# frozen_string_literal: true # load the C or Java extension begin # native precompiled gems package shared libraries in /lib/nokogiri/ ::RUBY_VERSION =~ /(\d+\.\d+)/ require_relative "#{Regexp.last_match(1)}/nokogiri" rescue LoadError => e if /GLIBC/.match?(e.message) warn(<<~EOM) ERROR: It looks like you're trying to use Nokogiri as a precompiled native gem on a system with glibc < 2.17: #{e.message} If that's the case, then please install Nokogiri via the `ruby` platform gem: gem install nokogiri --platform=ruby or: bundle config set force_ruby_platform true Please visit https://nokogiri.org/tutorials/installing_nokogiri.html for more help. EOM raise e end # use "require" instead of "require_relative" because non-native gems will place C extension files # in Gem::BasicSpecification#extension_dir after compilation (during normal installation), which # is in $LOAD_PATH but not necessarily relative to this file (see #2300) require "nokogiri/nokogiri" end