# 2.0.4 * Updating dependencies * Refactoring collection membership methods * More thorough testing of relationships in Solr * Update to Rspec 3 * Updating collection to index the depositor into solr # 2.0.3 * Pin to Rspec 2.99 * Made compatible with hydra-head 7.1 # 2.0.2 * Javascript is turbolinks-capable # 2.0.1 * Fixes to searching and RDF datastreams # 2.0.0 * Made compatible with hydra-head 7 # 1.3.2 * Fixes delete button behavior # 1.2.0.rc1 * Made compatible with hydra-head 6.4.0 # 1.1.0 * 2013-09-30: Refactor to load modules after engine is initialized (concerns) [Justin Coyne] * 2013-09-23: remove cruft [Justin Coyne] * 2013-09-19: Updating CONTRIBUTING.md as per Hydra v6.0.0 [Jeremy Friesen] * 2013-08-23: Fix a rails 4 deprecation [Justin Coyne] * 2013-08-23: Simplify collections controller [Justin Coyne] * 2013-08-22: Allow for member query to include sort and per page information from the parameters [Carolyn Cole] * 2013-08-22: change line wrapping of examples [ci skip] [Justin Coyne] * 2013-08-22: Fix language formatting [ci skip] [Justin Coyne] * 2013-08-22: Fix code formatting [ci skip] [Justin Coyne] * 2013-08-22: Link to code examples [ci skip] [Justin Coyne] * 2013-08-22: What is a hydra-collection. [ci skip] [Justin Coyne] * 2013-08-22: completing documentation for update-batches [Carolyn Cole] * 2013-07-30: The filter for include_collection_ids should always work, even if there are no members [Justin Coyne] * 2013-07-30: Adding as collection to remove so the operation will work with any class collection [Carolyn Cole] * 2013-07-29: Allow items to be moved between collections. [Justin Coyne] * 2013-07-26: tidying up spec example [Matt Zumwalt] * 2013-07-24: removing call to collection find since load_and_authorize has already done the find [Carolyn Cole] * 2013-07-23: Make sure the @collection instance varriable is set even if the collection class name is not Collection [Carolyn Cole] * 2013-07-19: Test button_for_remove_from_collection with rails3 and 4 [Justin Coyne] * 2013-07-19: Allowing the collection class to be of any name [Carolyn Cole] * 2013-07-18: Created a hidden field helper [Justin Coyne] * 2013-07-18: Remove registering LocalAuthority This code was always erroring with `uninitialized constant Hydra::CollectionRdfDatastream::LocalAuthority` and giving a misleading warning. [Justin Coyne] * 2013-07-17: Remove the user factory generated by devise [Justin Coyne] * 2013-07-17: Use the gemfile that rails generates for testing [Justin Coyne] * 2013-07-17: Relax testing gemspec [Justin Coyne] * 2013-07-17: Update README.md [Edwin Shin] * 2013-07-17: Fix gemspec version requirement [Justin Coyne] * 2013-07-17: Update README.md [Edwin Shin] * 2013-07-17: Loosen the spec so that we can do development on rails 3.2 or 4.0 [Justin Coyne] * 2013-07-17: Check for existence, rather than lack of an error [Justin Coyne] * 2013-07-17: Stub is deprecated, replace with double() [Justin Coyne] * 2013-07-17: Fix facet helper so that it shows the collection name [Justin Coyne] * 2013-07-12: Updating to compile with new ruby version and rspec version. [Carolyn Cole] * 2013-07-17: Loosen the spec so that we can do development on rails 3.2 or 4.0 [Justin Coyne] * 2013-07-17: Check for existence, rather than lack of an error [Justin Coyne] * 2013-07-17: Stub is deprecated, replace with double() [Justin Coyne] * 2013-07-17: Fix facet helper so that it shows the collection name [Justin Coyne] * 2013-07-12: Updating to compile with new ruby version and rspec version. [Carolyn Cole] * 2013-07-09: Add build notifications to #projecthydra IRC channel now that the gem is governed by the community, and trigger the first CI build [Michael J. Giarlo] * 2013-07-09: fix relative link to LICENSE file in README [Michael J. Giarlo] * 2013-07-09: README links to the license, and gemnasium/travis/etc. links now point at the new code location [Michael J. Giarlo] * 2013-07-09: Updates license and README per new community conventions [Michael J. Giarlo]