# encoding: ASCII-8BIT module CodeRay module Scanners load :html # Scanner for PHP. # # Original by Stefan Walk. class PHP < Scanner register_for :php file_extension 'php' encoding 'BINARY' KINDS_NOT_LOC = HTML::KINDS_NOT_LOC protected def setup @html_scanner = CodeRay.scanner :html, :tokens => @tokens, :keep_tokens => true, :keep_state => true end def reset_instance super @html_scanner.reset end module Words # :nodoc: # according to http://www.php.net/manual/en/reserved.keywords.php KEYWORDS = %w[ abstract and array as break case catch class clone const continue declare default do else elseif enddeclare endfor endforeach endif endswitch endwhile extends final for foreach function global goto if implements interface instanceof namespace new or private protected public static switch throw try use var while xor cfunction old_function ] TYPES = %w[ int integer float double bool boolean string array object resource ] LANGUAGE_CONSTRUCTS = %w[ die echo empty exit eval include include_once isset list require require_once return print unset ] CLASSES = %w[ Directory stdClass __PHP_Incomplete_Class exception php_user_filter Closure ] # according to http://php.net/quickref.php on 2009-04-21; # all functions with _ excluded (module functions) and selected additional functions BUILTIN_FUNCTIONS = %w[ abs acos acosh addcslashes addslashes aggregate array arsort ascii2ebcdic asin asinh asort assert atan atan2 atanh basename bcadd bccomp bcdiv bcmod bcmul bcpow bcpowmod bcscale bcsqrt bcsub bin2hex bindec bindtextdomain bzclose bzcompress bzdecompress bzerrno bzerror bzerrstr bzflush bzopen bzread bzwrite calculhmac ceil chdir checkdate checkdnsrr chgrp chmod chop chown chr chroot clearstatcache closedir closelog compact constant copy cos cosh count crc32 crypt current date dcgettext dcngettext deaggregate decbin dechex decoct define defined deg2rad delete dgettext die dirname diskfreespace dl dngettext doubleval each ebcdic2ascii echo empty end ereg eregi escapeshellarg escapeshellcmd eval exec exit exp explode expm1 extract fclose feof fflush fgetc fgetcsv fgets fgetss file fileatime filectime filegroup fileinode filemtime fileowner fileperms filepro filesize filetype floatval flock floor flush fmod fnmatch fopen fpassthru fprintf fputcsv fputs fread frenchtojd fscanf fseek fsockopen fstat ftell ftok ftruncate fwrite getallheaders getcwd getdate getenv gethostbyaddr gethostbyname gethostbynamel getimagesize getlastmod getmxrr getmygid getmyinode getmypid getmyuid getopt getprotobyname getprotobynumber getrandmax getrusage getservbyname getservbyport gettext gettimeofday gettype glob gmdate gmmktime gmstrftime gregoriantojd gzclose gzcompress gzdecode gzdeflate gzencode gzeof gzfile gzgetc gzgets gzgetss gzinflate gzopen gzpassthru gzputs gzread gzrewind gzseek gztell gzuncompress gzwrite hash header hebrev hebrevc hexdec htmlentities htmlspecialchars hypot iconv idate implode include intval ip2long iptcembed iptcparse isset jddayofweek jdmonthname jdtofrench jdtogregorian jdtojewish jdtojulian jdtounix jewishtojd join jpeg2wbmp juliantojd key krsort ksort lcfirst lchgrp lchown levenshtein link linkinfo list localeconv localtime log log10 log1p long2ip lstat ltrim mail main max md5 metaphone mhash microtime min mkdir mktime msql natcasesort natsort next ngettext nl2br nthmac octdec opendir openlog ord overload pack passthru pathinfo pclose pfsockopen phpcredits phpinfo phpversion pi png2wbmp popen pos pow prev print printf