# python version 1.0						DO NOT EDIT
# This python file has been generated by smidump version 0.5.0:
#   smidump -f python APPC-MIB

FILENAME = "./libsmi-0.5.0/mibs/ietf/APPC-MIB"

MIB = {
    "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",

    "APPC-MIB" : {
        "nodetype" : "module",
        "language" : "SMIv2",
        "organization" :    
            """IETF SNA NAU MIB Working Group""",
        "contact" : 
Michael Allen
Wall Data Inc.
P.O.Box 1120
Duval, WA 98019, USA
Tel:    1 206 844 3505
E-mail: mallen@hq.walldata.com

Bob Clouston
Cisco Systems
7025 Kit Creek Road
P.O. Box 14987
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA
Tel:    1 919 472 2333
E-mail: clouston@cisco.com

Zbigniew Kielczewski
Cisco Systems
3100 Smoketree Court
Raleigh, NC 27604, USA
Tel:    1 919 871 6326
E-mail: zbig@cisco.com
William Kwan
Jupiter Technology Inc.
200 Prospect Street
Waltham, MA 02254, USA
Tel:    1 617 894 9300, x423
E-mail: billk@jti.com

Bob Moore
IBM Corporation
800 Park Offices Drive
P.O. Box 12195
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA
Tel:    1 919 254 4436
E-mail: remoore@ralvm6.vnet.ibm.com""",
        "description" :
            """This is the MIB module for objects used to manage network
devices with APPC capabilities.""",
        "revisions" : (
                "date" : "1995-12-15 00:00",
                "description" :
                    """[Revision added by libsmi due to a LAST-UPDATED clause.]""",
        "identity node" : "appcMIB",

    "imports" : (
        {"module" : "SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "DisplayString"},
        {"module" : "SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "InstancePointer"},
        {"module" : "SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "TEXTUAL-CONVENTION"},
        {"module" : "SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "DateAndTime"},
        {"module" : "SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "mib-2"},
        {"module" : "SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"},
        {"module" : "SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Gauge32"},
        {"module" : "SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Integer32"},
        {"module" : "SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "TimeTicks"},
        {"module" : "SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "OBJECT-TYPE"},
        {"module" : "SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "MODULE-IDENTITY"},
        {"module" : "SNA-NAU-MIB", "name" : "snanauMIB"},
        {"module" : "SNMPv2-CONF", "name" : "MODULE-COMPLIANCE"},
        {"module" : "SNMPv2-CONF", "name" : "OBJECT-GROUP"},

    "typedefs" : {
        "SnaSenseData" : {
            "basetype" : "OctetString",
            "status" : "current",
            "parent module" : {
                "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                "type" : "DisplayString",
            "ranges" : [
                "min" : "8",
                "max" : "8"
            "range" : {
                "min" : "8",
                "max" : "8"
            "description" :
                """To facilitate their display by a Management Station, sense
data objects in the MIB are represented as DisplayStrings of
size 8.  Eight '0' characters indicates that no sense data
identifying an SNA error condition is available.""",
    }, # typedefs

    "nodes" : {
        "appcMIB" : {
            "nodetype" : "node",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
        }, # node
        "appcObjects" : {
            "nodetype" : "node",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
        }, # node
        "appcGlobal" : {
            "nodetype" : "node",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
        }, # node
        "appcCntrlAdminGroup" : {
            "nodetype" : "node",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
        }, # node
        "appcCntrlAdminStat" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "notActive" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "active" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "description" :
                """Indicates the desired state of statistics collection:

notActive  collection of counters is not active.
active     collection of counters is active.
When this object is set to notActive, all of the entries are
removed from the appcSessStatsTable.""",
        }, # scalar
        "appcCntrlAdminRscv" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "notActive" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "active" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "description" :
                """Indicates the desired state of RSCV information collection:
notActive  collection of route selection control vectors
           is not active.
active     collection of route selection control vectors
           is active.""",
        }, # scalar
        "appcCntrlAdminTrace" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "notActive" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "active" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "description" :
                """Indicates the desired state of tracing:

notActive  collection of tracing information is not active
active     collection of tracing information is active""",
        }, # scalar
        "appcCntrlAdminTraceParm" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "128"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "128"
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the parameter to be used in conjunction with
activating tracing.  The actual content is implementation
        }, # scalar
        "appcCntrlOperGroup" : {
            "nodetype" : "node",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
        }, # node
        "appcCntrlOperStat" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "notActive" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "active" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Indicates the current collection options in effect:

notActive  collection of counters is not active.
active     collection of counters is active.

Statistical entries are present in the appcSessStatsTable
only when the value of this object is 'active'.""",
        }, # scalar
        "appcCntrlOperStatTime" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "TimeTicks"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Time since the appcCntrlOperStat object last changed.
This time is in hundreds of a second.""",
        }, # scalar
        "appcCntrlOperRscv" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "notActive" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "active" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Indicates the current collection options in effect:

notActive  collection of route selection control vectors
           is not active.
active     collection of route selection control vectors
           is active.""",
        }, # scalar
        "appcCntrlOperRscvTime" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "TimeTicks"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Time since the appcCntrlOperRscv object last changed.
This time is in hundreds of a second.""",
        }, # scalar
        "appcCntrlOperTrace" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "notActive" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "active" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Indicates the current state of tracing:

notActive  collection of tracing information is not active.
active     collection of tracing information is active.""",
        }, # scalar
        "appcCntrlOperTraceTime" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "TimeTicks"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Time since the appcCntrlOperTrace object last changed.
This time is in hundreds of a second.""",
        }, # scalar
        "appcCntrlOperTraceParm" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "128"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "128"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the parameter used in conjunction with activating
tracing. The actual content is implementation dependent.""",
        }, # scalar
        "appcGlobalObjects" : {
            "nodetype" : "node",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
        }, # node
        "appcUpTime" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "TimeTicks"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The time, in hundredths of a second, since the
APPC portion of the system was last reinitialized.""",
        }, # scalar
        "appcDefaultModeName" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "8"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "8"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the mode name to be used under the following

   When an incoming BIND request contains a mode name not
   defined at the local node.  The parameters defined for
   this mode are used for the inbound implicit mode

   When an APPC program issues an [MC_]ALLOCATE,
   [MC_]SEND_CONVERSATION, or CNOS verb, or when a CPI-C
   program issues an Allocate (CMALLC) call,
   specifying a mode name not defined at the local node.  The
   parameters defined for this mode are used for the outbound
   implicit mode capability.

This mode name must match a defined entry in the
        }, # scalar
        "appcDefaultLuName" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the name of the local LU that is to serve as the
default LU.  This is the default LU to which are routed inbound
BIND requests that exclude the secondary LU name.  This field
is from 1 to 17 characters in length, including a period (.)
which separates the NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is
present.  This local LU name must match a defined entry in the
        }, # scalar
        "appcDefaultImplInbndPlu" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "no" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "yes" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies whether or not inbound implicit partner LU support
is enabled.  The following values are defined:

    no   -  Specifies that inbound implicit partner LU support
            is disabled, which means that an incoming bind that
            specifies a partner LU that is not defined at the
            local node will be rejected.

    yes  -  Specifies that inbound implicit partner LU support
            is enabled, which provides the capability to accept
            an incoming BIND request that contains a partner LU
            name that is not defined at the local node.""",
        }, # scalar
        "appcDefaultMaxMcLlSndSize" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the maximum size of a logical record to be used for
a mapped conversation when sending data to either the inbound
or outbound implicit partner LU.  This size is the maximum
number of bytes in a single logical record, as indicated in the
LL field of the record.  The default value is 32767.

Note that this object does not limit the maximum size that an
application program can supply on the Send Data call for a
mapped conversation.""",
        }, # scalar
        "appcDefaultFileSpec" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "80"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "80"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The local file specification that is to be searched by the
APPC attach manager when no DEFINE_TP verb has been issued
for the TP name received on an incoming attach.  In this
case, the attach manager will attempt to start a program
whose file name is the same as the incoming TP name.  If
found, the program is loaded. If not found, the attach is

The value '*' indicates that the normal search path for
executable programs is to be used for locating an undefined
transaction program.

A null string indicates that there is no default file
specification for undefined transaction programs.""",
        }, # scalar
        "appcDefaultTpOperation" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "other" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "queuedOperatorStarted" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "queuedOperatorPreloaded" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
                    "queuedAmStarted" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "4"
                    "nonqueuedAmStarted" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "5"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies how the program will be started.

other - Specifies that the default TP operation is none of
        the methods specified below. It may be a
        product-specific method.

queuedOperatorStarted - Specifies that one version of the
        program will be run at a time.  If an incoming
        attach arrives and the program has not been started
        yet, APPC will issue a message to the operator to
        start the specified program.  Subsequent attaches
        that arrive while the program is active will be

queuedOperatorPreloaded - Specifies that one version
        of the program will be run at a time.  If an
        incoming attach arrives and the program has not
        been started yet, the Attach will be rejected.  The
        APPC attach manager determines that a TP has
        started upon reception of an APPC RECEIVE_ALLOCATE
        verb, or a CPI-C Accept_Conversation (CMACCP) or
        Specify_Local_TP_Name (CMSLTP) call.  No message is
        sent to the operator.  Subsequent attaches that
        arrive while the program is active are queued.

queuedAmStarted - Specifies that one version of the
        program will be run at a time and will be started
        by the APPC attach manager.  Subsequent attaches
        that arrive while the program is active will be

nonqueuedAmStarted - Specifies that multiple copies of
        the program will be run at a time and will be
        started by the APPC attach manager. """,
        }, # scalar
        "appcDefaultTpConvSecRqd" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "no" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "yes" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies whether or not conversation security will be used
for default TPs.

    no   -  Specifies that the incoming attach does not have to
            contain security information.
    yes  -  Specifies that the incoming attach must contain
            valid authentication information (e.g., user ID and
        }, # scalar
        "appcLocalCpName" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the name of the local control point.  This field is
from 0 to 17 characters in length, including a period (.) which
separates the NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is present.
A null string indicates that the value is unknown.""",
        }, # scalar
        "appcActiveSessions" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Gauge32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the total number of active APPC sessions supported
by this implementation.  Sessions for which both LUs are local
are counted twice.""",
        }, # scalar
        "appcActiveHprSessions" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Gauge32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the total number of active HPR APPC sessions.""",
        }, # scalar
        "appcCnosControl" : {
            "nodetype" : "node",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
        }, # node
        "appcCnosCommand" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "initSesslimit" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "changeSesslimit" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "resetSesslimit" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the CNOS command or verb to issue.  First set the
values of the particular CNOS parameter objects (from the range
{ appcCnosControl 2 } through { appcCnosControl 8 }) that apply
to the CNOS command to be executed, set the three CNOS target
objects ({ appcCnosControl 9 } through { appcCnosControl 11 }),
then set this object to the command to be executed.

Here is the list of parameter objects that must be set for each
of the CNOS commands:



        }, # scalar
        "appcCnosMaxSessLimit" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "default" : "0",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the maximum value that the local LU is to use,
during CNOS processing, for the session limit.  The local LU,
as a target LU, will negotiate a higher session limit it
receives in the CNOS request down to this maximum value.  The
local LU, as a source LU, will restrict the session limit it
sends in a CNOS request to a value less than or equal to this
maximum value.

 If set (i.e., greater than 0), this overrides the maximum
 session limit defined in the appcModeAdminTable.

 This parameter should be set to the desired value before
 setting the command (appcCnosCommand).

 This parameter applies to the INITIALIZE_SESSION_LIMIT and
        }, # scalar
        "appcCnosMinCwinLimit" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "default" : "0",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the default minimum contention winner sessions

This parameter should be set to the desired value before
setting the command (appcCnosCommand).

This parameter applies to the INITIALIZE_SESSION_LIMIT and
        }, # scalar
        "appcCnosMinClosLimit" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "default" : "0",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the default minimum contention loser sessions limit.

This parameter should be set to the desired value before
setting the command (appcCnosCommand).

This parameter applies to the INITIALIZE_SESSION_LIMIT and
        }, # scalar
        "appcCnosDrainSelf" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "no" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "yes" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "default" : "no",
            "description" :
                """Specifies whether the local LU is draining its conversations
for this mode.  When a mode session limit is reset (via a CNOS
RESET_SESSION_LIMIT request), the local LU could be set to
process all queued conversations before deactivating all of the
sessions (using the SNA Bracket Initiation Stopped or BIS

This parameter should be set to the desired value before
setting the command (appcCnosCommand).

This parameter applies only to the RESET_SESSION_LIMIT verb.""",
        }, # scalar
        "appcCnosDrainPart" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "no" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "yes" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "default" : "yes",
            "description" :
                """Specifies whether the partner LU is draining its conversations
for this mode.  When a mode session limit is reset (via a CNOS
RESET_SESSION_LIMIT request), the partner LU could be set to
process all queued conversations before deactivating all of the
sessions (using the SNA Bracket Initiation Stop or BIS

This parameter should be set to the desired value before
setting the command (appcCnosCommand).

