# This file defines factories for all muck related models. You must have the # muck gem installed and the related migrations run for all of these to work. Factory.sequence :email do |n| "somebody#{n}@example.com" end Factory.sequence :login do |n| "inquire#{n}" end Factory.sequence :name do |n| "a_name#{n}" end Factory.sequence :title do |n| "a_title#{n}" end Factory.sequence :abbr do |n| "abbr#{n}" end Factory.sequence :uri do |n| "n#{n}.example.com" end Factory.sequence :description do |n| "This is the description: #{n}" end Factory.sequence :locale do |n| "a#{n}" end Factory.define :state do |f| f.name { Factory.next(:name) } f.abbreviation { Factory.next(:abbr) } f.country {|a| a.association(:country) } end Factory.define :country do |f| f.name { Factory.next(:name) } f.abbreviation { Factory.next(:abbr) } end Factory.define :language do |f| f.name { Factory.next(:name) } f.english_name { Factory.next(:name) } f.locale { Factory.next(:locale) } f.supported true f.muck_raker_supported true end Factory.define :user do |f| f.login { Factory.next(:login) } f.email { Factory.next(:email) } f.password 'inquire_pass' f.password_confirmation 'inquire_pass' f.first_name 'test' f.last_name 'guy' f.terms_of_service true f.activated_at DateTime.now end Factory.define :content_page do |f| f.creator {|a| a.association(:user)} f.title { Factory.next(:name) } f.body_raw { Factory.next(:description) } end Factory.define :permission do |f| f.role {|a| a.association(:role)} f.user {|a| a.association(:user)} end Factory.define :role do |f| f.rolename 'administrator' end Factory.define :activity do |f| f.item {|a| a.association(:user)} f.template '' f.source {|a| a.association(:user)} f.content '' f.title '' f.is_status_update false f.is_public true f.created_at DateTime.now end Factory.define :comment do |f| f.body { Factory.next(:description) } f.user {|a| a.association(:user)} f.commentable {|a| a.association(:user)} end Factory.define :share do |f| f.uri { Factory.next(:uri) } f.title { Factory.next(:title) } f.shared_by {|a| a.association(:user)} end Factory.define :blog do |f| f.title { Factory.next(:title) } f.blogable {|a| a.association(:user)} end Factory.define :domain_theme do |f| f.name { Factory.next(:name) } f.uri { Factory.next(:uri) } end Factory.define :theme do |f| f.name { Factory.next(:name) } end Factory.define :feed do |f| f.contributor { |a| a.association(:user) } f.uri { Factory.next(:uri) } f.display_uri { Factory.next(:uri) } f.title { Factory.next(:title) } f.short_title { Factory.next(:title) } f.description { Factory.next(:description) } f.top_tags { Factory.next(:name) } f.priority 1 f.status 1 f.last_requested_at DateTime.now f.last_harvested_at DateTime.now f.harvest_interval 86400 f.failed_requests 0 f.harvested_from_display_uri { Factory.next(:uri) } f.harvested_from_title { Factory.next(:title) } f.harvested_from_short_title { Factory.next(:title) } f.entries_count 0 f.default_language { |a| a.association(:language) } f.default_grain_size 'unknown' end Factory.define :entry do |f| f.feed { |a| a.association(:feed) } f.permalink { Factory.next(:uri) } f.author { Factory.next(:name) } f.title { Factory.next(:title) } f.description { Factory.next(:description) } f.content { Factory.next(:description) } f.unique_content { Factory.next(:description) } f.published_at DateTime.now f.entry_updated_at DateTime.now f.harvested_at DateTime.now f.language { |a| a.association(:language) } f.direct_link { Factory.next(:uri) } f.grain_size 'unknown' end Factory.define :aggregation do |f| f.title { Factory.next(:name) } f.terms { Factory.next(:name) } f.description { Factory.next(:description) } f.ownable {|a| a.association(:user)} end Factory.define :aggregation_feed do |f| f.feed {|a| a.association(:feed)} f.aggregation {|a| a.association(:aggregation)} end Factory.define :oai_endpoint do |f| f.contributor { |a| a.association(:user) } f.uri { Factory.next(:uri) } f.display_uri { Factory.next(:uri) } f.title { Factory.next(:title) } f.short_title { Factory.next(:title) } f.status 1 end Factory.define :service do |f| f.uri { Factory.next(:uri) } f.name { Factory.next(:name) } f.service_category { |a| a.association(:service_category) } end Factory.define :service_category do |f| f.name { Factory.next(:name) } end Factory.define :content do |f| f.creator { |a| a.association(:user) } f.title { Factory.next(:title) } f.body_raw { Factory.next(:description) } f.is_public true f.locale 'en' end Factory.define :content_translation do |f| f.content { |a| a.association(:content) } f.title { Factory.next(:title) } f.body { Factory.next(:description) } f.locale 'en' end Factory.define :content_permission do |f| f.content { |a| a.association(:content) } f.user {|a| a.association(:user)} end Factory.define :invitee do |f| f.email { Factory.next(:email) } end