module SmallCage class Loader DEFAULT_TEMPLATE = "default" DIR_PROP_FILE = "_dir.smc" MAX_DEPTH = 100 attr_reader :root, :target, :erb_base def initialize(target) target ={(.+)/$}, '\1')) target = real_target(target) @target = target # absolute @root = self.class.find_root(target) # absolute @templates_dir = @root + "_smc/templates" @helpers_dir = @root + "_smc/helpers" @filters_dir = @root + "_smc/filters" @erb_base = load_erb_base @filters = load_filters end # return root dir Pathname object. def self.find_root(path, depth = MAX_DEPTH) unless path.exist? raise "Not found: " + path.to_s end d = path.realpath if d.file? d = d.parent end i = 0 loop do if d.join("_smc").directory? return d end break if d.root? d = d.parent i += 1 break if depth <= i end raise "Root not found: " + path end def load(path) unless path.exist? raise "Not found: " + path.to_s end docpath =, path) result = {} if path.file? unless docpath.smc? raise "Path is not smc file: " + docpath.to_s end path_smc = docpath.path path_out = docpath.outfile.path uri_smc = docpath.uri uri_out = docpath.outuri source_path = path_smc result["dirs"] = load_dirs(path) result["template"] = DEFAULT_TEMPLATE else # directory path_smc = nil path_out = path uri_smc = nil uri_out = docpath.uri uri_out += "/" unless uri_out =~ %r{/$} source_path = path + DIR_PROP_FILE if source_path.file? path_smc = source_path uri_smc = SmallCage::DocumentPath.to_uri(@root, source_path) end end add_smc_method(path_out, path_smc) add_smc_method(uri_out, uri_smc) result["path"] = path_out result["uri"] = uri_out result["arrays"] = [] result["strings"] = [] result["body"] = nil # target is directory and _dir.smc is not exist. return result unless source_path.exist? source = return result if source.strip.empty? begin obj = YAML.load_stream(source) return result if obj.nil? rescue => e raise "Can't load file: #{source_path} / #{e}" end obj.documents.each do |o| if o.is_a? Hash result = result.merge(o) elsif o.is_a? Array result["arrays"] << o else result["strings"] << o.to_s end end result["body"] = result["strings"][0] if result["body"].nil? return result end def load_dirs(path) result = [] loop do path = path.parent result.unshift load(path) break if path.join("_smc").directory? raise "Root directory not found!" if path.root? end return result end def template_path(name) result = @templates_dir + "#{name}.rhtml" return nil unless result.file? return result end def each_smc_obj each_smc_file do |path| next if next if path.basename.to_s == DIR_PROP_FILE obj = load(path) yield obj end end def each_smc_file if p = Dir.chdir(@target) do Dir.glob("**/*.smc") do |f| yield p + f end end else yield @target end end def each_not_smc_file if p = Dir.chdir(@target) do Dir.glob("**/*") do |f| f = p + f next if next if f.to_s =~ %r{/_smc/} next if f.to_s =~ %r{\.smc$} yield, p + f) end end else return if @target.to_s =~ %r{/_smc/} return if @target.to_s =~ %r{\.smc$} yield, @target) end end def real_target(target) return target.realpath if return target.realpath if target.file? and target.to_s =~ /\.smc$/ tmp = + ".smc") return tmp.realpath if tmp.file? raise "Target not found: " + target.to_s end private :real_target def load_erb_base result = class << result def include_helpers(anon_module, mod_names) smc_module = anon_module.const_get("SmallCage") mod_names.each do |name| helper_module = smc_module.const_get(name) include helper_module end end end helpers = load_anonymous(@helpers_dir, %r{([^/]+_helper)\.rb$}) result.include_helpers(helpers[:module], helpers[:names]) return result end private :load_erb_base def load_anonymous(dir, rex) module_names = [] mod = result = { :module => mod, :names => module_names } return result unless File.exist?(dir) Dir.entries(dir).sort.each do |h| next unless h =~ rex # create anonymous module. module_name = $1.camelize src ="#{dir}/#{h}") begin mod.module_eval(src, "#{dir}/#{h}") rescue => ex STDERR << ex.to_s # TODO show error load("#{dir}/#{h}", true) # try to know error line number. raise "Can't load #{dir}/#{h} / line# unknown" end module_names << module_name end return result end private :load_anonymous def filters(name) if @filters[name].nil? return [] end return @filters[name] end def load_filters result = {} return {} unless filter_modules = load_anonymous(@filters_dir, %r{([^/]+_filter)\.rb$}) smc_module = filter_modules[:module].const_get("SmallCage") load_filters_config.each do |filter_type,filter_list| result[filter_type] = [] filter_list.to_a.each do |fc| fc = { "name" => fc } if fc.is_a? String filter_class = smc_module.const_get(fc["name"].camelize) result[filter_type] << end end return result end private :load_filters def load_filters_config path = @filters_dir.join("filters.yml") return {} unless path.file? return YAML.load( || {} end private :load_filters_config def add_smc_method(obj, value) obj.instance_eval do @__smallcage ||= {} @__smallcage[:smc] = value end def obj.smc return @__smallcage.nil? ? nil : @__smallcage[:smc] end end private :add_smc_method end end