This parameter applies only to the RESET_SESSION_LIMIT verb.""",
        }, # scalar
        "appcCnosResponsible" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "source" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "target" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "default" : "source",
            "description" :
                """Specifies which LU is responsible for selecting and
deactivating sessions as a result of a change that decreases
the session limit or the maximum number of contention winner
sessions for the source or target LU.  If no session need to be
deactivated, this parameter is ignored.

      source  -       specifies that the source (local) LU is
                      responsible.  The target (partner) LU
                      cannot negotiate this value.
      target  -       specifies that the target (partner) LU is
                      responsible. The target LU can negotiate
                      this value to source.

 This parameter should be set to the desired value before
 setting the command (appcCnosCommand).

 This parameter applies to the RESET_SESSION_LIMIT and
        }, # scalar
        "appcCnosForce" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "no" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "yes" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "default" : "no",
            "description" :
                """Specifies whether the local LU should force the resetting of
the session limit when certain error conditions occur that
prevent the successful exchange of CNOS request and reply.

 This parameter should be set to the desired value before
 setting the command (appcCnosCommand).

 This parameter applies only to the RESET_SESSION_LIMIT verb.""",
        }, # scalar
        "appcCnosTargetLocLuName" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "description" :
                """The SNA name of the local LU to which the CNOS command is
to be applied. This field is from 1 to 17 characters in
length, including a period (.) which separates the
NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is present.

This object should be set to the desired value before setting
the command (appcCnosCommand).

This parameter applies to all CNOS verbs.""",
        }, # scalar
        "appcCnosTargetParLuName" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "description" :
                """The SNA name of the partner LU to which the CNOS command is
to be applied. This field is from 1 to 17 characters in
length, including a period (.) which separates the
NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is present.

This object should be set to the desired value before setting
the command (appcCnosCommand).

This parameter applies to all CNOS verbs.""",
        }, # scalar
        "appcCnosTargetModeName" : {
            "nodetype" : "scalar",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "8"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "8"
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the mode name to which the CNOS command is to be

This object should be set to the desired value before setting
the command (appcCnosCommand).

This parameter applies to all CNOS verbs.""",
        }, # scalar
        "appcLu" : {
            "nodetype" : "node",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
        }, # node
        "appcLluAdminTable" : {
            "nodetype" : "table",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "description" :
                """APPC Local LU Admin Table.""",
        }, # table
        "appcLluAdminEntry" : {
            "nodetype" : "row",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "linkage" : [
            "description" :
                """Information about local APPC LUs. """,
        }, # row
        "appcLluAdminName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "noaccess",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the name of the local LU.  This field is from 1 to
17 characters in length, including a period (.) which separates
the NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is present.""",
        }, # column
        "appcLluAdminDepType" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "dependent" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "independent" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """This value identifies whether the LU is dependent or
        }, # column
        "appcLluAdminLocalAddress" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "1"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "1"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The local address for this LU is a byte with a value ranging
from 0 to 254.  For dependent LUs, this value ranges from 1 to
254; for independent LUs this value is always 0.""",
        }, # column
        "appcLluAdminSessLimit" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The maximum number of sessions supported by this LU.""",
        }, # column
        "appcLluAdminBindRspMayQ" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "no" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "yes" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Indicates whether or not the local LU, as the sender of a BIND
request, allows a partner partner LU to delay sending the BIND
response if the partner LU cannot process the BIND request
        }, # column
        "appcLluAdminCompression" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "prohibited" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "required" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "negotiable" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies whether compression is supported. The local LU uses
this value for negotiation during session activation

   prohibited  -  specifies that no compression is to be used.
   required    -  specifies that compression is required.
   negotiable  -  specifies that the usage of compression
                  is to be negotiated between the LUs. The
                  level of compression is also negotiated.""",
        }, # column
        "appcLluAdminInBoundCompLevel" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "none" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "rle" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "lz9" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
                    "lz10" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "4"
                    "lz12" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "5"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the maximum level of compression supported for
inbound data.  The local LU uses this value in conjunction with
appcLluAdminCompression for negotiation during session
activation (SNA BIND).
    none  -  specifies that no compression is to be used.
    rle   -  specifies run-length encoding compression
             in which a 1 or 2 byte sequence substitution is
             used for each repeated run of the same character.
    lz9   -  specifies Lempel-Ziv-like compression in which
             9 bit codes are used to substitute repeated
             substrings in the data stream.  These codes are
             indices that refer to entries in a common
             dictionary generated adaptively at both sender and
             receiver as the data flows and compression occurs.
             The larger number bits used for the code, the more
             storage space is required for the dictionary, but
             the larger the compression ratio.
    lz10  -  specifies a 10 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression.
    lz12  -  specifies a 12 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression.""",
        }, # column
        "appcLluAdminOutBoundCompLevel" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "none" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "rle" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "lz9" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
                    "lz10" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "4"
                    "lz12" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "5"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the maximum level of compression supported for
outbound data.  The local LU uses this value in conjunction
with appcLluAdminCompression for negotiation during session
activation (SNA BIND).
    none  -  specifies that no compression is to be used.
    rle   -  specifies run-length encoding compression
             in which a 1 or 2 byte sequence substitution is
             used for each repeated run of the same character.
    lz9   -  specifies Lempel-Ziv-like compression in which
             9 bit codes are used to substitute repeated
             substrings in the data stream.  These codes are
             indices that refer to entries in a common
             dictionary generated adaptively at both sender and
             receiver as the data flows and compression occurs.
             The larger of number bits used for the code, the
             more storage space is required for the dictionary,
             but the larger the compression ratio.
    lz10  -  specifies a 10 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression.
    lz12  -  specifies a 12 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression.""",
        }, # column
        "appcLluAdminCompRleBeforeLZ" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "no" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "yes" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies whether run-length encoding is to be applied to the
data before applying Lempel-Ziv-like compression.  The local LU
uses this value for negotiation during session activation (SNA
BIND).  This parameter is only supported if LZ compression is
        }, # column
        "appcLluAdminAlias" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "8"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "8"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """A local alias for the local LU.  If not known or
not applicable, this object contains a zero-length
        }, # column
        "appcLluOperTable" : {
            "nodetype" : "table",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "description" :
                """APPC Local LU Operational Table.""",
        }, # table
        "appcLluOperEntry" : {
            "nodetype" : "row",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "linkage" : [
            "description" :
                """Information about local APPC LUs.""",
        }, # row
        "appcLluOperName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "noaccess",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the name of the local LU.  This field is from 1 to
17 characters in length, including a period (.) which separates
the NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is present.""",
        }, # column
        "appcLluOperDepType" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "dependent" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "independent" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """This value identifies whether the LU is dependent or
        }, # column
        "appcLluOperLocalAddress" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "1"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "1"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The local address for this LU is a byte with a value ranging
from 0 to 254.  For dependent LUs, this value ranges from 1 to
254; for independent LUs this value is always 0.""",
        }, # column
        "appcLluOperSessLimit" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The maximum number of sessions supported by this LU.""",
        }, # column
        "appcLluOperBindRspMayQ" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "no" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "yes" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Indicates whether or not the local LU, as the sender of a BIND
request, allows a partner LU to delay sending the BIND
response if the partner LU cannot process the BIND request
        }, # column
        "appcLluOperCompression" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "prohibited" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "required" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "negotiable" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies whether compression is supported.  The local LU uses
this value for negotiation during session activation (SNA

    prohibited  -  specifies that no compression is to be used.
    required    -  specifies that compression is required.
    negotiable  -  specifies that the usage of compression
                   is to be negotiated between the LUs. The
                   level of compression is also negotiated.""",
        }, # column
        "appcLluOperInBoundCompLevel" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "none" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "rle" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "lz9" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
                    "lz10" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "4"
                    "lz12" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "5"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the maximum level of compression supported for
inbound data.  The local LU uses this value in conjunction with
appcLluOperCompression for negotiation during session
activation (SNA BIND).

    none  -  specifies that no compression is to be used.
    rle   -  specifies run-length encoding compression
             in which a 1 or 2 byte sequence substitution is
             used for each repeated run of the same character.
    lz9   -  specifies Lempel-Ziv-like compression in which
             9 bit codes are used to substitute repeated
             substrings in the data stream.  These codes are
             indices that refer to entries in a common
             dictionary generated adaptively at both sender and
             receiver as the data flows and compression occurs.
             The larger of number bits used for the code, the
             more storage space is required for the dictionary,
             but the larger the compression ratio.
    lz10  -  specifies a 10 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression.
    lz12  -  specifies a 12 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression.""",
        }, # column
        "appcLluOperOutBoundCompLevel" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "none" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "rle" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "lz9" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
                    "lz10" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "4"
                    "lz12" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "5"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the maximum level of compression supported for
outbound data.  The local LU uses this value in conjunction
with appcLluAdminCompression for negotiation during session
activation (SNA BIND).

    none  -  specifies that no compression is to be used.
    rle   -  specifies run-length encoding compression
             in which a 1 or 2 byte sequence substitution is
             used for each repeated run of the same character.
    lz9   -  specifies Lempel-Ziv-like compression in which
             9 bit codes are used to substitute repeated
             substrings in the data stream.  These codes are
             indices that refer to entries in a common
             dictionary generated adaptively at both sender and
             receiver as the data flows and compression occurs.
             The larger of number bits used for the code, the
             more storage space is required for the dictionary,
             but the larger the compression ratio.
    lz10  -  specifies a 10 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression.
    lz12  -  specifies a 12 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression.""",
        }, # column
        "appcLluOperCompRleBeforeLZ" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "no" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "yes" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies whether run-length encoding is to be applied to the
data before applying Lempel-Ziv-like compression.  The local LU
uses this value for negotiation during session activation (SNA
BIND).  This parameter is only supported if LZ compression is
        }, # column
        "appcLluOperAlias" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "8"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "8"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """A local alias for the local LU.  If not known or
not applicable, this object contains a zero-length
        }, # column
        "appcLluOperActiveSessions" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Gauge32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the total number of active APPC sessions for this
        }, # column
        "appcLuPairAdminTable" : {
            "nodetype" : "table",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "description" :
                """APPC Partner LU administrative Table""",
        }, # table
        "appcLuPairAdminEntry" : {
            "nodetype" : "row",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "linkage" : [
            "description" :
                """Entry of APPC Partner LU Information Table.
It is indexed by the local and partner LU Names.""",
        }, # row
        "appcLuPairAdminLocLuName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "noaccess",
            "description" :
                """The SNA name of the local LU to which this partner LU
definition applies. This field is from 1 to 17 characters in
length, including a period (.) which separates the
NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is present.

The reserved value '*ALL' indicates that the partner LU
definition applies to all local LUs, and not just to a single
local LU.""",
        }, # column
        "appcLuPairAdminParLuName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "noaccess",
            "description" :
                """The SNA name of the partner LU.
This field is from 1 to 17 characters in
length, including a period (.) which separates the
NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is present.""",
        }, # column
        "appcLuPairAdminParLuAlias" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "8"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "8"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """A local alias for the partner LU.  If not known or
not applicable, this object contains a zero-length
        }, # column
        "appcLuPairAdminSessLimit" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The maximum number of sessions supported by this partner LU.""",
        }, # column
        "appcLuPairAdminSessSec" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "required" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "accepted" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "notAllowed" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the type of session-level security information that
a local LU will accept on BIND requests it receives from the
partner LU.

required    -   Specifies that the BIND request must carry
                session level verification information that
                will be verified upon receipt.
accepted    -   Specifies that the BIND request may carry
                session level verification information that
                will be verified upon receipt.
notAllowed  -   Specifies that the BIND request must not carry
                session level verification information.""",
        }, # column
        "appcLuPairAdminSecAccept" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "none" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "conversation" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "alreadyVerified" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
                    "persistentVerification" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "4"
                    "aVandpV" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "5"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies support for different levels of access security
information in ATTACH requests received from this partner LU.

Possible values are:

     none    -   No access security information will be
                 accepted on allocation requests (ATTACH) from
                 this LU.
             -   Allocation requests will not be accepted that
                 include already verified or persistent
                 verification indicators.  Accept
                 conversation-level access security
                 information, which must include both a user
                 Id and password, and may also include a
             -   Allocation requests will be accepted that
                 include already verified indicators.
                 Persistent verification indicators will not
                 be accepted.
             -   Allocation requests will be accepted that
                 include persistent verification indicators.
                 Already verified indicators will not be
     aVandpV -   Allocation requests will be accepted that
                 include already verified or persistent
                 verification indicators.""",
        }, # column
        "appcLuPairAdminLinkObjId" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "InstancePointer"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the link associated with this partner LU.  This
value points to the row in the table containing information on
the link instance.  (e.g., the sdlcLSAdminTable of the SNA DLC
MIB module).  This object may be NULL if the link is not
specified or if a link is not applicable (as for APPN-level
        }, # column
        "appcLuPairAdminParaSessSup" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "no" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "yes" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Defined Parallel Sessions Supported.