putenv quotemeta rad2deg rand range rawurldecode rawurlencode readdir readfile readgzfile readline readlink realpath recode rename require reset rewind rewinddir rmdir round rsort rtrim scandir serialize setcookie setlocale setrawcookie settype sha1 shuffle signeurlpaiement sin sinh sizeof sleep snmpget snmpgetnext snmprealwalk snmpset snmpwalk snmpwalkoid sort soundex split spliti sprintf sqrt srand sscanf stat strcasecmp strchr strcmp strcoll strcspn strftime stripcslashes stripos stripslashes stristr strlen strnatcasecmp strnatcmp strncasecmp strncmp strpbrk strpos strptime strrchr strrev strripos strrpos strspn strstr strtok strtolower strtotime strtoupper strtr strval substr symlink syslog system tan tanh tempnam textdomain time tmpfile touch trim uasort ucfirst ucwords uksort umask uniqid unixtojd unlink unpack unserialize unset urldecode urlencode usleep usort vfprintf virtual vprintf vsprintf wordwrap array_change_key_case array_chunk array_combine array_count_values array_diff array_diff_assoc array_diff_key array_diff_uassoc array_diff_ukey array_fill array_fill_keys array_filter array_flip array_intersect array_intersect_assoc array_intersect_key array_intersect_uassoc array_intersect_ukey array_key_exists array_keys array_map array_merge array_merge_recursive array_multisort array_pad array_pop array_product array_push array_rand array_reduce array_reverse array_search array_shift array_slice array_splice array_sum array_udiff array_udiff_assoc array_udiff_uassoc array_uintersect array_uintersect_assoc array_uintersect_uassoc array_unique array_unshift array_values array_walk array_walk_recursive assert_options base_convert base64_decode base64_encode chunk_split class_exists class_implements class_parents count_chars debug_backtrace debug_print_backtrace debug_zval_dump error_get_last error_log error_reporting extension_loaded file_exists file_get_contents file_put_contents load_file func_get_arg func_get_args func_num_args function_exists get_browser get_called_class get_cfg_var get_class get_class_methods get_class_vars get_current_user get_declared_classes get_declared_interfaces get_defined_constants get_defined_functions get_defined_vars get_extension_funcs get_headers get_html_translation_table get_include_path get_included_files get_loaded_extensions get_magic_quotes_gpc get_magic_quotes_runtime get_meta_tags get_object_vars get_parent_class get_required_filesget_resource_type gc_collect_cycles gc_disable gc_enable gc_enabled halt_compiler headers_list headers_sent highlight_file highlight_string html_entity_decode htmlspecialchars_decode in_array include_once inclued_get_data is_a is_array is_binary is_bool is_buffer is_callable is_dir is_double is_executable is_file is_finite is_float is_infinite is_int is_integer is_link is_long is_nan is_null is_numeric is_object is_readable is_real is_resource is_scalar is_soap_fault is_string is_subclass_of is_unicode is_uploaded_file is_writable is_writeable locale_get_default locale_set_default number_format override_function parse_str parse_url php_check_syntax php_ini_loaded_file php_ini_scanned_files php_logo_guid php_sapi_name php_strip_whitespace php_uname preg_filter preg_grep preg_last_error preg_match preg_match_all preg_quote preg_replace preg_replace_callback preg_split print_r require_once register_shutdown_function register_tick_function set_error_handler set_exception_handler set_file_buffer set_include_path set_magic_quotes_runtime