## [2.1.4] - 2020-06-15 - [CVE-2020-8184] When parsing cookies, only decode the value ## [2.1.3] - 2020-05-12 - [CVE-2020-8161] Use Dir.entries instead of Dir[glob] to prevent user-specified glob metacharacters - ## [2.1.2] - 2020-01-27 - Fix multipart parser for some files to prevent denial of service ([@aiomaster](https://github.com/aiomaster)) - Fix `Rack::Builder#use` with keyword arguments ([@kamipo](https://github.com/kamipo)) - Skip deflating in Rack::Deflater if Content-Length is 0 ([@jeremyevans](https://github.com/jeremyevans)) - Remove `SessionHash#transform_keys`, no longer needed ([@pavel](https://github.com/pavel)) - Add to_hash to wrap Hash and Session classes ([@oleh-demyanyuk](https://github.com/oleh-demyanyuk)) - Handle case where session id key is requested but missing ([@jeremyevans](https://github.com/jeremyevans)) ## [2.1.1] - 2020-01-12 - Remove `Rack::Chunked` from `Rack::Server` default middleware. ([#1475](https://github.com/rack/rack/pull/1475), [@ioquatix](https://github.com/ioquatix)) ## [2.1.0] - 2020-01-10 ### Added - Add support for `SameSite=None` cookie value. ([@hennikul](https://github.com/hennikul)) - Add trailer headers. ([@eileencodes](https://github.com/eileencodes)) - Add MIME Types for video streaming. ([@styd](https://github.com/styd)) - Add MIME Type for WASM. ([@buildrtech](https://github.com/buildrtech)) - Add `Early Hints(103)` to status codes. ([@egtra](https://github.com/egtra)) - Add `Too Early(425)` to status codes. ([@y-yagi]((https://github.com/y-yagi))) - Add `Bandwidth Limit Exceeded(509)` to status codes. ([@CJKinni](https://github.com/CJKinni)) - Add method for custom `ip_filter`. ([@svcastaneda](https://github.com/svcastaneda)) - Add boot-time profiling capabilities to `rackup`. ([@tenderlove](https://github.com/tenderlove)) - Add multi mapping support for `X-Accel-Mappings` header. ([@yoshuki](https://github.com/yoshuki)) - Add `sync: false` option to `Rack::Deflater`. (Eric Wong) - Add `Builder#freeze_app` to freeze application and all middleware instances. ([@jeremyevans](https://github.com/jeremyevans)) - Add API to extract cookies from `Rack::MockResponse`. ([@petercline](https://github.com/petercline)) ### Changed - Don't propagate nil values from middleware. ([@ioquatix](https://github.com/ioquatix)) - Lazily initialize the response body and only buffer it if required. ([@ioquatix](https://github.com/ioquatix)) - Fix deflater zlib buffer errors on empty body part. ([@felixbuenemann](https://github.com/felixbuenemann)) - Set `X-Accel-Redirect` to percent-encoded path. ([@diskkid](https://github.com/diskkid)) - Remove unnecessary buffer growing when parsing multipart. ([@tainoe](https://github.com/tainoe)) - Expand the root path in `Rack::Static` upon initialization. ([@rosenfeld](https://github.com/rosenfeld)) - Make `ShowExceptions` work with binary data. ([@axyjo](https://github.com/axyjo)) - Use buffer string when parsing multipart requests. ([@janko-m](https://github.com/janko-m)) - Support optional UTF-8 Byte Order Mark (BOM) in config.ru. ([@mikegee](https://github.com/mikegee)) - Handle `X-Forwarded-For` with optional port. ([@dpritchett](https://github.com/dpritchett)) - Use `Time#httpdate` format for Expires, as proposed by RFC 7231. ([@nanaya](https://github.com/nanaya)) - Make `Utils.status_code` raise an error when the status symbol is invalid instead of `500`. ([@adambutler](https://github.com/adambutler)) - Rename `Request::SCHEME_WHITELIST` to `Request::ALLOWED_SCHEMES`. - Make `Multipart::Parser.get_filename` accept files with `+` in their name. ([@lucaskanashiro](https://github.com/lucaskanashiro)) - Add Falcon to the default handler fallbacks. ([@ioquatix](https://github.com/ioquatix)) - Update codebase to avoid string mutations in preparation for `frozen_string_literals`. ([@pat](https://github.com/pat)) - Change `MockRequest#env_for` to rely on the input optionally responding to `#size` instead of `#length`. ([@janko](https://github.com/janko)) - Rename `Rack::File` -> `Rack::Files` and add deprecation notice. ([@postmodern](https://github.com/postmodern)). - Prefer Base64 “strict encoding” for Base64 cookies. ([@ioquatix](https://github.com/ioquatix)) ### Removed - Remove `to_ary` from Response ([@tenderlove](https://github.com/tenderlove)) - Deprecate `Rack::Session::Memcache` in favor of `Rack::Session::Dalli` from dalli gem ([@fatkodima](https://github.com/fatkodima)) ### Fixed - Eliminate warnings for Ruby 2.7. ([@osamtimizer](https://github.com/osamtimizer])) ### Documentation - Update broken example in `Session::Abstract::ID` documentation. ([tonytonyjan](https://github.com/tonytonyjan)) - Add Padrino to the list of frameworks implmenting Rack. ([@wikimatze](https://github.com/wikimatze)) - Remove Mongrel from the suggested server options in the help output. ([@tricknotes](https://github.com/tricknotes)) - Replace `HISTORY.md` and `NEWS.md` with `CHANGELOG.md`. ([@twitnithegirl](https://github.com/twitnithegirl)) - CHANGELOG updates. ([@drenmi](https://github.com/Drenmi), [@p8](https://github.com/p8))