Indicates whether or not multiple sessions between the partner
LU and its associated local LU are permitted.  Parallel session
support also indicates that Change Number of Sessions (CNOS)
will be used to negotiate session limits between the LUs.""",
        }, # column
        "appcLuPairOperTable" : {
            "nodetype" : "table",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "description" :
                """Table of active partner/local LU pairs.  Two entries are
present in the table when both LUs in a pair are local.""",
        }, # table
        "appcLuPairOperEntry" : {
            "nodetype" : "row",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "linkage" : [
            "description" :
                """Entry representing one partner/local LU pair.""",
        }, # row
        "appcLuPairOperLocLuName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "noaccess",
            "description" :
                """The SNA name of the local LU.  This field is from 1 to 17
characters in length, including a period (.) which separates
the NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is present.

If this object has the same value as appcLluOperName,
then the two entries being indexed apply to the same
resource (specifically, to the same local LU).""",
        }, # column
        "appcLuPairOperParLuName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "noaccess",
            "description" :
                """The SNA name of the partner LU.
This field is from 1 to 17 characters in
length, including a period (.) which separates the
NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is present.""",
        }, # column
        "appcLuPairOperParLuAlias" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "8"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "8"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """A local alias for the partner LU.  If not known or
not applicable, this object contains a zero-length
        }, # column
        "appcLuPairOperSessLimit" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The maximum number of sessions supported by this partner LU.""",
        }, # column
        "appcLuPairOperSessSec" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "required" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "accepted" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "notAllowed" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the type of security information that a local LU
will accept on BIND requests it receives from the partner LU.

required    -   Specifies that the BIND request must carry
                session level verification information that
                will be verified upon receipt.
accepted    -   Specifies that the BIND request may carry
                session level verification information that
                will be verified upon receipt.
notAllowed  -   Specifies that the BIND request must not carry
                session level verification information.""",
        }, # column
        "appcLuPairOperSecAccept" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "none" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "conversation" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "alreadyVerified" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
                    "persistentVerification" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "4"
                    "aVandpV" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "5"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies support for different levels of security acceptance
information in ATTACH requests received from this partner LU.

Possible values are:

     none    -   No access security information will be
                 accepted on allocation requests (ATTACH) from
                 this LU.
             -   Allocation requests will not be accepted that
                 include already verified or persistent
                 verification indicators.  Accept
                 conversation-level access security
                 information, which must include both a user
                 Id and password, and may also include a
             -   Allocation requests will be accepted that
                 include already verified indicators.
                 Persistent verification indicators will not
                 be accepted.
             -   Allocation requests will be accepted that
                 include persistent verification indicators.
                 Already verified indicators will not be
     aVandpV -   Allocation requests will be accepted that
                 include already verified or persistent
                 verification indicators.""",
        }, # column
        "appcLuPairOperLinkObjId" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "InstancePointer"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the link associated with this partner LU.  This
value points to the row in the table containing information on
the link instance.  (e.g., the sdlcLSAdminTable of the SNA DLC
MIB module).  This object may be NULL if the link is not
specified or if a link is not applicable (as for APPN-level
        }, # column
        "appcLuPairOperParaSessSup" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "no" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "yes" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Active Parallel Sessions Supported.

Indicates whether or not multiple session between the partner
LU and its associated local LU are permitted.  Parallel
session support also indicates that Change Number of Sessions
(CNOS) will be used to negotiate session limits between the
        }, # column
        "appcLuPairOperParaSessSupLS" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "no" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "yes" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Active Parallel Sessions Supported - last starting value.

This object represents the initial value proposed by the local
LU the last time this capability was negotiated, i.e., when
the first session was bound between the local LU and its
        }, # column
        "appcLuPairOperState" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "inactive" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "active" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The value identifies the current operational state of this LU

        inactive (1) - no active or pending session exists
                       between the LUs.
        active (2)   - an active or pending session exists
                       between the LUs.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeAdminTable" : {
            "nodetype" : "table",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "description" :
                """APPC Mode Table""",
        }, # table
        "appcModeAdminEntry" : {
            "nodetype" : "row",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "linkage" : [
            "description" :
                """Entry of APPC Mode Information Table.""",
        }, # row
        "appcModeAdminLocLuName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "noaccess",
            "description" :
                """The SNA name of the local LU to which this mode definition
applies.  This field is from 1 to 17 characters in length,
including a period (.)  which separates the NetId from the
NAU name if the NetId is present.

The reserved value '*ALL' indicates that the mode definition
applies to all local LUs for the SNA node identified by
appcLocalCpName, and not just to a single local LU.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeAdminParLuName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "noaccess",
            "description" :
                """The SNA name of the partner LU to which this mode definition
applies.  This field is from 1 to 17 characters in length,
including a period (.) which separates the NetId from the
NAU name if the NetId is present.

The reserved value '*ALL' indicates that the mode definition
applies to all partner LUs for the SNA node identified by
appcModeAdminLocLuName, and not just to a single partner LU.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeAdminModeName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "8"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "8"
            "access" : "noaccess",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the mode name. A mode defines the characteristics
for a group of sessions. The mode name can be blank (8
space characters). """,
        }, # column
        "appcModeAdminCosName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "8"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "8"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the class of service (COS) name associated with
this mode.  If the implementation does not support COS names,
a null string is returned.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeAdminSessEndTpName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "64"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "64"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the name of the transaction program (TP) to be
invoked when a session using this mode is deactivated or ended.
If no such TP is defined, this object is a null string.  When
the TP name consists entirely of displayable EBCDIC code
points, it is mapped directly to the equivalent ASCII display
string.  However, registered TP names always have a non-
displayable EBCDIC code point (value less than or equal to
x'3F') as the first character, so they cannot be directly
mapped to an ASCII display string.  These TP names are
converted to a display string that is equivalent to a
hexadecimal display of the EBCDIC code points.  For example,
the 2-byte TP name x'06F1' (CNOS) is converted to the 6-byte
ASCII display string '06F1' (including the two single quotes).""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeAdminMaxSessLimit" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the maximum value that the local LU is to use,
during CNOS processing, for the session limit.  The local LU,
as a target LU, will negotiate a higher session limit it
receives in the CNOS request down to this maximum value.  The
local LU, as a source LU, will restrict the session limit it
sends in a CNOS request to a value less than or equal to this
maximum value.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeAdminMinCwinLimit" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the default minimum contention winner sessions
limit.  Some implementations internally issue a
INITIALIZE_SESSION_LIMIT verb when a Mode is created.  This
value is the parameter used for the CNOS processing of that
verb.  This parameter is not used when issuing an explicit
INITIALIZE_SESSION_LIMIT verb.  The equivalent object in
appcCnosCommandTable is used.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeAdminMinClosLimit" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the default minimum contention loser sessions limit.
Some implementations internally issue a
INITIALIZE_SESSION_LIMIT verb when a Mode is created.  This
value is the parameter used for the CNOS processing of that
verb.  This is the same as target minimum contention winner
sessions.  This parameter is not used when issuing an explicit
INITIALIZE_SESSION_LIMIT verb.  The equivalent object in
appcCnosCommandTable is used.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeAdminConWinAutoActLmt" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the limit on the number of contention winner
sessions to be automatically activated when the minimum number
of contention winner sessions increases (as a result of CNOS
processing).  The actual number of sessions activated is the
lesser of this value and the new minimum number of contention
winner sessions.  """,
        }, # column
        "appcModeAdminRecvPacWinSz" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the size of the receive pacing window. This value is
used for negotiation during session activations (SNA BIND).

The meaning of this value when set to 0 depends on whether
adaptive pacing is supported:
   adaptive pacing        No limit on window size
   fixed pacing           No pacing is supported""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeAdminSendPacWinSz" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the size of the send pacing window. This value is
used for negotiation during session activations (SNA BIND).

The meaning of this value when set to 0 depends on whether
adaptive pacing is supported:
   adaptive pacing        No limit on window size
   fixed pacing           No pacing is supported""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeAdminPrefRecvRuSz" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the preferred receive RU (Request Unit) size of
normal-flow requests on the sessions.  This value must be less
than or equal to the value specified in
appcModeAdminRecvRuSzUpBnd and greater than or equal to the
value specified in appcModeAdminRecvRuSzLoBnd.

 The local LU specifies this value for the receive maximum RU
 size in session activation (SNA BIND) requests and responses.
 It will allow negotiation up to the appcModeAdminRecvRuSzUpBnd
 value or down to the appcModeAdminRecvRuSzLoBnd value.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeAdminPrefSendRuSz" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the preferred send RU (Request Unit) size of normal-
flow requests on the sessions.  This value must be less than or
equal to the value specified in appcModeAdminSendRuSzUpBnd and
greater than or equal to the value specified in

 The local LU specifies this value for the send maximum RU
 size in session activation (SNA BIND) requests and responses.
 It will allow negotiation up to the appcModeAdminSendRuSzUpBnd
 value or down to the appcModeAdminSendRuSzLoBnd value.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeAdminRecvRuSzUpBnd" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the upper bound for the maximum receive RU
(Request Unit) size of normal-flow requests. This is used
for negotiation during session activations (SNA BIND). """,
        }, # column
        "appcModeAdminSendRuSzUpBnd" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the upper bound for the maximum send RU (Request
Unit) size of normal-flow requests.  This is used for
negotiation during session activations (SNA BIND).  """,
        }, # column
        "appcModeAdminRecvRuSzLoBnd" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the lower bound for the maximum receive RU (Request
Unit) size of normal-flow requests.  This is used for
negotiation during session activations (SNA BIND).  """,
        }, # column
        "appcModeAdminSendRuSzLoBnd" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the lower bound for the maximum send RU (Request
Unit) size of normal-flow requests.  This is used for
negotiation during session activations (SNA BIND).  """,
        }, # column
        "appcModeAdminSingSessReinit" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "notApplicable" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "operatorControlled" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "primaryOnly" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
                    "secondaryOnly" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "4"
                    "primaryOrSecondary" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "5"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the responsibility for session reinitiation of a
single session with the partner LU (when the session goes
down).  The local LU uses this parameter to specify the session
reinitiation responsibility in session activation (SNA BIND)
requests and responses.

      notApplicable      - specifies that this parameter has
                           no meaning since the value of
                           appcLuPairAdminParaSessSup is yes.
                           The field in the SNA BIND is
                           reserved (set to zero).
      operatorControlled - specifies that neither LU will
                           automatically attempt to reinitiate
                           the session.  The operator on either
                           side will manually reactivate the
                           session.  A contention race (both
                           side reinitiating at the same time)
                           is won by the LU with the
                           lexicographically greater fully-
                           qualified LU name.
      primaryOnly        - specifies that the primary LU will
                           automatically attempt to reinitiate
                           the session.
      secondaryOnly      - specifies that the secondary LU will
                           automatically attempt to reinitiate
                           the session.
      primaryOrSecondary - specifies that either the primary or
                           the secondary may automatically
                           attempt to reinitiate the session.
                           A contention race is handled the
                           same way as with operatorControlled.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeAdminCompression" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "prohibited" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "required" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "negotiable" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies whether compression is supported.  The local LU uses
this value for negotiation during session activation (SNA

    prohibited  -  specifies that no compression is to be used.
    required    -  specifies that compression is required.
    negotiable  -  specifies that the usage of compression
                   is to be negotiated between the LUs. The
                   level of compression is also negotiated.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeAdminInBoundCompLevel" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "none" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "rle" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "lz9" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
                    "lz10" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "4"
                    "lz12" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "5"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the maximum level of compression supported for
inbound data.  The local LU uses this value in conjunction with
appcModeAdminCompression for negotiation during session
activation (SNA BIND).

    none  -  specifies that no compression is to be used.
    rle   -  specifies run-length encoding compression
             in which a 1 or 2 byte sequence substitution is
             used for each repeated run of the same character.
    lz9   -  specifies Lempel-Ziv-like compression in which
             9 bit codes are used to substitute repeated
             substrings in the data stream.  These codes are
             indices that refer to entries in a common
             dictionary generated adaptively at both sender and
             receiver as the data flows and compression occurs.
             The larger of number bits used for the code, the
             more storage space is required for the dictionary,
             but the larger the compression ratio.
    lz10  -  specifies a 10 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression.
    lz12  -  specifies a 12 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeAdminOutBoundCompLevel" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "none" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "rle" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "lz9" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
                    "lz10" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "4"
                    "lz12" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "5"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the maximum level of compression supported for
outbound data.  The local LU uses this value in conjunction
with appcModeAdminCompression for negotiation during session
activation (SNA BIND).