set_time_limit shell_exec str_getcsv str_ireplace str_pad str_repeat str_replace str_rot13 str_shuffle str_split str_word_count strip_tags substr_compare substr_count substr_replace time_nanosleep time_sleep_until token_get_all token_name trigger_error unregister_tick_function use_soap_error_handler user_error utf8_decode utf8_encode var_dump var_export version_compare zend_logo_guid zend_thread_id zend_version create_function call_user_func_array posix_access posix_ctermid posix_get_last_error posix_getcwd posix_getegid posix_geteuid posix_getgid posix_getgrgid posix_getgrnam posix_getgroups posix_getlogin posix_getpgid posix_getpgrp posix_getpid posix_getppid posix_getpwnam posix_getpwuid posix_getrlimit posix_getsid posix_getuid posix_initgroups posix_isatty posix_kill posix_mkfifo posix_mknod posix_setegid posix_seteuid posix_setgid posix_setpgid posix_setsid posix_setuid posix_strerror posix_times posix_ttyname posix_uname pcntl_alarm pcntl_exec pcntl_fork pcntl_getpriority pcntl_setpriority pcntl_signal pcntl_signal_dispatch pcntl_sigprocmask pcntl_sigtimedwait pcntl_sigwaitinfo pcntl_wait pcntl_waitpid pcntl_wexitstatus pcntl_wifexited pcntl_wifsignaled pcntl_wifstopped pcntl_wstopsig pcntl_wtermsig ] # TODO: more built-in PHP functions? EXCEPTIONS = %w[ E_ERROR E_WARNING E_PARSE E_NOTICE E_CORE_ERROR E_CORE_WARNING E_COMPILE_ERROR E_COMPILE_WARNING E_USER_ERROR E_USER_WARNING E_USER_NOTICE E_DEPRECATED E_USER_DEPRECATED E_ALL E_STRICT ] CONSTANTS = %w[ null true false self parent __LINE__ __DIR__ __FILE__ __LINE__ __CLASS__ __NAMESPACE__ __METHOD__ __FUNCTION__ PHP_VERSION PHP_MAJOR_VERSION PHP_MINOR_VERSION PHP_RELEASE_VERSION PHP_VERSION_ID PHP_EXTRA_VERSION PHP_ZTS PHP_DEBUG PHP_MAXPATHLEN PHP_OS PHP_SAPI PHP_EOL PHP_INT_MAX PHP_INT_SIZE DEFAULT_INCLUDE_PATH PEAR_INSTALL_DIR PEAR_EXTENSION_DIR PHP_EXTENSION_DIR PHP_PREFIX PHP_BINDIR PHP_LIBDIR PHP_DATADIR PHP_SYSCONFDIR PHP_LOCALSTATEDIR PHP_CONFIG_FILE_PATH PHP_CONFIG_FILE_SCAN_DIR PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_START PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_CONT PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_END __COMPILER_HALT_OFFSET__ EXTR_OVERWRITE EXTR_SKIP EXTR_PREFIX_SAME EXTR_PREFIX_ALL EXTR_PREFIX_INVALID EXTR_PREFIX_IF_EXISTS EXTR_IF_EXISTS SORT_ASC SORT_DESC SORT_REGULAR SORT_NUMERIC SORT_STRING CASE_LOWER CASE_UPPER COUNT_NORMAL COUNT_RECURSIVE ASSERT_ACTIVE ASSERT_CALLBACK ASSERT_BAIL ASSERT_WARNING ASSERT_QUIET_EVAL CONNECTION_ABORTED CONNECTION_NORMAL CONNECTION_TIMEOUT INI_USER INI_PERDIR INI_SYSTEM INI_ALL M_E M_LOG2E M_LOG10E M_LN2 M_LN10 M_PI M_PI_2 M_PI_4 M_1_PI M_2_PI M_2_SQRTPI M_SQRT2 M_SQRT1_2 CRYPT_SALT_LENGTH CRYPT_STD_DES CRYPT_EXT_DES CRYPT_MD5 CRYPT_BLOWFISH DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR SEEK_SET SEEK_CUR SEEK_END LOCK_SH LOCK_EX LOCK_UN LOCK_NB HTML_SPECIALCHARS HTML_ENTITIES ENT_COMPAT ENT_QUOTES ENT_NOQUOTES INFO_GENERAL INFO_CREDITS INFO_CONFIGURATION INFO_MODULES INFO_ENVIRONMENT INFO_VARIABLES INFO_LICENSE INFO_ALL CREDITS_GROUP CREDITS_GENERAL CREDITS_SAPI CREDITS_MODULES CREDITS_DOCS CREDITS_FULLPAGE CREDITS_QA CREDITS_ALL STR_PAD_LEFT STR_PAD_RIGHT STR_PAD_BOTH PATHINFO_DIRNAME PATHINFO_BASENAME PATHINFO_EXTENSION PATH_SEPARATOR CHAR_MAX LC_CTYPE LC_NUMERIC LC_TIME LC_COLLATE LC_MONETARY LC_ALL LC_MESSAGES ABDAY_1 ABDAY_2 ABDAY_3 ABDAY_4 ABDAY_5 ABDAY_6 ABDAY_7 DAY_1 DAY_2 DAY_3 DAY_4 DAY_5 DAY_6 DAY_7 ABMON_1 ABMON_2 ABMON_3 ABMON_4 ABMON_5 