_any_instance_of(VerifiablePactDecorator).to receive(:build_metadata_for_pact_for_verification).and_return(metadata) end let(:pending_reason) { "the pending reason" } let(:notices) do [ { some: "notice" } ] end let(:expected_hash) do { "shortDescription" => "short desc", "verificationProperties" => { "pending" => true, "notices" => [ { "some" => "notice" } ] }, "_links" => { "self" => { "href" => "http://pact", "name" => "name" } } } end let(:decorator) { } let(:pact) do double("PactBroker::Pacts::VerifiablePact", pending: true, wip: wip, name: "name", provider_name: "Bar", pending_provider_tags: pending_provider_tags, consumer_tags: consumer_tags, selectors:[{ latest: true }, double("version", number: "2", id: 1))])) end let(:pending_provider_tags) { %w[dev] } let(:consumer_tags) { %w[dev] } let(:options) { { user_options: { base_url: "", include_pending_status: include_pending_status } } } let(:include_pending_status) { true } let(:wip){ false } let(:metadata) { double("metadata") } let(:json) { decorator.to_json(options) } subject { JSON.parse(json) } it "generates a matching hash" do expect(subject).to match_pact(expected_hash) end it "creates the pact version url" do expect(decorator).to receive(:pact_version_url_with_metadata).with(pact, metadata, "") subject end it "creates the notices" do allow(PactBroker::Pacts::BuildVerifiablePactNotices).to receive(:call).with(pact, "http://pact", include_pending_status: include_pending_status) subject end context "when include_pending_status is false" do let(:include_pending_status) { false } it "does not include the pending flag" do expect(subject["verificationProperties"]).to_not have_key("pending") end end context "when wip is true" do let(:wip) { true } it "includes the wip flag" do expect(subject["verificationProperties"]["wip"]).to be true end end end end end end