    none  -  specifies that no compression is to be used.
    rle   -  specifies run-length encoding compression
             in which a 1 or 2 byte sequence substitution is
             used for each repeated run of the same character.
    lz9   -  specifies Lempel-Ziv-like compression in which
             9 bit codes are used to substitute repeated
             substrings in the data stream.  These codes are
             indices that refer to entries in a common
             dictionary generated adaptively at both sender and
             receiver as the data flows and compression occurs.
             The larger of number bits used for the code, the
             more storage space is required for the dictionary,
             but the larger the compression ratio.
    lz10  -  specifies a 10 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression.
    lz12  -  specifies a 12 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeAdminCompRleBeforeLZ" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "no" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "yes" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies whether run-length encoding is to be applied to the
data before applying Lempel-Ziv-like compression.  The local LU
uses this value for negotiation during session activation (SNA
BIND).  This parameter is only supported if LZ compression is
        }, # column
        "appcModeAdminSyncLvl" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "none" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "noneConfirm" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "noneConfirmSyncPoint" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the sync level support. This value is used for
negotiation during session activations (SNA BIND).

     none                 - No sync level is supported.
     noneConfirm          - None and Confirm levels supported.
     noneConfirmSyncPoint - None, Confirm, and Sync Point is
        }, # column
        "appcModeAdminCrypto" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "notSupported" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "mandatory" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "selective" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies whether session-level cryptography is supported.
This value is used for negotiation during session activations
     notSupported    -   Specifies session-level cryptography
                         is not to be used.
     mandatory       -   Specifies session-level cryptography
                         must be used.
     selective       -   Specifies session-level cryptography
                         is required just on selected requests
                         flowing on the sessions.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperTable" : {
            "nodetype" : "table",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "description" :
                """Operational APPC Mode Information.  Two entries are present in
the table when both LUs in a pair are local.""",
        }, # table
        "appcModeOperEntry" : {
            "nodetype" : "row",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "linkage" : [
            "description" :
                """Entry of APPC mode operational information table.  This entry
does not augment the appcModeAdminEntry, but reflects an actual
operational mode for a given local LU - partner LU pair.""",
        }, # row
        "appcModeOperLocLuName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "noaccess",
            "description" :
                """The SNA name of the local LU.  This field is from 1 to 17
characters in length, including a period (.) which separates
the NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is present.
If this object has the same value as appcLluOperName,
then the two entries being indexed apply to the same
resource (specifically, to the same local LU).""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperParLuName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "noaccess",
            "description" :
                """The SNA name of the partner LU.  This field is from 1 to 17
characters in length, including a period (.) which separates
the NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is present.

If this object has the same value as appcLuPairOperParLuName,
then the two entries being indexed apply to the same
resource (specifically, to the same partner LU).""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperModeName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "8"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "8"
            "access" : "noaccess",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the mode name. A mode defines the characteristics
for a group of sessions. The mode name can be blank (8
space characters). """,
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperCosName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "8"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "8"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the class of service (COS) name associated with
this mode.  If the implementation does not support COS names,
a zero-length string is returned.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperSessEndTpName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "64"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "64"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the name of the transaction program (TP) to be
invoked when a session using this mode is deactivated or ended.
If the name is NULL, no transaction program is invoked.  When
the TP name consists entirely of displayable EBCDIC code
points, it is mapped directly to the equivalent ASCII display
string.  However, registered TP names always have a non-
displayable EBCDIC code point (value less than or equal to
x'3F') as the first character, so they cannot be directly
mapped to an ASCII display string.  These TP names are
converted to a display string that is equivalent to a
hexadecimal display of the EBCDIC code points.  For example,
the 2-byte TP name x'06F1' (CNOS) is converted to the 6-byte
ASCII display string '06F1' (including the two single quotes).""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperSessLimit" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the current session limit of this mode as negotiated
through APPC CNOS (Change Number of Sessions) processing.
Identifies the total number of sessions that can be established
between the local and partner LU using this mode.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperMaxSessLimit" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the maximum value that the local LU is to use,
during CNOS processing, for the session limit.  The local LU,
as a target LU, will negotiate a higher session limit it
receives in the CNOS request down to this maximum value.  The
local LU, as a source LU, will restrict the session limit it
sends in a CNOS request to a value less than or equal to this
maximum value.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperMinCwinLimit" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the minimum contention winner sessions limit that
was negotiated via CNOS processing.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperMinClosLimit" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the minimum contention loser sessions limit that
was negotiated via CNOS processing. This is the same as
target minimum contention winner sessions.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperConWinAutoActLmt" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the limit on the number of contention winner sessions
to be automatically activated when the minimum number of
contention winner sessions increases (as a result of CNOS
processing). The actual number of sessions activated is the
lesser of this value and the new minimum number of contention
winner sessions. """,
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperRecvPacWinSz" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the size of the receive pacing window. This value is
used for negotiation during session activations (SNA BIND).

The meaning of this value when set to 0 depends on whether
adaptive pacing is supported:
   adaptive pacing   -     No limit on window size
   fixed pacing      -     No pacing is supported""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperSendPacWinSz" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the size of the send pacing window. This value is
used for negotiation during session activations (SNA BIND).

The meaning of this value when set to 0 depends on whether
adaptive pacing is supported:
   adaptive pacing        No limit on window size
   fixed pacing           No pacing is supported""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperPrefRecvRuSz" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the preferred receive RU (Request Unit) size of
normal-flow requests on the sessions.  This value must be less
than or equal to the value specified in
appcModeOperRecvRuSzUpBnd and greater than or equal to the
value specified in appcModeOperRecvRuSzLoBnd.

 The local LU specifies this value for the receive maximum RU
 size in session activation (SNA BIND) requests and responses.
 It will allow negotiation up to the appcModeOperRecvRuSzUpBnd
 value or down to the appcModeOperRecvRuSzLoBnd value.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperPrefSendRuSz" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the preferred send RU (Request Unit) size of normal-
flow requests on the sessions.  This value must be less than or
equal to the value specified in appcModeOperSendRuSzUpBnd and
greater than or equal to the value specified in

 The local LU specifies this value for the send maximum RU
 size in session activation (SNA BIND) requests and responses.
 It will allow negotiation up to the appcModeOperSendRuSzUpBnd
 value or down to the appcModeOperSendRuSzLoBnd value.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperRecvRuSzUpBnd" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the upper bound for the maximum receive RU
(Request Unit) size of normal-flow requests. This is used
for negotiation during session activations (SNA BIND). """,
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperSendRuSzUpBnd" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the upper bound for the maximum send RU (Request
Unit) size of normal-flow requests.  This is used for
negotiation during session activations (SNA BIND).  """,
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperRecvRuSzLoBnd" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the lower bound for the maximum receive RU
(Request Unit) size of normal-flow requests. This is used
for negotiation during session activations (SNA BIND). """,
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperSendRuSzLoBnd" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the lower bound for the maximum send RU
(Request Unit) size of normal-flow requests. This is used
for negotiation during session activations (SNA BIND). """,
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperSingSessReinit" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "notApplicable" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "operatorControlled" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "primaryOnly" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
                    "secondaryOnly" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "4"
                    "primaryOrSecondary" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "5"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the responsibility for session reinitiation of a
single session with the partner LU (when the session goes
down).  The local LU uses this parameter to specify the session
reinitiation responsibility in session activation (SNA BIND)
requests and responses.

      notApplicable      - specifies that this parameter has
                           no meaning since the value of
                           appcLuPairOperParaSessSup is yes.
                           The field in the SNA BIND is
                           reserved (set to zero).
      operatorControlled - specifies that neither LU will
                           automatically attempt to reinitiate
                           the session.  The operator on either
                           side will manually reactivate the
                           session.  A contention race (both
                           side reinitiating at the same time)
                           is won by the LU with the
                           lexicographically greater fully-
                           qualified LU name.
      primaryOnly        - specifies that the primary LU will
                           automatically attempt to reinitiate
                           the session.
      secondaryOnly      - specifies that the secondary LU will
                           automatically attempt to reinitiate
                           the session.
      primaryOrSecondary - specifies that either the primary or
                           the secondary may automatically
                           attempt to reinitiate the session.
                           A contention race is handled the
                           same way as with operatorControlled.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperCompression" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "prohibited" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "required" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "negotiable" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies whether compression is supported.  The local LU uses
this value for negotiation during session activation (SNA

    prohibited  -  specifies that no compression is to be used.
    required    -  specifies that compression is required.
    negotiable  -  specifies that the usage of compression
                   is to be negotiated between the LUs. The
                   level of compression is also negotiated.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperInBoundCompLevel" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "none" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "rle" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "lz9" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
                    "lz10" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "4"
                    "lz12" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "5"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the maximum level of compression supported for
inbound data.  The local LU uses this value in conjunction with
appcModeOperCompression for negotiation during session
activation (SNA BIND).

    none  -  specifies that no compression is to be used.
    rle   -  specifies run-length encoding compression
             in which a 1 or 2 byte sequence substitution is
             used for each repeated run of the same character.
    lz9   -  specifies Lempel-Ziv-like compression in which
             9 bit codes are used to substitute repeated
             substrings in the data stream.  These codes are
             indices that refer to entries in a common
             dictionary generated adaptively at both sender and
             receiver as the data flows and compression occurs.
             The larger of number bits used for the code, the
             more storage space is required for the dictionary,
             but the larger the compression ratio.
    lz10  -  specifies a 10 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression.
    lz12  -  specifies a 12 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperOutBoundCompLevel" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "none" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "rle" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "lz9" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
                    "lz10" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "4"
                    "lz12" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "5"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the maximum level of compression supported for
outbound data.  The local LU uses this value in conjunction
with appcModeOperCompression for negotiation during session
activation (SNA BIND).

    none  -  specifies that no compression is to be used.
    rle   -  specifies run-length encoding compression
             in which a 1 or 2 byte sequence substitution is
             used for each repeated run of the same character.
    lz9   -  specifies Lempel-Ziv-like compression in which
             9 bit codes are used to substitute repeated
             substrings in the data stream.  These codes are
             indices that refer to entries in a common
             dictionary generated adaptively at both sender and
             receiver as the data flows and compression occurs.
             The larger of number bits used for the code, the
             more storage space is required for the dictionary,
             but the larger the compression ratio.
    lz10  -  specifies a 10 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression.
    lz12  -  specifies a 12 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperCompRleBeforeLZ" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "no" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "yes" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies whether run-length encoding is to be applied to the
data before applying Lempel-Ziv-like compression.  The local LU
uses this value for negotiation during session activation (SNA
BIND).  This parameter is only supported if LZ compression is
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperSyncLvl" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "none" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "noneConfirm" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "noneConfirmSyncPoint" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the sync level support for sessions involving this
LU pair and mode name.

     none             -       No sync level is supported.
     noneConfirm      -       None and Confirm level supported.
     noneConfirmSyncPoint -   None, Confirm and Sync Point is
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperCrypto" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "notSupported" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "mandatory" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "selective" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies whether session-level cryptography is supported for
sessions involving this LU pair and mode name.

     notSupported    -   Specifies session-level cryptography
                            is not being used.
     mandatory       -   Specifies session-level cryptography
                            in being used on all requests
                            flowing on the sessions.
     selective       -   Specifies session-level cryptography
                            is required just on selected
                            requests flowing on the sessions.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperSyncLvlLastStart" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "none" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "noneConfirm" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "noneConfirmSyncPoint" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the sync level support.  This value represents the
initial value proposed by the local LU the last time this
capability was negotiated, i.e., when the first session was
bound between the local LU and its partner.

      none             -      No sync level is supported.
      noneConfirm      -      None and Confirm level supported.
      noneConfirmSyncPoint -  None, Confirm and Sync Point is
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperCryptoLastStart" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "notSupported" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "mandatory" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "selective" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies whether session-level cryptography is supported.
This value represents the initial value proposed by the local
LU the last time this capability was negotiated, i.e., when
the first session was bound between the local LU and its
     notSupported    -   Specifies session-level cryptography
                            is not to be used.
     mandatory       -   Specifies session-level cryptography
                            must be used.
     selective       -   Specifies session-level cryptography
                            is required just on selected
                            requests flowing on the sessions.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperCNOSNeg" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "no" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "yes" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies whether CNOS negotiation is in process.  CNOS
negotiation is used to set or change the various session limits
for a mode.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperActCwin" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Gauge32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the number of active contention winner sessions.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperActClos" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Gauge32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the number of active contention loser sessions.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperPndCwin" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Gauge32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the number of contention winner sessions that are
pending activation.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperPndClos" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Gauge32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the number of contention loser sessions that are
pending activation.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperPtmCwin" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Gauge32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the number of contention winner sessions that are
pending termination.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperPtmClos" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Gauge32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the number of contention loser sessions that are
pending termination.""",
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperDrainSelf" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "no" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "yes" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies whether the local LU is draining its conversations
for this mode.  When a mode session limit is reset (via a CNOS
RESET_SESSION_LIMIT request), the local LU could be set to
process all queued conversations before deactivating all of the
sessions (using the SNA Bracket Initiation Stopped or BIS
protocol).  """,
        }, # column
        "appcModeOperDrainPart" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "no" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "yes" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies whether the partner LU is draining its conversations
for this mode.  When a mode session limit is reset (via a CNOS
RESET_SESSION_LIMIT request), the partner LU could be set to
process all queued conversations before deactivating all of the
sessions (using the SNA Bracket Initiation Stop or BIS
protocol).  """,
        }, # column
        "appcTp" : {
            "nodetype" : "node",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
        }, # node
        "appcTpAdminTable" : {
            "nodetype" : "table",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "description" :
                """APPC Local TP Table""",
        }, # table
        "appcTpAdminEntry" : {
            "nodetype" : "row",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "linkage" : [
            "description" :
                """Entry of APPC Local TP Information Table.""",
        }, # row
        "appcTpAdminLocLuName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "noaccess",
            "description" :
                """The SNA name of the local LU to which this TP definition
applies. This field is from 1 to 17 characters in length,
including a period (.) which separates the NetId from the NAU
name if the NetId is present.