ABMON_6 ABMON_7 ABMON_8 ABMON_9 ABMON_10 ABMON_11 ABMON_12 MON_1 MON_2 MON_3 MON_4 MON_5 MON_6 MON_7 MON_8 MON_9 MON_10 MON_11 MON_12 AM_STR PM_STR D_T_FMT D_FMT T_FMT T_FMT_AMPM ERA ERA_YEAR ERA_D_T_FMT ERA_D_FMT ERA_T_FMT ALT_DIGITS INT_CURR_SYMBOL CURRENCY_SYMBOL CRNCYSTR MON_DECIMAL_POINT MON_THOUSANDS_SEP MON_GROUPING POSITIVE_SIGN NEGATIVE_SIGN INT_FRAC_DIGITS FRAC_DIGITS P_CS_PRECEDES P_SEP_BY_SPACE N_CS_PRECEDES N_SEP_BY_SPACE P_SIGN_POSN N_SIGN_POSN DECIMAL_POINT RADIXCHAR THOUSANDS_SEP THOUSEP GROUPING YESEXPR NOEXPR YESSTR NOSTR CODESET LOG_EMERG LOG_ALERT LOG_CRIT LOG_ERR LOG_WARNING LOG_NOTICE LOG_INFO LOG_DEBUG LOG_KERN LOG_USER LOG_MAIL LOG_DAEMON LOG_AUTH LOG_SYSLOG LOG_LPR LOG_NEWS LOG_UUCP LOG_CRON LOG_AUTHPRIV LOG_LOCAL0 LOG_LOCAL1 LOG_LOCAL2 LOG_LOCAL3 LOG_LOCAL4 LOG_LOCAL5 LOG_LOCAL6 LOG_LOCAL7 LOG_PID LOG_CONS LOG_ODELAY LOG_NDELAY LOG_NOWAIT LOG_PERROR ] PREDEFINED = %w[ $GLOBALS $_SERVER $_GET $_POST $_FILES $_REQUEST $_SESSION $_ENV $_COOKIE $php_errormsg $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA $http_response_header $argc $argv ] IDENT_KIND = WordList::CaseIgnoring.new(:ident). add(KEYWORDS, :keyword). add(TYPES, :predefined_type). add(LANGUAGE_CONSTRUCTS, :keyword). add(BUILTIN_FUNCTIONS, :predefined). add(CLASSES, :predefined_constant). add(EXCEPTIONS, :exception). add(CONSTANTS, :predefined_constant) VARIABLE_KIND = WordList.new(:local_variable). add(PREDEFINED, :predefined) end module RE # :nodoc: PHP_START = / ]*?language\s*=\s*"php"[^>]*?> | ]*?language\s*=\s*'php'[^>]*?> | <\?php\d? | <\?(?!xml) /xi PHP_END = %r! | \?> !xi HTML_INDICATOR = / ]/i IDENTIFIER = /[a-z_\x7f-\xFF][a-z0-9_\x7f-\xFF]*/i VARIABLE = /\$#{IDENTIFIER}/ OPERATOR = / \.(?!\d)=? | # dot that is not decimal point, string concatenation && | \|\| | # logic :: | -> | => | # scope, member, dictionary \\(?!\n) | # namespace \+\+ | -- | # increment, decrement [,;?:()\[\]{}] | # simple delimiters [-+*\/%&|^]=? | # ordinary math, binary logic, assignment shortcuts [~$] | # whatever =& | # reference assignment [=!]=?=? | <> | # comparison and assignment <<=? | >>=? | [<>]=? # comparison and shift /x end protected def scan_tokens encoder, options if check(RE::PHP_START) || # starts with #{RE::IDENTIFIER}/o) encoder.begin_group :inline encoder.text_token match, :local_variable encoder.text_token scan(/->/), :operator encoder.text_token scan(/#{RE::IDENTIFIER}/o), :ident encoder.end_group :inline elsif check(/->/) match << scan(/->/) encoder.text_token match, :error else encoder.text_token match, :local_variable end elsif match = scan(/\{/) if check(/\$/) encoder.begin_group :inline states[-1] = [states.last, delimiter] delimiter = nil states.push :php encoder.text_token match, :delimiter else encoder.text_token match, :content end elsif match = scan(/\$\{#{RE::IDENTIFIER}\}/o) encoder.text_token match, :local_variable elsif match = scan(/\$/) encoder.text_token match, :content else states.pop end when :class_expected if match = scan(/\s+/) encoder.text_token match, :space elsif match = scan(/#{RE::IDENTIFIER}/o) encoder.text_token match, :class states.pop else states.pop end when :function_expected if match = scan(/\s+/) encoder.text_token match, :space elsif match = scan(/&/) encoder.text_token match, :operator elsif match = scan(/#{RE::IDENTIFIER}/o) encoder.text_token match, :function states.pop else states.pop end else raise_inspect 'Unknown state!', encoder, states end end encoder end end end end