<%= design_time_stylesheets -%>
messages here - Note: Other page sections in this MasterView file are hidden at design time, disable the stylesheet 'extra/show_only_new.css' or uncomment different extra/*.css to work with other page sections (other stylesheets are show_only_edit.css, show_only_show.css, show_only_list.css, show_only_destroy.css and they are commented out in this masterview file's head section)

<%= plural_name.capitalize %>

Creating <%= singular_name %>

error messages

<%= form_inclusion %>

<%= plural_name.capitalize %>

Editing <%= singular_name %>

copyOf:<%= controller_file_name %>_form

<%= plural_name.capitalize %>

<%= list_head_inclusion %> <%= list_line_inclusion %>
Previous page Next page

<%= plural_name.capitalize %>

<%= show_inclusion %>

<%= plural_name.capitalize %>

error messages
Are you sure you want to delete this item?

copyOf:<%= controller_file_name %>_show_partial