The reserved value '*ALL' indicates that the TP definition
applies to all local LUs, and not just to a single local LU.""",
        }, # column
        "appcTpAdminTpName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "64"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "64"
            "access" : "noaccess",
            "description" :
                """The local transaction program name. This name is sent on an
ATTACH remote allocation request.

When the TP name consists entirely of displayable EBCDIC
code points, it is mapped directly to the equivalent ASCII
display string.  However, registered TP names always have a
non-displayable EBCDIC code point (value less than or equal to
x'3F') as the first character, so they cannot be directly
mapped to an ASCII display string.  These TP names are
converted to a display string that is equivalent to a
hexadecimal display of the EBCDIC code points.  For example,
the 2-byte TP name x'06F1' (CNOS) is converted to the 6-byte
ASCII display string '06F1' (including the two single quotes).""",
        }, # column
        "appcTpAdminFileSpec" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "80"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "80"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The local file specification of the transaction program.
May be a zero-length string if not applicable.""",
        }, # column
        "appcTpAdminStartParm" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "128"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "128"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """A parameter string passed to the transaction program when it
is started.  May be a zero-length string if not supported. """,
        }, # column
        "appcTpAdminTpOperation" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "other" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "queuedOperatorStarted" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "queuedOperatorPreloaded" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
                    "queuedAmStarted" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "4"
                    "nonqueuedAmStarted" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "5"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies how the program will be started.
other - Specifies that the program operation is none of
        the methods specified. It may be a
        product-specific method.

queuedOperatorStarted - Specifies that one version of the
        program will be run at a time.  If an incoming
        attach arrives and the program has not been started
        yet, APPC will issue a message to the operator to
        start the specified program.  Subsequent attaches
        that arrive while the program is active will be

queuedOperatorPreloaded - Specifies that one version of the
        program will be run at a time.  If an incoming
        attach arrives and the program has not been started
        yet, the Attach will be rejected.  The APPC attach
        manager determines that a TP has started upon
        reception of an APPC RECEIVE_ALLOCATE verb, or a
        CPI-C Accept_Conversation (CMACCP) or
        Specify_Local_TP_Name (CMSLTP) call.  No message is
        sent to the operator.  Subsequent attaches that
        arrive while the program is active are queued.

queuedAmStarted - Specifies that one version of the
        program will be run at a time and will be started
        by the APPC attach manager.  Subsequent attaches
        that arrive while the program is active will be

nonqueuedAmStarted - Specifies that multiple copies of the
        program will be run at a time and will be started
        by the APPC attach manager.""",
        }, # column
        "appcTpAdminInAttachTimeout" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """This object specifies the number of seconds incoming attaches
will be queued waiting for an APPC program to issue a
RECEIVE_ALLOCATE verb or for a CPI-C program to issue an
Accept_Conversation (CMACCP) call.  This parameter is
meaningful only when appcTpAdminTpOperation has one of the
following values:

A value of zero indicates that there is no timeout.""",
        }, # column
        "appcTpAdminRcvAllocTimeout" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """This object specifies the number of seconds an APPC program's
RECEIVE_ALLOCATE verb or a CPI-C program's Accept_Conversation
(CMACCP) call will wait for an incoming attach to arrive.

A value of zero indicates that there is no timeout.""",
        }, # column
        "appcTpAdminSyncLvl" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "none" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "confirm" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "noneAndConfirm" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
                    "syncpoint" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "4"
                    "noneAndSyncpoint" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "5"
                    "confirmAndSyncpoint" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "6"
                    "all" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "7"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Indicates the synchronization level or levels that the
transaction program supports.  The levels are defined as

     none      - allocation requests indicating a
                 synchronization level of none are allowed to
                 start the program.
     confirm   - allocation requests indicating a
                 synchronization level of confirm are allowed
                 to start the program.
     syncpoint - allocation requests indicating a
                 synchronization level of sync point are
                 allowed to start the program.""",
        }, # column
        "appcTpAdminInstLmt" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The maximum number of concurrent instances of this transaction
program that will be supported for a local LU.  A value of
zero indicates that there is no limit.""",
        }, # column
        "appcTpAdminStatus" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "enabled" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "tempDisabled" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "permDisabled" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Indicates the status of the TP relative to starting execution
when the local LU receives an allocation (ATTACH) request
naming this program.

      enabled         -    the local LU can start the program.
      tempDisabled    -    the local LU cannot start the
                           program. The local LU rejects the
                           request with an indication that the
                           TP is not available but retry is
      permDisabled    -    the local LU cannot start the
                           program. The local LU rejects the
                           request with an indication that the
                           TP is not available and retry is
                           not possible.""",
        }, # column
        "appcTpAdminLongRun" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "no" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "yes" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Indicates whether this is a long-running transaction program
(i.e., one that stays around even after the conversation goes
        }, # column
        "appcTpAdminConvType" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "basic" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "mapped" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "basicOrMapped" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the conversation type (basic or mapped) that will be
used by the TP.  This value is verified upon receipt of an
incoming attach.  The acceptable values are:

       basic         - Indicates that this transaction program
                       supports basic conversations.

       mapped        - Indicates that this transaction program
                       supports mapped conversations.

       basicOrMapped - Indicates that this transaction program
                       supports both basic and mapped
        }, # column
        "appcTpAdminConvDuplex" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "half" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "full" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "halfOrFull" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the conversation duplex type (half or full) that
will be used by the TP.  This value is verified upon receipt of
an incoming attach.  The acceptable values are:

       half       - Indicates that this transaction program
                    supports half duplex conversations.

       full       - Indicates that this transaction program
                    supports full duplex conversations.

       halfOrFull - Indicates that this transaction program
                    supports either half or full duplex
        }, # column
        "appcTpAdminConvSecReq" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "no" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "yes" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Indicates whether conversation-level security information is
required on incoming attaches designating this TP name.
Conversation-level security verification is always performed on
those requests that include security information.

       yes - Indicates that conversation-level security
             information is required.  ATTACHs designating the
             transaction program must carry a user_id and
             either a password or an already verified

       no  - Indicates that no security information is
             required.  ATTACHs designating the transaction
             program can omit or include security information.""",
        }, # column
        "appcTpAdminVerPip" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "no" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "yes" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies whether the number of PIP (Program Initialization
Parameters) subfields should be verified against the number
expected (appcTpAdminPipSubNum).""",
        }, # column
        "appcTpAdminPipSubNum" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the number of PIP subfields expected by the TP.""",
        }, # column
        "appcSession" : {
            "nodetype" : "node",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
        }, # node
        "appcActSessTable" : {
            "nodetype" : "table",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "description" :
                """Table of active APPC sessions.  Two entries are present in the
table when both session partners are local.""",
        }, # table
        "appcActSessEntry" : {
            "nodetype" : "row",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "linkage" : [
            "description" :
                """Entry of APPC Session Information Table.  Indexed by LU pair
and integer-valued session index.""",
        }, # row
        "appcActSessLocLuName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "noaccess",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the name of the local LU for the session.  This
field is from 1 to 17 characters in length, including a period
(.) which separates the NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is

If this object has the same value as appcLluOperName, then the
two entries being indexed apply to the same resource
(specifically, to the same local LU).""",
        }, # column
        "appcActSessParLuName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "noaccess",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the name of the partner LU for the session.  This
field is from 1 to 17 characters in length, including a period
(.) which separates the NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is

If this object has the same value as appcLuPairOperParLuName,
then the two entries being indexed apply to the same resource
(specifically, to the same partner LU).""",
        }, # column
        "appcActSessIndex" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "noaccess",
            "description" :
                """This value identifies the index of the session, which is
unique for this LU pair.  It is recommended that an Agent not
reuse the index of a deactivated session for a significant
period of time (e.g., one week).""",
        }, # column
        "appcActSessPcidCpName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "0"
                        "min" : "3",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The network-qualified CP name of the node at which the session
and PCID originated.  For APPN and LEN nodes, this is either CP
name of the APPN node at which the origin LU is located or the
CP name of the NN serving the LEN node at which the origin LU
is located.  This field is from 3 to 17 characters in length,
including a period (.) which separates the NetId from the NAU
name.  A null string indicates that the value is unknown.""",
        }, # column
        "appcActSessPcid" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "0"
                        "min" : "8",
                        "max" : "8"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "8"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The procedure correlation identifier (PCID) of a session.  It
is an 8-octet value assigned by the control point providing
session services for the primary LU.  A null string indicates
that the value is unknown.""",
        }, # column
        "appcActSessPluIndicator" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "localLuIsPlu" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "partnerLuIsPlu" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Indicates which LU is the PLU for this session.  For
independent LUs, the PLU (primary LU) is the one that initiated
the session (sent BIND), while the SLU (secondary LU) is the
one that accepted the session initiation (received BIND).

The 'local' LU is the one identified by appcLluOperName.

The 'partner' LU is the one identified by
        }, # column
        "appcActSessModeName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "8"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "8"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The mode name used for this session.""",
        }, # column
        "appcActSessCosName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "8"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "8"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The Class of Service (COS) name used for this session.
A null string indicates that the value is unknown.""",
        }, # column
        "appcActSessTransPriority" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "unknown" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "low" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "medium" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
                    "high" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "4"
                    "network" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "5"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The transmission priority of this session.
1 = unknown priority
2 = low priority
3 = medium priority
4 = high priority
5 = network priority""",
        }, # column
        "appcActSessEnhanceSecSup" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "none" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "level1" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "level2" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Enhanced security supported. Indicates the level of enhanced
security support:

   1 = none
   2 = level 1
   3 = level 2""",
        }, # column
        "appcActSessSendPacingType" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "none" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "fixed" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "adaptive" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The type of pacing being used for sending data.""",
        }, # column
        "appcActSessSendRpc" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Gauge32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The send residual pace count.  This represents the number of
MUs that can still be sent in the current session window.""",
        }, # column
        "appcActSessSendNxWndwSize" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Gauge32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The size of the next window which will be used to send data.""",
        }, # column
        "appcActSessRecvPacingType" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "none" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "fixed" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "adaptive" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The type of pacing being used for receiving data.""",
        }, # column
        "appcActSessRecvRpc" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Gauge32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The receive residual pace count.  This represents the number
of MUs that can still be received in the current session
        }, # column
        "appcActSessRecvNxWndwSize" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Gauge32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The size of the next window which will be used to receive
        }, # column
        "appcActSessRscv" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "255"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "255"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The route selection control vector (RSCV CV2B) used for this
session.  It is present for APPN-level implementations.
LEN-level implementations will return a null string.  The
internal format of this vector is described in SNA Formats.
This object contains an uninterpreted copy of the control
vector (including the length and key fields).""",
        }, # column
        "appcActSessInUse" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "no" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "yes" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies whether the session is currently in use (i.e., in
bracket with a conversation).""",
        }, # column
        "appcActSessMaxSndRuSize" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Integer32",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "8192"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "8192"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The maximum RU size used on this session for sending RUs.""",
        }, # column
        "appcActSessMaxRcvRuSize" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Integer32",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "8192"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "8192"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The maximum RU size used on this session for receiving RUs.""",
        }, # column
        "appcActSessSndPacingSize" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Integer32",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "63"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "63"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The size of the send pacing window on this session.""",
        }, # column
        "appcActSessRcvPacingSize" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Integer32",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "63"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "63"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The size of the receive pacing window on this session.""",
        }, # column
        "appcActSessOperState" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "unbound" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "pendingBind" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "bound" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
                    "pendingUnbind" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "4"
            "access" : "readwrite",
            "description" :
                """The value indicates the current operational state of the

        'unbound (1)' - session has been  unbound;
              in this state it will be removed from the
              session table by the Agent.

