class Api::V1::ApiController < ::ActionController::API before_action :authenticate_user def route_options cors_preflight_check end private def authenticate_user set_hash if @instance_hash.nil? render :json => {errors: "User is not logged in, register or log in"} , status: :unauthorized end end def authenticate_password if current_user.nil? return true end if !current_user.authenticate(params[:user][:password]) return true else return false end end def set_hash #["current_owner","current_token"] Make this true to check for email also #@instance_hash = ::Arcadex::Authentication.get_instance(params,request,"Auth-Token") @instance_hash = ::Arcadex::Authentication.authenticate_owner_with_index(params,request,"Auth-Token","Email","email",true) #Ignore the token if the user's account is locked if !current_user.nil? && current_user.locked @instance_hash = nil end end def current_user if !@instance_hash.nil? return @instance_hash["current_owner"] else return nil end end def current_token if !@instance_hash.nil? return @instance_hash["current_token"] else return nil end end end