        'pendingBind (2)' - this state has different
              meanings for dependent and independent LUs;
              for dependent LU - waiting for BIND from
              the host, for independent LU - waiting for
              BIND response.  When a session enters this
              state, the corresponding entry in the
              session table is created by the Agent.

        'bound (3)' - session has been successfully bound.

        'pendingUnbind (4)' - session enters this state
              when an UNBIND is sent and before the
              rsp(UNBIND) is received.

Session deactivation:

        If a session is in the operational state
        'bound (3)' then setting the value of this
        object to 'unbound (1)' will initiate the
        session shutdown.

        If a session is in the operational state
        'pendingBind (2)' then setting the value of this
        object to 'unbound (1)' will initiate the session

        If a session is in the operational state
        'pendingUnbind (4)' for an abnormally long period
        of time (e.g., three minutes) then setting the value
        of this object to 'unbound (1)' will change the
        session operational state to 'unbound (1)'. """,
        }, # column
        "appcActSessUpTime" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "TimeTicks"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The length of time the session has been active, measured in
hundredths of a second.""",
        }, # column
        "appcActSessRtpNceId" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "8"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "8"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The local HPR Network Connection Endpoint of the session.""",
        }, # column
        "appcActSessRtpTcid" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "0"
                        "min" : "8",
                        "max" : "8"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "8"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The local RTP connection TCID of the session.""",
        }, # column
        "appcActSessLinkIndex" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "InstancePointer"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """This value identifies the link over which the session passes.
This value points to the row in the table containing
information on the link instance.  (e.g., the sdlcLSAdminTable
of the SNA DLC MIB module).  This object may be NULL if the
link is not specified or if a link is not applicable (as for
APPN-level nodes).""",
        }, # column
        "appcSessStatsTable" : {
            "nodetype" : "table",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "description" :
                """This table contains dynamic statistical information relating
to active APPC sessions.  The entries in this table cannot be
created by a Management Station.  Two entries are present in
the table when both session partners are local.  This table is
populated only when the value of appcCntrlOperStat is
        }, # table
        "appcSessStatsEntry" : {
            "nodetype" : "row",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "linkage" : [
            "description" :
                """Contains statistics information for an APPC session.  Each
entry is created by the Agent.  Objects in this table have
read-only access.  Each session from appcActSessTable has one
entry in this table.""",
        }, # row
        "appcSessStatsLocLuName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "noaccess",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the name of the local LU for the session.  This
field is from 1 to 17 characters in length, including a period
(.) which separates the NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is

If this object has the same value as appcLluOperName, then the
two entries being indexed apply to the same resource
(specifically, to the same local LU).""",
        }, # column
        "appcSessStatsParLuName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "noaccess",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the name of the partner LU for the session.  This
field is from 1 to 17 characters in length, including a period
(.) which separates the NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is

If this object has the same value as appcLuPairOperParLuName,
then the two entries being indexed apply to the same resource
(specifically, to the same partner LU).""",
        }, # column
        "appcSessStatsSessIndex" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "noaccess",
            "description" :
                """This value identifies the index of the session, which is
unique for this LU pair.  It is recommended that an Agent not
reuse the index of a deactivated session for a significant
period of time (e.g., one week).

If this object has the same value as appcActSessIndex for the
same LU pair, then the two entries being indexed apply to the
same resource (specifically, to the same session).""",
        }, # column
        "appcSessStatsSentFmdBytes" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The number of function management data (FMD) bytes sent by the
local LU.""",
        }, # column
        "appcSessStatsSentNonFmdBytes" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The number of non-function management data (non-FMD) bytes
sent by the local LU.""",
        }, # column
        "appcSessStatsRcvdFmdBytes" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The number of function management data (FMD) bytes received by
the local LU.""",
        }, # column
        "appcSessStatsRcvdNonFmdBytes" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The number of non-function management data (non-FMD) bytes
received by the local LU.""",
        }, # column
        "appcSessStatsSentFmdRus" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The number of function management data (FMD) RUs sent by the
local LU.""",
        }, # column
        "appcSessStatsSentNonFmdRus" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The number of non-function management data (non-FMD) RUs sent
by the local LU.""",
        }, # column
        "appcSessStatsRcvdFmdRus" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The number of function management data (FMD) RUs received by
the local LU.""",
        }, # column
        "appcSessStatsRcvdNonFmdRus" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The number of non-function management data (non-FMD) RUs
received by the local LU.""",
        }, # column
        "appcSessStatsCtrUpTime" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "TimeTicks"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The length of time the counters for this session have been
active, measured in hundredths of a second.""",
        }, # column
        "appcHistSessTable" : {
            "nodetype" : "table",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "description" :
                """Table of historical information about APPC sessions that
terminated abnormally.  Two entries may be present in the table
when both session partners are local.  It is an implementation
choice how long to retain information about a given session.""",
        }, # table
        "appcHistSessEntry" : {
            "nodetype" : "row",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "linkage" : [
            "description" :
                """Entry of APPC Session History Table.  This table is indexed by
an integer which is continuously incremented until it
eventually wraps.""",
        }, # row
        "appcHistSessIndex" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Integer32",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "2147483647"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "2147483647"
            "access" : "noaccess",
            "description" :
                """Table index.  The value of the index begins at zero
and is incremented up to a maximum value of 2**31-1
(2,147,483,647) before wrapping.""",
        }, # column
        "appcHistSessTime" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "DateAndTime"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The time at which the session was either terminated or
failed to be established.""",
        }, # column
        "appcHistSessType" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "recvNegBindRsp" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "sendNegBindRsp" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "sessActRejected" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
                    "unbindSent" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "4"
                    "unbindReceived" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "5"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Indicates the type of event that caused the entry to be made:

recvNegBindRsp  - Received a negative bind response from
                  the partner LU.
sendNegBindRsp  - Sent a negative bind response to the
                  partner LU.
sessActRejected - Session activation rejected by the
                  partner LU.
unbindSent      - Unbind sent to the partner LU.
unbindReceived  - Unbind received from the partner LU.

These event types correspond to the five SNA/MS Alerts
LU62001 through LU62005, documented in the SNA Management
Services Reference.""",
        }, # column
        "appcHistSessLocLuName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The network-qualified local LU name.  This field is from 3 to
17 characters in length, including a period (.) which separates
the NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is present.""",
        }, # column
        "appcHistSessParLuName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "3",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "3",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The network-qualified partner LU name.  This field is from 3
to 17 characters in length, including a period (.) which
separates the NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is present.""",
        }, # column
        "appcHistSessModeName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "8"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "8"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The mode name of the session.""",
        }, # column
        "appcHistSessUnbindType" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "1"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "1"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The type of unbind which terminated the session.  This
value is consists of one (1) octet; and its meaning
is defined in SNA Formats.""",
        }, # column
        "appcHistSessSenseData" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"APPC-MIB", "name" : "SnaSenseData"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The sense data associated with the termination of the
session, taken from the negative BIND response or UNBIND
        }, # column
        "appcHistSessComponentId" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "32"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "32"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The implementation-specific name of the component which
detected the problem.""",
        }, # column
        "appcHistSessDetectModule" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "32"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "32"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The implementation-specific name of the module which
detected the problem.""",
        }, # column
        "appcSessRtpTable" : {
            "nodetype" : "table",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "description" :
                """A table indicating how many APPC sessions terminating in this
node are transported by each RTP connection.""",
        }, # table
        "appcSessRtpEntry" : {
            "nodetype" : "row",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "linkage" : [
            "description" :
                """Entry of APPC session RTP table.""",
        }, # row
        "appcSessRtpNceId" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "8"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "8"
            "access" : "noaccess",
            "description" :
                """The local Network Connection Endpoint of the RTP connection.""",
        }, # column
        "appcSessRtpTcid" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "8",
                        "max" : "8"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "8",
                        "max" : "8"
            "access" : "noaccess",
            "description" :
                """The local TCID of the RTP connection.""",
        }, # column
        "appcSessRtpSessions" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Gauge32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The number of APPC sessions terminating in this node
that are using this RTP connection.""",
        }, # column
        "appcConversation" : {
            "nodetype" : "node",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
        }, # node
        "appcActiveConvTable" : {
            "nodetype" : "table",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "description" :
                """Table of information about active APPC Conversations.  In this
context 'active' means that a conversation is currently
associated with a particular session.  Two entries are present
in the table when both LUs for the session are local.""",
        }, # table
        "appcActiveConvEntry" : {
            "nodetype" : "row",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "linkage" : [
            "description" :
                """Entry representing one active APPC Conversation.""",
        }, # row
        "appcActiveConvLocLuName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "noaccess",
            "description" :
                """The SNA name of the local LU for the conversation.  This field
is from 1 to 17 characters in length, including a period (.)
which separates the NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is

If this object has the same value as appcLluOperName,
then the two entries being indexed apply to the same
resource (specifically, to the same local LU).""",
        }, # column
        "appcActiveConvParLuName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "noaccess",
            "description" :
                """The SNA name of the partner LU for the conversation.  This
field is from 1 to 17 characters in length, including a period
(.) which separates the NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is

If this object has the same value as appcLuPairOperParLuName,
then the two entries being indexed apply to the same
resource (specifically, to the same partner LU).""",
        }, # column
        "appcActiveConvSessIndex" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "noaccess",
            "description" :
                """Index of entry in appcActSessTable that is associated with
this conversation.  If this object has the same value as
appcActSessIndex for the same LU pair, then the two entries
being indexed apply to the same resource (specifically, to the
same session).""",
        }, # column
        "appcActiveConvId" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "4",
                        "max" : "4"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "4",
                        "max" : "4"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The 4-byte ID of the conversation.""",
        }, # column
        "appcActiveConvState" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "reset" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "send" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "receive" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
                    "confirm" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "4"
                    "confirmSend" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "5"
                    "confirmDealloc" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "6"
                    "pendingDeallocate" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "7"
                    "pendingPost" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "8"
                    "sendReceive" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "9"
                    "sendOnly" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "10"
                    "receiveOnly" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "11"
                    "deferReceive" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "12"
                    "deferDeallocate" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "13"
                    "syncpoint" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "14"
                    "syncpointSend" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "15"
                    "syncpointDeallocate" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "16"
                    "backoutRequired" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "17"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Indicates the state of the conversation at the instant when
the information was retrieved.  The values are:
              The conversation is reset (i.e., deallocated).
              The conversation can send data.  This value also
              is returned if the conversation is in
              Send-Pending state.
              The conversation can receive data.
              The conversation has received a confirm
              indicator.  It can issue an [MC_]CONFIRMED or
              [MC_]SEND_ERROR verb to change state.  It will
              continue in Receive state if an [MC_]CONFIRMED
              verb is issued.
              The conversation is in Confirm state and changes
              to Send state when an [MC_]CONFIRMED verb is
              The conversation is in Confirm state and becomes
              inactive when an [MC_]CONFIRMED verb is issued.
              The conversation is in Pending-Deallocate state
              while it waits for (MC_)DEALLOCATE TYPE
              (sync_level) to complete.
              The conversation is in Pending-Post state while
              it waits for the [MC_]RECEIVE_AND_POST verb to
              complete its receive function.
              The full-duplex conversation can send or receive
              The full-duplex conversation can send data, but
              it does not have permission to receive data,
              because the partner TP has already deallocated
              its side of the conversation.
              The full-duplex conversation can receive data,
              but it does not have permission to send data,
              because it has already deallocated its side of
              the conversation.
              Waiting for a successful SYNCPT verb operation to
              go into the receive state.
              Waiting for a successful SYNCPT verb operation to
              go into the reset state.
              Need to response to a SYNCPT verb issued.  After
              successful operation, the next state will be
              Need to response to a SYNCPT verb issued.  After
              successful operation, the next state will be
              Need to response to a SYNCPT verb issued.  After
              successful operation, the next state will be
              TP must execute a BACKOUT verb to backout the
        }, # column
        "appcActiveConvType" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "basic" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "mapped" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Indicates the type of conversation.  The values are:

          Indicates that this conversation supports
          basic verbs.

          Indicates that this conversation supports
          mapped verbs.""",
        }, # column
        "appcActiveConvCorrelator" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "8"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "8"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """This is an 8-byte identifier that the source LU assigns to the
conversation; the source LU is the one that sent the allocation
request.  The conversation correlator is included on the
allocation request.  The conversation correlator uniquely
identifies a conversation, from among all conversations,
between the local and partner LUs.  It may be used, for
example, during problem determination associated with a
conversation.  A length of 0 indicates that no conversation
correlator is defined.""",
        }, # column
        "appcActiveConvSyncLvl" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "none" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "confirm" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "syncpt" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Indicates the highest sync level support for the conversation.
The values are:

              Indicates that no sync-level processing can be
              performed on this conversation. The
              transaction program does not issue verbs or
              recognize any returned parameters
              relating to any sync-level function.

              Indicates that confirmation processing can be
              performed on this conversation.  The
              transaction program can issue verbs and
              recognize returned parameters relating to

              Indicates that syncpt and confirmation processing
              can be performed on this conversation. The
              transaction program can issue verbs and recognize
              returned parameters relating to syncpt and
        }, # column
        "appcActiveConvSource" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "localLu" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "partnerLu" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Indicates whether the local or partner LU is the source of the
conversation, that is, which LU started the conversation by
sending the allocation request.

              The local LU is the source of the conversation,
              and the partner LU is the target of the

              The partner LU is the source of the
              conversation, and the local LU is the target of
              the conversation.""",
        }, # column
        "appcActiveConvDuplex" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "half" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "full" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Indicates the conversation duplex style in effect for the

  half        Indicates that information can be transferred in
              both directions, but only in one direction at a

  full        Indicates that information can be transferred in
              both directions at the same time.""",
        }, # column
        "appcActiveConvUpTime" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "TimeTicks"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The length of time since the conversation started, measured in
hundredths of a second.""",
        }, # column
        "appcActiveConvSendBytes" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Indicates the number of bytes that was sent on the
conversation.  The count includes all SNA RU bytes sent,
including those in the FMH-5 (Attach), FMH-7 (Error
Description), SIGNAL, LUSTAT, and SNA responses; it does not
include SNA TH and RH bytes.""",
        }, # column
        "appcActiveConvRcvBytes" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-SMI", "name" : "Counter32"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Indicates the number of bytes that was received on the
conversation.  The count includes all SNA RU bytes sent,
including those in the FMH-5 (Attach), FMH-7 (Error
Description), SIGNAL, LUSTAT, and SNA responses; it does not
include SNA TH and RH bytes.""",
        }, # column
        "appcActiveConvUserid" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "10"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "10"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The user ID that the initiating program provided in the
incoming attach.""",
        }, # column
        "appcActiveConvPcidNauName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "0"
                        "min" : "3",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The network-qualified NAU name of the
node at which the session and PCID originated.  For APPN
and LEN nodes, this is either CP name of the APPN node at
which the origin LU is located or the CP name of the
NN serving the LEN node at which the origin LU is
located.  This field is from 3 to 17 characters in
length, including a period (.) which separates the
NetId from the NAU name.  A null string indicates
that the value is unknown.""",
        }, # column
        "appcActiveConvPcid" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "0"
                        "min" : "8",
                        "max" : "8"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "8"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The procedure correlation identifier (PCID) of the session.
It is an 8-octet value assigned by the control point providing
session services for the primary LU.  A null string indicates
that the value is unknown.""",
        }, # column
        "appcActiveConvModeName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "8"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "8"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The Mode Name used for this conversation.
This is a 1-8 character name.""",
        }, # column
        "appcActiveConvLuwIdName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The SNA name of the LU that initiated the logical unit of work
that is associated with this active TP. This field is from
1 to 17 characters in length, including a period (.) which
separates the NetId from the LU name if the NetId is present.""",
        }, # column
        "appcActiveConvLuwIdInstance" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "6"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "6"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The instance identifier for the logical unit of work.""",
        }, # column
        "appcActiveConvLuwIdSequence" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "2"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The sequence identifier for the logical unit of work.""",
        }, # column
        "appcActiveConvTpName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "64"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "64"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The transaction program name which started this conversation.
This name could either be from a FMH5 ATTACH for a remotely
started conversation, otherwise it could the name of the local
TP if available.

When the TP name consists entirely of displayable EBCDIC code
points, it is mapped directly to the equivalent ASCII display
string.  However, registered TP names always have a non-
displayable EBCDIC code point (value less than or equal to
x'3F') as the first character, so they cannot be directly
mapped to an ASCII display string.  These TP names are
converted to a display string that is equivalent to a
hexadecimal display of the EBCDIC code points.  For example,
the 2-byte TP name x'06F1' (CNOS) is converted to the 6-byte
ASCII display string '06F1' (including the two single quotes).

This name is NULL if the conversation is started locally
(i.e., not with a FMH5 ATTACH).""",
        }, # column
        "appcHistConvTable" : {
            "nodetype" : "table",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "description" :
                """Table of historical information about APPC Conversations that
ended in error.  Possible categories of error conditions that
could be saved in this table are:

      - allocation errors,
      - deallocate abend,
      - program errors, and
      - service errors.""",
        }, # table
        "appcHistConvEntry" : {
            "nodetype" : "row",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "linkage" : [
            "description" :
                """Entry representing one APPC Conversation.""",
        }, # row
        "appcHistConvIndex" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"", "name" : "Integer32"},
            "access" : "noaccess",
            "description" :
                """Index for entry in Conversation table.  This value identifies
the unique index of the conversation.  It is recommended that
an Agent not reuse the index of a deactivated conversation for
a significant period of time (e.g. one week).""",
        }, # column
        "appcHistConvEndTime" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"SNMPv2-TC", "name" : "DateAndTime"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The time at which the conversation ended.""",
        }, # column
        "appcHistConvLocLuName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The name of the local LU for this conversation.  This field is
from 1 to 17 characters in length, including a period (.) which
separates the NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is present.""",
        }, # column
        "appcHistConvParLuName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The SNA name of the partner LU for the conversation.  This
field is from 1 to 17 characters in length, including a period
(.) which separates the NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is
        }, # column
        "appcHistConvTpName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "64"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "64"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The transaction program name which started this conversation.
This name could either be from a FMH5 ATTACH for a remotely
started conversation, otherwise it could the name of the local
TP if available.

When the TP name consists entirely of displayable EBCDIC code
points, it is mapped directly to the equivalent ASCII display
string.  However, registered TP names always have a non-
displayable EBCDIC code point (value less than or equal to
x'3F') as the first character, so they cannot be directly
mapped to an ASCII display string.  These TP names are
converted to a display string that is equivalent to a
hexadecimal display of the EBCDIC code points.  For example,
the 2-byte TP name x'06F1' (CNOS) is converted to the 6-byte
ASCII display string '06F1' (including the two single quotes).

This name is NULL if the conversation is started locally
(i.e., not with a FMH5 ATTACH).""",
        }, # column
        "appcHistConvPcidNauName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "0"
                        "min" : "3",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The network-qualified NAU name of the
node at which the session and PCID originated.  For APPN
and LEN nodes, this is either CP name of the APPN node at
which the origin LU is located or the CP name of the
NN serving the LEN node at which the origin LU is
located.  This field is from 3 to 17 characters in
length, including a period (.) which separates the
NetId from the NAU name.  A null string indicates that the
value is unknown.""",
        }, # column
        "appcHistConvPcid" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "0"
                        "min" : "8",
                        "max" : "8"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "8"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The procedure correlation identifier (PCID) of the session.
It is an 8-octet value assigned by the control point providing
session services for the primary LU.  A null string indicates
that the value is unknown.""",
        }, # column
        "appcHistConvSenseData" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" : { "module" :"APPC-MIB", "name" : "SnaSenseData"},
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The sense data associated with the action that ended this
conversation, e.g., FMH-7 or UNBIND.""",
        }, # column
        "appcHistConvLogData" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "32"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "32"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The first 32 bytes of the data portion of the Log Data GDS
Variable that is associated with the last FMH-7 that occurred
on this conversation.  If there was no Log Data GDS Variable
associated with the FMH-7, this object is null.

This object reflects only the data portion of the Log Data
GDS Variable (i.e. not the LL or GDS Id).""",
        }, # column
        "appcHistConvEndedBy" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "localLu" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "partnerLu" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Indicates which LU ended the conversation.""",
        }, # column
        "appcCPIC" : {
            "nodetype" : "node",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
        }, # node
        "appcCpicAdminTable" : {
            "nodetype" : "table",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "description" :
                """APPC CPI-C side information table.""",
        }, # table
        "appcCpicAdminEntry" : {
            "nodetype" : "row",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "linkage" : [
            "description" :
                """Entry of APPC CPI-C side information Table.""",
        }, # row
        "appcCpicAdminLocLuName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "noaccess",
            "description" :
                """The SNA name of the local LU to which this CPI-C side
information definition applies.  This field is from 1 to 17
characters in length, including a period (.) which separates
the NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is present.

The reserved value '*ALL' indicates that the definition applies
to all local LUs, and not just to a single local LU.""",
        }, # column
        "appcCpicAdminSymbDestName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "8"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "8"
            "access" : "noaccess",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the symbolic destination name used by CPI-C
applications to identify this definition.""",
        }, # column
        "appcCpicAdminParLuAlias" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "8"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "8"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """A local alias for the partner LU.  If not known or
not applicable, this object contains a zero-length
        }, # column
        "appcCpicAdminParLuName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The SNA name of the partner LU.  This field is from 1 to 17
characters in length, including a period (.)  which separates
the NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is present.""",
        }, # column
        "appcCpicAdminModeName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "8"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "8"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the mode name.  A mode defines the characteristics
for a group of sessions.  The mode name can be blank (8 space
        }, # column
        "appcCpicAdminTpNameType" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "normal" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "snaServiceTp" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies whether the TP name in appcCpicAdminTpName
identifies a normal TP or an SNA service TP.  In this context,
a normal TP is one with a name consisting only of displayable
characters, while an SNA service TP has a name containing
octets that do not map to displayable characters.""",
        }, # column
        "appcCpicAdminTpName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "64"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "64"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the name of the partner TP to be used when a CPI-C
application initiates a conversation specifying this side
information entry.

Display convention

   When the TP name consists entirely of displayable EBCDIC
   code points, it is mapped directly to the equivalent ASCII
   display string.  However, registered TP names always have a
   non-displayable EBCDIC code point (value less than or equal
   to x'3F') as the first character, so they cannot be
   directly mapped to an ASCII display string.  These TP names
   are converted to a display string that is equivalent to a
   hexadecimal display of the EBCDIC code points.  For
   example, the 2-byte TP name x'06F1' (CNOS) is converted to
   the 6-byte ASCII display string '06F1' (including the two
   single quotes).""",
        }, # column
        "appcCpicAdminUserid" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "10"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "10"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The security userid, if any, associated with the side
information definition.""",
        }, # column
        "appcCpicAdminSecurity" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "none" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "same" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "pgm" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
                    "pgmStrong" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "4"
                    "distributed" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "5"
                    "mutual" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "6"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the security information to be used for allocating
the conversation.
  none        - No security information.
  same        - Use the security environment currently
                associated with this TP.
  pgm         - Use the program-supplied user_id and password.
  pgmStrong   - Use the program-supplied user_id and password.
                The local LU will insure that the password is
                not exposed in clear-text form on the physical
  distributed - Use the security environment and a distributed
                security system to generate the authentication
                information for this request.  If distributed
                security tokens cannot be generated, then fail
                the conversation.
  mutual      - Authenticate both the user to the destination
                system and the destination system to the user.""",
        }, # column
        "appcCpicOperTable" : {
            "nodetype" : "table",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "description" :
                """APPC CPI-C side information operational table.""",
        }, # table
        "appcCpicOperEntry" : {
            "nodetype" : "row",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "linkage" : [
            "description" :
                """Entry of APPC CPI-C side information Table.""",
        }, # row
        "appcCpicOperLocLuName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "noaccess",
            "description" :
                """The SNA name of the local LU to which this CPI-C side
information definition applies.  This field is from 1 to 17
characters in length, including a period (.) which separates
the NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is present.

The reserved value '*ALL' indicates that the definition applies
to all local LUs, and not just to a single local LU.""",
        }, # column
        "appcCpicOperSymbDestName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "8"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "8"
            "access" : "noaccess",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the symbolic destination name used by CPI-C
applications to identify this definition.""",
        }, # column
        "appcCpicOperParLuAlias" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "8"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "8"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """A local alias for the partner LU.  If not known or not
applicable, this object contains a zero-length string.""",
        }, # column
        "appcCpicOperParLuName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "17"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The SNA name of the partner LU.  This field is from 1 to 17
characters in length, including a period (.) which separates
the NetId from the NAU name if the NetId is present.""",
        }, # column
        "appcCpicOperModeName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "8"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "8"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the mode name.  A mode defines the characteristics
for a group of sessions.  The mode name can be blank (8 space
        }, # column
        "appcCpicOperTpNameType" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "normal" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "snaServiceTp" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies whether the TP name in appcCpicOperTpName identifies
a normal TP or an SNA service TP.  In this context, a normal TP
is one with a name consisting only of displayable characters,
while an SNA service TP has a name containing octets that do
not map to displayable characters.""",
        }, # column
        "appcCpicOperTpName" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "64"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "1",
                        "max" : "64"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the name of the partner TP to be used when a CPI-C
application initiates a conversation specifying this side
information entry.
Display convention

    When the TP name consists entirely of displayable EBCDIC
    code points, it is mapped directly to the equivalent ASCII
    display string.  However, registered TP names always have
    a non-displayable EBCDIC code point (value less than or
    equal to x'3F') as the first character, so they cannot be
    directly mapped to an ASCII display string.  These TP
    names are converted to a display string that is equivalent
    to a hexadecimal display of the EBCDIC code points.  For
    example, the 2-byte TP name x'06F1' (CNOS) is converted to
    the 6-byte ASCII display string '06F1' (including the two
    single quotes).""",
        }, # column
        "appcCpicOperUserid" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "OctetString",
                    "parent module" : {
                        "name" : "SNMPv2-TC",
                        "type" : "DisplayString",
                    "ranges" : [
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "10"
                    "range" : {
                        "min" : "0",
                        "max" : "10"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """The security userid, if any, associated with the active side
information definition.""",
        }, # column
        "appcCpicOperSecurity" : {
            "nodetype" : "column",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "syntax" : {
                "type" :                 {
                    "basetype" : "Enumeration",
                    "none" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "1"
                    "same" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "2"
                    "pgm" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "3"
                    "pgmStrong" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "4"
                    "distributed" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "5"
                    "mutual" : {
                        "nodetype" : "namednumber",
                        "number" : "6"
            "access" : "readonly",
            "description" :
                """Specifies the security information to be used for allocating
the conversation.

  none        - No security information.
  same        - Use the security environment currently
                associated with this TP.
  pgm         - Use the program-supplied user_id and password.
  pgmStrong   - Use the program-supplied user_id and password.
                The local LU will insure that the password is
                not exposed in clear-text form on the physical
  distributed - Use the security environment and a distributed
                security system to generate the authentication
                information for this request.  If distributed
                security tokens cannot be generated, then fail
                the conversation.
  mutual      - Authenticate both the user to the destination
                system and the destination system to the user.""",
        }, # column
        "appcConformance" : {
            "nodetype" : "node",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
        }, # node
        "appcCompliances" : {
            "nodetype" : "node",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
        }, # node
        "appcGroups" : {
            "nodetype" : "node",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
        }, # node
    }, # nodes

    "groups" : {
        "appcGlobalConfGroup" : {
            "nodetype" : "group",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "members" : {
                "appcUpTime" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcDefaultModeName" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcDefaultLuName" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcDefaultImplInbndPlu" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcDefaultMaxMcLlSndSize" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcDefaultFileSpec" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcDefaultTpOperation" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcDefaultTpConvSecRqd" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLocalCpName" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActiveSessions" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActiveHprSessions" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
            }, # members
            "description" :
                """A collection of objects providing the instrumentation of APPC
global information and defaults.""",
        }, # group
        "appcLluConfGroup" : {
            "nodetype" : "group",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "members" : {
                "appcLluAdminDepType" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLluAdminLocalAddress" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLluAdminSessLimit" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLluAdminBindRspMayQ" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLluAdminCompression" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLluAdminInBoundCompLevel" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLluAdminOutBoundCompLevel" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLluAdminCompRleBeforeLZ" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLluAdminAlias" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLluOperDepType" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLluOperLocalAddress" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLluOperSessLimit" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLluOperBindRspMayQ" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLluOperCompression" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLluOperInBoundCompLevel" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLluOperOutBoundCompLevel" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLluOperCompRleBeforeLZ" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLluOperAlias" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLluOperActiveSessions" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
            }, # members
            "description" :
                """A collection of objects providing the instrumentation of APPC
local LU6.2s.""",
        }, # group
        "appcParLuConfGroup" : {
            "nodetype" : "group",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "members" : {
                "appcLuPairAdminParLuAlias" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLuPairAdminSessLimit" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLuPairAdminSessSec" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLuPairAdminSecAccept" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLuPairAdminLinkObjId" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLuPairAdminParaSessSup" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLuPairOperParLuAlias" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLuPairOperSessLimit" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLuPairOperSessSec" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLuPairOperSecAccept" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLuPairOperLinkObjId" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLuPairOperParaSessSup" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLuPairOperParaSessSupLS" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLuPairOperState" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
            }, # members
            "description" :
                """A collection of objects providing the instrumentation of APPC
partner LUs.""",
        }, # group
        "appcModeConfGroup" : {
            "nodetype" : "group",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "members" : {
                "appcModeAdminCosName" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeAdminSessEndTpName" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeAdminMaxSessLimit" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeAdminMinCwinLimit" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeAdminMinClosLimit" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeAdminConWinAutoActLmt" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeAdminRecvPacWinSz" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeAdminSendPacWinSz" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeAdminPrefRecvRuSz" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeAdminPrefSendRuSz" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeAdminRecvRuSzUpBnd" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeAdminSendRuSzUpBnd" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeAdminRecvRuSzLoBnd" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeAdminSendRuSzLoBnd" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeAdminSingSessReinit" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeAdminCompression" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeAdminInBoundCompLevel" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeAdminOutBoundCompLevel" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeAdminCompRleBeforeLZ" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeAdminSyncLvl" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeAdminCrypto" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperCosName" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperSessEndTpName" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperSessLimit" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperMaxSessLimit" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperMinCwinLimit" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperMinClosLimit" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperConWinAutoActLmt" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperRecvPacWinSz" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperSendPacWinSz" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperPrefRecvRuSz" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperPrefSendRuSz" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperRecvRuSzUpBnd" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperSendRuSzUpBnd" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperRecvRuSzLoBnd" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperSendRuSzLoBnd" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperSingSessReinit" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperCompression" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperInBoundCompLevel" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperOutBoundCompLevel" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperCompRleBeforeLZ" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperSyncLvl" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperCrypto" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperSyncLvlLastStart" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperCryptoLastStart" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperCNOSNeg" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperActCwin" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperActClos" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperPndCwin" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperPndClos" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperPtmCwin" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperPtmClos" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperDrainSelf" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeOperDrainPart" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
            }, # members
            "description" :
                """A collection of objects providing the instrumentation of APPC
        }, # group
        "appcTpConfGroup" : {
            "nodetype" : "group",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "members" : {
                "appcTpAdminFileSpec" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcTpAdminStartParm" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcTpAdminTpOperation" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcTpAdminInAttachTimeout" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcTpAdminRcvAllocTimeout" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcTpAdminSyncLvl" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcTpAdminInstLmt" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcTpAdminStatus" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcTpAdminLongRun" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcTpAdminConvType" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcTpAdminConvDuplex" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcTpAdminConvSecReq" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcTpAdminVerPip" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcTpAdminPipSubNum" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
            }, # members
            "description" :
                """A collection of objects providing the instrumentation of APPC
Transaction Programs.""",
        }, # group
        "appcSessionConfGroup" : {
            "nodetype" : "group",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "members" : {
                "appcActSessPcidCpName" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActSessPcid" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActSessPluIndicator" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActSessModeName" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActSessCosName" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActSessTransPriority" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActSessEnhanceSecSup" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActSessSendPacingType" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActSessSendRpc" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActSessSendNxWndwSize" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActSessRecvPacingType" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActSessRecvRpc" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActSessRecvNxWndwSize" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActSessRscv" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActSessInUse" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActSessMaxSndRuSize" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActSessMaxRcvRuSize" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActSessSndPacingSize" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActSessRcvPacingSize" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActSessOperState" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActSessUpTime" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActSessRtpNceId" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActSessRtpTcid" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActSessLinkIndex" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcSessStatsSentFmdBytes" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcSessStatsSentNonFmdBytes" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcSessStatsRcvdFmdBytes" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcSessStatsRcvdNonFmdBytes" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcSessStatsSentFmdRus" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcSessStatsSentNonFmdRus" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcSessStatsRcvdFmdRus" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcSessStatsRcvdNonFmdRus" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcSessStatsCtrUpTime" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcHistSessTime" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcHistSessType" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcHistSessLocLuName" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcHistSessParLuName" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcHistSessModeName" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcHistSessUnbindType" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcHistSessSenseData" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcHistSessComponentId" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcHistSessDetectModule" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcSessRtpSessions" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
            }, # members
            "description" :
                """A collection of objects providing the instrumentation of APPC
LU6.2 sessions.""",
        }, # group
        "appcControlConfGroup" : {
            "nodetype" : "group",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "members" : {
                "appcCntrlAdminStat" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCntrlAdminRscv" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCntrlAdminTrace" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCntrlAdminTraceParm" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCntrlOperStat" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCntrlOperStatTime" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCntrlOperRscv" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCntrlOperRscvTime" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCntrlOperTrace" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCntrlOperTraceTime" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCntrlOperTraceParm" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
            }, # members
            "description" :
                """A collection of objects providing the instrumentation of APPC
        }, # group
        "appcCnosConfGroup" : {
            "nodetype" : "group",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "members" : {
                "appcCnosCommand" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCnosMaxSessLimit" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCnosMinCwinLimit" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCnosMinClosLimit" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCnosDrainSelf" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCnosDrainPart" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCnosResponsible" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCnosForce" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCnosTargetLocLuName" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCnosTargetParLuName" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCnosTargetModeName" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
            }, # members
            "description" :
                """A collection of objects providing the instrumentation of APPC
CNOS processing.""",
        }, # group
        "appcCpicConfGroup" : {
            "nodetype" : "group",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "members" : {
                "appcCpicAdminParLuAlias" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCpicAdminParLuName" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCpicAdminModeName" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCpicAdminTpNameType" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCpicAdminTpName" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCpicAdminUserid" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCpicAdminSecurity" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCpicOperParLuAlias" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCpicOperParLuName" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCpicOperModeName" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCpicOperTpNameType" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCpicOperTpName" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCpicOperUserid" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcCpicOperSecurity" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
            }, # members
            "description" :
                """A collection of objects providing the instrumentation of APPC
CPI-C side information.""",
        }, # group
        "appcConversationConfGroup" : {
            "nodetype" : "group",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "members" : {
                "appcActiveConvId" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActiveConvState" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActiveConvType" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActiveConvCorrelator" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActiveConvSyncLvl" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActiveConvSource" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActiveConvDuplex" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActiveConvUpTime" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActiveConvSendBytes" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActiveConvRcvBytes" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActiveConvUserid" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActiveConvPcidNauName" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActiveConvPcid" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActiveConvModeName" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActiveConvLuwIdName" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActiveConvLuwIdInstance" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActiveConvLuwIdSequence" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcActiveConvTpName" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcHistConvEndTime" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcHistConvLocLuName" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcHistConvParLuName" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcHistConvTpName" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcHistConvPcidNauName" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcHistConvPcid" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcHistConvSenseData" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcHistConvLogData" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcHistConvEndedBy" : {
                    "nodetype" : "member",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
            }, # members
            "description" :
                """A collection of objects providing the instrumentation of APPC
        }, # group
    }, # groups

    "compliances" : {
        "appcCompliance" : {
            "nodetype" : "compliance",
            "moduleName" : "APPC-MIB",
            "oid" : "",
            "status" : "current",
            "description" :
                """The compliance statement for the SNMPv2 entities which
implement the APPC MIB.""",
            "requires" : {
                "appcGlobalConfGroup" : {
                    "nodetype" : "mandatory",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcLluConfGroup" : {
                    "nodetype" : "mandatory",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcParLuConfGroup" : {
                    "nodetype" : "mandatory",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcModeConfGroup" : {
                    "nodetype" : "mandatory",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcTpConfGroup" : {
                    "nodetype" : "mandatory",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcSessionConfGroup" : {
                    "nodetype" : "mandatory",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB"
                "appcControlConfGroup" : {
                    "nodetype" : "optional",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB",
                    "description" :
                        """The appcControlConfGroup is mandatory only for those
entities which implement activation and deactivation of
specific controls such as statistics collecting and
                "appcCnosConfGroup" : {
                    "nodetype" : "optional",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB",
                    "description" :
                        """The appcCnosConfGroup is mandatory only for those entities
which implement CNOS.  """,
                "appcCpicConfGroup" : {
                    "nodetype" : "optional",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB",
                    "description" :
                        """The appcCpicConfGroup is mandatory only for those entities
which implement CPI-C.  """,
                "appcConversationConfGroup" : {
                    "nodetype" : "optional",
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB",
                    "description" :
                        """The appcConversationConfGroup is mandatory only for those
entities which implement session endpoints for non-control
APPC sessions.""",
            }, # requires
            "refinements" : {
                "appcActSessOperState" : {
                    "module" : "APPC-MIB",
                    "access" : "readonly",
                    "description" :
                        """An implementation is not required to support session
deactivation via this object.""",
            }, # refinements

        }, # compliance
    }, # compliances
